MVC Radiobutton 绑定复杂对象



【中文标题】MVC Radiobutton 绑定复杂对象【英文标题】:MVC Radiobutton binding complex object 【发布时间】:2011-10-02 02:38:54 【问题描述】:

我有 MVC3 Web 应用程序,我们需要在其中使用验证填充单选按钮列表。我的模型是这样的:

public class EmployeesViewModel

     public List<Employee> listEmployee  get; set;  //To persist during post
     public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectListEmployee  get; set; 

     public Employee selectedEmployee  get; set; 

public class Employee

  public int ID get; set;
  public string Name get; set
  public string Department get; set


Employee1ID - Employee1Name - Employee1Department // id - 姓名 - 部门 Employee2ID - Employee2Name - Employee2Department Employee3ID - Employee3Name - Employee3Department

选定的员工应存储在“selectedEmployee”字段中。在 MVC3 中填充这些单选按钮列表的最佳或干净的方法是什么?

注意:主要找两个任务: 1. 在每个“Input”单选按钮标签中存储“Employee”对象,以便将选中的员工保存到“selectedEmployee”字段中 2. 将“Employee”对象标记为必填字段的最佳方法






public class EmployeesViewModel

    public List<EmployeeViewModel> ListEmployee  get; set; 

    public int? SelectedEmployeeId  get; set; 

public class EmployeeViewModel

    public int ID  get; set; 
    public string Label  get; set; 


public class HomeController : Controller

    public ActionResult Index()
        var model = new EmployeesViewModel
            ListEmployee = GetEmployees()
        return View(model);

    public ActionResult Index(EmployeesViewModel model)
        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            // the model is invalid, the user didn't select an employee
            // => refetch the employee list from the repository and
            // redisplay the view so that he can fix the errors
            model.ListEmployee = GetEmployees();
            return View(model);

        // validation passed at this stage
        // TODO: model.SelectedEmployeeId will contain the id
        // of the selected employee => use your repository to fetch the
        // actual employee object and do something with it 
        // (like grant him the employee of the month prize :-))

        return Content("thanks for submitting", "text/plain");

    // TODO: This doesn't belong here obviously
    // it's only for demonstration purposes. In the real 
    // application you have a repository, use DI, ...
    private List<EmployeeViewModel> GetEmployees()
        return new[]
            new EmployeeViewModel  ID = 1, Label = "John (HR)" ,
            new EmployeeViewModel  ID = 2, Label = "Peter (IT)" ,
            new EmployeeViewModel  ID = 3, Label = "Nathalie (Sales)" ,


@model EmployeesViewModel

@using (html.BeginForm())

    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.SelectedEmployeeId)
    @foreach (var employee in Model.ListEmployee)
            @Html.RadioButtonFor(x => x.SelectedEmployeeId, employee.ID, new  id = "emp" + employee.ID )
            @Html.Label("emp" + employee.ID, employee.Label)
    <input type="submit" value="OK" />


谢谢达林!该视图模型确实可以达到目的! 期待您的更多想法。假设我的“员工”表中有复合键怎么办? (就像“ID”和“部门”一起形成复合键)在这种情况下,我需要传递 ID 和部门来获取我想要的真实对象。最好的方法是什么? @matmat,单选按钮只发送一个值,因此在这种情况下使用复合键没有意义。您可以使用数据库的唯一主键。作为替代方案,您可以将 ID 属性设置为ID_DEPT 形式的字符串,当表单被回发并获取两个值时,您可以在控制器中拆分它并获取两个值,但这似乎很骇人听闻。唯一的主键是一种更好的方法。

以上是关于MVC Radiobutton 绑定复杂对象的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

DataGrid 创建 RadioButton 列




radioButton& listBox&numericUpDown 操作
