单击仅使用 JavaScript 从 JSON 获取的表数据中的按钮时引用特定行



【中文标题】单击仅使用 JavaScript 从 JSON 获取的表数据中的按钮时引用特定行【英文标题】:Refer specific row on click of button in table data fetched from JSON using only JavaScript 【发布时间】:2018-08-22 04:45:33 【问题描述】:

我正在学习 AJAX,但无法找到如何引用从 .json 文件中获取的表中的特定行。实际上,我想要单击行中相应的编辑按钮时的相应数据。它应该显示在表格正下方的<p> 标记中。



    function myFunction()  //on click function to fetch data from json
      var counter;
      var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

      xhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
        if(xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200)
          var data = JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);

      xhttp.open("GET", "employee.json");
      counter ++ ;

    function mydata(data)   //data to be shown and fetch

      var output = "<table>";
      var output = "<th>Employee Code</th>" +
                    "<th>Name</th>" +
                    "<th>Joining Date</th>" +

            //var i in each items[i]
            for(var i in data)
                output += '<tr>' + 
                '<td>' + data[i].empcode + '</td>' +
                '<td>' + data[i].name + '</td>'  +
                '<td>' + data[i].joining + '</td>'+
                '<td>' + data[i].salary + '</td>' +
                '<td>' + '<button onclick="edit()">Edit</button>' +
            output +="</th>" + "</th>" + "</th>" + "</th>" + "</th>";
            output += "</table>";
            document.getElementById('demo').innerhtml = output;
            function edit()
              document.getElementById("para").innerHTML = data[1].empcode;

    function edit()  //edit function to display related data from json file. Right now i  can only display data which i mentioned in editTextData().

      var edit = new XMLHttpRequest();
      edit.onreadystatechange = function()
        if(edit.readyState == 4 && edit.status == 200)
          var editData = JSON.parse(edit.responseText);

      edit.open("GET", "employee.json", true);


    function editTextData(textData)
      document.getElementById("para").innerHTML = textData[2].empcode;


这是 JSON 数据:

    "empcode" : 1,
    "name": "sid",
    "joining" : "13 march",
    "salary" : 60000 
   "empcode" : 2,
    "name": "andrew",
    "joining" : "15 march",
    "salary" : 65000  
    "empcode" : 3,
    "name": "blake",
    "joining" : "18 march",
    "salary" : 70000 



    <h1>AJAX Employee</h1>
  <table id="demo"> </table>

  <button onclick="myFunction()" ">Fetch Info</button>
  <p id="para"> </p>

这是我得到的结果 Result table after clicking fetch button. When i click any edit button it shows the 3rd employee number


当你运行这个会发生什么? 在将数据分配给output 时,您将使用标题数据覆盖表标签。此处也使用+=,并省略多余的var(但不影响结果。) 【参考方案1】:

您的edit 处理程序可以确定单击了哪个按钮、它属于哪一行以及是哪个empcode。关键是传递给编辑处理程序的this 值。


'<td>' + '<button onclick="edit(this)">Edit</button>'


function edit(btn)   //edit function to display related data from json file. 

  // get the TR that this button is in
  var tr = btn.parentNode.parentNode;

  // get the collection of tds
  var tds = tr.querySelectorAll("td");

  // get the contents of the first TD, that should be the empcode
  var empcode = tds[0].innerText;

  // do whatever you need to with empcode, or the other values in this record
  console.log("empcode = " + empcode + ", name = " + tds[1].innerText);



以上是关于单击仅使用 JavaScript 从 JSON 获取的表数据中的按钮时引用特定行的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

仅使用 Javascript 显示/隐藏单击按钮的密码

从表单发送电子邮件(仅 HTML、javascript)



将 JSON 从 php 传递到 javascript

在spring boot中仅获取值而不是JSON响应中的键和值