使用 C# 将 FileHelpers 数据排序到 SQl 服务器中的不同列中



【中文标题】使用 C# 将 FileHelpers 数据排序到 SQl 服务器中的不同列中【英文标题】:Sorting FileHelpers data into different columns in SQl sever using C# 【发布时间】:2016-09-23 08:33:33 【问题描述】:

我在 C# 中创建了一个代码,它从多个文件夹中读取分隔的 txt 文件,解析数据,然后使用正确的值更新 Microsoft SQL 服务器表。代码如下:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FileHelpers;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;

namespace prototype_using_filehelpers

    class ManagerReport


        public class ManagerReportNames

            public int? MASTER_VALUE_ORDER;
            public int? MASTER_VALUE;
            public string RESORT;
            public int? CS_HEADING_COUNT_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_ARR_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_DEP_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_NO_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_GUESTS_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_TOTAL_REVENUE_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_ROOM_REVENUE_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_INVENTORY_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CF_FS_PERC_OCC_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CF_FS_AVG_ROOM_RATE_MASTER;
            public int? LAST_YEAR_01;
            public int? SUB_GRP_1_ORDER;
            public string SUB_GRP_1;
            public string DESCRIPTION;
            public string AMOUNT_FORMAT_TYPE;
            public string PRINT_LINE_AFTER_YN;
            public int? HEADING_1_ORDER;
            public int? HEADING_1;
            public string HEADING_2;
            [FieldConverter(ConverterKind.Decimal, ".")]
            public decimal? SUM_AMOUNT;
            public decimal? FORMATTED_AMOUNT;


        static void ProcessFilesCSVFiles(string copyPath, string destinationPath)

            // first check if path exists
            if (!Directory.Exists(copyPath))
                // doesn't exist then exit, can't copy from something that doesn't exist
            var copyPathDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(copyPath);
            // using the SearchOption.AllDirectories will search sub directories
            var copyPathCSVFiles = copyPathDirectory.GetFiles("*.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            // loops through directory looking for txt files
            for (var i = 0; i < copyPathCSVFiles.Length; i++)
                // get the file
                var csvFile = copyPathCSVFiles[i];
                //sets lines to the files full extention so it can then be called at a later time
                string lines = csvFile.FullName;

                // read the csv file line by line
                FileHelperEngine engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(ManagerReportNames));
                var records = engine.ReadFile(lines) as ManagerReportNames[];

                foreach (var record in records)

              // SQL connection. Creates connection and command and inserts the values taken from the File Helper engine into the SQL table
                    SqlCommand cmd;
                    SqlConnection conn;

                    conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=hureports01;Initial Catalog=hureports;Integrated Security=True");
                    cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO test2 (property_id,val1) VALUES (@property_id,@val1)", conn);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@property_id", record.RESORT);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@val1", record.FORMATTED_AMOUNT);

                // creates a variable that combines the the directory of the new folder with the file name
                var destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationPath, csvFile.Name);
                // This loop prevents duplicates. If a file is already in the folder, it will delete the file already in there and move this one in.
                // Shouldn't be an issue since each file will have a different name
                if (File.Exists(destinationFilePath))
                // moves it to the new folder


        static void Main(string[] args)

            ProcessFilesCSVFiles(@"C:\Users\Documents", @"C:\Users\Documents\Complete");


代码有效,但我正在尝试实现一项新功能,但我不确定如何实现。目前,它正在使用两个值更新 SQL 服务器:RESORT 和 FORMATTED_AMOUNT。 RESORT 进入表列“property_id”,FORMATTED_AMOUNT 进入 val1。在我的表中,我还添加了 val2、val3 和 val4。 HEADING_2 可以有三个不同的值,或者为空。我将如何修复我的代码,以便当 HEADING_2 是第一个值时,相应的 FORMATTED_AMOUNT 将进入 val1,当 HEADING_2 是第二个值时,相应的 FORMATTED_AMOUNT 将进入 v2,当 HEADING_2 是第三个值时,相应的 FORMATTED_AMOUNT 将进入进入val3,最后当HEADING_2为null时,对应的FORMATTED_AMOUNT会进入val4


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FileHelpers;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Data;

namespace prototype_using_filehelpers

    class ManagerReport


        public class ManagerReportNames

            public int? MASTER_VALUE_ORDER;
            public int? MASTER_VALUE;
            public string RESORT;
            public int? CS_HEADING_COUNT_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_ARR_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_DEP_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_NO_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_GUESTS_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_TOTAL_REVENUE_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_ROOM_REVENUE_MASTER;
            public int? CS_FS_INVENTORY_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CF_FS_PERC_OCC_ROOMS_MASTER;
            public int? CF_FS_AVG_ROOM_RATE_MASTER;
            public int? LAST_YEAR_01;
            public int? SUB_GRP_1_ORDER;
            public string SUB_GRP_1;
            public string DESCRIPTION;
            public string AMOUNT_FORMAT_TYPE;
            public string PRINT_LINE_AFTER_YN;
            public int? HEADING_1_ORDER;
            public int? HEADING_1;
            public string HEADING_2;
            [FieldConverter(ConverterKind.Decimal, ".")]
            public decimal? SUM_AMOUNT;
            public decimal? FORMATTED_AMOUNT;


        static void ProcessFilesCSVFiles(string originalPath, string destinationPath)

            // first check if path exists
            if (!Directory.Exists(originalPath))
                // doesn't exist then exit, can't copy from something that doesn't exist
            var copyPathDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(originalPath);
            // using the SearchOption.AllDirectories will search sub directories
            var copyPathCSVFiles = copyPathDirectory.GetFiles("*.txt", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            // loops through directory looking for txt files
            for (var i = 0; i < copyPathCSVFiles.Length; i++)
                // get the file
                var csvFile = copyPathCSVFiles[i];
                //sets lines to the files full extention so it can then be called at a later time
                string lines = csvFile.FullName;

                // read the csv file line by line
                FileHelperEngine engine = new FileHelperEngine(typeof(ManagerReportNames));
                var records = engine.ReadFile(lines) as ManagerReportNames[];

                foreach (var record in records)
                    // This allows us to split what column a row goes into based on whether it is a day month or year
                    string Heading = record.HEADING_2;
                    string Group = record.SUB_GRP_1;
                    string column;
                    if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "OCC_PERC")
                        column = "Percent_Rooms_Occupied";
                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "OCC_PERC_WO_CH")
                        column = "Percent_Rooms_Occupied_minus_Comp_and_House";
                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "ADR_ROOM")
                        column = "ADR";
                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "ADR_ROOM_WO_CH")
                        column = "ADR_minus_Comp_and_House";
                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "ROOMREV_AVL_ROOMS_MINUS_OOO")
                        column = "Revenue_per_Available_Room_minus_OOO";
                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "TOTAL_REVENUE")
                        column = "Total_Revenue";
                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "ROOM_REVENUE")
                        column = "Room_Revenue";
                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "FOOD_BEV_REVENUE")
                        column = "Food_And_Beverage_Revenue";
                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "OTHER_REVENUE")
                        column = "Other_Revenue";

                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "PHYSICAL_ROOMS")
                        column = "Total_Rooms_in_Hotel";

                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "OCC_ROOMS")
                        column = "Rooms_Occupied";

                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "OCC_MINUS_COMP_HU")
                        column = "Rooms_Occupied_minus_Comp_and_House_Use";

                    else if (Heading == "DAY" && Group == "COMP_ROOMS")
                        column = "Complimentary_Rooms";


                    // SQL connection. Creates connection and command and inserts the values taken from the File Helper engine into the SQL table
                    SqlCommand cmd;
                    SqlConnection conn;

                    conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=hureports01;Initial Catalog=hureports;Integrated Security=True");

                    //var sqlCommand2 = string.Format(@"IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM[HEWreport] WHERE Property_ID = @Property_ID) INSERT INTO[HEWreport] (Property_ID, < ColumnName >) VALUES(@Property_ID, @val");
                    var sqlCommand = string.Format(@"MERGE [HEWreport] AS target USING (select @Property_ID as Property_ID, @val as 0) AS source ON (target.Property_ID = source.Property_ID) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET 0= source.0
                                                    WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (Property_ID, 0) VALUES (source.Property_ID, source.0);", column);
                    cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlCommand, conn);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Property_ID", record.RESORT);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@val", record.FORMATTED_AMOUNT);

                // creates a variable that combines the the directory of the new folder with the file name
                var destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationPath, csvFile.Name);
                // This loop prevents duplicates. If a file is already in the folder, it will delete the file already in there and move this one in.
                // Shouldn't be an issue since each file will have a different name
                if (File.Exists(destinationFilePath))
                // moves it to the new folder


        static void Main(string[] args)

            ProcessFilesCSVFiles(@"C:\Users\Documents\Hotels", @"C:\Users\Documents\Completed Hotels");


如您所见,我完全改变了我想要做的事情,但这是相同的概念。除了定义列是 val1 或 val2,我还需要比 HEADING_2 中的更多,我还需要 SUB_GRP_1。我也尝试过使用参数,因为我还被告知 AddWithValue() 可能会导致问题,但这仍然不起作用



假设您有一个将 HEADING_2 映射到列名的函数,如下所示

var columnName = GetColumnNameFromHEADING_2(HEADING_2_value);


var sqlCommand = string.Format("INSERT INTO test2 (property_id, 0) VALUES (@property_id,@val)", columnName);
cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlCommand, conn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@property_id", record.RESORT);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@val", record.FORMATTED_AMOUNT);


    var sqlCommand = string.Format(@"
  MERGE [test2] AS target
                USING (select @property_id as property_id, @val as 0) AS source
                ON (target.property_id = source.property_id)
                WHEN MATCHED THEN
                SET 0= source.0
                WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN
                INSERT (property_id, 0) 
                VALUES (source.property_id, source.0);
", columnName);


谢谢。我将其添加到我的代码中。我只是想知道是否有办法让 HEADING_2 为 1 时进入 val1,而当 HEADING_2 为 2 时,它进入同一行的 val2。因为我的行有规律。对于 HEADING_2,它先是 1,然后是 2,然后是 3。它通常不为空。但是这三个连续的 HEADING_2 都是相关的。我只是想知道是否有一种方法可以将这三行都放在一个表行中,并在相应列中使用 FORMATTED_AMOUNT 的值 我不断收到此错误:System.Data.dll 中发生“System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException”类型的未处理异常附加信息:参数化查询“(@Property_ID nvarchar(5), @val nvarchar(4000))MERGE [HEWrepor' 需要参数 '@val',但未提供。 能否提供您目前拥有的源代码以及您形成的sqlCommand的结果?检查您是否提供了参数cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@val", record.FORMATTED_AMOUNT); 我添加了我当前的代码以及我正在尝试修复的内容。如果我将 val 设置为等于特定数字,它会工作并在每一列中打印该数字。它只是不适用于打印 FORMATTED_AMOUNT。我也知道我的文件包含的行中有这些确切的参数,所以它应该返回一个值 所以我能够解决我的问题。在我的文件中,我发现有两行都包含相同的 HEADING_2 和相同的 SUB_GRP_1,除了其中一个为空且一个有值。我只需添加一个参数即可解决此问题。我现在的问题是它只会在一行中读取。所以我可以第一次测试我的代码,它会工作。但是,除非我转到我的 SQL 表并删除该行并再次运行它,否则它将无法再次工作。目标是一次上传多个文件并将它们全部放在不同的行中。我已经实现了多个文件的读入,它仍然

以上是关于使用 C# 将 FileHelpers 数据排序到 SQl 服务器中的不同列中的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


使用 FileHelpers 处理引号

Filehelpers 无需 DLL 即可发布 Release 文件

FileHelpers 在字段中引用和逗号


FileHelpers 选项卡“\t”分隔阅读器