Python学习之旅 —— 基础篇set集合函数文件操作
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Python学习之旅 —— 基础篇set集合函数文件操作相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
class set(object): """ 创建set集合 set() -> new empty set object 把可迭代的数据类型转换成元组 set(iterable) -> new set object Build an unordered collection of unique elements. """

>>> s1 = {11, 22, 33} >>> print(s1,type(s1)) {33, 11, 22} <class ‘set‘> >>> l1 = [2, 3, 4,] >>> s1 = set(l1) >>> print(l1,type(l1)) [2, 3, 4] <class ‘list‘> >>> print(s1,type(s1)) {2, 3, 4} <class ‘set‘>
# 向集合中增加元素,如果存在,不做任何操作。 def add(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Add an element to a set. This has no effect if the element is already present. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11, 22, 33} >>> s1.add(44) >>> print(s1) {33, 11, 44, 22}
# 清空集合中所有的元素 def clear(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove all elements from this set. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11, 22, 33} >>> print(s1) {33, 11, 22} >>> s1.clear() >>> print(s1) set()
# 浅复制一个集合 只拷贝第一层 def copy(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return a shallow copy of a set. """ pass # s1.difference(s2) 找到在s1中有,s2中没有的元素,并保存到一个新的集合 def difference(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the difference of two or more sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in this set but not the others.) """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,} >>> s2 = {22,33,44,} >>> s3 = s1.difference(s2) >>> print("%s \\n%s \\n%s" % (s1,s2,s3)) {33, 11, 22} {33, 44, 22} {11}
# s1.difference(s2) 找到在s1中有,s2中没有的元素,把结果更新到s1中 def difference_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove all elements of another set from this set. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,} >>> s2 = {22,33,44,} >>> s1.difference_update(s2) >>> print("%s \\n%s" % (s1,s2)) {11} {33, 44, 22}
# s1.intersection(s2) 找到即在集合s1中,又在集合s2中的元素,并把结果保存到一个新的集合里。 def intersection(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the intersection of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in both sets.) """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,} >>> s2 = {22,33,44,} >>> s3 = s1.intersection(s2) >>> print("%s \\n%s \\n%s" % (s1,s2,s3)) {33, 11, 22} {33, 44, 22} {33, 22}
# s1.intersection(s2) 找到即在集合s1中,又在集合s2中的元素,并把结果更新到s1中 def intersection_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Update a set with the intersection of itself and another. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,} >>> s2 = {22,33,44,} >>> s1.intersection_update(s2) >>> print("%s \\n%s" % (s1,s2)) {33, 22} {33, 44, 22}
# 判断两个集合是否有交接,没有交集时返回True,有交集时返回False
def isdisjoint(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return True if two sets have a null intersection. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,} >>> s2 = {22,33,44,} >>> s3 = {1,2,3,} >>> s1.isdisjoint(s2) False >>> s1.isdisjoint(s3) True
# s1.issubset(s2) 判断s1是不是s2的子集
def issubset(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Report whether another set contains this set. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,} >>> s2 = {11,22,33,44,} >>> s3 = {22,33,} >>> s1.issubset(s2) True >>> s1.issubset(s3) False
# s1.issuperset(s2) 判断s1是不是s2的父集 def issuperset(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Report whether this set contains another set. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,44,55} >>> s1 = {11,22,33,44,55,} >>> s2 = {22,33,55,} >>> s3 = {44,33,66,} >>> s1.issuperset(s2) True >>> s1.issuperset(s3) False
# 任意删除并返回一个元素 def pop(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove and return an arbitrary set element. Raises KeyError if the set is empty. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,44,55,} >>> s1.pop() 33
# 删除指定的一个元素,这个元素必须在集合中,否则报错。区别于discard() def remove(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove an element from a set; it must be a member. If the element is not a member, raise a KeyError. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,} >>> s1.remove(11) >>> print(s1) {33, 22} >>> s1.remove(44) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> KeyError: 44
# 删除指定的一个元素,如果元素不存在不报错。可以起到判断元素是否在集合中时,代码不报错的作用。 def discard(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove an element from a set if it is a member. If the element is not a member, do nothing. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,} >>> s1.discard(11) >>> print(s1) {33, 22} >>> s1.discard(44) # 44 不在s1中,操作时不报错 >>> print(s1) {33, 22}
# 相当于取两个集合的并集,再把他俩的交集删掉。返回这个新集合。 def symmetric_difference(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.) """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,44,} >>> s2 = {22,44,55,66} >>> s3 = s1.symmetric_difference(s2) >>> print("%s \\n%s \\n%s" % (s1,s2,s3)) {33, 11, 44, 22} {66, 44, 22, 55} {33, 66, 11, 55}
# s1.symmetric_difference_update(s2) 相当于取s1,s2两个集合的并集,再把他俩的交集删掉。结果赋值给s1 def symmetric_difference_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,44,} >>> s2 = {22,44,55,66} >>> s1.symmetric_difference_update(s2) >>> print("%s \\n%s" % (s1,s2)) {33, 66, 11, 55} {66, 44, 22, 55}
# 取两个集合的并集,结果返回到一个新集合中。 def union(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the union of sets as a new set. (i.e. all elements that are in either set.) """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,44,} >>> s2 = {22,44,55,66} >>> s3 = s1.union(s2) >>> print("%s \\n%s \\n%s" % (s1,s2,s3)) {33, 11, 44, 22} {66, 44, 22, 55} {33, 66, 11, 44, 22, 55}
# s1.update(s2) 去两个集合的并集,将结果赋值给s1 def update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Update a set with the union of itself and others. """ pass

>>> s1 = {11,22,33,44,} >>> s2 = {22,44,55,66} >>> s1.update(s2) >>> print("%s \\n%s" % (s1,s2)) {33, 66, 11, 44, 22, 55} {66, 44, 22, 55}

# 使用函数前,是面向过程变成,更具逻辑从上到下一行一行执行。 while True: if cpu利用率 > 90%: #发送邮件提醒 连接邮箱服务器 发送邮件 关闭连接 if 硬盘使用空间 > 90%: #发送邮件提醒 连接邮箱服务器 发送邮件 关闭连接 if 内存占用 > 80%: #发送邮件提醒 连接邮箱服务器 发送邮件 关闭连接

# 使用函数后,就变成函数式,面向对象编程 def 发送邮件(内容) #发送邮件提醒 连接邮箱服务器 发送邮件 关闭连接 while True: if cpu利用率 > 90%: 发送邮件(‘CPU报警‘) if 硬盘使用空间 > 90%: 发送邮件(‘硬盘报警‘) if 内存占用 > 80%: 发送邮件(‘内存报警‘)

def sendmail(): import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formataddr msg = MIMEText(‘邮件内容‘, ‘plain‘, ‘utf-8‘) msg[‘From‘] = formataddr(["武沛齐", ‘[email protected]‘]) msg[‘To‘] = formataddr(["走人", ‘[email protected]‘]) msg[‘Subject‘] = "主题" server = smtplib.SMTP("", 25) server.login("[email protected]", "WW.3945.5") server.sendmail(‘[email protected]‘, [‘[email protected]‘, ], msg.as_string()) server.quit() sendmail()
示例1中,实现了给[email protected]发用邮件的功能。但是如果我想要给不同的收件人发邮件,就要写好多个函数,起不到复用代码的效果。因此加上参数。

def sendmail(user_email): # user_email 叫做函数sendmail的形式参数,简称形参 import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import formataddr msg = MIMEText(‘邮件内容‘, ‘plain‘, ‘utf-8‘) msg[‘From‘] = formataddr(["武沛齐", ‘[email protected]‘]) msg[‘To‘] = formataddr(["走人", ‘[email protected]‘]) msg[‘Subject‘] = "主题" server = smtplib.SMTP("", 25) server.login("[email protected]", "WW.3945.5") server.sendmail(‘[email protected]‘, [user_email, ], msg.as_string()) server.quit() sendmail("[email protected]”) # [email protected]叫做sendmail的实际参数,调用sendmail函数时把这个参数传递给函数来执行。叫做实际参数,简称实参 sendmail(“[email protected]") sendmail(“[email protected]")

def login(username, password): """ 用于用户登陆 :param username: 用户输入的用户名 :param password: 用户输入的密码 :return: True,登陆成功;False,登录失败 """ with open("db", "r") as f: for i in f: user_pwd_list = i.strip().split(",") if username == user_pwd_list[0] and password == user_pwd_list[1]: return True return False def register(username, password): """ 用于用户注册 :param username: 用户输入的用户名 :param password: 用户输入的密码 :return: None """ item = "\\n{username},{password}".format(username=username, password=password) with open("db", "a") as f: f.write(item) print("注册成功") def main(): """ 用于程序执行的入口 :return: 默认返回None """ choice = input("[1:登陆],[2:注册],请输入数字编号:") user = input("请输入用户名:") pwd = input("请输入密码:") if choice == "1": t = login(user, pwd) # 函数的return返回值赋值给t if t is True: print("登陆成功") else: print("登陆失败") elif choice == "2": register(user, pwd) main()

# 普通参数 def send(email, user, msg): print(‘发送成功‘, email, user, msg) return True res = send("[email protected]", "Pesen", "发送成功”) # 传递实参时,要按照形参指定的顺序来填写,否则使用了错误的参数,程序很有可能会出现错误。 if res is True: print("发送成功") else: print("发送失败") # 默认参数(默认参数必须放到最后定义,否则会报错) def send(email, user=“Pesen", msg="发送成功”): # 给user、msg两个形参指定默认值 print(‘发送成功‘, email, user, msg) return True res = send("[email protected]”) # 不给send函数传递user,msg的实参,会使用默认值 if res is True: print("发送成功") else: print("发送失败") # 指定参数:可以打破实参传递的顺序 def send2(email, user, msg): print("邮件信息:", email, user, msg) send2(user="Pesen", msg="OK", email="[email protected]") # 动态参数