当服务器关闭/崩溃时,Node JS 会自动重启所有永远的 JS 进程
【中文标题】当服务器关闭/崩溃时,Node JS 会自动重启所有永远的 JS 进程【英文标题】:Node JS auto restart all forever JS process when server goes down / crashes 【发布时间】:2016-09-08 21:20:13 【问题描述】:我正在使用 forever js 来保持我的节点服务器在 AWS EC2 上 24/7 全天候运行。
forever start index.js
但是,我注意到有时它会随机停止该过程并且我的网站出现故障。我必须手动 ssh 到我的服务器才能再次运行它:
forever restartall
然后它会进行备份。有什么方法可以定义超时,假设服务器/网站在 5 秒内没有响应 200 秒,然后自动重新启动所有永久进程?
如果这是一台 *NIX 机器,那么您可以简单地定义一个在 cron 作业上运行的 shell 脚本来检查进程的状态并在必要时重新启动。 Automatically start forever (node) on system restart的可能重复 @EvanBechtol 它在 AWS EC2 t2.micro linux ubuntu 上。我对此完全陌生,您能否提供代码示例如何以及在何处定义和运行 shell 脚本?谢谢,我会把它标记为最佳答案:) @Fizan 当然,我今天会发布一个示例。抱歉耽搁了 检查已经存在的答案***.com/questions/13385029/… 【参考方案1】:我建议使用PM2
易于设置和运行。 如果您的应用程序崩溃,PM2 会自动重启。 PM2 将记录您未处理的异常 - 在这种情况下,在/home/safeuser/.pm2/logs/app-err.log
通过一个命令,PM2 可以确保它管理的任何应用程序在服务器重新启动时重新启动。基本上意味着您的节点应用程序将作为服务启动。
ed 的 500 错误并停止服务器,然后您将不得不重新启动它。
是一个 npm 包,可在代码更改或服务器停止时重新启动服务器。
forever start nodemon --exitcrash app.js
forever start -c nodemon app.js
Forever 现在似乎包含了观看。使用'forever -o out.log -e err.log -w app.js'【参考方案3】:所以这是一个使用cron
运行脚本的例子,这些脚本可以重新启动服务/执行一些自动化任务。基本上,我创建了一些我需要在我的服务器上以特定时间间隔运行的脚本。对于您的情况,您想要创建一个脚本,该脚本将自动检查您的 forever.js 的状态,如果它返回错误的响应,请运行您上面提到的 forever restartall
您可以在服务器上通过creating a new crontab entry 进行设置。就脚本而言,我绝不是 bash 脚本专家。我制作了一个适合我的简单脚本。这是一个检查我机器上的服务的示例,如果它没有运行则重新启动它。
zabbix_server="service zabbix-server"
zabbix_agent="service zabbix-agent"
grep_agent ()
local retval=$(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep zabbix_agentd | wc -l)
echo $retval
grep_server ()
local retval=$(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep zabbix_server | wc -l)
echo $retval
check_zabbix_agentd ()
if (( $(grep_agent) <= 0 ))
sudo /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent start
echo `date` "$zabbix_agent was stopped... Restarting" >> $logfilePath
echo "************************************************" >> $logfilePath
#Send email to notify that the script ran
echo "$(date) $zabbix_agent was restarted from zabbix_restart.sh" | mutt -s "Zabbix Auto-restart Script Just Ran" <my-email>
let zabbix_agent_running=1
check_zabbix_server ()
if (( $(grep_server) <= 0 ))
sudo /etc/init.d/zabbix-server start
echo `date` "$zabbix_server was stopped... Restarting" >> $logfilePath
echo "************************************************" >> $logfilePath
#Send email to notify that the script ran
echo "$(date) $zabbix_server was restarted from zabbix_restart.sh" | mutt -s "Zabbix Auto-restart Script Just Ran" evan.bechtol@ericsson.com
let zabbix_server_running=1
main_loop ()
until ((zabbix_server_running == 1 && zabbix_agent_running == 1));
sleep 1.5
【参考方案4】:您是否考虑过 pm2 作为替代方案。 pm2 有一些非常简洁的功能,例如:
运行集群 一一重启集群中的实例(零停机部署) 资源监控(显示实时 CPU 和内存使用情况) 使用 cli 管理所有 pm2 进程您也可以通过添加--restart-delay <delay>
pm2 --help
Looking for a complete monitoring and management tool for PM2?
_ _ _ _
| | _____ _ _ _ __ ___ ___| |_ _ __(_) ___ ___ (_) ___
| |/ / _ \ | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __| '__| |/ __/ __| | |/ _ \
| < __/ |_| | | | | | | __/ |_| | | | (__\__ \_| | (_) |
|_|\_\___|\__, |_| |_| |_|\___|\__|_| |_|\___|___(_)_|\___/
- Real Time Dashboard
- CPU/Memory monitoring
- HTTP monitoring
- Event notification
- Custom value monitoring
- Real Time log display
[PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon
[PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized
Usage: pm2 [cmd] app
start [options] <file|json|stdin|app_name|pm_id...> start and daemonize an app
deploy <file|environment> deploy your json
startOrRestart <json> start or restart JSON file
startOrReload <json> start or gracefully reload JSON file
startOrGracefulReload <json> start or gracefully reload JSON file
stop [options] <id|name|all|json|stdin...> stop a process (to start it again, do pm2 restart <app>)
restart [options] <id|name|all|json|stdin...> restart a process
scale <app_name> <number> scale up/down a process in cluster mode depending on total_number param
reload <name|all> reload processes (note that its for app using HTTP/HTTPS)
gracefulReload <name|all> gracefully reload a process. Send a "shutdown" message to close all connections.
id <name> get process id by name
delete <name|id|script|all|json|stdin...> stop and delete a process from pm2 process list
sendSignal <signal> <pm2_id|name> send a system signal to the target process
ping ping pm2 daemon - if not up it will launch it
updatePM2 update in-memory PM2 with local PM2
update (alias) update in-memory PM2 with local PM2
install|module:install <module|git:/> install or update a module and run it forever
module:update <module|git:/> update a module and run it forever
module:generate [app_name] Generate a sample module in current folder
uninstall|module:uninstall <module> stop and uninstall a module
publish|module:publish Publish the module you are currently on
set <key> <value> sets the specified config <key> <value>
multiset <value> multiset eg "key1 val1 key2 val2
get [key] get value for <key>
conf [key] [value] get / set module config values
config <key> [value] get / set module config values
unset <key> clears the specified config <key>
interact [options] [secret_key|command] [public_key] [machine_name] linking action to keymetrics.io - command can be stop|info|delete|restart
link [options] [secret_key|command] [public_key] [machine_name] linking action to keymetrics.io - command can be stop|info|delete|restart
web launch a health API on port 9615
dump dump all processes for resurrecting them later
save (alias) dump all processes for resurrecting them later
resurrect resurrect previously dumped processes
startup [platform] auto resurrect process at startup. [platform] = ubuntu, centos, redhat, gentoo, systemd, darwin, amazon
logrotate copy default logrotate configuration
generate generate an ecosystem.json configuration file
ecosystem generate an ecosystem.json configuration file
reset <name|id|all> reset counters for process
describe <id> describe all parameters of a process id
desc <id> (alias) describe all parameters of a process id
info <id> (alias) describe all parameters of a process id
show <id> (alias) describe all parameters of a process id
list list all processes
ls (alias) list all processes
l (alias) list all processes
status (alias) list all processes
jlist list all processes in JSON format
prettylist print json in a prettified JSON
monit launch termcaps monitoring
m (alias) launch termcaps monitoring
flush flush logs
reloadLogs reload all logs
logs [options] [id|name] stream logs file. Default stream all logs
kill kill daemon
pull <name> [commit_id] updates repository for a given app
forward <name> updates repository to the next commit for a given app
backward <name> downgrades repository to the previous commit for a given app
gc force PM2 to trigger garbage collection
deepUpdate performs a deep update of PM2
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-v --version get version
-s --silent hide all messages
-m --mini-list display a compacted list without formatting
-f --force force actions
-n --name <name> set a <name> for script
-i --instances <number> launch [number] instances (for networked app)(load balanced)
-l --log [path] specify entire log file (error and out are both included)
-o --output <path> specify out log file
-e --error <path> specify error log file
-p --pid <pid> specify pid file
-k --kill-timeout <delay> delay before sending final SIGKILL signal to process
--max-memory-restart <memory> specify max memory amount used to autorestart (in megaoctets)
--restart-delay <delay> specify a delay between restarts (in milliseconds)
--env <environment_name> specify environment to get specific env variables (for JSON declaration)
-x --execute-command execute a program using fork system
-u --user <username> define user when generating startup script
--hp <home path> define home path when generating startup script
-c --cron <cron_pattern> restart a running process based on a cron pattern
-w --write write configuration in local folder
--interpreter <interpreter> the interpreter pm2 should use for executing app (bash, python...)
--interpreter-args <arguments> interpret options (alias of --node-args)
--log-date-format <momentjs format> add custom prefix timestamp to logs
--no-daemon run pm2 daemon in the foreground if it doesn't exist already
--skip-env do not refresh environmnent on restart/reload
--source-map-support force source map support
--only <application-name> with json declaration, allow to only act on one application
--disable-source-map-support force source map support
--merge-logs merge logs from different instances but keep error and out separated
--watch [paths] watch application folder for changes
--ignore-watch <folders|files> folder/files to be ignored watching, chould be a specific name or regex - e.g. --ignore-watch="test node_modules "some scripts""
--node-args <node_args> space delimited arguments to pass to node in cluster mode - e.g. --node-args="--debug=7001 --trace-deprecation"
--no-color skip colors
--no-vizion start an app without vizion feature (versioning control)
--no-autorestart start an app without automatic restart
--no-treekill Only kill the main process, not detached children
--no-pmx start an app without pmx
--no-automation start an app without pmx
Basic Examples:
Start an app using all CPUs available + set a name :
$ pm2 start app.js -i 0 --name "api"
Restart the previous app launched, by name :
$ pm2 restart api
Stop the app :
$ pm2 stop api
Restart the app that is stopped :
$ pm2 restart api
Remove the app from the process list :
$ pm2 delete api
Kill daemon pm2 :
$ pm2 kill
Update pm2 :
$ npm install pm2@latest -g ; pm2 update
More examples in https://github.com/Unitech/pm2#usagefeatures
Deployment help:
$ pm2 deploy help
在早些时候调查此问题时,我读到了有关永远存在的几个问题。 PM2 是我的选择,尽管使用了几个月,但我没有任何理由抱怨。【参考方案5】:想通了。问题是由于我的 EC2 实例中可用的 RAM 较少。我将 RAM 升级到 2 GB,到目前为止还没有遇到过崩溃。
虽然这是您问题的答案,但它并不是问题的真正答案。将来您可能会再次遇到这个问题,因为负载更大,而垂直扩展通常不是答案。 您真的应该按照我上面的回答检查 pm2。您可以使用pm2 monit <yourapplication>
同时检查 pm2 选项,如果进程使用了某些内存,则通过在进程中自动重启来防止内存泄漏问题。 --max-memory-restart
这个视频是一个很棒的节点部署系列的一部分,最终在 UNIX 服务器上使用了一项服务......也许它可以帮助你。顺便说一句,这四个视频都值得一看…… Youtube-Link
以上是关于当服务器关闭/崩溃时,Node JS 会自动重启所有永远的 JS 进程的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章