MSVC 12: compiler error in boost/type_traits/common_type.hpp

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了MSVC 12: compiler error in boost/type_traits/common_type.hpp相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


MSVC 12: compiler error in boost/type_traits/common_type.hpp(42)

Reported by: sk.aquileia@… Owned by: John Maddock
Milestone:   Component: type_traits
Version: Boost 1.60.0 Severity: Problem
Keywords:   Cc:  


Visual Studio 2013 fails to build Boost 1.60, whereas 1.58 is built correctly. When built with Visual Studio 2008, 1.60 doesn\'t show this issue.

Command line:

.\\b2 --with-thread --toolset=msvc-12.0


.\\boost/type_traits/common_type.hpp(42) : fatal error C1001: Interner Compilerfehler.
(Compilerdatei \'msc1.cpp\', Zeile 1325)

This regression was likely introduced in commit Make common_type SFINAE-friendly, add tests

full error message for one of the files:

compile-c-c++ bin.v2\\libs\\chrono\\build\\msvc-12.0\\debug\\link-static\\threading-multi\\chrono.obj
C:\\GitHub\\external\\_lib\\boost_1_60_0\\boost/type_traits/common_type.hpp(42) : fatal error C1001: Interner Compilerfehler.
(Compilerdatei \'msc1.cpp\', Zeile 1325)
 Vereinfachen oder ändern Sie das Programm im Umfeld der oben aufgeführten Positionen. Wählen Sie im Menü "Hilfe" von Visual C++ den Befehl "Technischer Support", oder öffnen Sie die Hilfedatei des technischen Supports, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.
Interner Compilerfehler in C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\\VC\\BIN\\cl.exe. Sie werden aufgefordert, später einen Fehlerbericht an Microsoft zu senden.

    call "C:\\Users\\SEBAST~2\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\b2_msvc_12.0_vcvarsall_x86.cmd" > nul
cl /Zm800 -nologo @"bin.v2\\libs\\chrono\\build\\msvc-12.0\\debug\\link-static\\threading-multi\\chrono.obj.rsp"

...failed compile-c-c++ bin.v2\\libs\\chrono\\build\\msvc-12.0\\debug\\link-static\\threading-multi\\chrono.obj...

Change History (6)

comment:1Changed 2 years ago by John Maddock

I\'m unable to reproduce: the tests for both chrono and type_traits all build OK for me (other than some unrelated and expected type_traits failures) with msvc-10,11,12 and 14 and both Git develop and 1.60 release. This is with fully up to date / patched versions of Visual Studio though: is it possible your vc12 install is not patched with the latest updates?

comment:2Changed 2 years ago by sk.aquileia@…

Milestone: To Be Determined

It was indeed fixed by Update 5, sorry that I didn\'t check for patches before reporting it - I had just assumed Microsoft wouldn\'t publish major patches 2 years after release.

comment:3Changed 2 years ago by John Maddock

Resolution: → worksforme
Status: new → closed

comment:4Changed 2 years ago by anonymous

I hit the same issue with boost-1.60; I\'m on "Update 3 of Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Desktop". As I had boost-1.55 downloaded, and didn\'t need the latest version, I\'ve switched to using that, and the problem has gone away.

comment:5Changed 2 years ago by anonymous

the same problem and couldn\'t fixed unless switched to old versionso sad

comment:6Changed 2 years ago by anonymous

Don\'t you guys ever run Microsoft update? Seriously, update your VC12 install to update 5 and the issue goes away.



我用的是boost_1_67_0_b1_rc2, 也遇到了同样的编译错误,根据这篇文章的说法, 到这个网址上:

点击Download the latest Visual Studio 2013 update package now这个链接.





下载了Update4, 先用着看看吧. 


我下载了VS2013 Update 4,总是装不上,也找不到VS2013 Update5. 


于是在项目上定义BOOST_NO_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES这个宏. 再次编译,就通过了.


以上是关于MSVC 12: compiler error in boost/type_traits/common_type.hpp的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

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