为啥类型转换在 Swift 2.0 中不起作用?



【中文标题】为啥类型转换在 Swift 2.0 中不起作用?【英文标题】:Why does type casting not work the same in Swift 2.0?为什么类型转换在 Swift 2.0 中不起作用? 【发布时间】:2015-11-08 22:06:36 【问题描述】:
firebase!.observeEventType(FEventType.Value, withBlock:  [weak self] (snapshot) in    
    if let stuff: AnyObject = snapshot.value 
            let from_user_id = stuff["from_user_id"] as? Int //warning
            let value = stuff["value"] as? Int  //warning



Cast from 'MDLMaterialProperty?!' to unrelated type 'Int' always fails

observeEventType 声明为:

func observeEventType(eventType: FEventType, withBlock block: ((FDataSnapshot!) -> Void)!) -> UInt
observeEventType:withBlock: is used to listen for data changes at a particular location. This is the primary way to read data from Firebase. Your block will be triggered for the initial data and again whenever the data changes.
Use removeObserverWithHandle: to stop receiving updates.
The type of event to listen for.
The block that should be called with initial data and updates. It is passed the data as an FDataSnapshot.
A handle used to unregister this block later using removeObserverWithHandle:
Declared In Firebase.h

snapshot.value 定义为:

var value: AnyObject!  get 
Returns the contents of this data snapshot as native types.
Data types returned: * NSDictionary * NSArray * NSNumber (also includes booleans) * NSString
The data as a native object.
Declared In FDataSnapshot.h


为什么你不使用真正的'stuff'类型而不是使用AnyObject?当我修改代码时,你应该知道在执行 'if let stuff: put_here_the_specific_type' 时什么是 'stuff' 类型。 @CiprianC snapshot.value 声明为var value: AnyObject! get @TIMEX 您应该显示您对MDLMaterialProperty 的定义。在不知道其中的类型的情况下,我们只能猜测发生了什么。 能不能把函数observeEventType的定义放上去? @DanielZhang 我正在使用来自 cocoapods 的 Firebase 模块。我不知道 MDLMaterialProperty 是什么,但这是来自一个基本的 Firebase 示例。 【参考方案1】:

您不能为 AnyObject 下标。必须将其转换为字典。 您还需要确保这些值是 Ints。

  firebase!.observeEventType(FEventType.Value, withBlock:  [weak self] (snapshot) in    
            if let stuff = snapshot.value as? [String:AnyObject] 
                    let from_user_id = stuff["from_user_id"] as? Int
                    let value = stuff["value"] as? Int


我明白了:无法使用类型为“(MDLMaterialProperty?!)”的参数列表调用类型“Int”的初始化程序。我还希望这两个变量是可选的。 好吧,AnyObject 不能转换为 Int,因为 Int 不是对象。 Cast from 'MDLMaterialProperty?!' to unrelated type 'NSNumber' always fails Cannot convert value of type 'AnyObject!' to specified type '[String : AnyObject]?'【参考方案2】:


firebase!.observeEventType(FEventType.Value, withBlock:  [weak self] (snapshot) in
    if let stuff = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary 
        if let from_user_id = stuff["from_user_id"] as? Int 
            // Do something with from_user_id.
        if let value = stuff["value"] as? Int 
            // Do something with value.

在 Swift 2 中从 AnyObject 进行强制转换时,使用可选绑定将是处理潜在 nil 值以及潜在不兼容类型的最安全方法。


Cannot convert value of type 'AnyObject!' to specified type 'NSDictionary?' @TIMEX 我已将其更新为使用可选演员表。让我知道这是否有效。

以上是关于为啥类型转换在 Swift 2.0 中不起作用?的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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