将嵌套字典转换为表/父子结构,Python 3.6



【中文标题】将嵌套字典转换为表/父子结构,Python 3.6【英文标题】:Convert Nested Dictionary into Table/Parent Child Structure, Python 3.6 【发布时间】:2020-04-03 19:13:24 【问题描述】:


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = 'https://www.bundesbank.de/en/statistics/time-series-databases/time-series-databases/743796/openAll?treeAnchor=BANKEN&statisticType=BBK_ITS'
result = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(result.text, 'html.parser')

def get_child_nodes(parent_node):
    node_name = parent_node.a.get_text(strip=True)

    result = "name": node_name, "children": []

    children_list = parent_node.find('ul', recursive=False)
    if not children_list:
    return result

    for child_node in children_list('li', recursive=False):

    return result

Data_Dict = get_child_nodes(soup.find("div", class_="statisticTree"))


以上代码来自@alecxe 的回答:Fetch complete List of Items using BeautifulSoup, Python 3.6




"name": "Banks", "children": ["name": "Banks", "children": ["name": "Balance sheet items", "children": 
["name": "Minimum reserves", "children": ["name": "Reserve maintenance in the euro area", "children": [], "name": "Reserve maintenance in Germany", "children": []], 

"name": "Bank Lending Survey (BLS) - Results for Germany", "children": ["name": "Lending", "children": ["name": "Enterprises", "children": ["name": "Changes over the past three months", "children": ["name": "Credit standards and explanatory factors", "children": ["name": "Overall", "children": [], "name": "Loans to small and medium-sized enterprises", "children": [], "name": "Loans to large enterprises", "children": [], "name": "Short-term loans", "children": [], "name": "Long-term loans", "children": []], "name": "Terms and conditions and explanatory factors", "children": ["name": "Overall", "children": ["name": "Overall terms and conditions and explanatory factors", "children": [], "name": "Margins on average loans and explanatory factors", "children": [], "name": "Margins on riskier loans and explanatory factors", "children": [], "name": "Non-interest rate charges", "children": [], "name": "Size of the loan or credit line", "children": [], "name": "Collateral requirements", "children": [], "name": "Loan covenants", "children": [], "name": "Maturity", "children": []], "name": "Loans to small and medium-sized enterprises", "children": [], "name": "Loans to large enterprises", "children": []], "name": "Share of enterprise rejected loan applications", "children": []], "name": "Expected changes over the next three months", "children": ["name": "Credit standards", "children": []]], "name": "Households", "children": ["name": "Changes over the past three months", "children": ["name": "Credit standards and explanatory factors", "children": ["name": "Loans for house purchase", "children": [], "name": "Consumer credit and other lending", "children": []], 


由于转换只是字典,与BeautifulSoup无关,请提供一些可以复制/粘贴到Python中的示例数据,去掉不需要的部分代码;将其设为minimal reproducible example。 @kaya3,更新样本数据,请检查 【参考方案1】:


def get_pairs(data, parent=''):
    rv = [(data['name'], parent)]
    for d in data['children']:    
        rv.extend(get_pairs(d, parent=data['name']))
    return rv

Data_Dict = get_child_nodes(soup.find("div", class_="statisticTree"))

pairs = get_pairs(Data_Dict)

然后,您可以选择创建 DataFrame,或立即导出到 csv,如您的示例输出所示。要创建 DataFrame,我们可以这样做:

df = pd.DataFrame(get_pairs(Data_Dict), columns=['Name', 'Parent'])


                                             Name               Parent
0                                           Banks                     
1                                           Banks                Banks
2                             Balance sheet items                Banks
3                                Minimum reserves  Balance sheet items
4            Reserve maintenance in the euro area     Minimum reserves
                                          ...                  ...
3890  Number of transactions per type of terminal  Payments statistics
3891   Value of transactions per type of terminal  Payments statistics
3892                   Number of OTC transactions  Payments statistics
3893                    Value of OTC transactions  Payments statistics
3894                        Issuance of banknotes  Payments statistics

[3895 rows x 2 columns]

或者要输出到 csv,我们可以使用 csv 内置库:

import csv

with open('out.csv', 'w', newline='') as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',')
    writer.writerow(('Name', 'Parent'))
    for pair in pairs:



以上是关于将嵌套字典转换为表/父子结构,Python 3.6的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章


如何在 python 3.6 中注释嵌套字典?

将 Pandas Dataframe 转换为表记录的嵌套 JSON

Python - 将字典列表附加到嵌套的默认字典时出现关键错误

如何将嵌套字典转换为 Python 元组?

将具有嵌套结构的 MATLAB 文件转换为数据帧字典