Posted 李雷
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <script src="../dist/threebox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- <script src="threebox.js" type="text/javascript"></script> --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://minedata.cn/minemapapi/v1.3/minemap.css"> <style> *{ margin:0; padding:0; } body,html{ height:100%; } #container,#map,#deck-layer{ height:100%; } #deck-layer{ position:absolute; top:0; left:0; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="container"> <div id="map"></div> </div> <script src="https://minedata.cn/minemapapi/v1.3/minemap.js"></script> <script src="jingxihua3.js"></script> <script> minemap.accessToken = \'449ba822788c46bea9f90dfba48e5269\'; minemap.solution = \'4013\'; const map = new minemap.Map({ container: \'map\', style: \'http://minedata.cn/service/solu/style/id/4013\', zoom: 19, maxZoom: 23, center: [116.244421,40.073263], pitch: 60 //bearing: 140, // hash: true }); //map.dragRotate.disable(); //map.touchZoomRotate.disableRotation(); map.on("load", function() { map.setLayerZoomRange(\'96b6f495ae0d4bd78a1617d5afc58d9b\',\'maxzoom\',24) window.threebox = new Threebox(map); threebox.setupDefaultLights(); var source = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [ { type: "Feature", properties: { model: "new_scene","size":1 }, geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [116.245263,40.066957,-35] } } ] }; var symbols = threebox.addSymbolLayer({ id: "scale", source: source, // You can also specify a URL or relative path such as "data/points.geojson", modelName: {property: \'model\'}, // will look for an .obj and .mtl file with this name modelDirectory: "models/", // in this directory //rotation: { generator: feature => (new THREE.Euler(Math.PI / 2, Math.PI, 0, "ZXY")) }, //scale: { property: \'size\' }, scale: [1,1,1], rotation: { generator: feature => (new THREE.Euler(Math.PI / 2, 0, 90 * Math.PI / 180 + Math.PI / 2, "ZXY")) }, scaleWithMapProjection: true }); map.addLayer({ id: "arrow", type: \'fill\', \'source\': { \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.arrow}, paint: { \'fill-opacity\': 1, \'fill-color\': \'#fff\', }, layout: {} }) map.addLayer({ id: "zebracrossing", type: \'fill\', \'source\': { \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.zebracrossing}, paint: { \'fill-opacity\': 1, \'fill-color\': \'#ccc\', }, layout: {} }) map.addLayer( { id: "baise_xuxian", type: \'line\', source:{ \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.baise_xuxian }, paint: { \'line-opacity\': 1, \'line-color\': \'#dddddd\', \'line-width\': 3, "line-dasharray": [20,20] }, layout: { \'line-cap\': \'round\', } }) map.addLayer( { id: "baise_shuangshixian", type: \'line\', source:{ \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.baise_shuangshixian }, paint: { \'line-opacity\': 1, \'line-color\': \'#dddddd\', \'line-width\': 2 , \'line-gap-width\': 2 }, layout: { \'line-cap\': \'round\', } }) map.addLayer( { id: "huangse_xuxian", type: \'line\', source:{ \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.huangse_xuxian }, paint: { \'line-opacity\': 1, \'line-color\': \'#ebb505\', \'line-width\': 3, "line-dasharray": [20,20] }, layout: { \'line-cap\': \'round\', } }) map.addLayer( { id: "huangse_shuangshixian", type: \'line\', source:{ \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.huangse_shuangshixian }, paint: { \'line-opacity\': 1, \'line-color\': \'#ebb505\', \'line-width\': 2 , \'line-gap-width\': 2 }, layout: { \'line-cap\': \'round\', } }) map.addLayer( { id: "isolation_belt", type: \'fill\', source:{ \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.isolation_belt }, paint: { \'fill-opacity\': 0.55, \'fill-color\': \'#8deb89\', }, layout: {} }) map.addLayer( { id: "trafficisland", type: \'extrusion\', source:{ \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.trafficisland }, paint: { \'extrusion-opacity\': 0.5, \'extrusion-color\': \'#dcd9e6\', \'extrusion-height\': 0.5, }, layout: {} }) map.addLayer( { id: "stopline", type: \'line\', source:{ \'type\': \'geojson\', \'data\': jxh.stopline }, paint: { \'line-opacity\': 1, \'line-color\': \'#dddddd\', \'line-width\': 6 }, layout: { \'line-cap\': \'round\', } }) }); map.on(\'mousemove\', function (e) { //console.log(e.lngLat) }); </script> </body> </html>