Lecture1 Features of Academic Writing



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Lecture1 Features of Academic Writing相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

I.Academic Writing


for communicating scientific konwledge;addressed to scholars and other knowlegeable readers who are familiar with that branch of knowledge;in terms of discussing an academic problem.




scentific journals,doctoral dissertations,collegess,universities,graduate students

4.Different from other

based on facts,reasoning or logic and evidences

5.Tend to

precise,impersonal,objective,use the third person,the passive tense,complex terminology,various,footnoting,referencing systems


II.Features of Academic Writing

1.Structure : clearly structured

2.Idea Development:logically developed have a clearly formulated central idea,The central idea is usually expressed in a single sentence encapsulting the author‘s answer to the question posed in title

3.Analytic Approach:analytic

4.Use of Sources:moke use of the ideas of other people 

5.Explicitness:ensure that the meaning of the text is clear and free from ambiguity


III.Features of language of Academic Writing

1.Objectivity:rational,impersonal,unemotional argument

2.Formality:formal,avoid coloquialisms and slang,formal language is more precise and stable

  a.Avoid colloquialisms and Idioms

  b.Avoid Two-Word verbs.Use the Single-word equivalent instead

  c.Formal words

3.Accuracy:to write effectively and anthoritatively;usd accurate grammar,vocabularey,spelly and punctunation

4.Hedging(avoid make positive reply):want to avoid showing their personal attitude to their subject

5.Complexity:use more noun-based phrases than verb-based phrases


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