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二. 词汇与结构

     1. I will.意为“我会的”,固定搭配。

    2. get tired of 是词组“对…厌烦了”的意思。

    3.  ________ is your girl friend like?(你女朋友怎么样?)

           — She is very kind and good-looking.

           A. How                                 B. What                               C. Which                              D. Who


     4. insist on sth/doing sth, 坚持某事/做某事。

        例题:He ________ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.

                        A. insisted on                     B. insisted at                      C. insisted that                           D. insisted in


     5. come to the conclusion 得出结论。

         We came finally ______ the conclusion(结论) that she has been telling lies all the time.

            A. of                             B. into                                  C. to                                               D. at


     6. He ______ lives in the house where he was born.(他一直居住在他出生的那栋房子里。)

           A. already                            B. yet                                    C. still                                   D. ever


      7. in public 固定搭配

    8. occur有闪现的意思,脑海中突然闪出一个念头用occur to。

    9. take time花时间,固定用法

          Measles  (麻疹) ________ a long time to get over.(克服麻疹花费了很长时间。)

          A. spend                              B. spends                                      C. take                                 D. takes


    10. a pair of spectacles一副眼镜,谓语动词用单数。

         is what I need. 正是我所要的。

         例题:A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment.

                          A. is                                       B. are                                   C. has                                   D. have


    11.  Five days是一个时间段,当做一个整体,其后的动词应该用单数

            — Do you want to wait?

            — Five days ________ too long for me to wait.

            A. was                                  B. were                                C. is                                       D. are


   12. had better do 固定搭配。

   13. The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ________ friends there.(男孩几乎没有朋友)

            A. few (几乎没有)                                 B. a few                               C. little                                 D. a little


    14. 固定词组搭配:spend … on sth,花钱买某物

        sb spends+时间、金钱+on sth\in doing sth 某人花费……做某事。

        Cost和take 也有花费的用法,不过主语都是it.

   15. forget to do  不要忘记去做某事

         forget  doing 忘记了做某事

   16. Twenty people were______ wounded in the air crash.(20个人在飞机遇难中受了重伤。)

            A. quickly (快的)                  B. wrongly(错误的)                           C. bitterly(痛苦的)                           D. seriously(严重的)


    17. wide enough  足够宽

   18. as···as 和···一样;  is considered to be 被认为是···

         例题:Nancy is considered to be _________ the other students in her class.

                          A. less intelligent              B. the most intelligent     C. intelligent as well         D. as intelligent as

                 【答案】D。 和...一样聪明

   19. It‘s __________ that he was wrong.

            A. clearly                             B. clarity                              C. clear                                D. clearing

         【答案】C。 be动词后跟形容词。事情很清楚:是他错了。

    20. not only… but also 不仅…而且

   21. ask for 找··· ;要求··· ;请求··· ;

   22.  __________ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.

            A. Since                                B. While                               C. For                                    D. Before

          【答案】A。前一句是Since引导的原因状语从句       参考译文:既然你明天要走,那咱今晚一起吃顿饭吧。

    23. as long as 只要···

         I would like to do the job ________ you don‘t force(强迫) me to study.

           A. in case                             B. although                         C. though                                      D. as long as

         【答案】D。 只要你不强迫我学习,我就愿意做这项工作。

    24. The reason I did not go abroad was ________ a job in my home town.

            A. because                          B. due to                              C. that I got                        D. because of getting

        【答案】C   that引导表语从句

   25. __________ she survived the accident is miracle.

            A. What                               B. That                                 C. As                                     D. Which

          【答案】B。她能在事故中活下来真是个奇迹。 That引导主语从句

   26. since自从,现在完成时

         His mother ____________ alone since his father died.

            A. lived                                 B. lives                                 C. has lived                         D. is living


    27. be busy doing sth.忙于做某事。

   28. It was well known that Thomas Edison ____________ the electric lamp.(众所周知,爱迪生发明了电灯。)

            A. discovered(发现)                     B. invented(发明)                         C. found(建立)                               D. developed(发达的)


    29. She wonders _________ will happen to her private life in the future.(他好奇,他未来的生活会发生什么。)

             A. that                                  B. it                                       C. this                                   D. what


    30. The higher the temperature, __________ the liquid evaporates.(气温越高,气体蒸发越快。)

             A. the faster                       B. the more fast                C. the slower                      D. the more slower


    31. as you know 如你所知;是固定搭配

   32. the+比较级,the+比较级

   33. We worked hard and completed the task(完成任务) ________.


            A. in the time(在时间)               B. on the time(在时间)               C. ahead of time(提前)            D. before time


          【答案】C。 参考译文:我们努力工作并且提前完成了任务

    34. I didn‘t expect(预料、期望) you to turn __________ at the meeting yesterday.

            A. up                           B. to                                   C. out                          D. over

          【答案】A。 turn up意为“出现”;turn to “转向;求助于”;turn out “出动”;turn over “翻滚”。 参考译文:我没有想到你昨天会参加会议。

    35. it is said, 据说

   36. be good/better at 擅长做某事。

   37. Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ___________ of fat.

            A. a large number         B. the large number              C. a large amount          D. the large amount

           【答案】C。表达大量的短语是 a large amount of 和 a large number of .句中 fat 是不可数名词, 只能用 a large amount of 来修饰 . a large number of 用来修饰可数名词.


    38. neither..nor 既不…也不

   39. be similar…to 和….相似

   40. His salary as a driver is much higher than _____________.(作为一个司机,他的工资比一个搬运工高得多)

            A. a porter                    B. is a porter                 C. as a porter                D. that of a porter

          【答案】D 在比较级的句子中,所有比较对象需在同一范畴。本句中“司机的工资”和“搬运工的工资”相比较。为避免重复,第二个salary用指示代词that来代替,前面的名词为                单数,所以用 that。如果前面的名词为复数就用those。

    41. __________ these honours he received a sum of money.

            A. Except                            B. But                          C. Besides                    D. Outside

          【答案】C。 besides表示“除了...还”,except和but,都表示要排除的东西, outside是在…的外面.    参考译文:除了这些荣誉之外,他还得到了一笔钱。

    42. let somebody do something。

   43. look forward to doing sth.期待···

   44. __________ her and then try to copy what she does.

            A. Mind                       B. See                          C. Stare at                    D. Watch


   45. do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙

  46.— It‘s a good idea. But who‘s going to ________ the plan?

            — I think John and Peter will.

            A. carry out                  B. get through(穿过)               C. take in(吸收、接待)                            D. set aside(留出、把···放置一旁)

          【答案】A。  执行,贯彻

  47. A police officer claimed he had attempted to _________ paying his fare.

          A. avoid                       B. reject                       C. refuse                      D. neglect


  48. While I was in the university, I learned taking photos, ___________ is very useful now for me.

          A. it                             B. which                      C. that                          D. what


  49. On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _________ a day.

           A. customers (顾客)                B. supporters(支持者)                C. guests(客人)                      D. clients(委托人)


  50. You shouldn‘t ___________ your time like that, Bob, you have to finish your school work tonight.

          A. cut                          B. do                           C. kill(浪费)                          D. kick(踢)

        【答案】C。 鲍勃,你不该那样浪费时间;你今晚得完成学校的作业。

  51. The explorers sailed on the ocean for two weeks and ________ found the mysterious land.

          A.generally(一般地)                   B.eventually(终于)                 C.extremely(极端的)                  D.gradually(逐步的、渐渐地)

          答案:B    探险家们在海上漂浮了两个星期终于找到了那个神密之地。

  52. avoid doing sth 避免做某事

        例题:During the future examinations you should avoid ________ such mistakes.

                         A.make                        B.to make                     C.making                            D.made

                        答案:C   在将来的考试中,你应该避免犯这类错误

  53. Only those who have enough courage(勇气) and determination(决心) can _______ the difficulty they meet with.

           A.undertake(承诺、保证)                  B.upset(打翻、弄乱、心烦意乱)                         C.overcome(战胜、客服)                  D.download(下载)

          答案:C       只有那些有足够勇气和决心的人才能克服他们的所遇到的困难。

  54. known as   像...一样知名

        例题:Samuel Clemens, ________ as Mark Twain, was one of the most famous American writers.

                         A.to know                    B.to be known                     C.known                      D.knowing

                        答案:C        SC像我们所熟知的马克吐温一样是最著名的美国作家 

 55. approach to 接近,通往。。。的途径

        have different to  有不同的

 56.  The ______ is just around the corner and you won‘t miss it.

           A.bicycle‘s shop       B.bicycle shop                C.bicycles shop         D.bicycles‘ shop

          答案:B     后面是is , 前面主语应为单数 

 57. None of them tells us ________, so we need your help.

          A.how should we do      B.what should we do     C.how to do it               D.what to do it

          答案:C  没人告诉我们怎么做,所以我们需要你的帮助






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