编写扩展文件属性 swift 示例
【中文标题】编写扩展文件属性 swift 示例【英文标题】:Write extend file attributes swift example 【发布时间】:2016-07-13 05:19:12 【问题描述】:我正在寻找一种快速为文件添加扩展文件属性的解决方案。我检查了这个链接Write extended file attributes,但解决方案在目标 c 中,我需要一个快速的解决方案。
这在***.com/a/40314367/1749551中有详细讨论 【参考方案1】:这是 Swift 5 中可能的实现,作为 URL
一份文件。 (Swift 2、3、4 的代码可以在编辑历史中找到。)
extension URL
/// Get extended attribute.
func extendedAttribute(forName name: String) throws -> Data
let data = try self.withUnsafeFileSystemRepresentation fileSystemPath -> Data in
// Determine attribute size:
let length = getxattr(fileSystemPath, name, nil, 0, 0, 0)
guard length >= 0 else throw URL.posixError(errno)
// Create buffer with required size:
var data = Data(count: length)
// Retrieve attribute:
let result = data.withUnsafeMutableBytes [count = data.count] in
getxattr(fileSystemPath, name, $0.baseAddress, count, 0, 0)
guard result >= 0 else throw URL.posixError(errno)
return data
return data
/// Set extended attribute.
func setExtendedAttribute(data: Data, forName name: String) throws
try self.withUnsafeFileSystemRepresentation fileSystemPath in
let result = data.withUnsafeBytes
setxattr(fileSystemPath, name, $0.baseAddress, data.count, 0, 0)
guard result >= 0 else throw URL.posixError(errno)
/// Remove extended attribute.
func removeExtendedAttribute(forName name: String) throws
try self.withUnsafeFileSystemRepresentation fileSystemPath in
let result = removexattr(fileSystemPath, name, 0)
guard result >= 0 else throw URL.posixError(errno)
/// Get list of all extended attributes.
func listExtendedAttributes() throws -> [String]
let list = try self.withUnsafeFileSystemRepresentation fileSystemPath -> [String] in
let length = listxattr(fileSystemPath, nil, 0, 0)
guard length >= 0 else throw URL.posixError(errno)
// Create buffer with required size:
var namebuf = Array<CChar>(repeating: 0, count: length)
// Retrieve attribute list:
let result = listxattr(fileSystemPath, &namebuf, namebuf.count, 0)
guard result >= 0 else throw URL.posixError(errno)
// Extract attribute names:
let list = namebuf.split(separator: 0).compactMap
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self)
String(bytes: $0, encoding: .utf8)
return list
return list
/// Helper function to create an NSError from a Unix errno.
private static func posixError(_ err: Int32) -> NSError
return NSError(domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code: Int(err),
userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: String(cString: strerror(err))])
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/file")
let attr1 = "com.myCompany.myAttribute"
let attr2 = "com.myCompany.otherAttribute"
let data1 = Data([1, 2, 3, 4])
let data2 = Data([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
// Set attributes:
try fileURL.setExtendedAttribute(data: data1, forName: attr1)
try fileURL.setExtendedAttribute(data: data2, forName: attr2)
// List attributes:
let list = try fileURL.listExtendedAttributes()
// ["com.myCompany.myAttribute", "com.myCompany.otherAttribute", "other"]
let data1a = try fileURL.extendedAttribute(forName: attr1)
print(data1a as NSData)
// <01020304>
// Remove attributes
for attr in list
try fileURL.removeExtendedAttribute(forName: attr)
catch let error
@prabhu:您以什么格式导出和邮寄文件?您必须选择一种保留扩展属性的格式(如果存在这种格式)。 要修复 Swift 5 中的“withUnsafeMutableBytes
已弃用”警告,请将 $0
更改为 $0.baseAddress
@MariánČerný:感谢您的通知,我已经更新了 Swift 5 的代码。
@ayaio:我最近更新了 Swift 5 的代码,Swift 4 版本在 edit history
我使用这个脚本来获取文件(或文件夹)的所有标签的列表,它运行良好。示例:“let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Volumes/testVolume", isDirectory: true)" AND : "let attr1 = "com.apple.metadata:_kMDItemUserTags"。之后,您需要将结果转换为utf8 使其可读:“let resultatdata1a = (String(decoding: data1a, as: UTF8.self))”。我使用的是 swift 版本 5。我必须禁用沙箱才能允许此操作。以上是关于编写扩展文件属性 swift 示例的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章