在 Swift 中使用 NSNumberFormatter 格式化货币输入
【中文标题】在 Swift 中使用 NSNumberFormatter 格式化货币输入【英文标题】:Formatting input for currency with NSNumberFormatter in Swift 【发布时间】:2014-07-25 16:47:42 【问题描述】:我正在创建一个预算应用程序,允许用户输入他们的预算以及交易。我需要允许用户从单独的文本字段中输入便士和英镑,并且它们需要与货币符号一起格式化。我目前可以正常工作,但希望将其本地化,因为目前它仅适用于 GBP。我一直在努力将 NSNumberFormatter 示例从 Objective-C 转换为 Swift。
第二个问题是在每个文本字段(例如 10216 和 32)中输入的值需要格式化,并且需要添加特定于用户位置的货币符号。所以它会变成 10,216.32 英镑或 10,216.32 美元等...
你能发布一个非工作代码的例子吗? 【参考方案1】:这是一个关于如何在 Swift 3 上使用它的示例。 (编辑:也适用于 Swift 5)
let price = 123.436 as NSNumber
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
// formatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale() // This is the default
// In Swift 4, this ^ was renamed to simply NSLocale.current
formatter.string(from: price) // "$123.44"
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "es_CL")
formatter.string(from: price) // $123"
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "es_ES")
formatter.string(from: price) // "123,44 €"
这是关于如何在 Swift 2 上使用它的旧示例。
let price = 123.436
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
// formatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale() // This is the default
formatter.stringFromNumber(price) // "$123.44"
formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "es_CL")
formatter.stringFromNumber(price) // $123"
formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "es_ES")
formatter.stringFromNumber(price) // "123,44 €"
谢谢。我已经编辑了我的问题并且更加具体。 根据您提供的示例,我已设法在我的程序中实现数字格式,以便对该位进行排序。现在我只需要弄清楚如何根据用户位置设置文本字段占位符。 无需将其转换为 NSNumber,您可以使用格式化方法 func string(for obj: Any?) -> String?。所以你只需要使用string(for: price)
而不是string(from: price)
@LeoDabus 你是对的,我不知道那个方法,我不确定我是否应该编辑我的答案,因为我想我宁愿使用 NumberFormatter 的 API 并明确关于使用 NSNumber 而不是让它隐式地投射到里面。
请注意,formatter.string(from:) 的结果是一个可选的字符串而不是字符串(如 cmets 所暗示的那样),因此在使用前需要解包。【参考方案2】:
斯威夫特 3:
"5" = "$5" "5.0" = "$5" "5.00" = "$5" "5.5" = "$5.50" "5.50" = "$5.50" "5.55" = "$5.55" "5.234234" = "5.23"请使用以下内容:
func cleanDollars(_ value: String?) -> String
guard value != nil else return "$0.00"
let doubleValue = Double(value!) ?? 0.0
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.currencyCode = "USD"
formatter.currencySymbol = "$"
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = (value!.contains(".00")) ? 0 : 2
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.numberStyle = .currencyAccounting
return formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: doubleValue)) ?? "$\(doubleValue)"
不需要初始化一个新的NSNumber对象你可以使用格式化方法func string(for obj: Any?) -> String?
我也实现了@NiñoScript 提供的解决方案作为扩展:
// Create a string with currency formatting based on the device locale
extension Float
var asLocaleCurrency:String
var formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .CurrencyStyle
formatter.locale = NSLocale.currentLocale()
return formatter.stringFromNumber(self)!
let amount = 100.07
let amountString = amount.asLocaleCurrency
// prints: "$100.07"
斯威夫特 3
extension Float
var asLocaleCurrency:String
var formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = Locale.current
return formatter.string(from: self)!
extension 应该为 Swift 3 版本和字符串扩展 FloatingPoint(来自:方法是 NSNumber。对于 FlotingPoint 类型,您需要使用 string(for:) 方法。我已经发布了一个 Swift 3 扩展跨度> 货币不要使用浮点类型,使用小数。【参考方案4】:Xcode 11 • Swift 5.1
extension Locale
static let br = Locale(identifier: "pt_BR")
static let us = Locale(identifier: "en_US")
static let uk = Locale(identifier: "en_GB") // ISO Locale
extension NumberFormatter
convenience init(style: Style, locale: Locale = .current)
self.locale = locale
numberStyle = style
extension Formatter
static let currency = NumberFormatter(style: .currency)
static let currencyUS = NumberFormatter(style: .currency, locale: .us)
static let currencyBR = NumberFormatter(style: .currency, locale: .br)
extension Numeric
var currency: String Formatter.currency.string(for: self) ?? ""
var currencyUS: String Formatter.currencyUS.string(for: self) ?? ""
var currencyBR: String Formatter.currencyBR.string(for: self) ?? ""
let price = 1.99
print(Formatter.currency.locale) // "en_US (current)\n"
print(price.currency) // "$1.99\n"
Formatter.currency.locale = .br
print(price.currency) // "R$1,99\n"
Formatter.currency.locale = .uk
print(price.currency) // "£1.99\n"
print(price.currencyBR) // "R$1,99\n"
print(price.currencyUS) // "$1.99\n"
货币不要使用浮点类型,使用小数。 ***.com/questions/29782982/…【参考方案5】:详情
Xcode 10.2.1 (10E1001)、Swift 5解决方案
import Foundation
class CurrencyFormatter
static var outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create()
class func create(locale: Locale = Locale.current,
groupingSeparator: String? = nil,
decimalSeparator: String? = nil,
style: NumberFormatter.Style = NumberFormatter.Style.currency) -> NumberFormatter
let outputFormatter = NumberFormatter()
outputFormatter.locale = locale
outputFormatter.decimalSeparator = decimalSeparator ?? locale.decimalSeparator
outputFormatter.groupingSeparator = groupingSeparator ?? locale.groupingSeparator
outputFormatter.numberStyle = style
return outputFormatter
extension Numeric
func toCurrency(formatter: NumberFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter) -> String?
guard let num = self as? NSNumber else return nil
var formatedSting = formatter.string(from: num)
guard let locale = formatter.locale else return formatedSting
if let separator = formatter.groupingSeparator, let localeValue = locale.groupingSeparator
formatedSting = formatedSting?.replacingOccurrences(of: localeValue, with: separator)
if let separator = formatter.decimalSeparator, let localeValue = locale.decimalSeparator
formatedSting = formatedSting?.replacingOccurrences(of: localeValue, with: separator)
return formatedSting
let price = 12423.42
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "")
CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(style: .currencyISOCode)
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "nil")
CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(locale: Locale(identifier: "es_ES"))
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "nil")
CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(locale: Locale(identifier: "de_DE"), groupingSeparator: " ", style: .currencyISOCode)
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "nil")
CurrencyFormatter.outputFormatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(groupingSeparator: "_", decimalSeparator: ".", style: .currencyPlural)
print(price.toCurrency() ?? "nil")
let formatter = CurrencyFormatter.create(locale: Locale(identifier: "de_DE"), groupingSeparator: " ", decimalSeparator: ",", style: .currencyPlural)
print(price.toCurrency(formatter: formatter) ?? "nil")
12.423,42 €
12 423,42 EUR
12_423.42 US dollars
12 423,42 Euro
【参考方案6】:根据@Michael Voccola 的回答为 Swift 4 更新:
extension Double
var asLocaleCurrency: String
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = Locale.current
let formattedString = formatter.string(from: self as NSNumber)
return formattedString ?? ""
【参考方案7】:已实现 Swift 4 文本字段
var value = 0
currencyTextField.delegate = self
func numberFormatting(money: Int) -> String
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = .current
return formatter.string(from: money as NSNumber)!
currencyTextField.text = formatter.string(from: 50 as NSNumber)!
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField)
value = textField.text
textField.text = numberFormatting(money: Int(textField.text!) ?? 0 as! Int)
func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField)
textField.text = value
【参考方案8】:extension Float
var convertAsLocaleCurrency :String
var formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.locale = Locale.current
return formatter.string(from: self as NSNumber)!
这适用于 swift 3.1 xcode 8.2.1
虽然欢迎使用此代码 sn-p,并且可能会提供一些帮助,但它会是 greatly improved if it included an explanation of how 和 why 这解决了问题。请记住,您正在为将来的读者回答问题,而不仅仅是现在提问的人!请edit您的答案添加解释,并说明适用的限制和假设。 货币不要使用浮点类型,使用小数。【参考方案9】:斯威夫特 4
formatter.locale = Locale.current
formatter.locale = Locale.init(identifier: "id-ID")
// 这是印度尼西亚语言环境的语言环境。如果您想根据手机区域使用,请按照上面提到的 Locale.current 使用它
//MARK:- Complete code
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
if let formattedTipAmount = formatter.string(from: Int(newString)! as
yourtextfield.text = formattedTipAmount
func addSeparateMarkForNumber(int: Int) -> String
var string = ""
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = Locale.current
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
if let formattedTipAmount = formatter.string(from: int as NSNumber)
string = formattedTipAmount
return string
let giaTri = value as! Int
myGuessTotalCorrect = addSeparateMarkForNumber(int: giaTri)
以上是关于在 Swift 中使用 NSNumberFormatter 格式化货币输入的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
swift 优雅地处理Swift中可本地化的字符串。注意:此代码在Swift 2中,需要在现代Swift中使用更新。
在 Swift 项目中使用 Objective C 类中的 Swift 类
在 Swift 项目中使用 Objective C 类中的 Swift 类