数据框结构防止条形图显示在 ggplotly() 图表中



【中文标题】数据框结构防止条形图显示在 ggplotly() 图表中【英文标题】:Dataframe structure prevents bars to be displayed in ggplotly() chart 【发布时间】:2021-08-13 22:52:54 【问题描述】:


Cum<-data.frame(structure(list(Age.group = c("00-04", "00-04", "05-14", "05-14", 
                                             "15-24", "15-24", "25-49", "25-49", "50-64", "50-64", "65-79", 
                                             "65-79", "80+", "80+"), Gender = c("Female", "Male", "Female", 
                                                                                "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male", 
                                                                                "Female", "Male", "Female", "Male"), Cases = c(64578, 70518, 
                                                                                                                               187568, 197015, 414405, 388138, 1342394, 1206168, 792180, 742744, 
                                                                                                                               400232, 414613, 282268, 198026), lab = c("64,578", "70,518", 
                                                                                                                                                                        "187,568", "197,015", "414,405", "388,138", "1,342,394", "1,206,168", 
                                                                                                                                                                        "792,180", "742,744", "400,232", "414,613", "282,268", "198,026"
                                                                                                                               ), Age.group.Sum = c(135096, 135096, 384583, 384583, 802543, 
                                                                                                                                                    802543, 2548562, 2548562, 1534924, 1534924, 814845, 814845, 480294, 
                                                                                                                                                    480294), lab2 = c("135,096", "135,096", "384,583", "384,583", 
                                                                                                                                                                      "802,543", "802,543", "2,548,562", "2,548,562", "1,534,924", 
                                                                                                                                                                      "1,534,924", "814,845", "814,845", "480,294", "480,294"), color = c("#4285f4", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "#4285f4", "#90a9e0", "#90a9e0", "#dd9e5f", "#dd9e5f", "#b45f06", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "#b45f06", "#b45f06", "#b45f06", "#dd9e5f", "#dd9e5f", "#aebbd6", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "#90a9e0"), Range = c("<= 74453.8555555556", "<= 74453.8555555556", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "148907.711111111 - 223361.566666667", "148907.711111111 - 223361.566666667", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "372269.277777778 - 446723.133333333", "372269.277777778 - 446723.133333333", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ">= 670084.7", ">= 670084.7", ">= 670084.7", ">= 670084.7", "372269.277777778 - 446723.133333333", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "372269.277777778 - 446723.133333333", "223361.566666667 - 297815.422222222", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                "148907.711111111 - 223361.566666667")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

我想用color 和图例名称为条形着色以显示Range。我在这里做所有事情,但我没有酒吧。我认为这与我的数据框的结构有关,因为我相信我的代码是正确的。

ggplot_obj <- ggplot(data = Cum, aes(x = `Age group`, y = Cases, group = Gender,fill = Range)) +
          # Define a text object here that can be use for reference by ggplot_ly
          # thought ggplot will throw a warning
          text = paste("<b>Gender:</b>", Gender, "<br><b>Age:</b>", `Age group` ,
                       "<br><b>Cases:</b>", lab, "<br><b>Total cases in age group:</b>",
          position = "dodge", stat = "identity") +
        geom_text(aes(y = Cases + 10000, label = Gender), vjust = 1,
                  position = position_dodge(width=0.9),size=2) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = mycols) +
        coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max(Cum$Cases)*1.1), expand = FALSE) +
        theme_bw()+ theme(
          # remove the vertical grid lines
          panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
          panel.border = element_blank(), axis.line.x = element_line()
        scale_y_continuous(labels = paste0(ylab, "M"),
                           breaks = 10^6 * ylab)
      #> Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: text
      # running ggplotly with tooltip option reference to the text defined in ggplot object
      ggplotly(ggplot_obj, tooltip="text") %>%
        config(modeBarButtonsToRemove = c('toImage', "zoom2d", "toggleSpikelines",
                                          "hoverClosestCartesian", "hoverCompareCartesian", "drawline", "autoScale2d",
                                          "resetScale2d", "zoomIn2d", "zoomOut2d", "pan2d", 'select2d', 'lasso2d')) %>%
        config(displaylogo = FALSE)


一般来说,您应该在将条形图注入ggplotly() 调用之前检查它:)。我不得不注释掉(i)#scale_fill_manual(values = mycols)+,(ii)#scale_y_continuous(labels = paste0(ylab,“M”),breaks = 10^6 * ylab),以及(iii)正确的@987654326 @到Age.group。有了这个ggplot() 对象,您现在可以喂ggplotly()。你应该得到一个彩色条形图。现在开始修复错误。 ...您还可以考虑查看一个绘图教程,直接在plotly 中对条形图进行编码。 (注意:geom_bar(... stat="identity") 现在可以用geom_col() 完成。) 用你注释掉的那些行我猜结果会有所不同 我现在得到的颜色也与数据框中设置的颜色不同。 从概念上讲,“结果”在处理“硬数据”的意义上是相同的。缩放“美化”你的情节。作为一种调试策略,我建议先绘制它,即管道工作,然后再处理“t 的交叉”。显然,您调用的是 fill_manual mycols (而不是颜色)......这里的重点是您在线条上工作并修复错误。如果您使用正确的变量分配,您的颜色将如您所愿。或者按照您想要的方式标记刻度标签。 我试过了,但我无法得到预期的结果。如果您能提供解决方案,我将不胜感激并接受感谢 【参考方案1】:

@firmo23 根据要求,我刚刚修复了您的 ggplot 代码:


# 1. correct variable name: Age.group
# 2. assign scale_fill_manual to "data frame given color" column 
# 3. use a slightly better scale_y_continuous() call for 10^6 units

ggplot_obj <- ggplot(data = Cum, aes(x = `Age.group`, y = Cases, group = Gender,fill = Range)) +
        # Define a text object here that can be use for reference by ggplot_ly
        # thought ggplot will throw a warning
        text = paste("<b>Gender:</b>", Gender, "<br><b>Age:</b>", `Age.group` ,
                     "<br><b>Cases:</b>", lab, "<br><b>Total cases in age group:</b>",
        position = "dodge", stat = "identity") +
    geom_text(aes(y = Cases + 10000, label = Gender), vjust = 1,
              position = position_dodge(width=0.9),size=2) +
    scale_fill_manual(values = Cum$color) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, max(Cum$Cases)*1.1), expand = FALSE) +
    theme_bw()+ theme(
        # remove the vertical grid lines
        panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(), axis.line.x = element_line()
    ) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = unit_format(unit = "M", scale = 1e-6))

我希望这能让你到达那里。 然后我得到了这个情节(即我在 cmets 中提到的 - 这部分有效!)。


很高兴它对您有所帮助。如前所述,如果您遇到麻烦,调试策略是确定“哪里”出现问题。只有在 ggplot 呈现无错误的情况下,在 plotly() 调用中注入 ggplot 对象才能起作用。 “预期”颜色是对基本情节的补充。因此,如果您设法获得“管道”(基本)ggplot --> plotly,您可以处理您想要添加的口哨和铃声。例如。标签、比例尺等。这样您可以逐层添加并限制潜在的错误/问题区域。 我对@9​​87654322@有疑问

以上是关于数据框结构防止条形图显示在 ggplotly() 图表中的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


更改 ggplotly() 重叠条形图中的条形颜色



如何从 Pandas 数据框对象显示 X 轴到 Matplotlib 条形图
