iOS 使用 NSDictionary 将数据加载到部分和行中



【中文标题】iOS 使用 NSDictionary 将数据加载到部分和行中【英文标题】:iOS Using NSDictionary to load data into section and rows 【发布时间】:2012-07-26 16:37:20 【问题描述】:

我希望在行中显示以日期作为部分标题和书名的表格部分。我完全不知道如何使用 NSDictionary 将数据加载到部分和行中。因此我的代码都搞砸了:(谁能提供一些帮助,以一些示例代码作为指导?我的 NSMutableArray 如下:

        BIBNo = 187882;
        date = "14/08/2012";
        itemSequence = 000010;
        name = "Increasing confidence / Philippa Davies.";
        noOfRenewal = 0;
        number = 000187907;
        status = "Normal Loan";
        time = "24:00";
        type = Loans;
        BIBNo = 291054;
        date = "14/08/2012";
        itemSequence = 000010;
        name = "iPhone application development for ios 4 / Duncan Campbell.";
        noOfRenewal = 2;
        number = 000291054;
        status = "Normal Loan";
        time = "24:00";
        type = Loans;
        BIBNo = 244441;
        date = "15/08/2012";
        itemSequence = 000010;
        name = "Coach : lessons on the game of life / Michael Lewis.";
        noOfRenewal = 1;
        number = 000244441;
        status = "Normal Loan";
        time = "24:00";
        type = Loans;
        BIBNo = 290408;
        date = "15/08/2012";
        itemSequence = 000010;
        name = "Sams teach yourself iPhone application development in 24 hours / John Ray.";
        noOfRenewal = 3;
        number = 000290408;
        status = "Normal Loan";
        time = "24:00";
        type = Loans;
        BIBNo = 161816;
        date = "16/08/2012";
        itemSequence = 000010;
        name = "Malaysian Q & As / compiled by Survey & Interview Department ; illustrations by Exodus.";
        noOfRenewal = 1;
        number = 000161817;
        status = "Normal Loan";
        time = "24:00";
        type = Loans;
        BIBNo = 187883;
        date = "16/08/2012";
        itemSequence = 000010;
        name = "Positive thinking / Susan Quilliam.";
        noOfRenewal = 3;
        number = 000187899;
        status = "Normal Loan";
        time = "24:00";
        type = Loans;

我实际上如何将对象重新添加到 NSDictionary 中,以便将具有相同日期的对象存储在一起以在该部分中显示为行?请给我一些建议谢谢! T_T




NSMutableDictionary *dataSource = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // This would need to be an ivar

for (NSDictionary *rawItem in rawItems) 
    NSString *date = [rawItem objectForKey:@"date"]; // Store in the dictionary using the data as the key

    NSMutableArray *section = [dataSource objectForKey:date]; // Grab the section that corresponds to the date

    if (!section)  // If there is no section then create one and add it to the dataSource
        section = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
        [dataSource setObject:section forKey:date];

    [section addObject:rawItem]; // add your object

self.dataSource = dataSource;


NSArray *sections =[[self.dataSource allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)];
return [sections objectAtIndexPath:indexPath.section];


NSString *sectionTitle = // get the section title calling the above code
NSArray *items = [self.dataSource objectForKey:sectionTitle];

return [items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];


非常感谢!我使用您的代码作为指导并进行了一些编辑,它完全符合我的要求!!!非常感谢!! :D 对不起,我有一个问题.. UI 结果很好,但是当我为书做续订按钮时,我注意到虽然书是按日期排序的,但按钮是被回收,我不知道如何为续订按钮设置标签。有什么建议吗?:) 你最好的选择是问另一个问题或环顾四周 - 我相信有很多与细胞重用有关的答案【参考方案2】:
 - Dictionary of sections by date
   --- array of row objects for the date1
  |    |
  |     --- row dictionary with the data to display
  |    |
  |     --- row dictionary with the data to display
  |    |
  |     --- row dictionary with the data to display
  |    |
  |     --- row dictionary with the data to display
   --- array of row objects for the date2
  |    |
  |     --- row dictionary with the data to display
  |    |
  |     --- row dictionary with the data to display
  |    |
  |     --- row dictionary with the data to display
   --- array of row objects for the date3
        --- row dictionary with the data to display
        --- row dictionary with the data to display
        --- row dictionary with the data to display
        --- row dictionary with the data to display
        --- row dictionary with the data to display


谢谢!它帮助我更好地理解 NSDictionary 在做什么!非常感谢! :)【参考方案3】:

简而言之,您不能将对象重新添加到 NSDictionary。那是因为 NSDictionary 是不可变的。一旦它被创建,它的内容就不能被修改。你想要的是一个 NSMutableDictionary。

然后您可以使用 setObject:forKey: 方法。

[MyDict setObject:@"Normal Loan" forKey:@"status"];


哦.. 我知道这就是 NSDictionary 和 NSMutableDictionary 之间的区别。想知道为什么.. 感谢您的贡献:)【参考方案4】:

正如 A-Live 所说,您必须将数组排序到数组的可变字典中


在 TableView 控制器.h

@interface MyController:UITableViewController
   NSMutableArray* dict;
   NSMutableArray* array;

在 MyController.m 中

-(void)initWithBooksArray:(NSArray*)bookArray //Or something similar

    self = [[super alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStylePlain];
       dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
       array= [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

       NSMutableArray* sectionArray;
       for(NSDictionary* bookDict in bookArray)

          date = [bookDict valueForKey:@"date"];
          sectionArray = [dict valueForKey:date];
             [sectionArray addObject:bookDict];
             sectionArray = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:bookDict];
             [dict addObject:sectionArray forKey:date];
       array = [[dict allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)];

    return self;

-(NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
   return [dict count];

-(NSInterger)tableView:(UITableView*)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section
   NSString* key = [array objectAtIndex:section];
   return [[dict objectForKey:key]count];

- (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section
   return [array objectAtIndex:section];


// I'll leave it to apple's documentation (or someone else) to fill in the blanks on how to create cells


感谢您的帮助! :) 但我使用了下面的答案。一样的感谢:)

以上是关于iOS 使用 NSDictionary 将数据加载到部分和行中的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

将 NSDictionary 对象转换为对象

从列出的 Plist 加载 NSDictionary

如何在 iOS 中使用 NSDictionary 添加图像并使用 POST 方法将数组列表发送到服务器

在 Push for Segue [IOS] 中获取 NSDictionary 选定行

