


【中文标题】带有大熊猫数据框的python代码很慢【英文标题】:python code with large pandas DataFrame is to slow 【发布时间】:2018-09-28 22:31:59 【问题描述】:

我有以下代码,算法很慢。 我尝试对numpy (1.14.3) 使用预分配并将pandas (0.23.0) 中的字符串列转换为category 以加快代码速度,但它仍然很慢。

我的df 是一个大号pd.DataFramelen(df) 返回 1342058 并有 25 列。

df 包含带有特定事件和位置的时间戳。数据的频率是可变的,从秒数据到每小时数据。我基本上想重新采样每个 client_id 和给定日期箭头 (rng) 的数据(startend 之间每 5 分钟一次)。

df = pd.DataFrame()

df['seen_time'] = ['2018-09-01 00:00:03+00:00', '2018-09-01 00:00:04+00:00','2018-09-01 00:00:05+00:00','2018-09-01 00:00:06+00:00','2018-09-01 00:00:08+00:00','2018-09-01 00:00:09+00:00','2018-09-01 00:00:09+00:00','2018-09-01 00:00:14+00:00','2018-09-01 00:00:19+00:00','2018-09-01 00:00:25+00:00']

df['location_x'] = [7.488775,20.163136,19.485196,12.841458,15.508627,5.708157,13.451071,19.1871,65,9.015443,28.266964]


start = "2018-09-01 00:00"
end = "2018-09-28 00:00"
rng = pd.date_range(start=start, end=end, freq='5T') # date range in x min.

df['client_id'] = df['client_id'].astype('category')
# --> this line already improved the speed of the algorithm by 20x

def processDataSingle(client_id):
    df_ = pd.DataFrame() # temporariy dataframe.
    data_ = np.zeros((len(rng),)).tolist() # initialize.
    dataSize = len(rng)
    for idx,d in enumerate(rng):
        t0 = d.tz_localize('UTC')
        t1 = (d + pd.to_timedelta(filter_min,unit='m')).tz_localize('UTC')
        # t0 and t1 are start and end time, with 5 min difference for the query.
        df_client = df[df['client_id']==client_id]
        # selects the data of the required client_id only.

        df_client_range = df_client[(df_client['seen_time']>=t0)&(df_client['seen_time']<t1)]
        # selects only the data for this client and between t0 and t1

        content = 
            'x_min': df_client_range['location_x'].min(),
        data_[idx] = content
    # end of looping over date range.
    df_[client_id] = data_
    return df_

def processDataArrayWrapper(client_ids):
    results = np.zeros((len(client_ids),)).tolist() # preallocate!!!  a=np.zeros((2,))
    for iclient,client_id in enumerate(client_ids):
        results[iclient] = processDataSingle(client_id)
    # end looping over client_ids
    return results
#end of processDataArrayWrapper

client_ids = ['firstID','secondID','thirdID'] # in real world around 1000 IDs
%prun results = processDataArrayWrapper(client_ids)

prun 的结果如下:

158001796 function calls (155889787 primitive calls) in 483.930 seconds

Ordered by: internal time

ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
44934  209.957    0.005  209.957    0.005 pandas._libs.algos.take_2d_axis1_object_object
381942   44.206    0.000   44.379    0.000 built-in method pandas._libs.algos.ensure_int64
22468   20.656    0.001   95.913    0.004 categorical.py:2437(_recode_for_categories)
67402   20.583    0.000   20.583    0.000 pandas._libs.algos.take_1d_int16_int16
3   20.274    6.758  483.715  161.238 <ipython-input-49-c130ea2c69e4>:23(processDataSingle)
44934    9.177    0.000    9.177    0.000 pandas._libs.algos.take_2d_axis1_int64_int64
44934    9.107    0.000    9.107    0.000 pandas._libs.algos.take_2d_axis1_float64_float64
36873382    7.775    0.000   15.205    0.000 built-in method builtins.isinstance
44934    7.592    0.000    7.592    0.000 method 'nonzero' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects
11899203    4.604    0.000    5.136    0.000 built-in method builtins.getattr
22471    4.368    0.000    4.450    0.000 method 'get_indexer' of 'pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine' objects
44934    3.644    0.000    3.644    0.000 pandas._libs.algos.take_1d_int64_int64
22467    3.479    0.000    3.776    0.000 categorical.py:64(f)
643042    3.380    0.000    3.380    0.000 method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects
148422    3.016    0.000    3.016    0.000 method 'copy' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects
2557465/2534997    2.740    0.000    4.622    0.000 common.py:1835(_get_dtype_type)
337007/292073    2.727    0.000  318.981    0.001 algorithms.py:1545(take_nd)
7351676    2.672    0.000    5.713    0.000 generic.py:7(_check)
404409/359475    2.359    0.000   20.467    0.000 series.py:165(__init__)
8155845/6470735    2.152    0.000    2.873    0.000 built-in method builtins.len
471840    2.111    0.000    2.111    0.000 built-in method numpy.core.multiarray.empty
89874    2.109    0.000    4.487    0.000 internals.py:3363(_rebuild_blknos_and_blklocs)
2610562    2.028    0.000    5.330    0.000 base.py:61(is_dtype)
1046990/1002055    1.888    0.000    2.184    0.000 built-in method numpy.core.multiarray.array
44935    1.830    0.000    1.830    0.000 method 'take' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects
4713590    1.757    0.000    1.773    0.000 built-in method builtins.hasattr
134826/89883    1.750    0.000    7.191    0.000 base.py:250(__new__)
247139    1.647    0.000    6.430    0.000 cast.py:257(maybe_promote)
1087307    1.523    0.000    5.693    0.000 common.py:1688(is_extension_array_dtype)
134802/89868    1.475    0.000   18.290    0.000 datetimes.py:329(__new__)
2233231    1.437    0.000    2.797    0.000 <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:997(_handle_fromlist)
718950    1.411    0.000    2.764    0.000 generic.py:4374(__setattr__)
763890/629088    1.361    0.000    2.083    0.000 method 'format' of 'str' objects
224670    1.314    0.000  254.948    0.001 internals.py:1237(take_nd)
629082    1.249    0.000    2.836    0.000 internals.py:116(__init__)
314539    1.145    0.000  303.889    0.001 frame.py:2661(__getitem__)
67401    0.634    0.000  134.602    0.002 ops.py:1175(wrapper)
44934    0.625    0.000  277.776    0.006 internals.py:4518(take)
67404    0.558    0.000  101.225    0.002 categorical.py:267(__init__)
89868    0.527    0.000   11.864    0.000 datetimelike.py:523(take)
44934    0.522    0.000  285.513    0.006 generic.py:2780(_take)
1392955    0.517    0.000    0.599    0.000 internals.py:352(dtype)
44934/22467    0.514    0.000   12.605    0.001 built-in method _operator.ge
44937    0.425    0.000  264.034    0.006 internals.py:4423(<listcomp>)
763912    0.296    0.000    1.993    0.000 numeric.py:424(asarray)
44934    0.295    0.000   22.606    0.001 datetimes.py:109(wrapper)
381946    0.289    0.000    2.251    0.000 method 'any' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects
89892    0.286    0.000    0.960    0.000 common.py:298(_asarray_tuplesafe)
67404    0.281    0.000    1.299    0.000 cast.py:971(maybe_cast_to_datetime)
89868    0.280    0.000    2.962    0.000 internals.py:4108(get)
629082    0.276    0.000    0.276    0.000 internals.py:127(_check_ndim)
44934    0.276    0.000  295.073    0.007 frame.py:2704(_getitem_array)
107568    0.267    0.000    2.324    0.000 missing.py:494(na_value_for_dtype)
179742    0.264    0.000    0.827    0.000 dtypes.py:459(construct_from_string)
44937    0.260    0.000  270.290    0.006 internals.py:4388(reindex_indexer)
67401    0.220    0.000  128.302    0.002 ops.py:1073(dispatch_to_index_op)
1    0.194    0.194  483.930  483.930 <string>:1(<module>)
44934    0.179    0.000   20.583    0.000 base.py:89(cmp_method)
44934    0.110    0.000   10.841    0.000 datetimes.py:39(_maybe_cache)
1    0.003    0.003  483.719  483.719 <ipython-input-49-c130ea2c69e4>:61(processDataArrayWrapper)
1    0.000    0.000  483.930  483.930 built-in method builtins.exec

注意:我删除了一堆 cumtime 很少的行。我相信大部分时间都花在take_2d_axis1_object_object 上,但我很难理解这个问题。代码的哪一部分导致了这个问题?

我在我的 Mac book pro 上使用 Intel Core i7 2,7 GHz 4 核运行代码,python 进程使用了​​近 400% 的 CPU,这意味着它以某种方式在后面使用了多核。


你到底想在这里完成什么?您能否就您要解决的问题提供一些背景或见解?查看您的数据框样本会有所帮助。 @rahlf23 我​​希望我的算法目标现在很明确。 查看数据框示例仍然会有所帮助。这里的目标是一个最小可重现的例子。此时,您似乎可以简单地使用groupby() w/resample()agg() 来完成您的任务 DataFrame 很大。我将尝试在问题中添加一些数据,但不是所有原始列。 df[df['client_id']==client_id] 在循环的每次迭代中迭代整个数据帧。至少,你应该groupby('client_id') 【参考方案1】:

我想出了一个非常酷的解决方案,将执行时间从几个小时减少到不到 15 秒。

def resampleData():
    results = 
    for idx,thisIDIndex in df.groupby('client_id').groups.items():
        df_id = df.loc[thisIDIndex]
        df_id_sel = df_id[['seen_time','location_x','location_y']] # only the stuff I really need. 
        df_id_sel = df_id_sel.set_index('seen_time')
        df_id_sel_resampled_mean = df_id_sel.resample('5T').mean()
        df_id_sel_resampled_max = df_id_sel.resample('5T').max()
        df_id_sel_resampled_min = df_id_sel.resample('5T').min()
        df_id_sel_resampled_median= df_id_sel.resample('5T').median()

        df_id_sel_resampled_mean = df_id_sel_resampled_mean.rename(columns='location_x':'x_mean', 'location_y':'y_mean')
        df_id_sel_resampled_max = df_id_sel_resampled_max.rename(columns='location_x':'x_max', 'location_y':'y_max')
        df_id_sel_resampled_min = df_id_sel_resampled_min.rename(columns='location_x':'x_min', 'location_y':'y_min')
        df_id_sel_resampled_median = df_id_sel_resampled_median.rename(columns='location_x':'x_med', 'location_y':'y_med')
        DF = pd.concat([df_id_sel_resampled_min, df_id_sel_resampled_max,df_id_sel_resampled_mean, df_id_sel_resampled_median], axis=1, sort=False)
        #print('--- Index ' + idx + ' done ')
        results[idx] = DF
    # end loop over ids
    return results
#end of doStupidLoop

我现在只循环遍历 id,然后通过groupby 访问数据,正如所指出的那样。我还使用resample 来完成工作,而不是在时间轴上进行迭代。我可能可以进一步优化代码,但我现在对解决方案很满意,它仍然非常明确且易于理解和遵循。








如何在 pyspark 中加入带有熊猫数据框的配置单元表?