Posted 炼狱腾蛇

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ http://code.activestate.com/recipes/131499-observer-pattern/ *TL;DR80 Maintains a list of dependents and notifies them of any state changes. """ from __future__ import print_function class Subject(object): def __init__(self): self._observers = [] def attach(self, observer): if observer not in self._observers: self._observers.append(observer) def detach(self, observer): try: self._observers.remove(observer) except ValueError: pass def notify(self, modifier=None): for observer in self._observers: if modifier != observer: observer.update(self) # Example usage class Data(Subject): def __init__(self, name=‘‘): Subject.__init__(self) self.name = name self._data = 0 @property def data(self): return self._data @data.setter def data(self, value): self._data = value self.notify() class HexViewer: def update(self, subject): print(u‘HexViewer: Subject %s has data 0x%x‘ % (subject.name, subject.data)) class DecimalViewer: def update(self, subject): print(u‘DecimalViewer: Subject %s has data %d‘ % (subject.name, subject.data)) # Example usage... def main(): data1 = Data(‘Data 1‘) data2 = Data(‘Data 2‘) view1 = DecimalViewer() view2 = HexViewer() data1.attach(view1) data1.attach(view2) data2.attach(view2) data2.attach(view1) print(u"Setting Data 1 = 10") data1.data = 10 print(u"Setting Data 2 = 15") data2.data = 15 print(u"Setting Data 1 = 3") data1.data = 3 print(u"Setting Data 2 = 5") data2.data = 5 print(u"Detach HexViewer from data1 and data2.") data1.detach(view2) data2.detach(view2) print(u"Setting Data 1 = 10") data1.data = 10 print(u"Setting Data 2 = 15") data2.data = 15 if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main() ### OUTPUT ### # Setting Data 1 = 10 # DecimalViewer: Subject Data 1 has data 10 # HexViewer: Subject Data 1 has data 0xa # Setting Data 2 = 15 # HexViewer: Subject Data 2 has data 0xf # DecimalViewer: Subject Data 2 has data 15 # Setting Data 1 = 3 # DecimalViewer: Subject Data 1 has data 3 # HexViewer: Subject Data 1 has data 0x3 # Setting Data 2 = 5 # HexViewer: Subject Data 2 has data 0x5 # DecimalViewer: Subject Data 2 has data 5 # Detach HexViewer from data1 and data2. # Setting Data 1 = 10 # DecimalViewer: Subject Data 1 has data 10 # Setting Data 2 = 15 # DecimalViewer: Subject Data 2 has data 15
java设计模式行为模式Behavioral Pattern策略模式Strategy Pattern