现代软件工程结对编程 —— 四则运算UI
Posted Esther_Xr
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了现代软件工程结对编程 —— 四则运算UI相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
—— 用户界面设计
徐楠青 PB16120408
王馨儿 PB16060765
1.1 需求分析
1.2 功能设计
1.3 界面设计
1.4 代码架构
1.5 测试运行
1.6 PSP
1.7 总结
1.1 需求分析
1.2 功能设计
1.3 界面设计
1.4 代码架构
首先通过Qt Creator中的ui界面安放各个Push Button,再转到每个Push Button的槽编写代码。
OK Button:

1 void Widget::on_pushButton_clicked()//OK Button 2 { 3 QString a=tr("叮咚!题目已生成:"); 4 QString b=ui->lineEdit_2->text(); 5 QString str=a+b; 6 QString exe; 7 canshu sample; 8 9 bool ok; 10 int sign; 11 total=b.toInt(&ok,10); //将字符串转换为int整形数据 12 13 string c_str; 14 c_str=ui->lineEdit_2->text().toStdString();//问题数量 15 sample.num_ques=c_str+" "; 16 17 ok=ui->checkBox_6->checkState();//是否支持加法运算 18 if(ok==true) 19 add=1; 20 else 21 add=0; 22 23 ok=ui->checkBox_7->checkState();//是否支持减法运算 24 if(ok==true) 25 sub=1; 26 else 27 sub=0; 28 29 ok=ui->checkBox_8->checkState();//是否支持乘法运算 30 if(ok==true) 31 mul=1; 32 else 33 mul=0; 34 ok=ui->checkBox_9->checkState();//是否支持除法运算 35 if(ok==true) 36 div1=1; 37 else 38 div1=0; 39 ok=ui->checkBox_3->checkState();//是否支持小数运算 40 if(ok==true) 41 decimal=1; 42 else 43 decimal=0; 44 ok=ui->checkBox_4->checkState();//是否支持真分数运算 45 if(ok==true) 46 real=1; 47 else 48 real=0; 49 ok=ui->checkBox_5->checkState();//是否支持乘方运算 50 if(ok==true) 51 power=1; 52 else 53 power=0; 54 55 op=ui->lineEdit->text().toStdString()+" ";//操作数的个数 56 c_str=ui->lineEdit_3->text().toStdString();//操作数的最大值 57 sample.scalemax_op=c_str+" "; 58 jingdu=ui->lineEdit_7->text().toStdString()+" ";//小数精度 59 biggest=ui->lineEdit_6->text().toStdString()+" ";//结果最大值 60 61 sign=Setting(sample); 62 if(sign==-1) 63 { 64 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("提示"),tr("非法输入")); 65 ui->lineEdit_2->clear(); //clear lineEdit_2, make users fill in the number of exercise again 66 ui->lineEdit->clear(); 67 ui->lineEdit_3->clear(); 68 ui->lineEdit_6->clear(); 69 ui->lineEdit_7->clear(); 70 ui->checkBox->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 71 ui->checkBox_2->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 72 ui->checkBox_3->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 73 ui->checkBox_4->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 74 ui->checkBox_5->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 75 ui->checkBox_6->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 76 ui->checkBox_7->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 77 ui->checkBox_8->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 78 ui->checkBox_9->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 79 return; 80 }//how to deal with error input? 81 82 score=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*total); //allot saving spaces 83 if(total==1) 84 ui->pushButton_4->setEnabled(false);//if there is one exercise,disenable "xia yi ti" button 85 for(int i=0;i<total;i++) 86 score[i]=0; 87 88 exe=QString::fromStdString(expResult[circle-1].express); 89 ui->label_3->setText(exe); 90 ui->lineEdit_2->clear(); //clear lineEdit_2, and users put the answer in it 91 ui->lineEdit->clear(); 92 ui->lineEdit_3->clear(); 93 ui->lineEdit_6->clear(); 94 ui->lineEdit_7->clear(); 95 ui->pushButton->setVisible(false); 96 ui->pushButton_2->setVisible(false); //make "OK" and "Cancel" buttons unvisible 97 ui->lineEdit->setEnabled(false); 98 ui->lineEdit_3->setEnabled(false); 99 ui->lineEdit_6->setEnabled(false); 100 ui->lineEdit_7->setEnabled(false); 101 ui->checkBox->setEnabled(false); 102 ui->checkBox_2->setEnabled(false); 103 ui->checkBox_3->setEnabled(false); 104 ui->checkBox_4->setEnabled(false); 105 ui->checkBox_5->setEnabled(false); 106 ui->checkBox_6->setEnabled(false); 107 ui->checkBox_7->setEnabled(false); 108 ui->checkBox_8->setEnabled(false); 109 ui->checkBox_9->setEnabled(false); 110 ui->pushButton_4->setVisible(true); 111 ui->pushButton_5->setVisible(true); //make "xia yi ti" and "ti jiao" buttons visible 112 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("提示"), str);//tell users the exercise have been placed 113 114 timer = new QTimer(this); 115 tim = new QTimer(this); 116 117 connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showTimelimit())); 118 connect(tim, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(on_pushButton_4_clicked())); 119 120 timer->start(1000); 121 tim->start(TIME); 122 if(total==1) 123 { 124 disconnect(tim, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(on_pushButton_4_clicked())); 125 connect(tim, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(on_pushButton_5_clicked())); 126 } 127 128 if(num>=20) 129 { 130 timer->stop(); 131 // tim->stop(); 132 } 133 }
Next Question Button:

1 void Widget::on_pushButton_4_clicked()//下一题按钮 2 { 3 timerinit(); 4 timinit(); 5 6 timer = new QTimer(this); 7 connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showTimelimit())); 8 tim = new QTimer(this); 9 connect(tim, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(on_pushButton_4_clicked())); 10 11 timer->start(1000); 12 tim->start(TIME); 13 14 if(num>=20) 15 { 16 timer->stop(); 17 // tim->stop(); 18 } 19 20 circle++; 21 QString c="题目"; 22 QString d=QString::number(circle, 10); 23 QString str1; 24 QString e,exe; 25 string f; 26 27 if(circle<=total) 28 { 29 if(circle==total) 30 { 31 ui->pushButton_4->setEnabled(false); 32 disconnect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showTimelimit())); 33 disconnect(tim, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(on_pushButton_4_clicked())); 34 connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showTimelimit())); 35 connect(tim, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(on_pushButton_5_clicked())); 36 } 37 exe= QString::fromStdString(expResult[circle-1].express); 38 str1=c+d+":"+exe; 39 ui->label_3->setText(str1); 40 e=ui->lineEdit_2->text(); 41 f=e.toStdString(); 42 if(f.compare(expResult[circle-2].result)==0) 43 score[circle-2]=1; 44 else 45 score[circle-2]=0; //judge whether the answer is correct 46 ui->lineEdit_2->clear(); 47 } 48 }
Reset Button:

1 void Widget::on_pushButton_3_clicked()//Reset 2 { 3 timerinit(); 4 timinit(); 5 6 ui->pushButton->setVisible(true); 7 ui->pushButton_2->setVisible(true);//make "OK" and "Cancel" buttons visible 8 ui->pushButton_4->setVisible(false); 9 ui->pushButton_5->setVisible(false);//make "xia yi ti" and "ti jiao" buttons unvisible 10 ui->lineEdit_2->clear(); //clear lineEdit_2, make users fill in the number of exercise again 11 ui->label_3->setText(tr("请在下行中输入题目总数")); 12 ui->pushButton_4->setEnabled(true); 13 ui->pushButton_5->setEnabled(true); 14 ui->lineEdit->setEnabled(true); 15 ui->lineEdit_3->setEnabled(true); 16 ui->lineEdit_6->setEnabled(true); 17 ui->lineEdit_7->setEnabled(true); 18 ui->checkBox->setEnabled(true); 19 ui->checkBox_2->setEnabled(true); 20 ui->checkBox_3->setEnabled(true); 21 ui->checkBox_4->setEnabled(true); 22 ui->checkBox_5->setEnabled(true); 23 ui->checkBox_6->setEnabled(true); 24 ui->checkBox_7->setEnabled(true); 25 ui->checkBox_8->setEnabled(true); 26 ui->checkBox_9->setEnabled(true); 27 ui->checkBox->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 28 ui->checkBox_2->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 29 ui->checkBox_3->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 30 ui->checkBox_4->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 31 ui->checkBox_5->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 32 ui->checkBox_6->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 33 ui->checkBox_7->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 34 ui->checkBox_8->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 35 ui->checkBox_9->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 36 ui->label_2->clear(); 37 circle=1; 38 sum=0; 39 if(score!=NULL) 40 { 41 free(score); 42 score=NULL; 43 } 44 }
Hand In Button:

1 void Widget::on_pushButton_5_clicked()//hand in button 2 { 3 timerinit(); 4 timinit(); 5 6 QString a,b,e,str; 7 int i; 8 string f; 9 e=ui->lineEdit_2->text(); 10 f=e.toStdString(); 11 if(f.compare(expResult[circle-1].result)==0) 12 score[circle-1]=1; 13 else 14 score[circle-1]=0; //judge whether the answer is correct 15 ui->lineEdit_2->clear(); 16 for(i=0;i<total;i++) 17 { 18 sum+=score[i]; 19 } 20 ui->pushButton_4->setEnabled(false); 21 ui->pushButton_5->setEnabled(false); 22 ui->checkBox->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 23 ui->checkBox_2->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 24 ui->checkBox_3->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 25 ui->checkBox_4->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 26 ui->checkBox_5->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 27 ui->checkBox_6->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 28 ui->checkBox_7->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 29 ui->checkBox_8->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 30 ui->checkBox_9->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); 31 ui->label_3->clear(); 32 ui->label_2->clear(); 33 a=tr("提交成功!您的成绩为:"); 34 b=QString::number(sum, 10); 35 str=a+b; 36 QMessageBox::information(this, tr("提示"), str); //give the score 37 }
1.5 测试运行
1.6 PSP
PSP2.1 |
Personal Software Process Stages |
预估耗时(分钟) |
实际耗时(分钟) |
Planning |
计划 |
90 |
90 |
.Estimate |
估计这个任务需要多少时间 |
90 |
90 |
Development |
开发 |
3420 |
3600 |
Analysis |
需求分析(包括学习新技术) |
360 |
380 |
.Design Spec |
生成设计文档 |
360 |
380 |
.Design Review |
设计复审 |
180 |
120 |
Coding Standard |
代码规范 |
180 |
200 |
Design |
具体设计 |
720 |
740 |
Coding |
具体编码 |
1440 |
1480 |
Code Review |
代码复审 |
90 |
120 |
Test |
测试(自我测试,修改代码,提交修改) |
180 |
200 |
Reporting |
报告 |
540 |
540 |
Test Report |
测试报告 |
180 |
180 |
Size Measurement |
计算工作量 |
180 |
180 |
Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan |
事后总结,并提出过程改进计划 |
180 |
180 |
All |
合计 |
4050 |
4250 |
1.7 总结
1.7.1 结对编程的意义
以上是关于现代软件工程结对编程 —— 四则运算UI的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章