Scripts for configure portgroup



篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Scripts for configure portgroup相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Export portgroup from the host

Add-PSSnapin vmWARE.VimAutomation.Core

connect-viserver $vc
$date = Get-Date -Format ‘yyyyMMdd‘

 $VLANinfo = foreach ($cluster in get-cluster) 
            foreach ($esx in (Get-VMHost -Location $cluster)) 
            foreach ($pg in (Get-VirtualPortGroup -VMHost $esx))

         Select-Object -InputObject $pg -Property @{N="Cluster"; E={$cluster.Name}},
                                    @{N="VMhost";  E={$esx.Name}},
                                    @{N="VirtualSwitchName"; E={$pg.VirtualSwitchName}},
                                    @{N="portgroup"; E={$pg.Name}},
                                    @{N="VLAN";      E={$pg.VlanID}}

$VLANinfo | Export-Csv "C:\PS\report\$($vc)_allPortGroup_$date.csv"

Import portgroup to the host

CSV format




#e.g: cluster name,vSwitch0,VM_network,,11

Add-PSSnapin vmWARE.VimAutomation.Core

connect-viserver $vc

#Set the input file

$InputFile = "C:\PS\Import_PortGroup\All_PortGroup_SIT_20161202.csv"

#Read the import file

$MyVLANFile = Import-CSV $InputFile

#Parse the input file and add the virtual port groups accordingly

ForEach ($VLAN in $MyVLANFile) {

  $MyCluster = $VLAN.cluster

  $MyvSwitch = $VLAN.vSwitch

  $MyVLANname = $VLAN.VLANname

  $MyVLANid = $VLAN.VLANid

 #Query the cluster to retrieve the hosts

  $MyVMHosts = Get-Cluster $MyCluster | Get-VMHost | sort Name | % {$_.Name}

#Loop through the hosts and add the virtual port group to our vswitch based on the input

  ForEach ($VMHost in $MyVMHosts) {

  Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $VMHost -Name $MyvSwitch | New-VirtualPortGroup -Name $MyVLANname -VLanId $MyVLANid



Copy vSwith portgroup from an existing ESXi host


##copying all vSwitches and PortGroups from an existing ESX server over to a new server

Add-PSSnapin vmWARE.VimAutomation.Core

$VISRV = Connect-VIServer (Read-Host "Please enter the name of your VI SERVER")
$BASEHost = Get-VMHost -Name (Read-Host "Please enter the name of your existing server as seen in the VI Client:")
$NEWHost = Get-VMHost -Name (Read-Host "Please enter the name of the server to configure as seen in the VI Client:")

$BASEHost |Get-VirtualSwitch |Foreach {
   $vSwitch = $_
   If (($NEWHost |Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $_.Name-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)-eq $null){
       Write-Host "Creating Virtual Switch $($_.Name)"
       $NewSwitch = $NEWHost |New-VirtualSwitch -Name $_.Name-NumPorts $_.NumPorts-Mtu $_.Mtu
   $_ |Get-VirtualPortGroup |Foreach {
       If (($NEWHost |Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name $_.Name-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)-eq $null){
           Write-Host "Creating Portgroup $($_.Name)"
           $NewPortGroup = $NEWHost |Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $vSwitch |New-VirtualPortGroup -Name $_.Name-VLanId $_.VLanID

Remove VirtualPortGroup Specify vSwitch

#Remove all port groups on speific vSwitch#

Add-PSSnapin vmWARE.VimAutomation.Core

Connect-VIServer VCName

$hostserver = ""

$virtualsw = Get-virtualswitch -vmhost $hostserver -Name vSwitch0

#$vswgoup = Get-VirtualPortGroup -VMHost -VirtualSwitch $virtualsw | where { $_.Name -ne  "Management Network" }

$vswgoup = Get-VirtualPortGroup  -VirtualSwitch $virtualsw | where { $_.Name -ne  "Management Network" }

$vswgoup | Remove-VirtualPortGroup -confirm:$false

Disconnect-VIServer VCName

以上是关于Scripts for configure portgroup的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Scripts for install and configure ESXi host

Windows 2012 R2 Configuration Scripts

Configure Tomcat 7 to run Python CGI scripts in windows(Win7系统配置tomcat服务器,使用python进行cgi编程)

Shell Scripts - 循环while,until,for

sh [Bash Scripts for Mac] #shell #bash #run

不确定在哪里放置 Scripts.Render for JQuery