Posted 在那不遥远的地方
(2)去停用词:停用词是一些完全没有用或者没有意义的词,例如助词、语气词等。stopword就是类似 a/an/and/are/then
(3)词行还原:词干提取( Stemming ) 这是西方语言特有的处理,比如说英文单词有 单数复数的变形,-ing和-ed的变形,但是在计算相关性的时候,应该当做同一个单词。比如 apple和apples,doing和done是同一个词,提取词干的目的就是要合并这些变态
def data_cleaning(data): data["s1"] = data["s1"].str.lower() data["s2"] = data["s2"].str.lower() # 分词 tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r\'[a-zA-Z]+\') data["s1_token"] = data["s1"].apply(tokenizer.tokenize) data["s2_token"] = data["s2"].apply(tokenizer.tokenize) # 去停用词 stop_words = stopwords.words(\'english\') def word_clean_stopword(word_list): words = [word for word in word_list if word not in stop_words] return words data["s1_token"] = data["s1_token"].apply(word_clean_stopword) data["s2_token"] = data["s2_token"].apply(word_clean_stopword) # 词形还原 lemmatizer=WordNetLemmatizer() def word_reduction(word_list): words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in word_list] return words data["s1_token"] = data["s1_token"].apply(word_reduction) data["s2_token"] = data["s2_token"].apply(word_reduction) # 词干化 stemmer = nltk.stem.SnowballStemmer(\'english\') def word_stemming(word_list): words = [stemmer.stem(word) for word in word_list] return words data["s1_token"] = data["s1_token"].apply(word_stemming) data["s2_token"] = data["s2_token"].apply(word_stemming) return data
2.2 传统方法的使用:
(1)bag of words:其中具体的描述可以在这里看到:bag of words详解
# bag of words from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer def count_vector(words): count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer() emb = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(words) return emb, count_vectorizer bow_data = data bow_data["words_bow"] = bow_data["s1"] + bow_data["s2"] bow_test = bow_data[bow_data.score.isnull()] bow_train = bow_data[~bow_data.score.isnull()] list_test = bow_test["words_bow"].tolist() list_train = bow_train["words_bow"].tolist() list_labels = bow_train["score"].tolist() from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(list_train, list_labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) X_train_counts, count_vectorizer = count_vector(X_train) X_test_counts = count_vectorizer.transform(X_test) test_counts = count_vectorizer.transform(list_test) # print(X_train_counts.shape, X_test_counts.shape, test_counts.shape)
(2) TF-IDF:其中具体的描述可以在这里看到:TF-IDF详解
# TF-IDF from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer import scipy as sc def tfidf(data): tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer() train = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(data) return train, tfidf_vectorizer tf_data = data tf_data["words_tf"] = tf_data["s1"] + tf_data["s2"] tf_test = tf_data[tf_data.score.isnull()] tf_train = tf_data[~tf_data.score.isnull()] list_tf_test = tf_test["words_tf"].tolist() list_tf_train = tf_train["words_tf"].tolist() list_tf_labels = tf_train["score"].tolist() X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(list_tf_train, list_tf_labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) X_train_tfidf, tfidf_vectorizer = tfidf(X_train) X_test_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(X_test) test_tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(list_test)
3.1 使用Word2Vec模型的训练:
path_data = "text_small" path_train_lab = "train_ai-lab.txt" path_test_lab = "test_ai-lab.txt" path_other_lab = "sicktest" def get_sentences(): """ 获取文件中句子作为语料库使用 :return: """ sentences = [] with open(path_train_lab) as file: for line in file: item = line.split(\'\\t\') sentences.append(prep_sentence(item[1])) sentences.append(prep_sentence(item[2])) with open(path_test_lab) as file: for line in file: item = line.split(\'\\t\') sentences.append(prep_sentence(item[1])) sentences.append(prep_sentence(item[2])) # # 添加额外语料 # with open(path_other_lab) as file: # for line in file: # item = line.split(\'\\t\') # sentences.append(prep_sentence(item[0])) # sentences.append(prep_sentence(item[1])) # sentences += word2vec.Text8Corpus(path_data) return sentences
def train_w2v_model(sentences): """ 训练w2v模型 :param sentences: 语料 :return: """ # logging.basicConfig(format=\'%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s\', level=logging.INFO) model = Word2Vec(sentences, size=200, min_count=1, iter=2000, window=10) model.save("w2v.mod")
def get_w2v_result(): """ 通过w2v后根据余弦相似度预测句子相似度打分 :return: 输出 测试机的id 训练集的预测结果, 对测试集的预测结果, 训练集的标签 """ model_loaded = Word2Vec.load(\'w2v.mod\') x_train = [] y_train = [] x_test = [] with open(path_train_lab) as file: for line in file: item = line.split(\'\\t\') score = model_loaded.n_similarity(prep_sentence(item[1]), prep_sentence(item[2])) x_train.append(float(round(score * 5, 2))) y_train.append(float(item[3])) idx = [] with open(path_test_lab) as file: for line in file: item = line.split(\'\\t\') score = model_loaded.n_similarity(prep_sentence(item[1]), prep_sentence(item[2])) x_test.append(float(round(score * 5, 2))) idx.append(item[0]) # 计算预测结果 r, p = pearsonr(x_train, y_train) print(\'Result w2v:r\', r) return idx, x_train, x_test, y_train
def get_LR_result(dataCounter): """ 通过词向量处理后使用岭回归进行监督预测 :return: 输出 测试机的id 训练集的预测结果, 对测试集的预测结果, 训练集的标签 """ model_loaded = Word2Vec.load(\'w2v.mod\') x_train = [] y_train = [] # 使用训练数据训练模型 with open(path_train_lab) as file: for line in file: item = line.split(\'\\t\') matr1 = get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, prep_sentence(item[1]), model_loaded) matr2 = get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, prep_sentence(item[2]), model_loaded) data1 = matutils.unitvec(np.array(matr1).mean(axis=0)) data2 = matutils.unitvec(np.array(matr2).mean(axis=0)) data = [abs(num) for num in data1 - data2] # 计算词向量均值差作为特征 x_train.append(data) y_train.append(float(item[3])) idx = [] x_test = [] with open(path_test_lab) as file: for line in file: item = line.split(\'\\t\') matr1 = get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, prep_sentence(item[1]), model_loaded) matr2 = get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, prep_sentence(item[2]), model_loaded) data1 = matutils.unitvec(np.array(matr1).mean(axis=0)) data2 = matutils.unitvec(np.array(matr2).mean(axis=0)) data = [abs(num) for num in data1 - data2] # 计算词向量均值差作为特征 x_test.append(data) idx.append(item[0]) x_train, x_test = LR(x_train, y_train, x_test) return idx, x_train, x_test, y_train def LR(x_train, y_train, x_test): """ 使用岭回归训练模型进行监督学习 :param x_train: 训练集 训练数据 :param y_train: 训练集 打分 :param x_test: 测试集 测试数据 :return: """ clf = linear_model.Ridge() alpha_can = np.logspace(-3, 2, 10) clf = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid={\'alpha\': alpha_can}, cv=5) # 交叉验证 clf.fit(x_train, y_train) pred_x_train = clf.predict(x_train) pred_x_test = clf.predict(x_test) r, p = pearsonr(pred_x_train, y_train) # 直接结果输出 print(\'Result LR:\', r) return pred_x_train, pred_x_test
最后通过阅读论文,我们发现ICLR2017 A simple but tough-to-beat baseline for sentence embedding中恰好有考虑了对词向量进行加权的研究,其重要思路为通过词频对词向量重要程度进行衡量,并在句向量形成过程中进行加权,再通过除去数据中PCA的第一主成分,达到非常好的效果,因此我们队该方案进行了复现,并且用于对本次项目的预测,但是奇怪的是我们的实验结果并且有达到想象中那么好,仅比方案(2)高了一点点,甚至不如上述两种结果。
def get_PCA_result(dataCounter): """ ICLR2017论文算法 根据词频特征加权词向量,并使用PCA方法抽取第一主成分,从句向量中减去第一主成分进行余弦相似度计算 :return: 输出 测试机的id 训练集的预测结果, 对测试集的预测结果, 训练集的标签 """ model_loaded = Word2Vec.load(\'w2v.mod\') y_train = [] # 使用训练数据训练模型 all_train = [] with open(path_train_lab) as file: for line in file: item = line.split(\'\\t\') matr1 = get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, prep_sentence(item[1]), model_loaded) matr2 = get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, prep_sentence(item[2]), model_loaded) data1 = matutils.unitvec(np.array(matr1).mean(axis=0)) data2 = matutils.unitvec(np.array(matr2).mean(axis=0)) all_train.append(data1) all_train.append(data2) y_train.append(float(item[3])) idx = [] all_test = [] with open(path_test_lab) as file: for line in file: item = line.split(\'\\t\') matr1 = get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, prep_sentence(item[1]), model_loaded) matr2 = get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, prep_sentence(item[2]), model_loaded) data1 = matutils.unitvec(np.array(matr1).mean(axis=0)) data2 = matutils.unitvec(np.array(matr2).mean(axis=0)) all_test.append(data1) all_test.append(data2) idx.append(item[0]) all_train = PCA_prep(all_train) all_test = PCA_prep(all_test) x_train = [] # 计算相似度 for i in range(len(all_train)): if i % 2 == 0: sim = cosine_similarity([all_train[i]], [all_train[i + 1]]) x_train.append(sim[0][0] * 5) x_test = [] for i in range(len(all_test)): if i % 2 == 0: sim = cosine_similarity([all_test[i]], [all_test[i + 1]]) x_test.append(sim[0][0] * 5) r, p = pearsonr(x_train, y_train) # 直接结果输出 print(\'Result PCA :\', r) return idx, x_train, x_test, y_train
def get_freq(sentences): """ 获得语料库词频统计字典 :param sentences: :return: """ dataCounter = [] for sent in sentences: dataCounter += sent word_len = len(dataCounter) dataCounter = collections.Counter(dataCounter) for key in dataCounter: dataCounter[key] = dataCounter[key] / word_len # print(dataCounter) # print(1e-3) return dataCounter def get_weighted_sent(dataCounter, word_list, model_loaded): """ 基于词权重加权处理句向量 :param dataCounter: 词频率字典 :param word_list: 句子词列表 :param model_loaded: 词向量模型 :return: """ a = 1e-3 / 4 v_word_list = [] for word in word_list: count = dataCounter[word] # print(model_loaded.wv[word]) # print(a / (a + count) * model_loaded.wv[word]) v_word_list.append(a / (a + count) * model_loaded.wv[word]) return v_word_list
def stacking_result(w2v_x_train, LR_x_train,PCA_x_train, w2v_x_test, LR_x_test,PCA_x_test, label): """ stacking 方法对结果的集成 :param w2v_x_train: :param LR_x_train: :param w2v_x_test: :param LR_x_test: :param label: :return: """ x_train = [[w2v_score, LR_score, PCA_score] for w2v_score, LR_score, PCA_score in zip(w2v_x_train, LR_x_train, PCA_x_train)] x_test = [[w2v_score, LR_score, PCA_score] for w2v_score, LR_score, PCA_score in zip(w2v_x_test, LR_x_test, PCA_x_test)] model = LinearRegression() model.fit(x_train, label) predicted_train = model.predict(x_train) predicted_test = model.predict(x_test) r, p = pearsonr(predicted_train, label) # 直接结果输出 print(\'Result stacking:raw\', r) return predicted_test
Result w2v: 0.770842157582 Result LR: 0.761403048811 Result PCA : 0.728098131446 Result stacking: 0.820756499196 end...