来自数据库的数据不能显示在 ASP.NET MVC 的下拉列表中



【中文标题】来自数据库的数据不能显示在 ASP.NET MVC 的下拉列表中【英文标题】:Data that comes from database can not shown in drop down list in ASP.NET MVC 【发布时间】:2021-06-03 22:50:33 【问题描述】:

我正在开发一个 ASP.NET MVC 项目。我正在尝试在添加和编辑页面上添加主详细信息。但是当我想编辑一条记录时,“纱线下拉列表”为空,但是当我调试项目数据时,项目数据正确来自数据库。我没有弄清楚这个问题。 Yarn 和 Yarn Detail 表之间的一对多关系,以及


      <th>Yarn Name</th>
      <th>Unit Price of Yarn</th>
      <th>Percentage of Using</th>
      @ int i = 0;
      @foreach (var x in Model.YarnDetails)
               @html.DropDownListFor(model => x.YarnID  , ViewBag.YarnList as SelectList, "--select--", new  @class = "form-control", @Name = "[" + i + "].YarnID" )
                @Html.HiddenFor(model => x.YarnDetailID, new  @Name = "[" + i + "].YarnDetailID" )
                <input type="button" value="Remove" class="remove" />


public ActionResult Edit(int FabricCostCalcID)

        var fabCo = _context.FabricCostCalcs.SingleOrDefault(c => c.FabricCostCalcID == FabricCostCalcID && c.IsDeleted == false);

        List<Fabric> fabriclist = _context.Fabrics.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).OrderBy(y => y.FabricName).ToList();
        List<KnittingOption> knittinglist = _context.KnittingOptions.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).OrderBy(y => y.KnittingName).ToList();
        List<Yarn> yarnList = _context.Yarns.Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).OrderBy(y => y.YarnName).ToList();

        ViewBag.YarnList = new SelectList(yarnList, "YarnID", "YarnName");
        ViewBag.FabricList = new SelectList(fabriclist, "FabricID", "FabricName");
        ViewBag.KnitingList = new SelectList(knittinglist, "KnittingOptionID", "KnittingName");

        return PartialView("_EditPartial", fabCo);

public ActionResult Edit(FabricCostCalc fabricCost, List<YarnDetail> yarnDetails) 

        _context.Entry(fabricCost).State = EntityState.Modified;

        foreach (var yar in yarnDetails)

            yar.FabricCostCalcID = fabricCost.FabricCostCalcID;
            _context.Entry(yar).State = EntityState.Modified;

        return RedirectToAction("Index");







@for (int i = 0; i < Model.LSubCategories.Count(); i++)

                       <div class="col">
                            <label asp-for="SubCategory.CategoryID">Bulunacağı Kategori ?</label>
                              <div class="col">
                        <label asp-for="@Model.LSubCategories[i].CategoryID">Kategorisini seçiniz ?</label>
                        <select asp-for="@Model.LSubCategories[i].CategoryID" class="selectpicker" data- name="CategoryID" required>
                            <option value="">Seçiniz</option>
                            @foreach (var item in Model.LSubCategories)
                                <option value="@item.CategoryID">@item.CategoryName</option>

我希望你能理解我的代码。 如果你意识到我在不使用 @Html.DropDownListFor 的情况下做同样的事情。 如果你想调用相关数据,你可以在你的 ViewModel 中定义它。之后,您可以将其填写在您的控制器中:

 var list = _unitOfWorkSCat.RepositorySubCategory.GetAll();
            var listCat = _unitOfWorkCat.RepositoryCategory.GetAll();
            var listL = _unitOfWorkSCat.RepositorySubCategory.GetAllAsList();
            var SubCategory = new SubCategory();
            var CategoryViewModel = new CategoryViewModel
                SubCategories = list,
                SubCategory = SubCategory,
                LSubCategories = listL,
                Categories = listCat



以上是关于来自数据库的数据不能显示在 ASP.NET MVC 的下拉列表中的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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来自 ASP.NET MVC CMS 数据库的动态路由

来自数据库的 Pdf 文件以在 asp.net mvc 中查看

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