



        前几天我公司售后技术员拿回几台H3C S5024PV2_EI交换机,所有交换机的故障都是无法进入应用系统配置界面,只能启动到BootWare扩展字段。在查找相关资料和拔打H3C售后服务电话后,得到相关资料和更新文件,在对所有交换机尝试做了更新固件的操作后,其中一台在烤机后故障排除,但其余几台烤机发现重启过后还是无法正常工作,只能返厂维修(H3C售后技术也是这样解释)。

       H3C S5024PV2_EI交换机启动故障如下:

*                                                                          *
*                 H3C S5024PV2-EI BootWare, Version 1.03                   *
*                                                                          *
Copyright (c) 2004-2017 New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.

Compiled Date       : Apr 14 2017 15:05:19
CPU Type            : MIPS4kec
CPU L1 Cache        : 16KB
CPU Clock Speed     : 500MHz
Memory Type         : DDR3 SDRAM
Memory Size         : 128MB
Memory Speed        : 300MHz
BootWare Size       : 3MB
Flash Size          : 32MB

Password recovery capability is enabled.
Note: The current operating device is flash
Enter < Storage Device Operation > to select device.

===========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>===========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> Skip Current System Configuration                                     |
|<7> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<8> Clear Super Password                                                  |
|<9> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Ctrl+C: Display Copyright
Enter your choice(0-9):


Enter your choice(0-9): 4    ——这里选择4(文件控制)

Note:the operating device is flash                                       

| |<1> Display All File(s)                                                  

| |<2> Set Application File type                                            

| |<3> Set Configuration File type                                          

| |<4> Delete File                                                         

| |<0> Exit To Main Menu  

Enter your choice(0-4): 1   ——显示所有文件

Display all file(s) in flash:  'M' = MAIN      'B' = BACKUP      'S' = SECURE      'N/A' = NOT ASSIGNED

|NO. Size(B)                          Time                 Type   Name                           

| |1   11701248  Aug/08/2008 20:00:00 M      s5024pv2_ei-cmw520-r1103.bin      ——这是主文件

| |2   11701248  Aug/08/2008 20:00:00 B      s5024pv2_ei-cmw520-r1103_b~001    ——这是备份文件

| |3   1048544   Oct/25/2000 21:10:02 N/A    logfile/logfile.log      ——这是日志文件

Note:the operating device is flash                                       

| |<1> Display All File(s)                                                  

| |<2> Set Application File type                                            

| |<3> Set Configuration File type                                          

| |<4> Delete File                                                          

| |<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                    
Enter your choice(0-4): 4  ——选择4,删除文件

Deleting the file in flash:  'M' = MAIN      'B' = BACKUP      'S' = SECURE      'N/A' = NOT ASSIGNED
|NO. Size(B)                         Time                 Type   Name                           

| |1   11701248  Aug/08/2008 20:00:00 M      s5024pv2_ei-cmw520-r1103.bin   

| |2   11701248  Aug/08/2008 20:00:00 B      s5024pv2_ei-cmw520-r1103_b~001 

| |3   1048544   Oct/25/2000 21:10:02 N/A    logfile/logfile.log           

| |0   Exit                                                                 
Enter file No:1  ——选择1,主文件

The file you selected is flash:/s5024pv2_ei-cmw520-r1103.bin,Delete it? [Y/N ]Y  ——是否删除,选择Y
 Deleting.................................................................... ................................................................... ——删除中,请等待

Connection closed.

[END] 2018/4/9 13:00:12  ——提示删除完成

===========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>===========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> Skip Current System Configuration                                     |
|<7> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<8> Clear Super Password                                                  |
|<9> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Ctrl+C: Display Copyright
Enter your choice(0-9): 3 ——选择3,进入网络子选项

==========================<Enter Ethernet SubMenu>==========================
|Note:the operating device is flash                                        |
|<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run                         |
|<2> Update Main Application File                                          |
|<3> Update Backup Application File                                        |
|<4> Update Secure Application File                                        |
|<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
|<Ensure The Parameter Be Modified Before Downloading!>                    |
Enter your choice(0-5): 5 ——修改网络参数

==========================<ETHERNET PARAMETER SET>==========================
|Note:       '.' = Clear field.                                            |
|            '-' = Go to previous field.                                   |
|          Ctrl+D = Quit.                                                  |
Protocol (FTP or TFTP) :tftp  ——默认使用协议
Load File Name         :host
                       :S5024PV2_EI-CMW520-R1111.bin   ——写入我们要更新的bin文件名称
Target File Name       :target
                       :S5024PV2_EI-CMW520-R1111.bin   ——这里一样
Server IP Address      :  ——这是tftp服务器的地址,也就是本机电脑要设置的地址

Local IP Address       :  ——这是交换机自动得到的地址
Gateway IP Address     :






==========================<Enter Ethernet SubMenu>==========================
|Note:the operating device is flash                                        |
|<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run                         |
|<2> Update Main Application File                                          |
|<3> Update Backup Application File                                        |
|<4> Update Secure Application File                                        |
|<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
|<Ensure The Parameter Be Modified Before Downloading!>                    |
Enter your choice(0-5): 2   ——选择2,下载更新应用文件

12649472 bytes downloaded!  ——等一段时间后下载成功

 Updating File flash:/S5024PV2_EI-CMW520-R1111.bin...........................
.Done!  —— 更新完成                 
==========================<Enter Ethernet SubMenu>==========================
|Note:the operating device is flash                                        |
|<1> Download Application Program To SDRAM And Run                         |
|<2> Update Main Application File                                          |
|<3> Update Backup Application File                                        |
|<4> Update Secure Application File                                        |
|<5> Modify Ethernet Parameter                                             |
|<0> Exit To Main Menu                                                     |
|<Ensure The Parameter Be Modified Before Downloading!>                    |
Enter your choice(0-5): 0  ——退出到上一级菜单

===========================<EXTEND-BOOTWARE MENU>===========================
|<1> Boot System                                                           |
|<2> Enter Serial SubMenu                                                  |
|<3> Enter Ethernet SubMenu                                                |
|<4> File Control                                                          |
|<5> Restore to Factory Default Configuration                              |
|<6> Skip Current System Configuration                                     |
|<7> BootWare Operation Menu                                               |
|<8> Clear Super Password                                                  |
|<9> Storage Device Operation                                              |
|<0> Reboot                                                                |
Ctrl+F: Format File System
Ctrl+C: Display Copyright
Enter your choice(0-9): 1 ——选择1,重启系统

Starting to get the main application
file--flash:/S5024PV2_EI-CMW520-R1111.bin!.................................. ——加载更新后的bin文件
The main application file is self-decompressing.............................

.................................Done!  ——主文件解压完成
System application is starting...  ——系统应用启动
Startup configuration file does not exist.
Configuring default settings.
User interface aux0 is available.

Press ENTER to get started.
#Apr 26 12:00:30:954 2000 H3C SHELL/4/LOGIN:
 Trap<hh3cLogIn>: login from Console
%Apr 26 12:00:31:094 2000 H3C SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: Console logged in from aux0.
<H3C>                                       ———到这里是不是就是我们所熟悉的交换机配置界面了



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