使用 cx_Freeze 创建 MSI 时可用的 bdist_msi 选项



【中文标题】使用 cx_Freeze 创建 MSI 时可用的 bdist_msi 选项【英文标题】:Available bdist_msi options when creating MSI with cx_Freeze 【发布时间】:2019-07-24 14:11:01 【问题描述】:

在使用 cx_Freeze 设置脚本创建 MSI 时,我无法找到有关 bdist_msi 命令可用选项的文档。

我在与该主题相关的其他 SO 帖子中看到了以下选项:

bdist_msi_options = 'data': '','add_to_path':'','initial_target_dir':'','upgrade_code':'',

    options = 
        "bdist_msi": bdist_msi_options,
    executables = [

windows installer docs 提到了一些分散在各处的选项。 cx_Freeze docs 记录了两个选项(包括upgrade_code),提到它们与standard set of options 一起可用。 我在哪里可以找到上面提到的标准选项列表?



您可以查看cx_Freeze/windist.py 中的源代码以查看预期选项的列表:

class bdist_msi(distutils.command.bdist_msi.bdist_msi):
    user_options = distutils.command.bdist_msi.bdist_msi.user_options + [
        ('add-to-path=', None, 'add target dir to PATH environment variable'),
        ('upgrade-code=', None, 'upgrade code to use'),
        ('initial-target-dir=', None, 'initial target directory'),
        ('target-name=', None, 'name of the file to create'),
        ('directories=', None, 'list of 3-tuples of directories to create'),
        ('environment-variables=', None, 'list of environment variables'),
        ('data=', None, 'dictionary of data indexed by table name'),
        ('product-code=', None, 'product code to use'),
        ('install-icon=', None, 'icon path to add/remove programs ')


    cx_Freeze 添加的选项比文档中提到的要多 cx_Freeze 的bdist_msi 类派生自标准模块distutils 的同音词类,它本身需要您在问题中提到的“标准选项集”,您可以在path_to_python\Lib\distutils\command\bdist_msi.py 中阅读:
class bdist_msi(Command):

    description = "create a Microsoft Installer (.msi) binary distribution"

    user_options = [('bdist-dir=', None,
                     "temporary directory for creating the distribution"),
                    ('plat-name=', 'p',
                     "platform name to embed in generated filenames "
                     "(default: %s)" % get_platform()),
                    ('keep-temp', 'k',
                     "keep the pseudo-installation tree around after " +
                     "creating the distribution archive"),
                    ('target-version=', None,
                     "require a specific python version" +
                     " on the target system"),
                    ('no-target-compile', 'c',
                     "do not compile .py to .pyc on the target system"),
                    ('no-target-optimize', 'o',
                     "do not compile .py to .pyo (optimized)"
                     "on the target system"),
                    ('dist-dir=', 'd',
                     "directory to put final built distributions in"),
                    ('skip-build', None,
                     "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"),
                    ('install-script=', None,
                     "basename of installation script to be run after"
                     "installation or before deinstallation"),
                    ('pre-install-script=', None,
                     "Fully qualified filename of a script to be run before "
                     "any files are installed.  This script need not be in the "


data 选项可用于让安装程序在桌面或程序菜单中添加快捷方式,如Use cx-freeze to create an msi that adds a shortcut to the desktop 和here 中所述。


以上是关于使用 cx_Freeze 创建 MSI 时可用的 bdist_msi 选项的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

卸载以前通过 cx_freeze bdist_msi 创建的已安装 msi

在 cx_freeze 中创建的 msi 不安装程序

如何使用接受命令行输入的 cx_freeze 创建 msi

使用 cx_freeze 和 bdist_msi 为 PySide 应用程序创建 MSI

.msi 使用 cx_Freeze 的快捷方式

使用 cx_Freeze 构建 msi:ValueError:FCI 错误 1