Posted 089-袁佳鹏
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import requests import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from datetime import datetime # 7. 将456步骤定义成一个函数 def getClickCount(newsUrl): def getClickCount(newsUrl): # 4. 使用正则表达式取得新闻编号 # url = "http://news.gzcc.cn/html/2018/xiaoyuanxinwen_0404/9183.html" num = ".*/(.*).html" num2 = re.match(num, newsUrl) if num2: print(num2.group(1)) # 5. 生成点击次数的Request URL newsId = re.search(\'\\_(.*).html\', newsUrl).group(1).split(\'/\')[-1] clickUrl = \'http://oa.gzcc.cn/api.php?op=count&id={}&modelid=80\'.format(newsId) print(clickUrl) # 6. 获取点击次数 resc = requests.get(clickUrl) a = resc.text.split(\'.html\')[-1].lstrip("(\'").rstrip("\');") print(a) # 8. 将获取新闻详情的代码定义成一个函数 def getNewDetail(newsUrl): def getNewDetail(newsUrl): res1 = requests.get(newsUrl) res1.encoding = "utf-8" soup = BeautifulSoup(res1.text, "html.parser") con = soup.select(\'#content\')[0].tedtxt info = soup.select(\'.show-info\')[0].text dt = info.lstrip(\'发布时间:\')[:19] # str = \'2018-03-30 17:10:12\' dt2 = datetime.strptime(dt, \'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\') print(dt2) i = info.find(\'来源:\') if i > 0: s = info[info.find(\'来源:\'):].split()[0].lstrip(\'来源:\') print(s) a = info.find(\'作者:\') if a > 0: l = info[info.find(\'作者:\'):].split()[0].lstrip(\'作者:\') print(l) y = info.find(\'摄影:\') if y > 0: u = info[info.find(\'作者:\'):].split()[0].lstrip(\'作者:\') # 1. 用正则表达式判定邮箱是否输入正确。 r = \'^(\\w)+([.\\_\\-]\\w+)*@(\\w)+((\\.\\w{2,3}){1,3})$\' e = \'ad5214@qq.com\' if re.match(r,e): print("success") else: print("fail") # 2. 用正则表达式识别出全部电话号码。 str = "\'版权所有:广州商学院 地址:广州市黄埔区九龙大道206号 学校办公室:020-82876130 招生电话:020-82872773\'" phone = re.findall(\'(\\d{3,4})-(\\d{6,8})\',str) print(phone) # 3. 用正则表达式进行英文分词。re.split(\'\',news) cons = "\'Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments.\'" con = re.split("[\\s,.?\\\' ]+",cons) print(con) res = requests.get(\'http://news.gzcc.cn/html/xiaoyuanxinwen/\') res.encoding = \'utf-8\' soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text,\'html.parser\') for news in soup.select(\'li\'): if len(news.select(\'.news-list-title\'))>0: href = news.select(\'a\')[0].attrs[\'href\'] getClickCount(href) getNewDetail(href) break
