如何从 systemd 用户服务访问会话 D-Bus?



【中文标题】如何从 systemd 用户服务访问会话 D-Bus?【英文标题】:How to access session D-Bus from systemd user service? 【发布时间】:2016-12-02 02:29:02 【问题描述】:

我有运行 shell 脚本的用户服务,它试图像这样访问我的会话的锁屏状态:

# Test Unity screen-lock:
    isLocked=$(gdbus call -e -d com.canonical.Unity -o /com/canonical/Unity/Session -m com.canonical.Unity.Session.IsLocked)

  if [[ $isLocked == "(false,)" ]]; then                                                                                                     
        gnome-screensaver-command -l
  elif [[ $isLocked == "(true,)" ]]; then                                                                                                
        exit 1
exit 0

问题是服务“是每个用户的进程,而不是每个会话”,我不知道如何访问会话 dbus:

GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name com.canonical.Unity was not provided by any .service files


这段代码中是否设置了 DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS 变量? 不,不是。应该是? 据我所知,它需要连接到总线,并且 pam_systemd 应该在您登录时设置它。如果没有设置,则会启动一个新的 dbus,您将无法与其他事物交谈。我对这些都不太了解,所以不要相信我的话。 【参考方案1】:

我也遇到了同样的问题,但我的研究一无所获。如果有人能找到更好的方法来查询 Unity 的锁定状态,我很想听听。



# this script is meant to be called in two different ways.
# 1.    It can be called as a service by passing "service" as the first argument. In this 
#   mode, the script listens for requests for lock screen status. The script should be
#   run in this mode with startup applications on user logon.
# 2.    If this script is called without any arguments, it will call the service to request
#   the current lock screen status. Call this script in this manner from your user 
#   service.

# this will be the named pipe we'll use for requesting and receiving screen lock status

if [ "$1" == "service" ]; then
    # setup the named pipe
    rm "$pipe"
    mkfifo "$pipe"

    # start watching for requests
    while true
        # watch the pipe for trigger events requesting lock screen status
        read request < "$pipe"

        # respond across the same pipe wit the current lock screen status
        gdbus call -e -d com.canonical.Unity -o /com/canonical/Unity/Session -m com.canonical.Unity.Session.IsLocked | grep -oP "(true)|(false)" > "$pipe"
    # make sure the pipe exists
    if [ ! -e "$pipe" ]; then
        echo "This script must started in service mode before lock status can be queried."

    # send a request for screen lock status and read the response
    touch "$pipe"
    read status < "$pipe"

    [ "$status" == "" ] && status="This script must started in service mode before lock status can be queried."

    # print reponse to screen for use by calling application
    echo $status

如 cmets 中所述,您需要以两种方式调用此脚本。当您的用户登录时,以服务模式启动此脚本。我使用“启动应用程序”程序来调用脚本,但它的调用方式并不重要,只要它在登录时由您的用户帐户调用即可。 然后在您的用户服务中,只需调用此脚本,如果屏幕被锁定,它将返回“true”,如果屏幕被解锁,它将返回“false”。


以上是关于如何从 systemd 用户服务访问会话 D-Bus?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

systemd 服务无法连接到会话 d-bus


如何从 _app.js 服务器端全局访问下一个身份验证用户会话数据?

无法从 ubuntu 中的服务连接到会话 dbus

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