Posted paulwhw
模拟实现一个ATM + 购物商城程序
├── whw_atm
├── README.txt
├── atm #入口程序目录
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── main.py #入口程序(启动程序)
├── conf #配置文件目录
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── setting.py #里面包含日志的相关设置
├── logics #程序核心逻辑目录
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── admin_opera.py #管理员模块(用户名与密码均是:admin)
│ ├── authentication.py #认证模块,实现三种不同的登录模式
│ ├── creditcard_opera.py #信用卡操作模块
│ ├── shoppingmall.py #购物商城模块
│ ├── logger_opera.py #日志实现逻辑模块
├── db #程序所用到的静态数据(今后会是数据库的动态数据操作)
│ ├── creditcard_dict #信用卡信息
│ ├── productlist #商城产品信息
│ └── shopping_car #购物车信息
│ └── users_dict #用户信息
└── logs
├── __init__.py
└── access.log #记录操作日志
└── transactions.log #记录信用卡相关日志

import os import sys from logics import authentication,shoppingmall,creditcard_opera,admin_opera #程序主目录 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) #为程序添加环境变量 sys.path.append(BASE_DIR) while 1: message = ‘‘‘ 1: 购物中心 2: 信用卡中心 3: 账户及信用卡管理 q: 退出系统 ‘‘‘ print(‘欢迎进入信用卡及购物管理系统‘.center(30,‘#‘)) print(message) choice = input(‘请输入您想操作的编号:‘) if not choice or choice not in [‘1‘,‘2‘,‘3‘,‘q‘]: print(‘请输入正确的编号!!!‘) continue if choice == ‘1‘: res = authentication.user_auth() if res != None: if res[0] == "True": current_user = res[1]#当前用户名 shoppingmall.clear_shopping_car() while 1: print(‘欢迎进入购物中心‘.center(30,‘#‘), ‘\\n1:购物商场\\n‘ ‘2:查看购物车\\n‘ ‘3:购物结算\\n‘ ‘4:个人中心\\n‘ ‘b:返回\\n‘ ) choice = input(‘请输入要进行操作的对应编号:‘) if choice == ‘1‘: shoppingmall.shopping_mall() elif choice == ‘2‘: shoppingmall.shopping_car() elif choice == ‘3‘: shoppingmall.shopping_pay(current_user) elif choice == ‘4‘: while 1: print(‘欢迎进入个人中心‘.center(30,‘^‘), ‘\\n1:绑定信用卡\\n‘ ‘2:修改登陆密码\\n‘ ‘b:返回上一级菜单‘ ) choice = input(‘请输入对应操作的编号:‘) if choice == ‘b‘: break elif choice == ‘1‘: shoppingmall.creditcard_linked(current_user) elif choice == ‘2‘: shoppingmall.revise_password(current_user) else: print(‘请输入正确的编号!‘) elif choice == ‘b‘: break elif choice == ‘2‘: res = authentication.creditcard_auth() ############################################### if res != None: if res[0] == ‘True‘: current_creditcard = res[1] while 1: print(‘欢迎进入信用卡中心‘.center(30,‘#‘), ‘\\n1:信用卡信息\\n‘ ‘2:提现\\n‘ ‘3:转账\\n‘ ‘4:还款\\n‘ ‘b:返回‘) choice_c = input(‘请输入您要进行的操作代码:‘) if choice_c not in [‘1‘,‘2‘,‘3‘,‘4‘,‘b‘] or not choice_c: print(‘请输入正确的编号!‘) continue elif choice_c == ‘b‘: break elif choice_c == ‘1‘: creditcard_opera.creditcard_msg(current_creditcard) elif choice_c == ‘2‘: creditcard_opera.creditcard_cash(current_creditcard) elif choice_c == ‘3‘: creditcard_opera.creditcard_transfer(current_creditcard) elif choice_c == ‘4‘: creditcard_opera.creditcard_payback(current_creditcard) elif choice == ‘3‘: res = authentication.admin_auth() if res != None: while 1: print(‘管理员中心‘.center(30,‘#‘), "\\n1:创建账号\\n" "2:锁定账号\\n" "3:解锁账号\\n" "4:新建信用卡\\n" "5:冻结信用卡\\n" "6:解冻信用卡\\n" "b:返回" ) choice = input(‘请输入要进行的操作编号:‘) if not choice or choice not in [‘1‘,‘2‘,‘3‘,‘4‘,‘5‘,‘6‘,‘b‘]: print(‘请输入正确的编号!‘) continue elif choice == ‘b‘: break elif choice == ‘1‘: admin_opera.create_user() elif choice == ‘2‘: admin_opera.user_locked() elif choice == ‘3‘: admin_opera.user_unlock() elif choice == ‘4‘: admin_opera.create_creditcard() elif choice == ‘5‘: admin_opera.lock_creditcard() elif choice == ‘6‘: admin_opera.unlock_creditcard() elif choice == ‘q‘: print(‘退出程序!‘) exit()

import os,logging BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO LOG_TYPES = { ‘transaction‘:‘transactions.log‘, ‘access‘:‘access.log‘ } LOG_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,‘logs‘) LOG_FORMAT = logging.Formatter(‘%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s‘ )

{"666666": {"personinfo": "lisi", "password": "123", "limit": 2569, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "666666"}, "123456": {"personinfo": "whw", "password": "123", "limit": 9807.45, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "123456"}, "888888": {"personinfo": "zhangsan", "password": "123", "limit": 11313, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "888888"}, "654321": {"personinfo": "zhaosi", "password": "123", "limit": 14478, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "654321"}, "777777": {"personinfo": "wangwu", "password": "123", "limit": 14288, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "777777"}, "000000": {"personinfo": "wanghw", "password": "123", "limit": 11001, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "000000"}, "111111": {"personinfo": "fff", "password": "123", "limit": 15000, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "111111"}, "785458": {"personinfo": "ttt", "password": "123", "limit": 15000, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "785458"}, "999999": {"personinfo": "uuu", "password": "123", "limit": 14334, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "999999"}, "222222": {"personinfo": "ooo", "password": "123", "limit": 15000, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "222222"}, "909090": {"personinfo": "blank", "password": "123", "limit": 15000, "locked": 0, "limitcash": 7500, "creditcard": "909090"}}

Computer 2299 1080Ti 3999 keyboard 999 Cookbook 199 MATE10 3999 Beauty 1099 Dragon 666

{"zhangsan": {"creditcard": "888888", "locked": 0, "username": "zhangsan", "password": "123"}, "lisi": {"creditcard": "666666", "password": "123", "username": "lisi", "locked": 0}, "wangwu": {"creditcard": "777777", "locked": 0, "username": "wangwu", "password": "333"}, "zhaosi": {"creditcard": "654321", "password": "123", "username": "zhaosi", "locked": 0}, "whw": {"creditcard": "123456", "password": "123", "username": "whw", "locked": 0}, "www": {"username": "www", "password": "123", "creditcard": "0", "locked": 0}, "eee": {"username": "eee", "password": "123", "creditcard": "0", "locked": 1}, "wanghw": {"username": "wanghw", "password": "123", "creditcard": "000000", "locked": 0}, "fff": {"username": "fff", "password": "123", "creditcard": "111111", "locked": 0}, "ttt": {"username": "ttt", "password": "123", "creditcard": "785458", "locked": 0}, "rrr": {"username": "rrr", "password": "123", "creditcard": "0", "locked": 0}, "uuu": {"username": "uuu", "password": "123", "creditcard": "999999", "locked": 0}, "ooo": {"username": "ooo", "password": "321", "creditcard": "222222", "locked": 0}, "rty": {"username": "rty", "password": "123", "creditcard": "0", "locked": 0}}

import os,json from .logger_opera import logger BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) #信用卡与用户文件的相对路径 _user_dict = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\user_dict.json‘ _creditcard_dict = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\creditcard_dict.json‘ #负责记录各种操作 access_logger = logger(‘access‘) #创建账户 def create_user(creditcard=‘0‘,locked=0): while 1: print(‘创建用户‘.center(30,‘*‘)) f_user_dict = open(_user_dict,‘r+‘) user_dict = json.loads(f_user_dict.read()) print(‘现有账户名信息如下:‘) for i,v in enumerate(user_dict,1): print(‘%s:%s‘ % (i,v)) username = input(‘请输入要添加的账户名:‘) password = input(‘请输入想要添加的密码:‘) if username not in user_dict.keys(): if len(username.strip()) > 0: if len(password.strip()) > 0: #添加用户 user_dict[username] = {"username": username, "password": password, "creditcard": creditcard, "locked": locked} new_user_dict = json.dumps(user_dict) f_user_dict.seek(0) f_user_dict.truncate(0) f_user_dict.write(new_user_dict) access_logger.info(‘create a new user: %s ‘ % username) print("创建用户 %s 成功" % (username)) print(‘添加后的账户名信息如下:‘) for i, v in enumerate(user_dict, 1): print(‘%s:%s‘ % (i, v)) break else: print("输入的密码为空") else: print("输入的用户名为空") else: print("用户名 %s 已经存在" % (username)) #锁定账号 def user_locked(): while 1: print(‘锁定账户‘.center(30,‘+‘)) f_user_dict = open(_user_dict,‘r+‘) user_dict = json.loads(f_user_dict.read()) print(‘账户锁定状态如下:‘) for i in user_dict: if user_dict[i][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘用户 %s 未被锁定!‘ % i) else: print(‘用户 %s 已被锁定‘ % i) lock_input = input(‘请输入要锁定的用户:‘) if not lock_input:continue if lock_input in user_dict.keys(): sure = input(‘是否确定进行锁定操作?确定【y】,返回上一级【b】‘) if sure == ‘y‘: if user_dict[lock_input][‘locked‘] == 0: user_dict[lock_input][‘locked‘] = 1 new_user_dict = json.dumps(user_dict) f_user_dict.seek(0) f_user_dict.truncate(0) f_user_dict.write(new_user_dict) print(‘账户 %s 锁定成功!‘ % lock_input) access_logger.info(‘user %s just be locked!‘ % lock_input) print(‘修改后的账户锁定状态如下:‘) for i in user_dict: if user_dict[i][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘用户 %s 未被锁定!‘ % i) else: print(‘用户 %s 已被锁定‘ % i) break else: print(‘操作失败!该账户之前已被锁定!‘) elif sure == ‘b‘: break else: print(‘请输入正确的操作编码!‘) break else: print(‘账户名不存在,请重新输入!‘) continue #解锁账号 def user_unlock(): while 1: print(‘解锁用户‘.center(30,‘-‘)) f_user_dict = open(_user_dict, ‘r+‘) user_dict = json.loads(f_user_dict.read()) print(‘账户锁定状态如下:‘) for i in user_dict: if user_dict[i][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘用户 %s 未被锁定!‘ % i) else: print(‘用户 %s 已被锁定‘ % i) unlock_input = input(‘请输入需要解锁的用户:‘) if not unlock_input:continue if unlock_input in user_dict.keys(): sure = input(‘是否确定进行解锁操作?确定【y】,返回上一级【b】‘) if sure == ‘y‘: if user_dict[unlock_input][‘locked‘] != 0: user_dict[unlock_input][‘locked‘] = 0 new_user_dict = json.dumps(user_dict) f_user_dict.seek(0) f_user_dict.truncate(0) f_user_dict.write(new_user_dict) print(‘账户 %s 解锁成功!‘ % unlock_input) access_logger.info(‘user %s just be unlocked!‘ % unlock_input) print(‘修改后的账户锁定状态如下:‘) for i in user_dict: if user_dict[i][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘用户 %s 未被锁定!‘ % i) else: print(‘用户 %s 已被锁定‘ % i) break else: print(‘操作失败!该账户之前未被锁定!‘) elif sure == ‘b‘: break else: print(‘请输入正确的操作编码!‘) break else: print(‘账户名不存在,请重新输入!‘) continue #新建信用卡 def create_creditcard(personinfo=‘blank‘,limit=15000,locked=0,limitcash=7500): while 1: print(‘新建信用卡‘.center(30,‘+‘)) f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict,‘r+‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) print(‘现有信用卡信息如下:‘) for index in creditcard_dict: print(‘信用卡 %s >> 持卡人 %s‘% (index,creditcard_dict[index][‘personinfo‘])) new_card = input(‘请输入要发行的信用卡卡号:‘) if not new_card:continue if new_card.isdigit(): if len(new_card.strip()) == 6: if new_card not in creditcard_dict.keys(): password = input(‘请输入新增信用卡的密码:‘) if len(password.strip()) > 0: #新增信用卡 creditcard_dict[new_card] = {"personinfo": personinfo, "password": password, "limit": limit, "locked": 0, "limitcash": limit//2, "creditcard": new_card} new_creditcard_dict = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(new_creditcard_dict) access_logger.info(‘create a new creditcard: %s ‘ % new_card) print(‘信用卡新增成功!新的信用卡信息如下:‘) for index in creditcard_dict: print(‘信用卡 %s >> 持卡人 %s‘% (index,creditcard_dict[index][‘personinfo‘])) break else: print(‘信用卡密码不能为空!‘) else: print(‘该卡号已存在!‘) else: print(‘信用卡卡号必须是6位数字!‘) else: print(‘请输入数字!‘) #冻结信用卡 def lock_creditcard(): while 1: print(‘冻结信用卡‘.center(30,‘-‘)) f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict, ‘r+‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) print(‘现有信用卡信息如下:‘) for index in creditcard_dict: if creditcard_dict[index][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘信用卡 %s >>> %s‘ % (index,‘未冻结‘)) else: print(‘信用卡 %s >>> %s‘ % (index, ‘已冻结‘)) lock_card = input(‘请输入要冻结的信用卡卡号:‘) if lock_card.isdigit() and len(lock_card) ==6: if lock_card in creditcard_dict.keys(): if_lock = input(‘是否冻结该信用卡:%s。确认【y】,返回【b】‘ % lock_card) if if_lock == ‘b‘: break elif if_lock == ‘y‘: creditcard_dict[lock_card][‘locked‘] = 1 new_creditcard_dict = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(new_creditcard_dict) access_logger.info(‘creditcard %s just be locked!‘ % lock_card) print(‘信用卡 %s 已成功冻结!‘ % lock_card) print(‘更改后的信用卡信息如下:‘) for index in creditcard_dict: if creditcard_dict[index][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘信用卡 %s >>> %s‘ % (index, ‘未冻结‘)) else: print(‘信用卡 %s >>> %s‘ % (index, ‘已冻结‘)) break else: print(‘请输入正确的操作信息!‘) else: print(‘该信用卡卡号不存在!‘) else: print(‘请输入正确的卡号格式!‘) continue #解冻信用卡 def unlock_creditcard(): while 1: print(‘解冻信用卡‘.center(30,‘-‘)) f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict, ‘r+‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) print(‘现有信用卡信息如下:‘) for index in creditcard_dict: if creditcard_dict[index][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘信用卡 %s >>> %s‘ % (index,‘未冻结‘)) else: print(‘信用卡 %s >>> %s‘ % (index, ‘已冻结‘)) ulock_card = input(‘请输入要解冻的信用卡卡号:‘) if ulock_card.isdigit() and len(ulock_card) ==6: if ulock_card in creditcard_dict.keys(): if_lock = input(‘是否解冻该信用卡:%s。确认【y】,返回【b】‘ % ulock_card) if if_lock == ‘b‘: break elif if_lock == ‘y‘: creditcard_dict[ulock_card][‘locked‘] = 0 new_creditcard_dict = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(new_creditcard_dict) access_logger.info(‘creditcard %s just be unlocked!‘ % ulock_card) print(‘信用卡 %s 已成功解冻!‘ % ulock_card) print(‘更改后的信用卡信息如下:‘) for index in creditcard_dict: if creditcard_dict[index][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘信用卡 %s >>> %s‘ % (index, ‘未冻结‘)) else: print(‘信用卡 %s >>> %s‘ % (index, ‘已冻结‘)) break else: print(‘请输入正确的操作信息!‘) else: print(‘该信用卡卡号不存在!‘) else: print(‘请输入正确的卡号格式!‘) continue

import os import json #程序主目录 BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) #数据库文件:用户文件与信用卡文件——相对路径 users_dict = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\user_dict.json‘ creditcard_dict = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\creditcard_dict.json‘ #认证——装饰器 def login(auth_type): def auth(func): #用户名认证 if auth_type == ‘user_auth‘: def inner(): res = func() n = 0 while n < 3:#用户有三次输入的机会 username = input(‘请输入用户名:‘) password = input(‘请输入密码:‘) if not username or not password: print(‘用户名或密码不能为空,请重新输入!‘) n += 1 continue f = open(users_dict,‘r+‘) users_dict_j = json.loads(f.read())#loads if username in users_dict_j.keys(): if password in users_dict_j[username]["password"]: if users_dict_j[username][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘用户 %s 认证成功!‘ % username) return res,username else: print(‘用户 %s 已被锁定!‘ % username) break else: print(‘密码不匹配!‘) n += 1 continue else: print(‘用户名不匹配!‘) n += 1 continue return inner #信用卡认证 if auth_type == ‘creditcard_auth‘: def inner(): res = func() n = 0 while n < 3: creditcard = input(‘请输入信用卡卡号(6位数字):‘) password = input(‘请输入信用卡密码:‘) if not creditcard or not password: print(‘卡号或者密码不能为空,请重新输入!‘) n += 1 continue f = open(creditcard_dict,‘r+‘) creditcard_dict_j = json.loads(f.read()) if creditcard in creditcard_dict_j.keys(): if password in creditcard_dict_j[creditcard][‘password‘]: if creditcard_dict_j[creditcard][‘locked‘] == 0: print(‘信用卡 %s 认证成功!‘ % creditcard) return res,creditcard else: print(‘该信用卡已被冻结!‘) break else: print(‘密码错误!‘) n += 1 continue else: print(‘卡号错误!‘) n += 1 continue return inner #管理员认证 if auth_type == ‘admin_auth‘: def inner(): res = func() #规定admin账户只能是这一个唯一的账户 admin_dict = {‘admin‘:‘admin‘} n = 0 while n < 3: admin_name = input(‘请输入管理员账户:‘) admin_password = input(‘请输入管理员密码:‘) if not admin_name or not admin_password: print(‘账户名或密码不能为空!‘) n += 1 continue if admin_name in admin_dict: if admin_password in admin_dict: print(‘管理员账户 %s 认证成功!‘ % admin_name) return res,admin_name else: print(‘密码不匹配!!‘) n += 1 continue else: print(‘管理员账户名不匹配:‘) n += 1 continue return inner return auth #用户以三种方式登陆:用户名、信用卡、后台管理员 @login(‘user_auth‘) def user_auth(): print(‘用户登陆认证:‘.center(30,‘+‘)) return ‘True‘ @login(‘creditcard_auth‘) def creditcard_auth(): print(‘信用卡登陆认证:‘.center(30,‘+‘)) return ‘True‘ @login(‘admin_auth‘) def admin_auth(): print(‘后台管理员登陆认证:‘.center(30,‘+‘)) return ‘True‘

import os,json from.logger_opera import logger BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) #信息文件的相对路径: _creditcard_dict = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\creditcard_dict.json‘ #负责记录各种交易 transaction_logger = logger(‘transaction‘) #本信用卡信息 def creditcard_msg(current_creditcard): while 1: print(‘本信用卡信息:‘.center(30,‘*‘)) f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict,‘r‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) #先判断提现额度 if creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limitcash‘] <= creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘]: limitcash = creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limitcash‘] else: limitcash = creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘] print("卡号:\\t【%s】\\n余额:\\t【¥%s】\\n提现额度:\\t【¥%s】\\n持卡人:\\t【%s】\\n"%(current_creditcard, creditcard_dict[current_creditcard]["limit"],limitcash,creditcard_dict[current_creditcard]["personinfo"])) choice = input(‘是否返回?【b】返回‘) if choice == ‘b‘: break else: print(‘请输入【b】返回‘) continue #提现 def creditcard_cash(current_creditcard): while 1: print(‘信用卡提现操作(手续费为%5)‘.center(30,‘*‘)) f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict,‘r+‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) limit = creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘] limitcash = creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limitcash‘] if limit >= limitcash: print(‘可提现的金额为:%s‘ % limitcash) cash_input = input(‘请输入要提取的金额:‘) if not cash_input or not cash_input.isdigit():#输入为空或非数字 print(‘请输入数字!‘) continue cash = int(cash_input) if cash != 0: if cash <= limitcash: limit = limit - (cash*1.05) creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘] = limit creditcard_dict_new = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(creditcard_dict_new) #日志 transaction_logger.info(‘信用卡 %s 提现 %s元‘ % (current_creditcard,cash_input)) print(‘提现成功!当前余额为: %s ‘ % creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘]) break else: print(‘提现金额超出信用卡限额!‘) else: print(‘提现金额不能为空!‘) if limit < limitcash: print("可提现金额:【%s】(扣除0.05手续费)\\n" % (int(limit*0.95))) cash_input = input(‘请输入要提取的金额:‘) if not cash_input or not cash_input.isdigit(): # 输入为空或非数字 print(‘请输入数字!‘) continue cash = int(cash_input) if cash != 0: if cash < limit*0.95: limit = limit - (cash * 1.05) creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘] = limit creditcard_dict_new = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(creditcard_dict_new) # 日志 transaction_logger.info(‘信用卡 %s 提现 %s元‘ % (current_creditcard, cash_input)) print(‘提现成功!当前余额为: %s ‘ % creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘]) break else: print(‘提现金额超出信用卡限额!‘) else: print(‘提现金额不能为空!‘) #转账 def creditcard_transfer(current_creditcard): while 1: print(‘信用卡转账‘.center(30,‘*‘)) f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict,‘r+‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) trans_input = input(‘(您的余额为%s)请输入要转入的卡号:‘ % creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘]) if trans_input or trans_input.isdigit() or len(trans_input) == 6: if trans_input in creditcard_dict.keys(): transfer_cash = input(‘请输入您要转入的金额:‘) if transfer_cash or transfer_cash.isdigit(): transfer_cash = int(transfer_cash) if transfer_cash < creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘]: creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘] -= transfer_cash creditcard_dict[trans_input][‘limit‘] += transfer_cash creditcard_dict_new = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(creditcard_dict_new) # 日志 transaction_logger.info(‘信用卡 %s 给信用卡 %s 转账 %s元‘ % (current_creditcard,trans_input,transfer_cash)) print(‘转账成功!您的当前余额为: %s‘ % (creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘])) break else: print(‘对不起,您的金额不足,转账失败!‘) else: print(‘金额输入有误!‘) else: print(‘该信用卡卡号不存在!‘) else: print(‘银行卡号输入有误!‘) #还款 def creditcard_payback(current_creditcard): while 1: print(‘信用卡还款‘.center(30,‘*‘)) f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict,‘r+‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) payback = input(‘请输入还款金额:‘) if payback and payback.isdigit(): payback = int(payback) creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘] += payback new_creditcard_dict = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(new_creditcard_dict) # 日志 transaction_logger.info(‘信用卡 %s 还款 %s元‘ % (current_creditcard, payback)) print(‘信用卡 %s 还款成功!当前余额为:%s‘ % (current_creditcard,creditcard_dict[current_creditcard][‘limit‘])) break else: print(‘请输入正确的金额!‘)

import logging,os from conf import settings def logger(log_type): #新建日志 logger = logging.getLogger(log_type) #拿到settings文件里的LOG_LEVEL:当前设置为logging.INFO logger.setLevel(settings.LOG_LEVEL) #根据log_type 决定往哪个log文件里写 log_file = os.path.join(settings.LOG_PATH,settings.LOG_TYPES[log_type]) #决定往哪里写后进行操作 fh = logging.FileHandler(log_file) fh.setLevel(settings.LOG_LEVEL) formatter = settings.LOG_FORMAT #formatter: fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) return logger

import json,os from .logger_opera import logger BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) #数据库文件的相对路径: _user_dict = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\user_dict.json‘ _creditcard_dict = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\creditcard_dict.json‘ _productlist = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\productlist.json‘ _shoppingcar = BASE_DIR + r‘\\db\\shoppingcar‘ #负责记录各种交易 transaction_logger = logger(‘transaction‘) #清空购物车 def clear_shopping_car(): f = open(_shoppingcar,‘w‘) l = json.dumps([]) f.write(l) #购物商城 def shopping_mall(): shopping_list,pro_list = [],[] f_pro = open(_productlist,‘r‘) for i in f_pro: #得到商品列表,pro_list里面是:[[‘computer‘, ‘2299‘], [‘1080Ti‘, ‘3999‘], ...] pro_list.append(i.strip("\\n").split()) while 1: print((‘商城目前正在出售的商品及价格信息:‘).center(30,‘#‘)) print(‘编号\\t商品\\t\\t\\t价格‘) for i,v in enumerate(pro_list): print(‘%s\\t%s: %s‘ % (i,v[0],v[1]))#打印商品列表 choice = input(‘请输入想要购买的商品编号或者输入\\‘b\\‘返回:‘) if choice.isdigit(): choice = int(choice) if 0 <= choice < len(pro_list): pro_item = pro_list[choice] print(‘已将商品 %s 加入购物车,价格为%s ‘% (pro_item[0],pro_item[1])) shopping_list.append(pro_item) else: print(‘错误!没有对应的编号,请重新输入!‘) elif choice == ‘b‘: f_shopping_car = open(_shoppingcar,‘r+‘) list_s = json.loads(f_shopping_car.read()) #注意这里是extend而不是append,append会使价格v[1]取成一个列表 list_s.extend(shopping_list) f_shopping_car.seek(0) f_shopping_car.truncate(0) list_s = json.dumps(list_s) f_shopping_car.write(list_s) break else: print(‘错误~没有对应的编号,请重新输入!‘) #查看购物车 def shopping_car(): while 1: f_shopping_car = open(_shoppingcar,‘r+‘) l_shopping_car = json.loads(f_shopping_car.read()) n = 0 print(‘购物车信息清单如下:‘.center(30,‘*‘)) for i,v in enumerate(l_shopping_car): print(i,v[0],v[1]) n += int(v[1])#计算商品总价格 print(‘购物车中商品的总额为:%d 元‘ % n) choice_in = input(‘请选择要进行的操作:返回【b】/清空【c】‘) if choice_in == ‘b‘: break elif choice_in == ‘c‘: clear_shopping_car() else: print(‘请重新输入正确的编号‘) #购物结算前进行信用卡密码认证 def Auth_creditcard(creditcard): with open(_creditcard_dict, "r+") as f_creditcard_dict: creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) passwd = input("当前信用卡 %s 请输入支付密码::" % (creditcard)) if passwd == creditcard_dict[creditcard]["password"]: return True else: print("密码输入错误,支付失败") #购物结算 def shopping_pay(current_user): while 1: money = 0 print(‘购物结算‘.center(30,‘$‘)) f_shopping_car = open(_shoppingcar,‘r+‘) l_shopping_car = json.loads(f_shopping_car.read()) for item in l_shopping_car: money += int(item[1]) #购物车里商品的总钱数 pay_input = input(‘当前商品总额为 %d,是否进行支付?确定【y】/返回【b】‘ % money) if pay_input == ‘b‘: break elif pay_input == ‘y‘: f_user_dict = open(_user_dict,‘r+‘) user_dict = json.loads(f_user_dict.read()) creditcard = user_dict[current_user][‘creditcard‘]#找到账户对应的信用卡 if creditcard == ‘0‘: print(‘账户 %s 还未绑定信用卡,请进入个人中心绑定信用卡后再进行操作‘ % current_user) else: f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict,‘r+‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) limit = creditcard_dict[creditcard][‘limit‘] limit_new = limit - money if limit_new < 0: print(‘当前信用卡额度为:%s元,不足以支付购物款:%s元‘,(limit,money)) else: res = Auth_creditcard(creditcard) if res == True: creditcard_dict[creditcard][‘limit‘] = limit_new new_creditcard_dict = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(new_creditcard_dict) print(‘支付成功,当前余额为 %s元‘ % limit_new) #记录日志 transaction_logger.info(‘用户 %s 购买产品花费 %s‘ %(current_user,money)) clear_shopping_car()#最后清空当前购物车 break #信用卡绑定 def creditcard_linked(current_user): while 1: print(‘信用卡绑定‘.center(30,‘*‘)) f_user_dict = open(_user_dict,‘r+‘) user_dict = json.loads(f_user_dict.read()) creditcard = user_dict[current_user][‘creditcard‘] if creditcard == ‘0‘: print(‘当前账号 %s 未绑定信用卡‘ % current_user) else: print(‘当前账号 %s 已经绑定了信用卡:%s,不可以重复绑定!‘ % (current_user,creditcard)) break link_input = input(‘是否要修改信用卡绑定? 确定【y】/返回【b】‘) if link_input.strip() == ‘b‘: break if link_input.strip() == ‘y‘: creditcard_new = input(‘请输入新的信用卡卡号(6位数字):‘) if creditcard_new.isdigit() and len(creditcard_new) == 6: f_creditcard_dict = open(_creditcard_dict,‘r+‘) creditcard_dict = json.loads(f_creditcard_dict.read()) if creditcard_new not in creditcard_dict.keys(): print(‘输入信用卡卡号不存在(或者未发行)!‘) #信用卡的持卡人信息为blank(代表这个卡没有人绑定) if creditcard_dict[creditcard_new][‘personinfo‘] == ‘blank‘: creditcard_dict[creditcard_new][‘personinfo‘] = current_user user_dict[current_user][‘creditcard‘] = creditcard_new #新的信用卡信息 dict_creditcard = json.dumps(creditcard_dict) f_creditcard_dict.seek(0) f_creditcard_dict.truncate(0) f_creditcard_dict.write(dict_creditcard) #新的人员信息 dict_users = json.dumps(user_dict) f_user_dict.seek(0) f_user_dict.truncate(0) f_user_dict.write(dict_users) #记录日志 transaction_logger.info(‘用户 %s 绑定信用卡 %s!‘ % (current_user,creditcard_new)) print(‘用户 %s 已成功绑定信用卡 %s!‘ % (current_user,creditcard_new)) break else: print(‘信用卡 %s 已绑定用户,不可以再绑定!‘ % creditcard_new) else: print(‘请输入正确格式的信用卡卡号‘) else: print(‘请输入正确的操作编号!‘) #修改登陆密码 def revise_password(current_user): while 1: print(‘修改用户登陆密码‘.center(30,‘*‘)) f_user_dict = open(_user_dict,‘r+‘) user_dict = json.loads(f_user_dict.read()) old_password = user_dict[current_user][‘password‘] old_password_o = input(‘请输入旧密码:‘) if old_password_o != old_password: print(‘旧密码不正确!‘) break new_password = input(‘请输入新密码:‘) new_password_again = input(‘请确认新密码:‘) if new_password == new_password_again: user_dict[current_user][‘password‘] = new_password new_user_dict = json.dumps(user_dict) f_user_dict.seek(0) f_user_dict.truncate(0) f_user_dict.write(new_user_dict) #记录日志 transaction_logger.info(‘用户 %s 修改了密码‘ % current_user) print(‘用户 %s 密码修改成功!‘ % current_user) break else: print(‘两次输入的密码不一致!‘) break

2018-04-17 17:41:37,130 - access - INFO - create a new user: rty 2018-04-17 17:41:49,616 - access - INFO - user rty just be locked! 2018-04-17 17:41:56,711 - access - INFO - user rty just be unlocked! 2018-04-17 17:42:08,399 - access - INFO - create a new creditcard: 909090 2018-04-17 17:42:21,666 - access - INFO - creditcard 909090 just be locked! 2018-04-17 17:42:29,636 - access - INFO - creditcard 909090 just be unlocked! 2018-04-17 18:01:53,331 - access - INFO - creditcard 000000 just be unlocked!

2018-04-17 17:34:09,615 - transaction - INFO - 用户 whw 购买产品花费 4998 2018-04-17 17:34:23,226 - transaction - INFO - 用户 whw 修改了密码 2018-04-17 17:40:41,468 - transaction - INFO - 信用卡 123456 提现 333元 2018-04-17 17:40:49,250 - transaction - INFO - 信用卡 123456 给信用卡 666666 转账 11元 2018-04-17 17:40:55,188 - transaction - INFO - 信用卡 123456 还款 222元