Posted lovehappy108
TexturePacker版本 4.2.1
前言:因为水平有限,错误再所难免,望指正, 大家如果有购买能力的话,希望购买TexturePacker正版,不要再用盗版了。好东西就应该支持。
1.安装TexturePacker Command Line Tool
1.1 Mac下安装 TexturePacker => Install Command Line Tool => Install
1.2 win下安装 必须配置环境变量。
2.1 --texture-format
--texture-format <id> Sets the format for the textures.
The format type is automatically derived from the sheet's file name
if possible.
Available formats:
png PNG (32bit)
png8 PNG (8bit indexed)
pvr3 PowerVR Texture Format, PVR Version 3
pvr3gz PowerVR Texture Format, PVR Version 3, compressed with gzip
pvr3ccz PowerVR Texture Format, PVR Version 3, compressed with zlib, cocos2d header
jpg JPG image format, lossy compression, no transparency
bmp 24 bit BMP
tga Targa Image Format
tiff Tagged Image File Format
pkm PKM image format, ETC1 compression
webp WebP lossless / lossy format
atf Adobe Texture Format
pvr2 PowerVR Texture Format, PVR Version 2, deprecated
pvr2gz PowerVR Texture Format, PVR Version 2, compressed with gzip, deprecated
pvr2ccz PowerVR Texture Format, PVR Version 2, compressed with zlib, cocos2d header, deprecate
纹理输出格式,常用的 png,png8,pvr3ccz,pkm,jpg。
pvr3ccz pvr3ccz是pvr2ccz升级版,添加了一些功能,可以使用其他像素格式比如 ETC1,pvr2ccz 以前是不支持的。
pkm 主要用于ETC1
jpg 由于没有alpha通道,所以常用于背景图,压缩到80%的效果和原图差距不大,但压缩比例很吓人,文件小效果好,目前背景没有alpha通道的就用的这个。由于在cocos2d 2.x版本上加载速度慢,并且消耗内存大,根据实际情况选用。
2.2 --opt 像素格式
--opt <pixelformat> Optimized output for given pixel formats. Supported formats are:
RGBA8888 32bit, 8bit/channel, 8bit transparency
BGRA8888 32bit, 8bit/channel, 8bit transparency
RGBA4444 16bit, 4bit/channel, 4bit transparency
RGB888 24bit, 8bit/channel, no transparency
RGB565 16bit, 5bit red, 6bit green, 5bit blue, no transparancy
RGBA5551 16bit, 5bit/channel, 1bit transparancy
RGBA5555 20bit, 5bit/channel, 5bit transparancy
PVRTCI_2BPP_RGB PVRTC compression, 2bit per pixel
PVRTCI_4BPP_RGB PVRTC compression, 4bit per pixel
PVRTCI_2BPP_RGBA PVRTC compression, 2bit per pixel
PVRTCI_4BPP_RGBA PVRTC compression, 4bit per pixel
PVRTCII_2BPP PVRTC2 compression, 2bit per pixel
PVRTCII_4BPP PVRTC2 compression, 4bit per pixel
ALPHA 8bit transparency
ALPHA_INTENSITY 8bit intensity, 8bit transparency
ETC1_RGB ETC1 compression
ETC1_A ETC1 Alpha channel only
ETC2_RGB ETC2 compression
DXT1 Compressed with DXT1, 1 bit transparency
DXT5 Compressed with DXT5, transparency
ATF_RGB ETC1+DXT1+PVRTC4, no transparency
ATF_RGBA ETC1/ETC1+DXT5+PVRTC4, no transparency
像素格式常用 RGBA8888,RGBA4444,RGB888,RGB565,RGBA5551,RGBA5555,PVRTCI_4BPP_RGBA,ETC1_RGB,ERC1_A。
RGBA8888 效果最好消耗内存比较大。 内存消耗32bpp
RGBA4444 效果比起RGBA8888在某些图片上丢失得有点大。 但消耗内存是 RGBA8888的一半。 内存消耗16bpp
RGB888 少个alpha通道,内存占用是 RGBA8888 的 四分之三。内存消耗24bpp
RGB565 效果上比 RGB888差一些,但对于有些图片还是可以接受的, 但没有alpha通道。内存消耗16bpp
RGBA5551 对于透明渐变少的可以采用效果 比 RGBA4444好。内存消耗16bpp
RGBA5555 alpha通道增加 自然透明效果好了,但内存消耗也增加了。 仙存消耗24bpp
PVRTCI_4BPP_RGBA 效果上比RGBA8888要差一些,但内存消耗极小,加载速度也快,渲染速度快,在ios上完全是可以接受的,强烈建议ios 用这个格式。内存消耗4bpp
ETC1_RGB 消耗内存极小,加载速度比RGBA8888快,渲染速度快,效果也比较不错,但没有alpha通道,这也是ETC1被一直吐槽的点,所以后来有个ETC2。内存消耗4bpp
ETC1_A 和ETC1_RGB 组合在一起用,给ETC1_RGB提供alpha通道,达到透明效果,建议android可以选用这种方法来处理ETC1没有alpha通道的缺点。内存消耗4bpp
内存消耗计算方式 :假如一张图是 1024 * 888
ETC1内存消耗 = 1024 * 888 * 4bpp / 8 = 454656byte = 444KB
PVRTCI_4BPP_RGBA内存消耗 = 1024 * 888 * 4bpp / 8 = 454656byte = 444KB
RGB888内存消耗 = 1024 * 888 * 24bpp / 8 = 2727936byte = 2664KB
RGBA8888内存消耗 = 1024 * 888 * 32bpp / 8 = 3637248byte = 3552KB
RGBA4444内存消耗 = 1024 * 888 * 16bpp / 8 = 1818624byte = 1776KB
2.3 --data 输出纹理文件的信息数据路径 plist
--data <filename> Name of the data file to write
2.4 --sheet 输出图集路径
--sheet <filename> Name of the sheet to write, see texture-format for formats available
2.5 --dither-type 颜色抖动
--dither-type <dithertype> Dithering to improve quality of color reduced images
NearestNeighbour no dithering
Linear no dithering
FloydSteinberg Floyd Steinberg, no alpha
FloydSteinbergAlpha Floyd Steinberg, with alpha
Atkinson Atkinson, no alpha
AtkinsonAlpha Atkinson, alpha
PngQuantLow PNG-8 only: minimum dithering
PngQuantMedium PNG-8 only: medium dithering
PngQuantHigh PNG-8 only: strong dithering
PngQuantLow,PngQuantMedium,PngQuantHigh选用PNG8 可以试试这三个参数。用了比原PNG8好
2.6 --format--format <format> Format to write, default is cocos2d
Available formats:
2dtoolkit 2D Toolkit exporter
andengine Format for AndEngine
agk Format for AppGameKit
batterytech BatteryTech Exporter
bhive Format for BHive
caat Exporter for CAAT - the Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit
cegui Format for CEGUI / OGRE
cocos2d plist format version 3 for cocos2d
cocos2d-v2 old plist format version 2 for cocos2d (deprecated)
cocos2d-x plist format version 3 for cocos2d-x with polygon packing
corona-imagesheet Exporter for Corona(TM) SDK using new image sheet format.
css css format for web design
easeljs Exporter for EaselJS.
gideros Format for Gideros
json-array Text file for json/html as array
json Text file for json/html as hash
kwik Exporter for Kwik using new image sheet format.
less Creates a LESS file that can be incorporated into a sprites arrangement
libgdx text file for lib GDX
libRocket Exporter to demonstrate how to crate your own exporters
melonjs Data file for MelonJS
moai Format for Moai
molecule Exporter for Molecule Framework
monogame Input format for the MonoGame TexturePacker Importer
orx Orx Exporter
panda Exporter for Panda Engine
phaser-json-array JSON array data for Phaser
phaser-json-hash JSON hash data for Phaser
pixijs Data file for PixiJS
sass-mixins Exporter for SASS.
shiva3d-jpsprite Shiva3D with JPSprite extension
shiva3d Exporter for Shiva3D.
slick2d Format for Slick2D
sparrow xml file for Sparrow/Starling SDK
spine text file for Spine
spritesheet-only Exports only the sprite sheet without data file
spritekit plist format for SpriteKit, Objective-C header file
spritekit-swift plist format for SpriteKit, with swift class file
spriter JSON file for Spriter
spritestudio OPTPiX SpriteStudio 5 CellMap File.
tresensa Exporter for TreSensa TGE.
uikit Exporter for UIKit
unity Text file for Unity(R), json format with .txt ending
unity-texture2d Input format for the Unity(R) TexturePacker Importer
unreal-paper2d Format for UnrealEngine / Paper2d
vplay JSON file for V-Play engine
wave-engine-1 WaveEngine Sprite Sheet
x2d Export to x2d engine format.
xml Generic XML format
plain Exporter to demonstrate how to crate your own exporters
cocos2d-x 新版本的多边形打包方式,目前cocos studio 不支持
cocos2d-v2 老版本的打包方式,现在已经被废弃,但我还是用的这个。
cocos2d 新版本的打包方式 目前cocos studio 不支持
2.7 --multipack 多图集打包
--multipack Create multiple sprite sheets if not all sprites match into a single one
避免一个图集包含不完所以精灵,开起则会生成多张图集。但要在 --data --sheet 加入 {n} 索引会从0开始
2.8 --maxrects-heuristics
--maxrects-heuristics Heuristic for MaxRects algorithm
Best Best
ShortSideFit ShortSideFit
LongSideFit LongSideFit
AreaFit AreaFit
BottomLeft BottomLeft
ContactPoint ContactPoint
2.9 --enable-rotation 精灵旋转
--enable-rotation Enables rotation of sprites (overriding file format's defaults)
2.10 --trim-mode 透明像素处理
--trim-mode <value> Remove transparent parts of a sprite to shrink atlas size and speed up rendering
None Keep transparent pixels
Trim Remove transparent pixels, use original size.
Crop Remove transparent pixels, use trimmed size, flush position.
CropKeepPos Remove transparent pixels, use trimmed size, keep position.
Polygon Approximate sprite contour with polygon path.
Trim 删除图片透明像素,用原图片像素大小,在帧动画中常用,
None 保证原样大小,和透明像素。 不建议用。图集大。
Crop 删除图片透明像素,用删除后的图片像素大小,位置改变
CropKeepPos 删除图片透明像素,用删除后的图片像素大小,位置不变
Polygon 多边形方式,得到图集更小,目前cocos2d 也不支持多边形精灵。
2.11 --basic-sort-by 和 --basic-order
--basic-sort-by Sort order for the sprite list
Best Best
Name Name
Width Width
Height Height
Area Area
Circumference Circumference
--basic-order Sorting direction
Ascending Ascending
Descending Descending
选用 Name 和 Ascending就行了。这个我觉得不用多做了解,按名称升序方式排序在 list中
2.12 --max-size 最大纹理图集大小
--max-size <int> Sets the maximum width and height for the texture in auto size mode, default is 2048
建议使用2048,最大不超过4096,各个机型支持图集大小有区别。 以前
2.13 --size-constraints 图集高宽约束方式
--size-constraints <value> Restrict sizes
POT Power of 2 (2,4,8,16,32,...)
WordAligned Texture width is multiple of 2 (for 16-bit formats)
AnySize Any size
POT 2次幂方式
AnySize 任意大小
2.14 --force-publish
--force-publish Ignore smart update hash and force re-publishing of the files
强制重新再次生成,忽略智能更新,废弃以前的 --smart-update
2.15 --shape-padding 和 --border-padding
--shape-padding <int> Sets a padding around each shape, value is in pixels, default is 2
--border-padding <int> Sets a padding around each the border, value is in pixels, default is 2
--shape-padding 边框填充像素
--border-padding 相当于精灵之间的间距像素
2.16 --scale 和 --scale-mode精灵缩放
--scale <float> Scales all images before creating the sheet. E.g. use 0.5 for half size
--scale-mode <mode> Use mode for scaling:
Smooth Smooth
Fast Fast (Nearest Neighbor)
Scale2x Scale2x (fixed 2x upscaling)
Scale3x Scale3x (fixed 3x upscaling)
Scale4x Scale4x (fixed 4x upscaling)
Eagle Eagle2x (fixed 2x upscaling)
Hq2x Hq2x (fixed 2x upscaling)
主要用于不同 分辨率的机型和处理纹理大小,如果只用一套资源来适配。不用关心。scale 设为1就行
2.17 --replace 正则表达式
--replace <regexp>=<string> Replaces matching parts of the sprite's name with <string>
Uses full regular expressions, make sure to escape the expression
正则表达式来修改精灵名,--replace ^={sheetName}_ win和mac得到的结果不一样。
3. python 批处理
import io
import os
import sys
import hashlib
import string
import re
rootPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(sys.argv[0], os.pardir))
# # input paths
ImageDir= os.path.join(rootPath, "input")
# temporary path to place the sprite sheets
OutputDir = os.path.join(rootPath, "output")
OutputDirPVRTC4 = os.path.join(OutputDir, "PVRTC4") #ios 中PVRTC4输出目录
OutputDirETC = os.path.join(OutputDir, "ETC") #android 中 ETC输出目录
OutputDirPNG = os.path.join(OutputDir, "PNG") #通用 中 PNG输出目录
OutputDirPNG8 = os.path.join(OutputDir, "PNG8") #通用 中 PNG输出目录
# # path of the texture packer command line tool
print("ImageDir = " + ImageDir)
print("OutputDir = " + OutputDir)
print("OutputDirPVRTC4 = " + OutputDirPVRTC4)
print("OutputDirETC = " + OutputDirETC)
print("OutputDirPNG = " + OutputDirPNG)
print("OutputDirPNG8 = " + OutputDirPNG8)
print("TP = " + TP)
def createPath(cPath):
if not os.path.isdir(cPath):
# --trim-sprite-names 去除png等后缀
# --multipack 多图片打包开起,避免资源图太多,生成图集包含不完全,开起则会生成多张图集。
# --maxrects-heuristics macrect的算法 参数 Best ShortSideFit LongSideFit AreaFit BottomLeft ContactPoint
# --enable-rotation 开起旋转,计算rect时如果旋转将会使用更优的算法来处理,得到更小的图集
# --border-padding 精灵之间的间距
# --shape-padding 精灵形状填充
# --trim-mode Trim 删除透明像素,大下使用原始大小。 参数 None Trim Crop CropKeepPos Polygon
# --basic-sort-by Name 按名称排序
# --basic-order Ascending 升序
# --texture-format 纹理格式
# --data 输出纹理文件的信息数据路径 plist
# --sheet 输出图集路径 png
# --scale 1 缩放比例 主要用于低分辨率的机子多资源适配。
# --max-size 最大图片像素 一般我是用的2048,超过2048以前的有些android机型不支持。
# --size-constraints 结纹理进行大小格式化,AnySize 任何大小 POT 使用2次幂 WordAligned
# --replace 正则表达式,用于修改plist加载后的名称
# --pvr-quality PVRTC 纹理质量
# --force-squared 强制使用方形
# --etc1-quality ETC 纹理质量
def pack_textures(inputPath, outputPath, opt, scale, maxSize, sheetSuffix, textureFormat, sizeConstraints, sheetName, otherParams, fileNameSuffix):
packCommand = TP + \\
" --multipack" \\
" --format cocos2d-v2" \\
" --maxrects-heuristics best" \\
" --enable-rotation" \\
" --shape-padding 2" \\
" --border-padding 0" \\
" --trim-mode Trim" \\
" --basic-sort-by Name" \\
" --basic-order Ascending" \\
" --texture-format {textureFormat}" \\
" --data {outputSheetNamePath}{fileNameSuffix}.plist" \\
" --sheet {outputSheetNamePath}{fileNameSuffix}.{sheetSuffix}" \\
" --scale {scale}" \\
" --max-size {maxSize}" \\
" --opt {opt}" \\
" --size-constraints {sizeConstraints}" \\
" {inputPath}" \\
" {otherParams}"
# win 和 mac 上处理正则表达式结果不一样
if sys.platform == "win32":
packCommand = packCommand + " --replace (.png)$=" \\
" --replace \\\\b={sheetName}_" \\
" --replace {sheetName}_$=.png"
packCommand = packCommand + " --replace ^={sheetName}_"
packCommand = packCommand.format(
outputSheetNamePath=os.path.join(outputPath,sheetName) + "_{n}",
if __name__ == '__main__':
for sheet in os.listdir(ImageDir):
iPath = os.path.join(ImageDir, sheet)
if os.path.isdir(iPath):
pack_textures(iPath,OutputDirPVRTC4,'PVRTCI_4BPP_RGBA',1,2048,'pvr.ccz',"pvr3ccz","POT",sheet,"--pvr-quality best --force-squared", "")
pack_textures(iPath,OutputDirETC,'ETC1_RGB',1,2048,'pkm',"pkm","AnySize",sheet,"--etc1-quality high-perceptual", "")
pack_textures(iPath,OutputDirETC,'ETC1_A',1,2048,'pkm',"pkm","AnySize",sheet,"--etc1-quality high-perceptual", "_alpha")
pack_textures(iPath,OutputDirPNG,'RGBA8888',1,2048,'png',"png","AnySize",sheet,"--png-opt-level 7", "")
pack_textures(iPath,OutputDirPNG8,'RGBA8888',1,2048,'png',"png8","AnySize",sheet,"--png-opt-level 7 --dither-type PngQuantHigh", "")
游戏开发小技TexturePacker生成的图集逆向切分成精灵小图(json | python | PIL | TextureUnPacker | 逆向 | 切图)
游戏开发小技TexturePacker生成的图集逆向切分成精灵小图(json | python | PIL | TextureUnPacker | 逆向 | 切图)
游戏开发小技TexturePacker生成的图集逆向切分成精灵小图(json | python | PIL | TextureUnPacker | 逆向 | 切图)