VARMAX 结果扩展导致 ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs



【中文标题】VARMAX 结果扩展导致 ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs【英文标题】:VARMAX Results extend causes ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs 【发布时间】:2020-11-11 05:38:14 【问题描述】:

我正在尝试使用新的观察结果扩展 VARMAX 模型,以便进行前向验证。

但是,我的 VARMAXResults.extend() 正在抛出 ValueError


#---- This returns: ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs ----------
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.varmax import VARMAX
import numpy as np

y_hist = 100*np.random.rand(50,2)

model = VARMAX(endog= y_hist,order=(2,0)).fit()
print("VARMAX model summary")
next_y_hat = model.forecast()
print("\nPredicted next value")

# simulate next observed value
next_y = next_y_hat

# extend model
model = model.extend(endog = next_y) # ValueError

请注意,这种方法在使用 SARIMAX 的单变量情况下可以正常工作:

#-------- This works fine: -------------
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX

uni_model = SARIMAX(endog=y_hist[:,1],order=(2,0,0)).fit()
print("SARIMAX model summary")
next_y_hat_uni = uni_model.forecast()
print("\nPredicted next value")

# simulate next observed value
next_y_uni = next_y_hat_uni

# extend model
uni_model = uni_model.extend(endog = next_y_uni) # no ValueError

版本:statsmodels v0.11.1、numpy 1.16.3。


ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-93-347df5f5ac07> in <module>
     17 # try to update model
---> 18 model = model.extend(endog = next_y)
     19 # returns ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/statespace/ in extend(self, endog, exog, **kwargs)
    916         if self.smoother_results is not None:
--> 917             res = mod.smooth(self.params)
    918         else:
    919             res = mod.filter(self.params)

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/statespace/ in smooth(self, params, transformed, includes_fixed, complex_step, cov_type, cov_kwds, return_ssm, results_class, results_wrapper_class, **kwargs)
    839         return self._wrap_results(params, result, return_ssm, cov_type,
    840                                   cov_kwds, results_class,
--> 841                                   results_wrapper_class)
    843     _loglike_param_names = ['transformed', 'includes_fixed', 'complex_step']

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/statespace/ in _wrap_results(self, params, result, return_raw, cov_type, cov_kwds, results_class, wrapper_class)
    736                 wrapper_class = self._res_classes['fit'][1]
--> 738             res = results_class(self, params, result, **result_kwargs)
    739             result = wrapper_class(res)
    740         return result

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/statespace/ in __init__(self, model, params, filter_results, cov_type, cov_kwds, **kwargs)
    854                  cov_kwds=None, **kwargs):
    855         super(VARMAXResults, self).__init__(model, params, filter_results,
--> 856                                             cov_type, cov_kwds, **kwargs)
    858         self.specification = Bunch(**

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/statespace/ in __init__(self, model, params, results, cov_type, cov_kwds, **kwargs)
   2274             'smoothed_state_disturbance_cov']
   2275         for name in extra_arrays:
-> 2276             setattr(self, name, getattr(self.filter_results, name, None))
   2278         # Remove too-short results when memory conservation was used

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/statespace/ in standardized_forecasts_error(self)
   1914                                 linalg.solve_triangular(
   1915                                     upper, self.forecasts_error[mask, t],
-> 1916                                     trans=1))
   1917                         except linalg.LinAlgError:
   1918                             self._standardized_forecasts_error[mask, t] = (

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/linalg/ in solve_triangular(a, b, trans, lower, unit_diagonal, overwrite_b, debug, check_finite)
    335     a1 = _asarray_validated(a, check_finite=check_finite)
--> 336     b1 = _asarray_validated(b, check_finite=check_finite)
    337     if len(a1.shape) != 2 or a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]:
    338         raise ValueError('expected square matrix')

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/scipy/_lib/ in _asarray_validated(a, check_finite, sparse_ok, objects_ok, mask_ok, as_inexact)
    237             raise ValueError('masked arrays are not supported')
    238     toarray = np.asarray_chkfinite if check_finite else np.asarray
--> 239     a = toarray(a)
    240     if not objects_ok:
    241         if a.dtype is np.dtype('O'):

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/lib/ in asarray_chkfinite(a, dtype, order)
    497 @array_function_dispatch(_piecewise_dispatcher)
--> 498 def piecewise(x, condlist, funclist, *args, **kw):
    499     """
    500     Evaluate a piecewise-defined function.

ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs



单变量SARIMAX 中的默认趋势是'n'(表示“无”)。矢量案例VARMAX 中的默认趋势是'c'(表示“常数”)。因此,根据您的需要,执行以下任一操作:

    如果您不需要趋势组件,只需设置trend='n'。 (这实际上是我想要的,但没有意识到它不是 VARMAX 的默认参数。)或者...

    设置trend = 'n' 使用exog= 参数作为workaround for a bug with the trend component in VARMAX。感谢statsmodels 贡献者ChadFulton,他推荐了这种方法直到fixed。当你想要一个恒定的趋势时,他的解决方案:

import numpy as np

y_hist = 100*np.random.rand(50,2)

model = VARMAX(endog= y_hist,order=(2,0), 
               trend='n',                            # <---- notice
               exog=np.ones(y_hist.shape[0])).fit()  # <----
print("VARMAX model summary")
next_y_hat = model.forecast(exog=[1])
print("\nPredicted next value")

# simulate next observed value
next_y = next_y_hat

# extend model
model = model.extend(endog = next_y, exog=[1])       # <----



以上是关于VARMAX 结果扩展导致 ValueError: array must not contain infs or NaNs的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


将 PermutationImportance 与 LGBMClassifier 一起使用会导致 ValueError:未知标签类型:“连续”

正则化器导致“ValueError:Shapes must be equal rank”


在 Tensorflow 中实现自定义损失函数会导致“ValueError:必须在循环之前定义‘输出’。”

使用 scikit-learn 预测单个值会导致 ValueError