在 SQL 查询中添加一对值作为参数



【中文标题】在 SQL 查询中添加一对值作为参数【英文标题】:Add pair of values as parameters in a SQL query 【发布时间】:2019-07-16 12:01:59 【问题描述】:


Dim insertQuery As String = Teilnehmerkreiszuordnung.CreateInsertSqlStatement(id, addBefugnisseIdList)
Using cn As DbConnection = DbConnection
   Using command As DbCommand = cn.CreateCommand()
      command.CommandText = insertQuery
      // Add values with parameters???
   End Using
End Using

CreateInsertSqlStatement 函数:

Public Shared Function CreateInsertSqlStatement(ByVal seminarId As Integer, ByVal addBefugnisseList As List(Of Befugnisse)) As String
   Dim strIns = String.Empty
   Dim insertQuery As String = String.Empty
   If (addBefugnisseList.Any()) Then
      For i = 0 To (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1)
         strIns = strIns + String.Format("(0,1)", seminarId, addBefugnisseList(i).AutoID)
         If (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1 - i > 0) Then
            strIns = strIns + ","
         End If
      insertQuery = String.Format("INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, befugnisID) VALUES 0", strIns)
   End If
   Return insertQuery
End Function


INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, befugnisID) VALUES (2,5),(2,6),(2,7)


您能解释一下您期望的查询文本是什么吗?或者您只是想问如何用参数化查询替换您当前的字符串连接方法? 如果我理解,你必须使用参数并做 3 次插入。 如果addBefugnisseIdList 包含要使用的值,那么对CreateInsertSqlStatement 的调用已经返回一个预填充的查询字符串。只需执行它。但我建议你去准备一份声明来满足标准。 我希望查询文本是“INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, befugnisID) VALUES (@s2, @b5),(@s2, @b6),(@s2,@b7)" 我会把逻辑改成这个。我会将 CreateInsertSqlStatement 更改为 CreateInsertSqlCommand 并让它在遍历列表时创建 DbCommand 和参数。如果需要,调用者只需调用 ExecuteNonQuery 或修复命令中的某些内容 【参考方案1】:


' pass also the connection and lets return a DbCommand filled with proper parameters'  
Public Shared Function CreateInsertSqlCommand(ByVal DbConnection cn, 
                       ByVal seminarId As Integer, 
                       ByVal addBefugnisseList As List(Of Befugnisse)) As DbCommand

   ' Use a StringBuilder to get better memory footprint with repeated string changes'

   Dim strIns As StringBuilder = new StringBuilder()

   Dim command As DbCommand = Nothing
   Dim insertQuery As String = "INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, 
befugnisID) VALUES " 
   If (addBefugnisseList.Any()) Then
         'Create the command and add the invarian parameter'
         command As DbCommand = cn.CreateCommand()
         command.Parameters.Add("@s", mysqlDbType.Int32).Value = seminarID
         ' loop and add the list parameters while building the parameters placeholders'
         For i = 0 To (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1)
             command.Parameters.Add($"ai", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = addBefugnisseList(i).AutoID
         ' Remove the last comma'
         if strIns.Length > 0 Then
            strIns.Length = strIns.Length - 1
         End If
         command.CommandText = insertQuery + strIns.ToString()
   End If
   Return command
End Function

Using cn As DbConnection = DbConnection
   Using command As DbCommand = Teilnehmerkreiszuordnung.CreateInsertSqlCommand(cn, id, addBefugnisseIdList)
      if command IsNot Nothing Then
      End If
   End Using
End Using


   Public Shared Function CreateInsertSqlCommand(ByRef command As DbCommand, ByVal seminarId As Integer, ByVal addBefugnisseList As List(Of Befugnisse)) As Boolean
        Dim IsThereAnyQuery As Boolean = False
        Dim strIns = String.Empty
        Dim insertQuery As String = String.Empty
        If (addBefugnisseList.Any()) Then
            For i = 0 To (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1)
                command.AddParameterWithValue(String.Format("@S0", i), seminarId)
                command.AddParameterWithValue(String.Format("@B0", i), addBefugnisseList(i).AutoID)
                strIns = strIns + String.Format("(@S0,@B1)", i, i)
                If (addBefugnisseList.Count - 1 - i > 0) Then
                    strIns = strIns + ","
                End If
            insertQuery = String.Format("INSERT INTO teilnehmerkreiszuordnung(SeminarID, befugnisID) VALUES 0", strIns)
            command.CommandText = insertQuery
            IsThereAnyQuery = True
        End If
        Return IsThereAnyQuery
    End Function


If (Teilnehmerkreiszuordnung.CreateInsertSqlCommand(command, id, addBefugnisseIdList)) Then
End If

AddParameterWithValue 方法:

public sealed class DbCommandExtensions

    public static void AddParameterWithValue(this DbCommand cmd, string name, object value)
       DbParameter parameter = cmd.CreateParameter();
       parameter.ParameterName = name;
       parameter.Value = RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(value);
       cmd.Parameters.Add((object) parameter);


以上是关于在 SQL 查询中添加一对值作为参数的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



SQL 在OPENQUERY中使用参数,并作为表查询对象/不允许使用远程表值函数调用。

sql 问题子查询返回的值不止一个。


在输入值提示中显示 SQL 参数