Posted Ryan.zheng
// 向文章编辑器的Visual区添加自定义按钮,js文件存放在wp-content/themes/drivereasy/js/文件夹下 from Ryan 2018/05/02 add_action(\'admin_head\', \'my_custom_mce_button_2\'); function my_custom_mce_button_2() { if ( !current_user_can( \'edit_posts\' ) && !current_user_can( \'edit_pages\' ) ) { return; } if ( \'true\' == get_user_option( \'rich_editing\' ) ) { add_filter( \'mce_external_plugins\', \'my_custom_tinymce_plugin_2\' ); add_filter( \'mce_buttons\', \'my_register_mce_button_2\' ); } } function my_custom_tinymce_plugin_2( $plugin_array ) { $plugin_array[\'my_mce_button_2\'] = get_template_directory_uri() . \'/js/mce-button.js\'; return $plugin_array; } function my_register_mce_button_2( $buttons ) { array_push( $buttons, \'my_mce_button_2\' ); return $buttons; }
这里需要注意 $plugin_array[\'my_mce_button_2\'] 里面的my_mce_button_2必须与mce-button.js文件中的
editor.addButton(\'my_mce_button_2\', object) 第一个参数保持一致。
(function() { tinymce.PluginManager.add(\'my_mce_button\', function( editor, url ) { editor.addButton( \'my_mce_button\', { icon: \'wp_code\', type: \'menubutton\', menu: [ { text: \'H\', onclick: function() { editor.windowManager.open( { title: \'H\', minWidth : 700, body: [ { type: \'listbox\', name: \'titlewrap\', label: \'Choose a H type\', values: [ {text: \'h2\', value: \'h2\'}, {text: \'h3\', value: \'h3\'}, {text: \'h4\', value: \'h4\'}, {text: \'h5\', value: \'h5\'}, {text: \'h6\', value: \'h6\'} ] }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'titlecontent\', label: \'Enter the content\', value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}), //?????? multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'title_description\', label: \'Enter the description\', multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 } ], onsubmit: function( e ) { var title_description = e.data.title_description.replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'); var titlecontent = e.data.titlecontent.replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'); titlecontent = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(titlecontent); title_description = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(title_description); var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? \' \' : \'\'); editor.insertContent(sp + \'<\' + e.data.titlewrap + \' data-animal-type=\'+ title_description +\' >\' + e.data.titlecontent + \'</\'+e.data.titlewrap+\'>\' ); } }); } }, { text: \'Note type\', onclick: function() { editor.windowManager.open( { title: \'Note type\', minWidth : 700, body: [ { type: \'listbox\', name: \'titlewrap\', label: \'Choose a type\', values: [ {text: \'Infomation\', value: \'note info\'}, {text: \'Question\', value: \'note question\'}, {text: \'Notification\', value: \'note notification\'}, {text: \'Warning\', value: \'note warning\'}, {text: \'Error\', value: \'note error\'}, {text: \'Success\', value: \'note success\'} ] }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'titlecontent\', label: \'Enter the content\', value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}), //?????? multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 } ], onsubmit: function( e ) { var titlecontent = e.data.titlecontent.replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), titlecontent = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(titlecontent); var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? \' \' : \'\'); editor.insertContent(sp + \'<div class="\'+ e.data.titlewrap +\'"><span>\' + e.data.titlecontent + \'</span></div>\' + sp + \'<p></p>\' ); } }); } }, { text: \'Download URL\', onclick: function() { editor.windowManager.open( { title: \'Download URL\', minWidth : 700, body: [ { type: \'textbox\', name: \'links\', label: \'Link address\', value: \'https://www.drivereasy.com/DriverEasy_Setup.exe\' }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'custom_js_code\', label: \'Google tracking code\', value: \'\', multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'code\', label: \'Link text\', value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}), //?????? multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 } ], onsubmit: function( e ) { var code = e.data.code.replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), code = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(code); var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? \' \' : \'\'); editor.insertContent(sp + \'<a href="\' + e.data.links +\'" onclick="ga(\\\'send\\\', \\\'event\\\', \\\'download\\\', \\\'click\\\', \\\'kbde-dedownload-\'+e.data.custom_js_code+\'\\\', 1.00, {\\\'nonInteraction\\\':1});" rel="nofollow">\' + code + \'</a>\'); } }); } }, { text: \'Buy URL\', onclick: function() { editor.windowManager.open( { title: \'Buy URL\', minWidth : 700, body: [ { type: \'textbox\', name: \'links\', label: \'Link address\', value: \'https://www.drivereasy.com/buy.php?comeid=kbde\' }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'custom_js_code\', label: \'Google tracking code\', value: \'\', multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'code\', label: \'Link text\', value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}), //?????? multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 } ], onsubmit: function( e ) { var code = e.data.code.replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), code = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(code); var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? \' \' : \'\'); editor.insertContent(sp + \'<a href="\' + e.data.links +\'" onclick="ga(\\\'send\\\', \\\'event\\\', \\\'link\\\', \\\'click\\\', \\\'kbde-debuy-\' + e.data.custom_js_code + \'\\\', 1.00, {\\\'nonInteraction\\\':1});" rel="nofollow">\' + code + \'</a>\'); } }); } }, { text: \'External URL\', onclick: function() { editor.windowManager.open( { title: \'External URL\', minWidth : 700, body: [ { type: \'textbox\', name: \'links\', label: \'Link address\', value: \'https://\' }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'custom_js_code\', label: \'Google tracking code\', value: \'\', multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'code\', label: \'Link text\', value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}), //?????? multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 } ], onsubmit: function( e ) { var code = e.data.code.replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), code = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(code); var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? \' \' : \'\'); editor.insertContent(sp + \'<a href="\' + e.data.links +\'" onclick="ga(\\\'send\\\', \\\'event\\\', \\\'link\\\', \\\'click\\\', \\\'kbde-externalurl-\' + e.data.custom_js_code + \'\\\', 1.00, {\\\'nonInteraction\\\':1});" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">\' + code + \'</a>\'); } }); } }, { text: \'Internal URL\', onclick: function() { editor.windowManager.open( { title: \'Internal URL\', minWidth : 700, body: [ { type: \'textbox\', name: \'links\', label: \'Link address\', value: \'https://www.drivereasy.com/\' }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'custom_js_code\', label: \'Google tracking code\', value: \'\', multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 }, { type: \'textbox\', name: \'code\', label: \'Link text\', value: tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}), //?????? multiline: true, minWidth: 300, minHeight: 100 } ], onsubmit: function( e ) { var code = e.data.code.replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), code = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(code); var sp = (e.data.addspaces ? \' \' : \'\'); editor.insertContent(sp + \'<a href="\' + e.data.links +\'" onclick="ga(\\\'send\\\', \\\'event\\\', \\\'link\\\', \\\'click\\\', \\\'kbde-linkde-\' + e.data.custom_js_code + \'\\\', 1.00, {\\\'nonInteraction\\\':1});" rel="noopener" target="_blank">\' + code + \'</a>\'); } }); } }, { text: \'Dividing Line Style\', onclick: function() { var hr_text = tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}).replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), hr_text = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(hr_text); editor.insertContent(\'<hr class="hr-text" data-content="\' + hr_text + \'" >\'); } }, { text: \'Text Alignment Left Style\', onclick: function() { var hr_text = tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}).replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), hr_text = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(hr_text); if (hr_text != null && hr_text != "") { editor.insertContent(\'<p class="super_indentation_left">\' + hr_text + \'</p>\'); } } }, { text: \'Text Alignment Center Style\', onclick: function() { var hr_text = tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}).replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), hr_text = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(hr_text); if (hr_text != null && hr_text != "") { editor.insertContent(\'<p class="super_indentation_center">\' + hr_text + \'</p>\'); } } }, { text: \'Text Alignment Right Style\', onclick: function() { var hr_text = tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent({format : \'text\'}).replace(/\\r\\n/gmi, \'\\n\'), hr_text = tinymce.html.Entities.encodeAllRaw(hr_text); if (hr_text != null && hr_text != "") { editor.insertContent(\'<p class="super_indentation_right">\' + hr_text + \'</p>\'); } } } ] }); editor.addButton(\'my_mce_button_align_left\', { // text: \'WDM\', image: \'https://www.supereasy.com/wp-content/themes/rt_notio/images/align-cell-content-left.png\', tooltip: "Align Left", onclick: function() { // change the shortcode as per your requirement editor.insertContent(\'[wdm_shortcode]\'); } }); editor.addButton(\'my_mce_button_align_center\', { // text: \'WDM\', image: \'https://www.supereasy.com/wp-content/themes/rt_notio/images/align-cell-content-left.png\', tooltip: "Align Center", onclick: function() { // change the shortcode as per your requirement editor.insertContent(\'[wdm_shortcode]\'); } }); editor.addButton(\'my_mce_button_align_right\', { // text: \'WDM\', image: \'https://www.supereasy.com/wp-content/themes/rt_notio/images/align-cell-content-left.png\', tooltip: "Align Right", onclick: function() { // change the shortcode as per your requirement editor.insertContent(\'[wdm_shortcode]\'); } }); }); })();