故事书:对象不是 Twig 组件上的函数



【中文标题】故事书:对象不是 Twig 组件上的函数【英文标题】:Storybook: Object is not a function on Twig Component 【发布时间】:2021-06-22 11:17:06 【问题描述】:


组件是用 twig 编写的。故事书模板使用 js。我正在调整组件以使用控件而不是故事书不再使用的旋钮。

我收到一个错误“对象不是函数” - 并没有太多帮助。有谁知道我做错了什么?我知道 Twig 渲染与其他组件一起正常工作。


// Your Twig component
import  createInput  from '../components/input.twig';
import Faker from 'faker'

// Generate data with Faker
const fullName = Faker.name.findName()
const fullNameEg = Faker.name.findName()

export default 
  title: 'Elements/Input',
    label:  control: 'text' ,
    value:  control: 'text' ,
    placeholder:  control: 'text' ,
    error:  control: 'text' ,
    isDisabled:  control: 'boolean' ,
    isRequired:  control: 'boolean' ,

const Template = ( label, ...args ) => 
  // You can either use a function to create DOM elements or use a plain html string!
  // return `<div>$label</div>`;
  return createInput( label, ...args );

export const Filled = Template.bind();
Filled.args = 
    label: 'First name',
    value: fullName,
    error: '',
    placeholder: `Eg: $fullNameEg`,
    isDisabled: false,
    isRequired: false,

export const Empty = Template.bind();
Empty.args = 
    label: 'First name',
    value: '',
    error: '',
    placeholder: `Eg: $fullNameEg`,
    isDisabled: false,
    isRequired: false,

export const Disabled = Template.bind();
Disabled.args = 
    label: 'First name',
    value: fullName,
    error: '',
    placeholder: `Eg: $fullNameEg`,
    isDisabled: true,
    isRequired: false,

export const Required = Template.bind();
Required.args = 
    label: 'First name',
    value: fullName,
    error: '',
    placeholder: `Eg: $fullNameEg`,
    isDisabled: false,
    isRequired: true,

export const Error = Template.bind();
Error.args = 
    label: 'First name',
    value: fullName,
    error: 'Sorry, that’s a poor name. Try another.',
    placeholder: `Eg: $fullNameEg`,
    isDisabled: false,
    isRequired: false,


Accessible input demo
Usage example:
% include "components/input" with 
    label: "Enter your greeting",
    value: "Hi there Crafter",
    error: "",
    isDisabled: false,
    isRequired: false,
    placeholder: "Eg: Go get crafty!",

<div class="input  error ? 'input-has-error'  isDisabled|default ? ' input-is-disabled' ">
    <label for="input-field" class="input-label">
        % if isRequired|default %
            <span class="input-required">
        % endif %
    <input id="input-field" class="shadow appearance-none border rounded w-full py-2 px-3 text-grey-darker" value=" value " type="text"  placeholder|default ? ' placeholder="' ~ placeholder ~ '"'   error|default|length > 0 ? ' aria-invalid="true"'   error|default ? ' aria-describedby="input-error-message"'   isDisabled|default ? ' disabled'   isRequired|default ? ' required' />
    % if error|default %
        <div id="input-error-message" class="input-error-message"> error </div>
    % endif %


// Learn more about the knobs addon:
// https://github.com/storybooks/storybook/blob/master/addons/knobs/README.md
import  text, boolean, number  from '@storybook/addon-knobs'
// Faker creates random data for your components
// https://github.com/marak/Faker.js/#api-methods
import Faker from 'faker'

// Your Twig component
import component from '../components/input.twig'

const container = children => 
    // Font-size slider for component resizing
    // (Use ems in your component styles)
    const scale = number('scale', 1, 
        range: true,
        min: 1,
        max: 2.5,
        step: 0.25,
    return `<div style="font-size:$scaleem">$children</div>`

// Generate data with Faker
// https://github.com/marak/Faker.js/#api-methods
const fullName = Faker.name.findName()
const fullNameEg = Faker.name.findName()

// Set the component name
export default  title: 'Input' 

export const filled = () =>
            label: text('label', 'Full name'),
            value: text('value', fullName),
            error: text('error', ''),
            isDisabled: boolean('isDisabled', false),
            isRequired: boolean('isRequired', false),
            placeholder: text('placeholder', `Eg: $fullNameEg`),

export const empty = () =>
            label: text('label', 'Full name'),
            value: text('value', ''),
            error: text('error', ''),
            isDisabled: boolean('isDisabled', false),
            isRequired: boolean('isRequired', false),
            placeholder: text('placeholder', `Eg: $fullNameEg`),

export const disabled = () =>
            label: text('label', 'Full name'),
            value: text('value', fullName),
            error: text('error', ''),
            isDisabled: boolean('isDisabled', true),
            isRequired: boolean('isRequired', false),
            placeholder: text('placeholder', `Eg: $fullNameEg`),

export const required = () =>
            label: text('label', 'Full name'),
            value: text('value', fullName),
            error: text('error', ''),
            isDisabled: boolean('isDisabled', false),
            isRequired: boolean('isRequired', true),
            placeholder: text('placeholder', `Eg: $fullNameEg`),

export const error = () =>
            label: text('label', 'Full name'),
            value: text('value', fullName),
            error: text('error', 'Sorry, that’s a poor name. Try another.'),
            isDisabled: boolean('isDisabled', false),
            isRequired: boolean('isRequired', false),
            placeholder: text('placeholder', `Eg: $fullNameEg`),




npm i -D sass-loader@10.1.1

See the craft-storybook-starter for a working example →


以上是关于故事书:对象不是 Twig 组件上的函数的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


如何在故事书中配置 webpack 以允许 babel 在项目文件夹之外导入反应组件

如何为具有 redux 连接组件作为孙子的组件编写故事书故事?



带有 redux 组件的故事书