如何使用 C# 在给定文本中用忽略空格、回车或换行符替换字符串



【中文标题】如何使用 C# 在给定文本中用忽略空格、回车或换行符替换字符串【英文标题】:How to replace a string with ignoring spaces, carriage return or line breaks in a given text by using C# 【发布时间】:2021-10-10 06:32:39 【问题描述】:



以下面的 html 文档为例。

   <td colspan="2" style="background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px;">
         <a rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.monstermmorpg.com\" 
         style=\"color: rgb(6, 69, 173); 
         text-decoration-line: none;    background: none;\" 
         title=\"Calyrex (Pokémon)\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\">&larr;</span></a>


<td style="text-align: right;"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://www.monstermmorpg.com" style="color: rgb(6, 69, 173); text-decoration-line: none; background: none;" title="Calyrex (Pokémon)"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">&larr;</span></a></td>


   <td colspan="2" style="background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px;">


我尝试过使用 htmlagilitypack,但不幸的是在我的情况下不起作用,因为我不想替换单个 HTML 节点。我需要替换可能跨越或不跨越多个节点的文档的部分片段。我无法让 htmlagilitypack 执行此操作。


为什么HtlmAgilityPack 不起作用?分享你是如何尝试的。 @JamshaidK。因为 html 只是一个片段而不是一个完整的页面。相信我,我尝试了各种方法。我未能替换节点的 externalhtml 或节点本身。因为它在父节点引用处抛出错误。 这是您需要放置逻辑的部分。如果您无法系统地跟踪所需的节点,您将无法正确替换该元素。最好附上 HtmlAgilityPack 版本,这样人们就可以看到这种情况下的实际问题。 @JamshaidK。这里的示例代码:drive.google.com/file/d/1yV7VaulP8Ze53BqK_xAsEyWFr3sxG-vh/…。它可以找到节点,但无法更改或修改节点。我想以我想要的方式修改具有 href 的节点。 当你说它只是一个片段而不是一个完整的页面。你的意思是它不会因此而工作吗?这不是真的。它仍会将您的 html 加载到 HtmlDocument 中。您将正确传递 xPath 值以过滤掉您的数据。 【参考方案1】:

既然您说传统的 html 解析方法似乎不适用于您的用例,您是否考虑过为这个特定用例编写手动解析器?




这可能不是最好的解决方案,我鼓励您寻找提供更多功能的现成 HTML 解析器。

public static void RemoveTargetString(TextReader Reader, TextWriter Writer, string TargetString, char[] CharactersToIgnore, string ReplacementString)

    HashSet<char> IgnoreCases = CharactersToIgnore.ToHashSet();

    // our buffer need only be the size of the target string
    char[] buffer = new char[TargetString.Length];

    int currentIndex = 0;

    while (Reader.Peek() > -1)
        // read one character to the end of the buffer marked by index
        if (Reader.Read(buffer, currentIndex, 1) != 0)
            // get the last char in the buffer
            ref char firstChar = ref buffer[currentIndex];

            // if the char is on the ignore list blindly write it and continue
            // dont change index so we overwrite the char in the last spot of the buffer
            if (IgnoreCases.Contains(firstChar))
                // write the char and ignore

            // check to see if the char is in the right order as the target string
            if (firstChar == TargetString[currentIndex])
                // if it is don't write the buffer, increment index so we keep the char without back tracking

                // if we have found the entire string dump the buffer, write the replacement string
                if (currentIndex == TargetString.Length)
                    // write replacement string instead

                    // reset index so we overwrite the buffer
                    currentIndex = 0;
                // check to see if the target string is within something that starts with a partial piece of the target string
                // we should not implicitly assume the character we fail at isn't the start of the target as well
                // if it is we should avoid writing it
                if (firstChar == TargetString[0])
                    Writer.Write(buffer, 0, currentIndex);

                    buffer[0] = buffer[currentIndex];

                    // reset index and start searching for start of target
                    currentIndex = 1;
                    // since the char at the last position of the buffer wasn't
                    // either the start or within the target string
                    // write the buffer from 0 - last index
                    Writer.Write(buffer, 0, currentIndex + 1);

                    // reset index and start searching for start of target
                    currentIndex = 0;

    // if for some reason the target string is at the end, but was not complete, we should write the characters in the buffer to the target
    if (currentIndex > 0)
        Writer.Write(buffer, 0, currentIndex);

char[] IgnoreCharacters = new char[]  '\n', '\r', ' ' ;

string target = "<td style=\"text - align: right; \">\n\r<a rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.monstermmorpg.com\"\n\r style=\"color: rgb(6, 69, 173);\n\r text-decoration-line: none;\n\r background: none;\"\n\r title=\"Calyrex (Pokémon)\"><span style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\">&larr;</span></a></td>";

StringReader reader = new($"<tr>\n\r<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background - image: initial; background - position: initial; background - size: initial; background - repeat: initial; background - attachment: initial; background - origin: initial; background - clip: initial; border - top - left - radius: 3px; border - top - right - radius: 3px; \">\n\r<b>target</b>\n\r</td>\n\r</tr>");

foreach (char item in IgnoreCharacters)

    target = target.Replace(item.ToString(), "");

StringWriter writer = new();

RemoveTargetString(reader, writer, target, IgnoreCharacters, "AAA");


如果您不熟悉TextReaderTextWriter,这些是StreamReader StreamWriter 等常见IO 功能的基类。您可以使用它来简化文件中的行查找信息,如下所示:

char[] IgnoreCharacters = new char[]  '\n', '\r', ' ' ;

string target = "Hello World";

string replacement = "Hello Globe";

using StreamReader reader = new("Test.txt");
using StreamWriter writer = new("Output.txt");

RemoveTargetString(reader, writer, target, IgnoreCharacters, replacement);

编辑: 修复了如果目标正在被识别但失败,则单个字符未写入输出流导致有损转录的问题。为常见的边缘案例创建了测试用例。

对于那些对该解决方案的性能感兴趣的人来说,处理一个 1,278,518,583 字节 (1.19GB) 的文本文件需要大约 35 秒,并使用 9 MB 内存。如果需要额外的性能,请考虑将 IgnoreCases.Contains(firstChar) 替换为 Char.IsWhiteSpace(firstChar),这会快约 33%。

static char[] IgnoreCharacters = new char[]  '\n', '\r', ' ', '\t' ;

[InlineData("1234", "<div>1234</div>", "<div></div>")]
[InlineData("1234", "<div>1\n\r2\t3\n4\r</div>", "<div>\n\r\t\n\r</div>")]
[InlineData("1234", "\n\r\t1\n\r\t2\r\n\t3\n\t\r4", "\n\r\t\n\r\t\r\n\t\n\t\r")]
[InlineData("1234", "1 2 3 4", "   ")]
[InlineData("1234", " \n\r\t1 \n\r\t2 \n\r\t3 \n\r\t4 \n\r\t", " \n\r\t \n\r\t \n\r\t \n\r\t \n\r\t")]
[InlineData("1234", "123412341234", "")]
[InlineData("1234", "4321", "4321")]
[InlineData("1234", "Hello", "Hello")]
[InlineData("1234", "", "")]
[InlineData("1234", "1/2/3/4", "1/2/3/4")]
[InlineData("1", "1111", "")]
[InlineData("1", "12131415", "2345")]
[InlineData("Abcde", "AbcdAbcde", "Abcd")]
[InlineData("Abcde", "AbcdAbcdeAbcd", "AbcdAbcd")]
[InlineData("12345", "121231234123451234123121", "1212312341234123121")]
public void CommonEdgeCases(string Target, string Input, string Expected)

    foreach (char item in IgnoreCharacters)
        Target = Target.Replace(item.ToString(), "");

    StringReader reader = new(Input);

    StringWriter writer = new();

    RemoveTargetString(reader, writer, Target, IgnoreCharacters, string.Empty);

    Assert.Equal(Expected, writer.ToString());


一个不错的解决方案。所以看起来这个任务没有内置或第 3 方库? 没有线索不幸的是我专注于低/高级代码库设计和优化,所以我不是最新的当前 HTML 解析器。希望一个比我更频繁地使用 HTML 解析的人更了解情况。 问题是我拥有的 html 片段不是有效的完整片段。这是片面的。这就是 htmlagilitypack 失败的原因。 我认为是这种情况,所以我编写了这个实现,以避免对其正在读取的字符串做出任何假设。它不在乎它是 html 还是加密的 char 字符串等。=) 我刚刚有时间进行测试,不幸的是它无法正常工作。这里youtube.com/watch?v=eDvFk0eykCw【参考方案2】:


var doc = new HtmlDocument();
var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a[@class='mw-jump-link']");
foreach (HtmlNode secondParagraph in nodes.ToList())

    var moreNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode("AAA");
    var parent = secondParagraph.ParentNode;
    parent.InsertAfter(moreNode, secondParagraph);




只要你对写入一次读取从不正则表达式没问题 :) 这可能会起作用 (Fiddle)

var originalData = @"
   <td colspan=""2"" style=""background-image: initial; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px;"">
         <a rel=\""nofollow\"" target=\""_blank\"" href=\""https://www.monstermmorpg.com\"" 
         style=\""color: rgb(6, 69, 173); 
         text-decoration-line: none;    background: none;\"" 
         title=\""Calyrex (Pokémon)\""><span style=\""color: rgb(0, 0, 0);\"">&larr;</span></a>

var searchString = @"<a rel=""nofollow"" target=""_blank"" href=""https://www.monstermmorpg.com"" style=""color: rgb(6, 69, 173); text-decoration-line: none; background: none;"" title=""Calyrex (Pokémon)"">
    <span style=""color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"">&larr;</span>

Console.WriteLine("===== originalData ====");
Console.WriteLine("===== originalData ====\n");

Console.WriteLine("===== searchString ====");
Console.WriteLine("===== searchString ====\n");

var searchRegexString = searchString.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("\"", "\\\\\"").Replace("(", "\\(").Replace(")", "\\)").Replace(" ", "[ \\n\\r\\t]*");
var searchRegex = new Regex(searchRegexString, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var replacedData = searchRegex.Replace(originalData, "***** REPLACED *****");

Console.WriteLine("===== searchRegexString ====");
Console.WriteLine("===== searchRegexString ====\n");

Console.WriteLine("===== replacedData ====");
Console.WriteLine("===== replacedData ====\n");


以上是关于如何使用 C# 在给定文本中用忽略空格、回车或换行符替换字符串的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


按下回车键时在 Textarea 中启用换行或换行



