为啥 gcode == code 或 code1 或 code2 或 code3 不能在任何地方工作?



【中文标题】为啥 gcode == code 或 code1 或 code2 或 code3 不能在任何地方工作?【英文标题】:Why wouldn't gcode == code or code1 or code2 or code3 work anywhere?为什么 gcode == code 或 code1 或 code2 或 code3 不能在任何地方工作? 【发布时间】:2022-01-16 12:02:56 【问题描述】:


import random

# Sets tries and isCorrect to 0- not broken
tries = 0
isCorrect = 0

# Generates 4 random numbers- not broken
for i in range(4):
    code = random.randint(1, 9)
    code1 = random.randint(1, 9)
    code2 = random.randint(1, 9)
    code3 = random.randint(1, 9)
# Prints the random numbers for now- not broken
# Guess = If the guess variables are equal to the code it tells you you're right
def guess(a, b, c, d):
    global isCorrect
    if a == code or code1 or code2 or code3 and b == code or code1 or code2 or code3 and c == code or code1 or code2 or code3 and d == code or code1 or code2 or code3:
        print("You got it correct!")
        print("You got it wrong.") 
        return(a, b, c, d)

# While isCorrect is still 0 it prompts you to guess again, if it's correct it sets isCorrect to one
while isCorrect == 0:
    gcode = int(input("Input your first guess: "))
    gcode1 = int(input("Input your second guess: "))
    gcode2 = int(input("Input your third guess: "))
    gcode3 = int(input("Input your fourth guess: "))
    guess(gcode, gcode1, gcode2, gcode3)
    tries = tries + 1
    #print("You got it wrong.")
    if gcode == code or code1 or code2 or code3 and gcode1 == code or code1 or code2 or code3 and gcode2 == code or code1 or code2 or code3 and gcode3 == code or code1 or code2 or code3:
        isCorrect = 1

# Makes it so the plural matches amount of tries
if tries != 1:
    print("It took you", tries, "tries.")
    print("It took you", tries, "try.")


投反对票,因为标题与代码不匹配。确保标题是所提出的实际问题的准确摘要。 (标题中显示的具体问题 -- x == a or b or c -- 是一个常见的 Python 错误,但实际上并没有出现在代码中..) 如果我的问题写得不好,谁能解释一下原因? 标题:.. gcode == code or code1 or code2 or code3 .. -- 这如何代表代码? 我已经编辑了帖子以更好地匹配标题。 这能回答你的问题吗? How to test multiple variables against a single value? 【参考方案1】:

我认为你必须马上给出你的任务,因此我的帮助 :-) 我还添加了列表的使用。


import random

# Sets tries and isCorrect to 0- not broken
tries = 0
isFalse = True # use boolean variable to make it more clear - 0 would be an integer

# Create a list in which you store the 4 random values
# Initialize the empty list, so it is defined in the for loop
random_values_list = []
# Generates 4 random numbers- not broken

for i in range(4):
    # append 4 times a random value to the list
    random_values_list.append(random.randint(1, 9))

# sort the list here is important, later we check the sorted input against this list
# Prints the random numbers

# Guess = If the guess variables are equal to the code it tells you you're right
def check_guess(input_guesses_list, random_values_list):
    # now you can simply check if the lists are the same
    if input_guesses_list == random_values_list:
        print("You got it correct!")
        # return false to break the while loop, because the user got it right
        return False
        print("You got it wrong.")
        # return true to keep the while loop alive
        return True

# Save the inputs also in a list
input_guesses_list = []

# While isCorrect is still 0 it prompts you to guess again, if it's correct it sets isCorrect to one
while isFalse:
    input_guesses_list.append(int(input("Input your first guess: ")))
    input_guesses_list.append(int(input("Input your second guess: ")))
    input_guesses_list.append(int(input("Input your third guess: ")))
    input_guesses_list.append(int(input("Input your fourth guess: ")))
    # also sort this list
    isFalse = check_guess(input_guesses_list, random_values_list)
    tries += 1
    # important: reset the list with the guesses!
    input_guesses_list = []

# Makes it so the plural matches amount of tries
if tries != 1:
    print("It took you", tries, "tries.")
    print("It took you", tries, "try.")



你的 if 语句是错误的。这不是在 python 中使用or 的方式。 这是正确的方法:

if gcode == code or gcode == code1 or gcode == code2 or gcode == code3 and ...

按照您的编写方式,它将 code1(或 code2、3、..)作为表达式并检查它们是否为真。这不是你想要的。

当然,这是一种混乱的编码方式。一种更好的方法是将代码放在一个列表中,将 gcodes 放在另一个列表中,然后在 for 循环中检查它们。


当有 3 个或更多变量时,if gcode in [code, code1, code2, code3, ...] 更易于阅读,并且可能更 Pythonic。

以上是关于为啥 gcode == code 或 code1 或 code2 或 code3 不能在任何地方工作?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

npm 错误!代码 1.为啥这个错误消息会发生 npm ERR!代码1?我该如何解决

SPOJ 的 CODE1 - 无法解决



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