18.04.26 魔兽世界终极版
Posted TobicYAL
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了18.04.26 魔兽世界终极版相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
魔兽世界的西面是红魔军的司令部,东面是蓝魔军的司令部。两个司令部之间是依次排列的若干城市,城市从西向东依次编号为1,2,3 .... N ( N <= 20 )。红魔军的司令部算作编号为0的城市,蓝魔军的司令部算作编号为N+1的城市。司令部有生命元,用于制造武士。
两军的司令部都会制造武士。武士一共有 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 五种。每种武士都有编号、生命值、攻击力这三种属性。
双方的武士编号都是从1开始计算。红方制造出来的第 n 个武士,编号就是n。同样,蓝方制造出来的第 n 个武士,编号也是n。
有的武士可以拥有武器。武器有三种,sword, bomb,和arrow,编号分别为0,1,2。
当某个城市有连续两场战斗都是同一方的武士杀死敌人(两场战斗之间如果有若干个战斗时刻并没有发生战斗,则这两场战斗仍然算是连续的;但如果中间有平局的战斗,就不算连续了) ,那么该城市就会插上胜方的旗帜,若原来插着败方的旗帜,则败方旗帜落下。旗帜一旦插上,就一直插着,直到被敌人更换。一个城市最多只能插一面旗帜,旗帜没被敌人更换前,也不会再次插同颜色的旗。
sword武器的初始攻击力为拥有它的武士的攻击力的20%(去尾取整)。但是sword每经过一次战斗(不论是主动攻击还是反击),就会变钝,攻击力变为本次战斗前的80% (去尾取整)。sword攻击力变为0时,视为武士失去了sword。如果武士降生时得到了一个初始攻击力为0的sword,则视为武士没有sword.
dragon可以拥有一件武器。编号为n的dragon降生时即获得编号为 n%3 的武器。dragon还有“士气”这个属性,是个浮点数,其值为它降生后其司令部剩余生命元的数量除以造dragon所需的生命元数量。dragon 在一次在它主动进攻的战斗结束后,如果还没有战死,而且士气值大于0.8,就会欢呼。dragon每取得一次战斗的胜利(敌人被杀死),士气就会增加0.2,每经历一次未能获胜的战斗,士气值就会减少0.2。士气增减发生在欢呼之前。
ninja可以拥有两件武器。编号为n的ninja降生时即获得编号为 n%3 和 (n+1)%3的武器。ninja 挨打了也从不反击敌人。
iceman有一件武器。编号为n的iceman降生时即获得编号为 n%3 的武器。iceman 每前进两步,在第2步完成的时候,生命值会减少9,攻击力会增加20。但是若生命值减9后会小于等于0,则生命值不减9,而是变为1。即iceman不会因走多了而死。
lion 有“忠诚度”这个属性,其初始值等于它降生之后其司令部剩余生命元的数目。每经过一场未能杀死敌人的战斗,忠诚度就降低K。忠诚度降至0或0以下,则该lion逃离战场,永远消失。但是已经到达敌人司令部的lion不会逃跑。Lion在己方司令部可能逃跑。lion 若是战死,则其战斗前的生命值就会转移到对手身上。所谓“战斗前”,就是每个小时的40分前的一瞬间。
在每个整点,即每个小时的第0分, 双方的司令部中各有一个武士降生。
红方司令部按照 iceman、lion、wolf、ninja、dragon 的顺序制造武士。
蓝方司令部按照 lion、dragon、ninja、iceman、wolf 的顺序制造武士。
制造一个初始生命值为 m 的武士,司令部中的生命元就要减少 m 个。
如果司令部中的生命元不足以制造某武士,那么司令部就等待,直到获得足够生命元后的第一个整点,才制造该武士。例如,在2:00,红方司令部本该制造一个 wolf ,如果此时生命元不足,那么就会等待,直到生命元足够后的下一个整点,才制造一个 wolf。
在每个小时的第40分:在有两个武士的城市,会发生战斗。 如果敌人在5分钟前已经被飞来的arrow射死,那么仍然视为发生了一场战斗,而且存活者视为获得了战斗的胜利。此情况下不会有“武士主动攻击”,“武士反击”,“武士战死”的事件发生,但战斗胜利后应该发生的事情都会发生。如Wolf一样能缴获武器,旗帜也可能更换,等等。在此情况下,Dragon同样会通过判断是否应该轮到自己主动攻击来决定是否欢呼。
- 1) 武士降生
输出样例: 000:00 blue lion 1 born
表示在 0点0分,编号为1的蓝魔lion武士降生
如果造出的是dragon,那么还要多输出一行,例:000:00 blue dragon 1 born
Its morale is 23.34
表示该该dragon降生时士气是23. 34(四舍五入到小数点后两位)如果造出的是lion,那么还要多输出一行,例:
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 24
表示该lion降生时的忠诚度是24 - 2) lion逃跑
输出样例: 000:05 blue lion 1 ran away
表示在 0点5分,编号为1的蓝魔lion武士逃走 - 3) 武士前进到某一城市
输出样例: 000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 30
表示在 0点10分,红魔1号武士iceman前进到1号城市,此时他生命值为20,攻击力为30
对于iceman,输出的生命值和攻击力应该是变化后的数值 - 4)武士放箭
输出样例: 000:35 blue dragon 1 shot
表示在 0点35分,编号为1的蓝魔dragon武士射出一支箭。如果射出的箭杀死了敌人,则应如下输出:
000:35 blue dragon 1 shot and killed red lion 4
表示在 0点35分,编号为1的蓝魔dragon武士射出一支箭,杀死了编号为4的红魔lion。 - 5)武士使用bomb
输出样例: 000:38 blue dragon 1 used a bomb and killed red lion 7
表示在 0点38分,编号为1的蓝魔dragon武士用炸弹和编号为7的红魔lion同归于尽。 - 6) 武士主动进攻
输出样例:000:40 red iceman 1 attacked blue lion 1 in city 1 with 20 elements and force 30
表示在0点40分,1号城市中,红魔1号武士iceman 进攻蓝魔1号武士lion,在发起进攻前,红魔1号武士iceman生命值为20,攻击力为 30 - 7) 武士反击
输出样例:001:40 blue dragon 2 fought back against red lion 2 in city 1
表示在1点40分,1号城市中,蓝魔2号武士dragon反击红魔2号武士lion - 8) 武士战死
输出样例:001:40 red lion 2 was killed in city 1
被箭射死的武士就不会有这一条输出。 - 9) 武士欢呼
输出样例:003:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4
- 10) 武士获取生命元( elements )
输出样例:001:40 blue dragon 2 earned 10 elements for his headquarter
- 11) 旗帜升起
输出样例:004:40 blue flag raised in city 4
- 12) 武士抵达敌军司令部
输出样例:001:10 red iceman 1 reached blue headquarter with 20 elements and force 30
(此时他生命值为20,攻击力为30)对于iceman,输出的生命值和攻击力应该是变化后的数值 - 13) 司令部被占领
输出样例:003:10 blue headquarter was taken
- 14)司令部报告生命元数量
000:50 100 elements in red headquarter
000:50 120 elements in blue headquarter
表示在0点50分,红方司令部有100个生命元,蓝方有120个 - 15)武士报告武器情况
000:55 blue wolf 2 has arrow(2),bomb,sword(23)
000:55 blue wolf 4 has no weapon
000:55 blue wolf 5 has sword(20)
同一时间发生的事件,按发生地点从西向东依次输出. 武士前进的事件, 算是发生在目的地。
在一次战斗中有可能发生上面的 6 至 11 号事件。这些事件都算同时发生,其时间就是战斗开始时间。一次战斗中的这些事件,序号小的应该先输出。
第一行,五个整数 M,N,R,K, T。其含义为:
每个司令部一开始都有M个生命元( 1 <= M <= 10000)
两个司令部之间一共有N个城市( 1 <= N <= 20 )
要求输出从0时0分开始,到时间T为止(包括T) 的所有事件。T以分钟为单位,0 <= T <= 5000
第二行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的初始生命值。它们都大于0小于等于10000
第三行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的攻击力。它们都大于0小于等于10000
Case n:
如对第一组数据就输出 Case1:
然后按恰当的顺序和格式输出到时间T为止发生的所有事件。每个事件都以事件发生的时间开头,时间格式是“时: 分”,“时”有三位,“分”有两位。
20 1 10 10 1000
20 20 30 10 20
5 5 5 5 5
Case 1:
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 10
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 5
000:30 blue lion 1 earned 10 elements for his headquarter
000:50 20 elements in red headquarter
000:50 20 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 blue lion 1 has no weapon
001:00 blue dragon 2 born
Its morale is 0.00
001:10 blue lion 1 reached red headquarter with 10 elements and force 5
001:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 5
001:30 blue dragon 2 earned 10 elements for his headquarter
001:50 20 elements in red headquarter
001:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
001:55 blue lion 1 has no weapon
001:55 blue dragon 2 has arrow(3)
002:10 blue dragon 2 reached red headquarter with 20 elements and force 5
002:10 red headquarter was taken

1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <cstdio> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 #include <stdlib.h> 5 #include <string> 6 #include <memory.h> 7 #include <map> 8 9 using namespace std; 10 11 //定义各种变量 12 int M, N, R, K, T;//每个司令部的初始生命元数量,城市数量,arrow攻击力,忠诚衰减量,截止时间量 13 map<string, int> hp; 14 map<string,int>atk; 15 int hour, minute,_hour,_minute; 16 int arrowwin[25],endflag,headtaken[2]; 17 class warrior*(cities[25][2]); 18 int flag[25]; 19 string headname[2] = { "red","blue" }; 20 string warriorcreateline[2][5] = { { "iceman", "lion", "wolf", "ninja", "dragon" }, 21 { "lion", "dragon", "ninja", "iceman", "wolf" }, }; 22 string weaponname[3] = { "sword","bomb","arrow" }; 23 int winner[25],givereward[25]; 24 int firstflag[25]; 25 warrior *redreached, *bluereached; 26 27 28 //武器 29 class weapon { 30 public: 31 int atk; 32 weapon(int type, int _atk) { 33 if (type == 0)atk = _atk * 2 / 10; 34 if (type == 1)atk = 10000; 35 if (type == 2)atk = 3; 36 } 37 }; 38 39 //司令部 40 class base 41 { 42 public: 43 string type; 44 int warriors; 45 int locat;//所处地 46 int source;//生命元 47 int id; 48 base(){} 49 base(string _type) :type(_type){ 50 if (type == "red") { locat = 0; id = 0; } 51 else { locat = N + 1; id = 1; } 52 source = M; 53 warriors = 0; 54 } 55 }; 56 57 base head[2];//head[0]红 head[1]蓝 58 59 //武士 60 class warrior { 61 public: 62 int str;//生命值 63 int id;//编号 64 string type;//种类 65 weapon*weapons[3]; 66 int force;//战力 67 int step; 68 string mast;//司令部 69 int loyalty;//忠诚值 70 double morale; 71 string namae() { 72 return mast + " " + type + " " + to_string(id); 73 } 74 warrior(string _mast, int _id, string _type,double headsource) :mast(_mast), id(_id), type(_type){ 75 step = 0; loyalty = 0; morale = 0; 76 str = hp[type]; force = atk[type]; 77 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 78 { 79 weapons[i] = NULL; 80 } 81 weapon* w1 = new weapon(id % 3, force), *w2=new weapon((id + 1) % 3, force); 82 if (!(w1->atk)) 83 w1 = NULL; 84 if (!(w2->atk)) 85 w2 = NULL; 86 if (type == "dragon") 87 { 88 weapons[id % 3] = w1; 89 morale = headsource / (double)hp[type]; 90 } 91 else if(type=="ninja") 92 { 93 weapons[id % 3] = w1; 94 weapons[(id + 1) % 3] = w2; 95 } 96 else if (type == "lion") 97 loyalty = headsource; 98 else if (type == "iceman") 99 weapons[id % 3] = w1; 100 } 101 int sumatk(int defense) { 102 if (defense)return force / 2 + usesword(0); 103 return force + usesword(0); 104 } 105 int usesword(int mode) { 106 if (weapons[0]) { 107 if (!mode)return weapons[0]->atk; 108 else { 109 weapons[0]->atk = weapons[0]->atk * 8 / 10; 110 if (weapons[0]->atk == 0) 111 weapons[0] = NULL; 112 return 0; 113 } 114 } 115 else 116 return 0; 117 } 118 void rob(warrior*sb) { 119 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { 120 if (!weapons[i]) 121 weapons[i] = sb->weapons[i]; 122 } 123 } 124 string outweapon() { 125 bool pt[3]; 126 int sum=0; 127 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 128 { 129 pt[i] = weapons[i]; 130 sum += pt[i]; 131 } 132 string all=""; 133 int count = 0; 134 for (int i = 2; i >=0; i--) 135 { 136 if (weapons[i]) 137 { 138 count++; 139 all += weaponname[i]; 140 if(weaponname[i]!="bomb") 141 all += "(" + to_string(weapons[i]->atk) + ")"; 142 if (count != sum) 143 all += ","; 144 } 145 } 146 return all; 147 } 148 }; 149 150 //城市 151 class city { 152 public: 153 int soldier_n; 154 int wintime[2]; 155 int source; 156 }allcity[25]; 157 158 //初始化 159 void clear() { 160 endflag = 0; 161 hour = 0; minute = 0; 162 _hour = T / 60, _minute = T % 60; 163 head[0] = base("red"); 164 head[1] = base("blue"); 165 for (int i = 0; i <= N + 1; i++) 166 { 167 cities[i][0] = NULL; cities[i][1] = NULL; 168 allcity[i].soldier_n = 0; allcity[i].wintime[0] = allcity[i].wintime[1] = 0; 169 if (!(i % 2))flag[i] = 1; 170 else flag[i] = 0; 171 allcity[i].source = 0; 172 allcity[i].wintime[0] = 0; 173 allcity[i].wintime[1] = 0; 174 } 175 memset(firstflag, 0, sizeof(int) * 25); 176 memset(winner, 0, sizeof(int) * 25); 177 memset(givereward, 0, sizeof(int) * 25); 178 memset(arrowwin, 0, sizeof(int) * 25); 179 bluereached = NULL, redreached = NULL; 180 headtaken[0] = 0; 181 headtaken[1] = 0; 182 } 183 184 //输入 185 void init() { 186 cin >> M >> N >>R>> K >> T; 187 cin >> hp["dragon"] >> hp["ninja"] >> hp["iceman"] >> hp["lion"] >> hp["wolf"]; 188 cin >> atk["dragon"] >> atk["ninja"] >> atk["iceman"] >> atk["lion"] >> atk["wolf"]; 189 } 190 191 //制造武士 192 void createwarriors() { 193 for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { 194 string wtype = warriorcreateline[i][(head[i].warriors % 5)]; 195 if (hp[wtype] <= head[i].source) 196 { 197 head[i].warriors++; 198 head[i].source -= hp[wtype]; 199 warrior*newone = new warrior(headname[i], head[i].warriors, wtype, head[i].source); 200 cities[head[i].locat][head[i].id] = newone; 201 printf("%03d:00 %s %s %d born\n", hour,head[i].type.c_str(), wtype.c_str(),newone->id); 202 if (wtype == "dragon")printf("Its morale is %.2lf\n", newone->morale); 203 if (wtype == "lion")printf("Its loyalty is %d\n", newone->loyalty); 204 } 205 } 206 } 207 208 //狮子逃跑 209 void lionsescape() { 210 for (int i = 0; i <= N + 1; i++) { 211 for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { 212 if (cities[i][j] && cities[i][j]->type == "lion"&&cities[i][j]->loyalty <= 0) { 213 printf("%03d:05 %s ran away\n", hour, cities[i][j]->namae().c_str()); 214 cities[i][j] = NULL; 215 } 216 } 217 } 218 } 219 220 //行军 221 void marching() { 222 warrior*tmp[25][2]; 223 for (int i = 0; i <= N + 1; i++) 224 { 225 tmp[i][0] = cities[i][0]; 226 tmp[i][1] = cities[i][1]; 227 } 228 for (int i = 0; i <= N + 1; i++) { 229 cities[i][0] = cities[i][1] = NULL; 230 } 231 for (int i = 0; i <= N + 1; i++) { 232 if (tmp[i][0]) { 233 cities[i + 1][0] = tmp[i][0]; tmp[i][0]->step++; 234 if (tmp[i][0]->type == "iceman"&&tmp[i][0]->step % 2 == 0) { 235 tmp[i][0]->force += 20; tmp[i][0]->str -= 9; 236 if (tmp[i][0]->str <= 0)tmp[i][0]->str = 1; 237 } 238 } 239 if (tmp[i][1]) { 240 cities[i - 1][1] = tmp[i][1]; tmp[i][1]->step++; 241 if (tmp[i][1]->type == "iceman"&&tmp[i][1]->step % 2 == 0) { 242 tmp[i][1]->force += 20; tmp[i][1]->str -= 9; 243 if (tmp[i][1]->str <= 0)tmp[i][1]->str = 1; 244 } 245 } 246 } 247 for (int i = 0; i <= N + 1; i++) { 248 for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { 249 if (cities[i][j]) 250 { 251 if (i == 0) 252 { 253 printf("%03d:10 %s reached red headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n", 254 hour, cities[i][j]->namae().c_str(), cities[i][j]->str, cities[i][j]->force); 255 headtaken[0]++; 256 if (headtaken[0] == 2) 257 { 258 printf("%03d:10 red headquarter was taken\n", hour); 259 endflag = 1; 260 } 261 redreached = cities[i][j]; 262 } 263 else if (i == N + 1) { 264 printf("%03d:10 %s reached blue headquarter with %d elements and force %d\n", 265 hour, cities[i][j]->namae().c_str(), cities[i][j]->str, cities[i][j]->force); 266 headtaken[1]++; 267 if (headtaken[1] == 2) 268 { 269 printf("%03d:10 blue headquarter was taken\n", hour); 270 endflag = 1; 271 } 272 bluereached = cities[i][j]; 273 } 274 else printf("%03d:10 %s marched to city %d with %d elements and force %d\n", 275 hour, cities[i][j]->namae().c_str(),i, cities[i][j]->str, cities[i][j]->force); 276 } 277 } 278 } 279 } 280 281 //产出生命元 282 void sourceproduce() { 283 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) 284 allcity[i].source += 10; 285 } 286 287 //取走生命元 288 void getsource() { 289 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) 290 for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { 291 if(cities[i][j]&&!cities[i][j^1]&&allcity[i].source) 292 { 293 printf("%03d:30 %s earned %d elements for his headquarter\n", hour, cities[i][j]->namae().c_str(), allcity[i].source); 294 head[j].source += allcity[i].source; 295 allcity[i].source = 0; 296 } 297 } 298 } 299 300 //放箭 301 void arrowreleased() { 302 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { 303 if (cities[i][0]&&cities[i+1][1]&&cities[i][0]->weapons[2]) { 304 cities[i + 1][1]->str -= R ; 305 cities[i][0]->weapons[2]->atk--; 306 if (!cities[i][0]->weapons[2]->atk) 307 cities[i][0]->weapons[2] = NULL; 308 if (cities[i + 1][1]->str <= 0) { 309 printf("%03d:35 %s shot and killed %s\n", hour, cities[i][0]->namae().c_str(), cities[i + 1][1]->namae().c_str()); 310 arrowwin[i + 1] = 1; 311 } 312 else printf("%03d:35 %s shot\n", hour,cities[i][0]->namae().c_str()); 313 } 314 if (cities[i][1] && cities[i - 1][0] && cities[i][1]->weapons[2]) { 315 cities[i - 1][0]->str -= R ; 316 cities[i][1]->weapons[2]->atk--; 317 if (!cities[i][1]->weapons[2]->atk) 318 cities[i][1]->weapons[2] = NULL; 319 if (cities[i - 1][0]->str <= 0) { 320 printf("%03d:35 %s shot and killed %s\n", hour, cities[i][1]->namae().c_str(), cities[i - 1][0]->namae().c_str()); 321 arrowwin[i - 1] = 1; 322 } 323 else printf("%03d:35 %s shot\n", hour,cities[i][1]->namae().c_str()); 324 } 325 } 326 } 327 328 //自爆 329 void bombused() { 330 for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){ 331 int j = flag[i]; 332 if (cities[i][j] &&cities[i][j ^1] && cities[i][j]->str>0 && cities[i][j ^ 1]->str>0) { 333 if (cities[i][j ^ 1]->type != "ninja"&&cities[i][j]->weapons[1]&&cities[i][j ^ 1]->str > cities[i][j]->sumatk(0) && (cities[i][j ^ 1]->sumatk(1)) >= (cities[i][j]->str)) { 334 printf("%03d:38 %s used a bomb and killed %s\n", hour, cities[i][j]->namae().c_str(), cities[i][j ^ 1]->namae().c_str()); 335 cities[i][j] = cities[i][j ^ 1] = NULL; 336 } 337 else if (cities[i][j ^ 1]->weapons[1] && cities[i][j]->sumatk(0) >= cities[i][j ^ 1]->str) { 338 printf("%03d:38 %s used a bomb and killed %s\n", hour, cities[i][j^1]->namae().c_str(), cities[i][j]->namae().c_str()); 339 cities[i][j] = cities[i][j ^ 1] = NULL; 340 } 341 } 342 } 343 } 344 345 //判断胜负 346 void judge() { 347 memset(givereward, 0, sizeof(int) * 25); 348 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) 349 { 350 if (cities[i][0] && cities[i][1]) 351 { 352 if (cities[i][flag[i]]->sumatk(0) >= cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->str) 353 winner[i] = flag[i]; 354 else if (cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->type!="ninja"&&cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->sumatk(1) >= cities[i][flag[i]]->str) 355 winner[i] = flag[i] ^ 1; 356 } 357 if (arrowwin[i]) 358 { 359 for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) 360 if (cities[i][j]) 361 winner[i] = j; 362 } 363 } 364 int r_reward = head[0].source / 8, b_reward = head[1].source / 8; 365 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) 366 { 367 if (winner[i] == 0) 368 { 369 if (r_reward) 370 { 371 givereward[i] = 1; 372 r_reward--; 373 } 374 } 375 if (winner[N + 1 - i] == 1) 376 { 377 if (b_reward) 378 { 379 givereward[i] = 1; 380 b_reward--; 381 } 382 } 383 } 384 } 385 386 //战斗 387 void battle() { 388 judge(); 389 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { 390 if (arrowwin[i]) { 391 for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) 392 { 393 if (cities[i][j] && cities[i][j ^ 1] && cities[i][j ^ 1]->str <= 0 && cities[i][j]->str <= 0) 394 { 395 cities[i][j] = NULL; 396 cities[i][j ^ 1] = NULL; 397 } 398 else if (cities[i][j] && cities[i][j ^ 1] && cities[i][j ^ 1]->str <= 0) 399 { 400 if (cities[i][j]->type == "wolf") 401 cities[i][j]->rob(cities[i][j ^ 1]); 402 cities[i][j ^ 1] = NULL; 403 } 404 else if (cities[i][j] && !cities[i][j ^ 1]) 405 cities[i][j] = NULL; 406 } 407 } 408 if (cities[i][0] && cities[i][1]) 409 { 410 arrowwin[i] = 1; 411 { 412 int hp_atk = cities[i][flag[i]]->str, hp_rcp = cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->str; 413 cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->str -= cities[i][flag[i]]->sumatk(0); 414 cities[i][flag[i]]->usesword(1); 415 printf("%03d:40 %s attacked %s in city %d with %d elements and force %d\n", hour, 416 cities[i][flag[i]]->namae().c_str(), cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->namae().c_str(), i, cities[i][flag[i]]->str, cities[i][flag[i]]->force); 417 if (cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->str > 0&&cities[i][flag[i]^1]->type!="ninja") { 418 cities[i][flag[i]]->str -= cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->sumatk(1); 419 cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->usesword(1); 420 printf("%03d:40 %s fought back against %s in city %d\n", hour, cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->namae().c_str(), cities[i][flag[i]]->namae().c_str(), i); 421 if (cities[i][flag[i]]->str <= 0) { 422 printf("%03d:40 %s was killed in city %d\n", hour, cities[i][flag[i]]->namae().c_str(), i); 423 if (cities[i][flag[i]^1]->type == "wolf") 424 cities[i][flag[i]^1]->rob(cities[i][flag[i] ]); 425 if (cities[i][flag[i]]->type == "lion") 426 cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->str += hp_atk; 427 cities[i][flag[i]] = NULL; 428 } 429 } 430 else if (cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->str <= 0) { 431 printf("%03d:40 %s was killed in city %d\n", hour, cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->namae().c_str(),i); 432 if (cities[i][flag[i]]->type == "wolf") 433 cities[i][flag[i]]->rob(cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]); 434 if (cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1]->type == "lion") 435 cities[i][flag[i]]->str += hp_rcp; 436 cities[i][flag[i] ^ 1] = NULL; 437 } 438 } 439 if (cities[i][0] && cities[i][1]) 440 { 441 allcity[i].wintime[0] = allcity[i].wintime[1]=0; 442 } 443 } 444 if (arrowwin[i]) { 445 for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { 446 if (cities[i][j]) { 447 if (cities[i][j]->type == "dragon" && !cities[i][j ^ 1]) 448 cities[i][j]->morale += 0.2; 449 if (cities[i][j]->type == "dragon" && cities[i][j ^ 1]) 450 cities[i][j]->morale -= 0.2; 451 if (j == flag[i] && cities[i][j]->type == "dragon"&&cities[i][j]->morale>0.8) 452 printf("%03d:40 %s yelled in city %d\n", hour, cities[i][j]->namae().c_str(), i); 453 if (cities[i][j ^ 1] && cities[i][j]->type == "lion") 454 cities[i][j]->loyalty -= K; 455 if (!cities[i][j^1]) 456 { 457 if (givereward) 458 { 459 cities[i][j]->str += 8; 460 head[j].source -= 8; 461 } 462 printf("%03d:40 %s earned %d elements for his headquarter\n", 463 hour, cities[i][j]->namae().c_str(), allcity[i].source); 464 head[j].source += allcity[i].source; 465 allcity[i].source = 0; 466 allcity[i].wintime[j]++; 467 allcity[i].wintime[j ^ 1] = 0; 468 if (allcity[i].wintime[j] == 2&&(flag[i]!=j||firstflag[i]==0)) 469 { 470 firstflag[i] = 1; 471 flag[i] = j; 472 printf("%03d:40 %s flag raised in city %d\n", hour, head[j].type.c_str(), i); 473 } 474 } 475 } 476 } 477 } 478 } 479 } 480 481 //报告生命元数 482 void reportsource() { 483 printf("%03d:%02d %d elements in red headquarter\n", hour, minute, head[0].source); 484 printf("%03d:%02d %d elements in blue headquarter\n", hour, minute, head[1].source); 485 } 486 487 //武士报告 488 void reportwaror() { 489 for (int i = 0; i <= N ; i++) 490 { 491 if (cities[i][0]) 492 { 493 if (!cities[i][0]->weapons[0] && !cities[i][0]->weapons[1] && !cities[i][0]->weapons[2]) 494 printf("%03d:55 %s has no weapon\n", hour, cities[i][0]->namae().c_str()); 495 else 496 { 497 printf("%03d:55 %s has %s\n", hour, cities[i][0]->namae().c_str(), cities[i][0]->outweapon().c_str()); 498 } 499 } 500 } 501 if (bluereached) 502 { 503 if (!bluereached->weapons[0] && !bluereached->weapons[1] && !bluereached->weapons[2]) 504 printf("%03d:55 %s has no weapon\n", hour, bluereached->namae().c_str()); 505 else 506 { 507 printf("%03d:55 %s has %s\n", hour, bluereached->namae().c_str(), bluereached->outweapon().c_str()); 508 } 509 } 510 if (redreached) 511 { 512 if (!redreached->weapons[0] && !redreached->weapons[1] && !redreached->weapons[2]) 513 printf("%03d:55 %s has no weapon\n", hour, redreached->namae().c_str()); 514 else 515 { 516 printf("%03d:55 %s has %s\n", hour, redreached->namae().c_str(), redreached->outweapon().c_str()); 517 } 518 } 519 for (int i = 1; i <= N + 1; i++) 520 { 521 if (cities[i][1]) 522 { 523 if (!cities[i][1]->weapons[0] && !cities[i][1]->weapons[1] && !cities[i][1]->weapons[2]) 524 printf("%03d:55 %s has no weapon\n", hour, cities[i][1]->namae().c_str()); 525 else 526 { 527 printf("%03d:55 %s has %s\n", hour, cities[i][1]->namae().c_str(), cities[i][1]->outweapon().c_str()); 528 } 529 } 530 } 531 } 532 533 int main() 534 { 535 int n;//case数 536 cin >> n; 537 for (int c = 1; c <= n; c++) { 538 int a = 1; 539 init(); 540 clear(); 541 printf("Case %d:\n", c); 542 while (1) { 543 //0min 544 minute = 0; 545 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 546 break; 547 createwarriors(); 548 //5min 549 minute = 5; 550 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 551 break; 552 lionsescape(); 553 //10min 554 minute = 10; 555 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 556 break; 557 marching(); 558 if (endflag) 559 break; 560 //20min 561 minute = 20; 562 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 563 break; 564 sourceproduce(); 565 //30min 566 minute = 30; 567 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 568 break; 569 getsource(); 570 //35min 571 minute = 35; 572 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 573 break; 574 arrowreleased(); 575 //38min 576 minute = 38; 577 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 578 break; 579 bombused(); 580 //40min 581 minute = 40; 582 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 583 break; 584 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) 585 winner[i] = -1; 586 battle(); 587 memset(arrowwin, 0, sizeof(int) * 25); 588 //50min 589 minute = 50; 590 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 591 break; 592 reportsource(); 593 //55min 594 minute = 55; 595 if (hour == _hour && minute > _minute) 596 break; 597 reportwaror(); 598 hour++; 599 } 600 } 601 return 0; 602 }
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