使用 PHP 发送文件时可恢复下载?
【中文标题】使用 PHP 发送文件时可恢复下载?【英文标题】:Resumable downloads when using PHP to send the file? 【发布时间】:2010-09-14 12:18:50 【问题描述】:我们正在使用 php 脚本来隧道文件下载,因为我们不想暴露可下载文件的绝对路径:
header("Content-Type: $ctype");
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$fileName\"");
有没有办法通过这种基于 PHP 的解决方案来支持可恢复下载?
【参考方案1】:您需要做的第一件事是在所有响应中发送Accept-Ranges: bytes
标头,告诉客户端您支持部分内容。然后,如果收到带有Range: bytes=x-y
字节并发送下一个@ 987654328@ - x
字节。还将响应设置为HTTP/1.0 206 Partial Content
$filesize = filesize($file);
$offset = 0;
$length = $filesize;
if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) )
// if the HTTP_RANGE header is set we're dealing with partial content
$partialContent = true;
// find the requested range
// this might be too simplistic, apparently the client can request
// multiple ranges, which can become pretty complex, so ignore it for now
preg_match('/bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)?/', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $matches);
$offset = intval($matches[1]);
$length = intval($matches[2]) - $offset;
$partialContent = false;
$file = fopen($file, 'r');
// seek to the requested offset, this is 0 if it's not a partial content request
fseek($file, $offset);
$data = fread($file, $length);
if ( $partialContent )
// output the right headers for partial content
header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
header('Content-Range: bytes ' . $offset . '-' . ($offset + $length) . '/' . $filesize);
// output the regular HTTP headers
header('Content-Type: ' . $ctype);
header('Content-Length: ' . $filesize);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"');
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
// don't forget to send the data too
有一个description of partial content here,我在fread 的文档页面上找到了一些关于部分内容的信息。
小bug,你的正则表达式应该是:preg_match('/bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)?/', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $matches) 你是对的,我已经改变了它。但是,无论如何我都太简单了,根据规范,您可以执行“bytes=xy”、“bytes=-x”、“bytes=x-”、“bytes=xy,ab”等,所以在以前的版本是缺少结束斜线,而不是缺少问号。 非常有帮助,但我必须做两个小调整才能使其正常工作: 1. 如果客户端没有发送范围内的端点(因为它是隐式的),$length
将是否定的。 $length = (($matches[2]) ? intval($matches[2]) : $filesize) - $offset;
解决了这个问题。 2.Content-Range
,所以最后一个字节为$filesize - 1
。因此,它必须是($offset + $length - 1)
以上不适用于大下载,您会收到“PHP 致命错误:允许的 XXXX 字节的内存大小已用尽(尝试分配 XXX 字节)”。就我而言,100MB 太大了。您基本上将所有文件保存在一个变量中并将其吐出。
编辑 2017/01 - 我写了一个库来用 PHP >=7.0 https://github.com/DaveRandom/Resume
编辑 2016/02 - 代码完全重写为一组模块化工具作为示例用法,而不是单一功能。已合并以下 cmets 中提到的更正。
一个经过测试的、有效的解决方案(很大程度上基于上面 Theo 的回答),它在一组几个独立的工具中处理可恢复的下载。此代码需要 PHP 5.4 或更高版本。
* Get the value of a header in the current request context
* @param string $name Name of the header
* @return string|null Returns null when the header was not sent or cannot be retrieved
function get_request_header($name)
$name = strtoupper($name);
// IIS/Some Apache versions and configurations
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_' . $name]))
return trim($_SERVER['HTTP_' . $name]);
// Various other SAPIs
foreach (apache_request_headers() as $header_name => $value)
if (strtoupper($header_name) === $name)
return trim($value);
return null;
class NonExistentFileException extends \RuntimeException
class UnreadableFileException extends \RuntimeException
class UnsatisfiableRangeException extends \RuntimeException
class InvalidRangeHeaderException extends \RuntimeException
class RangeHeader
* The first byte in the file to send (0-indexed), a null value indicates the last
* $end bytes
* @var int|null
private $firstByte;
* The last byte in the file to send (0-indexed), a null value indicates $start to
* @var int|null
private $lastByte;
* Create a new instance from a Range header string
* @param string $header
* @return RangeHeader
public static function createFromHeaderString($header)
if ($header === null)
return null;
if (!preg_match('/^\s*(\S+)\s*(\d*)\s*-\s*(\d*)\s*(?:,|$)/', $header, $info))
throw new InvalidRangeHeaderException('Invalid header format');
else if (strtolower($info[1]) !== 'bytes')
throw new InvalidRangeHeaderException('Unknown range unit: ' . $info[1]);
return new self(
$info[2] === '' ? null : $info[2],
$info[3] === '' ? null : $info[3]
* @param int|null $firstByte
* @param int|null $lastByte
* @throws InvalidRangeHeaderException
public function __construct($firstByte, $lastByte)
$this->firstByte = $firstByte === null ? $firstByte : (int)$firstByte;
$this->lastByte = $lastByte === null ? $lastByte : (int)$lastByte;
if ($this->firstByte === null && $this->lastByte === null)
throw new InvalidRangeHeaderException(
'Both start and end position specifiers empty'
else if ($this->firstByte < 0 || $this->lastByte < 0)
throw new InvalidRangeHeaderException(
'Position specifiers cannot be negative'
else if ($this->lastByte !== null && $this->lastByte < $this->firstByte)
throw new InvalidRangeHeaderException(
'Last byte cannot be less than first byte'
* Get the start position when this range is applied to a file of the specified size
* @param int $fileSize
* @return int
* @throws UnsatisfiableRangeException
public function getStartPosition($fileSize)
$size = (int)$fileSize;
if ($this->firstByte === null)
return ($size - 1) - $this->lastByte;
if ($size <= $this->firstByte)
throw new UnsatisfiableRangeException(
'Start position is after the end of the file'
return $this->firstByte;
* Get the end position when this range is applied to a file of the specified size
* @param int $fileSize
* @return int
* @throws UnsatisfiableRangeException
public function getEndPosition($fileSize)
$size = (int)$fileSize;
if ($this->lastByte === null)
return $size - 1;
if ($size <= $this->lastByte)
throw new UnsatisfiableRangeException(
'End position is after the end of the file'
return $this->lastByte;
* Get the length when this range is applied to a file of the specified size
* @param int $fileSize
* @return int
* @throws UnsatisfiableRangeException
public function getLength($fileSize)
$size = (int)$fileSize;
return $this->getEndPosition($size) - $this->getStartPosition($size) + 1;
* Get a Content-Range header corresponding to this Range and the specified file
* size
* @param int $fileSize
* @return string
public function getContentRangeHeader($fileSize)
return 'bytes ' . $this->getStartPosition($fileSize) . '-'
. $this->getEndPosition($fileSize) . '/' . $fileSize;
class PartialFileServlet
* The range header on which the data transmission will be based
* @var RangeHeader|null
private $range;
* @param RangeHeader $range Range header on which the transmission will be based
public function __construct(RangeHeader $range = null)
$this->range = $range;
* Send part of the data in a seekable stream resource to the output buffer
* @param resource $fp Stream resource to read data from
* @param int $start Position in the stream to start reading
* @param int $length Number of bytes to read
* @param int $chunkSize Maximum bytes to read from the file in a single operation
private function sendDataRange($fp, $start, $length, $chunkSize = 8192)
if ($start > 0)
fseek($fp, $start, SEEK_SET);
while ($length)
$read = ($length > $chunkSize) ? $chunkSize : $length;
$length -= $read;
echo fread($fp, $read);
* Send the headers that are included regardless of whether a range was requested
* @param string $fileName
* @param int $contentLength
* @param string $contentType
private function sendDownloadHeaders($fileName, $contentLength, $contentType)
header('Content-Type: ' . $contentType);
header('Content-Length: ' . $contentLength);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"');
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
* Send data from a file based on the current Range header
* @param string $path Local file system path to serve
* @param string $contentType MIME type of the data stream
public function sendFile($path, $contentType = 'application/octet-stream')
// Make sure the file exists and is a file, otherwise we are wasting our time
$localPath = realpath($path);
if ($localPath === false || !is_file($localPath))
throw new NonExistentFileException(
$path . ' does not exist or is not a file'
// Make sure we can open the file for reading
if (!$fp = fopen($localPath, 'r'))
throw new UnreadableFileException(
'Failed to open ' . $localPath . ' for reading'
$fileSize = filesize($localPath);
if ($this->range == null)
// No range requested, just send the whole file
header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
$this->sendDownloadHeaders(basename($localPath), $fileSize, $contentType);
// Send the request range
header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
header('Content-Range: ' . $this->range->getContentRangeHeader($fileSize));
$path = '/local/path/to/file.ext';
$contentType = 'application/octet-stream';
// Avoid sending unexpected errors to the client - we should be serving a file,
// we don't want to corrupt the data we send
ini_set('display_errors', '0');
$rangeHeader = RangeHeader::createFromHeaderString(get_request_header('Range'));
(new PartialFileServlet($rangeHeader))->sendFile($path, $contentType);
catch (InvalidRangeHeaderException $e)
header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
catch (UnsatisfiableRangeException $e)
header("HTTP/1.1 416 Range Not Satisfiable");
catch (NonExistentFileException $e)
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
catch (UnreadableFileException $e)
header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error");
// It's usually a good idea to explicitly exit after sending a file to avoid sending any
// extra data on the end that might corrupt the file
这里的代码很不错。我确实在设置 $length 的行上发现了一个错误。应该是:$length = $end - $start + 1; 我将如何暂停下载 应该将 Content-Length 设置为实际文件大小,还是只设置正在发送的部分字节数?这个页面使它看起来应该是部分字节,但这不是上面示例代码中所做的。 w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html 另一个小错字:$start = $end - intval($range[0]);
应该是 range[1]
@sarah.ferguson 代码完全重写和更新,见上文。【参考方案3】:
是的。支持字节范围。见RFC 2616 section 14.35。
这意味着您不能使用 readfile(),因为它服务于整个文件。而是先使用fopen(),然后fseek() 到正确的位置,然后使用fpassthru() 提供文件。
fpassthru 不是一个好主意,如果文件是多兆字节,您可能会耗尽内存。只是 fread() 和 print() 分块。 fpassthru 在数百兆字节的情况下工作得很好。echo file_get_contents(...)
不起作用(OOM)。所以我不认为这是一个问题。 PHP 5.3。
@JanusTroelsen 不,不是。这一切都取决于您的服务器的配置。如果您有一个强大的服务器,并为 PHP 分配了大量内存,那么它可能对您来说工作得很好。在使用fpassthru
的“弱”配置(字面意思是:共享主机)上,即使是 50 MB 文件也会失败。如果您在弱服务器配置上提供大文件,则绝对不应该使用它。正如@Wimmer 正确指出的那样,fread
+ print
@trejder:参见注释on readfile():readfile() 不会出现任何内存问题,即使在发送大文件时也是如此。如果遇到内存不足错误,请确保使用 ob_get_level() 关闭输出缓冲。
@trejder 问题是您没有正确配置输出缓冲。如果您告诉它,它会自动进行分块:php.net/manual/en/… 例如output_buffering=4096(如果你的框架不允许这样做,你的框架很烂)【参考方案4】:
这工作 100% 超级检查它 我正在使用它,没有问题了。
/* Function: download with resume/speed/stream options */
/* List of File Types */
function fileTypes($extension)
$fileTypes['swf'] = 'application/x-shockwave-flash';
$fileTypes['pdf'] = 'application/pdf';
$fileTypes['exe'] = 'application/octet-stream';
$fileTypes['zip'] = 'application/zip';
$fileTypes['doc'] = 'application/msword';
$fileTypes['xls'] = 'application/vnd.ms-excel';
$fileTypes['ppt'] = 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint';
$fileTypes['gif'] = 'image/gif';
$fileTypes['png'] = 'image/png';
$fileTypes['jpeg'] = 'image/jpg';
$fileTypes['jpg'] = 'image/jpg';
$fileTypes['rar'] = 'application/rar';
$fileTypes['ra'] = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio';
$fileTypes['ram'] = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio';
$fileTypes['ogg'] = 'audio/x-pn-realaudio';
$fileTypes['wav'] = 'video/x-msvideo';
$fileTypes['wmv'] = 'video/x-msvideo';
$fileTypes['avi'] = 'video/x-msvideo';
$fileTypes['asf'] = 'video/x-msvideo';
$fileTypes['divx'] = 'video/x-msvideo';
$fileTypes['mp3'] = 'audio/mpeg';
$fileTypes['mp4'] = 'audio/mpeg';
$fileTypes['mpeg'] = 'video/mpeg';
$fileTypes['mpg'] = 'video/mpeg';
$fileTypes['mpe'] = 'video/mpeg';
$fileTypes['mov'] = 'video/quicktime';
$fileTypes['swf'] = 'video/quicktime';
$fileTypes['3gp'] = 'video/quicktime';
$fileTypes['m4a'] = 'video/quicktime';
$fileTypes['aac'] = 'video/quicktime';
$fileTypes['m3u'] = 'video/quicktime';
return $fileTypes[$extention];
Parameters: downloadFile(File Location, File Name,
max speed, is streaming
If streaming - videos will show as videos, images as images
instead of download prompt
function downloadFile($fileLocation, $fileName, $maxSpeed = 100, $doStream = false)
if (connection_status() != 0)
// in some old versions this can be pereferable to get extention
// $extension = strtolower(end(explode('.', $fileName)));
$extension = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$contentType = fileTypes($extension);
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\n");
header('Content-Type: $contentType');
$contentDisposition = 'attachment';
if ($doStream == true)
/* extensions to stream */
$array_listen = array('mp3', 'm3u', 'm4a', 'mid', 'ogg', 'ra', 'ram', 'wm',
'wav', 'wma', 'aac', '3gp', 'avi', 'mov', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mpg', 'swf', 'wmv', 'divx', 'asf');
if (in_array($extension, $array_listen))
$contentDisposition = 'inline';
if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE"))
$fileName = preg_replace('/\./', '%2e', $fileName, substr_count($fileName, '.') - 1);
header("Content-Disposition: $contentDisposition;
header("Content-Disposition: $contentDisposition;
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
$range = 0;
$size = filesize($fileLocation);
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']))
list($a, $range) = explode("=", $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']);
str_replace($range, "-", $range);
$size2 = $size - 1;
$new_length = $size - $range;
header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content");
header("Content-Length: $new_length");
header("Content-Range: bytes $range$size2/$size");
$size2 = $size - 1;
header("Content-Range: bytes 0-$size2/$size");
header("Content-Length: " . $size);
if ($size == 0)
die('Zero byte file! Aborting download');
$fp = fopen("$fileLocation", "rb");
fseek($fp, $range);
while (!feof($fp) and ( connection_status() == 0))
print(fread($fp, 1024 * $maxSpeed));
return((connection_status() == 0) and ! connection_aborted());
/* Implementation */
// downloadFile('path_to_file/1.mp3', '1.mp3', 1024, false);
我投了赞成票,因为速度限制真的很有用,但是对恢复文件 (Firefox) 的 MD5 检查显示不匹配。 $range 的 str_replace 错误,应该是另一个爆炸,结果变成数字,并且在 Content-Range 标题中添加了一个破折号。 如何自定义支持远程文件下载? 你的意思是双引号 'Content-Type: $contentType'; set_time_limit(0);在我看来不是很合适。也许更合理的 24 小时限制? 这有效 0% :( 它不能向客户端发送一个简单的MP4
中寻找。 【参考方案5】:
解决这个问题的一个非常好的方法是使用 mod_xsendfile Apache 模块,而无需“滚动你自己的”PHP 代码。然后在 PHP 中,您只需设置适当的标头。 Apache 开始做自己的事了。
header("X-Sendfile: /path/to/file");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; file=\"filename\"");
如果你想在发送后取消链接文件怎么办? 如果你想在发送后取消链接文件,你需要一个特殊的标志来表示,请参阅XSendFilePath <absolute path> [AllowFileDelete]
如果您愿意安装新的 PECL 模块,使用 PHP 支持可恢复下载的最简单方法是通过http_send_file()
http_send_content_disposition("document.pdf", true);
http_throttle(0.1, 2048);
像魅力一样工作。但是请注意您没有打开输出缓冲(ob_start 等)。特别是在发送大文件时,这将缓冲完整的请求范围。 这是什么时候添加到 PHP 中的?一直都在吗? 那是 Pecl,不是 PHP。我没有这个功能。 此功能已弃用。不再工作了。【参考方案7】:是的,您可以为此使用 Range 标头。您需要再向客户端提供 3 个标头才能完整下载:
header ("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
header ("Content-Length: " . $fileSize);
header ("Content-Range: bytes 0-" . $fileSize - 1 . "/" . $fileSize . ";");
对于中断的下载,您需要通过以下方式检查 Range 请求标头:
$headers = getAllHeaders ();
$range = substr ($headers['Range'], '6');
在这种情况下,不要忘记使用 206 状态码提供内容:
header ("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial content");
header ("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
header ("Content-Length: " . $remaining_length);
header ("Content-Range: bytes " . $start . "-" . $to . "/" . $fileSize . ";");
您将从请求标头中获取 $start 和 $to 变量,并使用 fseek() 查找文件中的正确位置。
@ceejayoz: getallheaders() 是一个 php 函数,如果你使用的是 apache uk2.php.net/getallheaders【参考方案8】:最佳答案有各种错误。
主要错误:它不能正确处理 Range 标头。
bytes a-b
应该表示[a, b]
而不是[a, b)
,并且bytes a-
// TODO: configurations here
$fileName = "File Name";
$file = "File Path";
$bufferSize = 2097152;
$filesize = filesize($file);
$offset = 0;
$length = $filesize;
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']))
// if the HTTP_RANGE header is set we're dealing with partial content
// find the requested range
// this might be too simplistic, apparently the client can request
// multiple ranges, which can become pretty complex, so ignore it for now
preg_match('/bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)?/', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $matches);
$offset = intval($matches[1]);
$end = $matches[2] || $matches[2] === '0' ? intval($matches[2]) : $filesize - 1;
$length = $end + 1 - $offset;
// output the right headers for partial content
header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
header("Content-Range: bytes $offset-$end/$filesize");
// output the regular HTTP headers
header('Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type($file));
header("Content-Length: $filesize");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$fileName\"");
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
$file = fopen($file, 'r');
// seek to the requested offset, this is 0 if it's not a partial content request
fseek($file, $offset);
// don't forget to send the data too
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
while ($length >= $bufferSize)
print(fread($file, $bufferSize));
$length -= $bufferSize;
if ($length) print(fread($file, $length));
为什么需要ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
@MikkoRantalainen 我忘了。您可以尝试删除它,看看会发生什么。
不幸的是,如果 $matches[2] 未设置(例如,使用“Range=0-”请求),您将在 $end 分配中抛出错误。我改用这个:if(!isset($matches[2])) $end=$fs-1; else $end = intval($matches[2]);
【参考方案10】:启用了小型作曲家的类,其工作方式与 pecl http_send_file 相同。这意味着支持可恢复下载和限制。 https://github.com/diversen/http-send-file
$file = 'YouTube360p.mp4';
$fileLoc = $file;
$filesize = filesize($file);
$offset = 0;
$fileLength = $filesize;
$length = $filesize - 1;
if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) )
// if the HTTP_RANGE header is set we're dealing with partial content
$partialContent = true;
preg_match('/bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)?/', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'], $matches);
$offset = intval($matches[1]);
$tempLength = intval($matches[2]) - 0;
if($tempLength != 0)
$length = $tempLength;
$fileLength = ($length - $offset) + 1;
$partialContent = false;
$offset = $length;
$file = fopen($file, 'r');
// seek to the requested offset, this is 0 if it's not a partial content request
fseek($file, $offset);
$data = fread($file, $length);
if ( $partialContent )
// output the right headers for partial content
header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
// output the regular HTTP headers
header('Content-Type: ' . mime_content_type($fileLoc));
header('Content-Length: ' . $fileLength);
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $file . '"');
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
header('Content-Range: bytes ' . $offset . '-' . $length . '/' . $filesize);
// don't forget to send the data too
【参考方案12】:在 HTTP 中恢复下载是通过 Range
)表明自下载开始后内容没有更改,则给出206 响应码(而不是200),在 Content-Range
不过,我不知道如何在 PHP 中做到这一点。
【参考方案13】:感谢西奥!你的方法不能直接用于流媒体 divx,因为我发现 divx 播放器发送的范围像 bytes=9932800-
use Stadly\FileWaiter\Adapter\Local;
use Stadly\FileWaiter\File;
use Stadly\FileWaiter\Waiter;
$streamFactory = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory(); // Any PSR-17 compatible stream factory.
$file = new File(new Local('filename.txt', $streamFactory)); // Or another file adapter. See below.
$responseFactory = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory(); // Any PSR-17 compatible response factory.
$waiter = new Waiter($file, $responseFactory);
$request = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest::fromGlobals(); // Any PSR-7 compatible server request.
$response = $waiter->handle($request); // The response is created by the response factory.
$emitter = new \Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter(); // Any way of emitting PSR-7 responses.
以上是关于使用 PHP 发送文件时可恢复下载?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章