Posted ThinkDifferent
with x0 as
(select to_date(\'2018-01-01\',\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 日期 from dual
union all
select to_date(\'2018-01-15\',\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 日期 from dual ),
x1 as --日期并列显示
(select min (日期) 开始日期,max(日期) 结束日期 from x0 ),
x2 as --日期之间的天数
(select 结束日期-开始日期+1 as 天数 ,开始日期,结束日期 from x1),
x3 as --构造一个从开始日期到结束日期的日期集合 (枚举日期)
(select to_char(开始日期+level-1,\'DY\') as 枚举日期 from x2 connect by level <=天数)
select sum(case when 枚举日期 in (\'sat\',\'sun\')then 0 else 1 end ) as 工作日 from x3
with x0 as
(select to_date(\'2018-01-01\',\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 年初 from dual ),
x1 as
(select 年初,add_months(年初,12) as 下年年初 from x0),
x2 as
(select 年初,下年年初,下年年初-年初 as 天数 from x1),
x3 as
(select 年初+level-1 as 日期 from x2 connect by level <=天数 ),
x4 as
(select 日期,to_char(日期,\'DAY\') AS 星期 FROM X3)
SELECT 星期,count(*) from x4 group by 星期
with x0 as (select \'1\'as name ,to_date(\'2018-01-01\',\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 日期 from dual union all select \'2\' as name,to_date(\'2018-01-15\',\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 日期 from dual union all select \'3\' as name, to_date(\'2018-01-26\',\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 日期 from dual ) select name ,日期,next_d,(next_d-日期) as 相差天数 from ( select name ,日期, lead(日期,1,null) over (order by 日期) as next_d from x0 )
lead 函数见下文说明:(014)每日SQL学习:oracle下lag和lead分析函数
select 列,行 from ( select to_char(sysdate,\'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\') 日期, to_char(sysdate,\'hh24\') as 时, to_char(sysdate,\'mm\') as 分, to_char(sysdate,\'ss\') as 秒, to_char(sysdate,\'dd\') as 日, to_char(sysdate,\'mm\') as 月, to_char(sysdate,\'yyyy\') as 年, to_char(sysdate,\'ddd\') as 年内第几天, to_char(trunc(sysdate,\'day\'),\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 周初, to_char(trunc(sysdate,\'mm\'),\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 月初, to_char(last_day(sysdate),\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 月末, to_char(add_months(trunc(sysdate,\'mm\'),1),\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 下月初, to_char(trunc(sysdate,\'yy\'),\'yyyy-mm-dd\') as 年初, to_char(sysdate,\'day\') as 周几, to_char(sysdate,\'month\') as 月份 from dual ) unpivot( 行 for 列 in (日期,时,分,秒,日,月,年,年内第几天,周初,月初,月末,下月初,年初,周几,月份 ))
说明:注意此处last_day用法,该函数返回的时分秒和参数中的一样。既:如果参数日期为 2018-03-03 12:25:34 那么last_day(参数)结果是:2018-03-31 12:25:34
select interval \'50\' month as "month", interval \'99\' day as "day", interval \'80\' hour as "hour", interval \'90\' minute as "minute", interval \'3.99\' second as "second", interval \'123-3\' year(3) to month as "year to month" from dual
month day hour minute second year to month
+04-02 +99 00:00:00 +03 08:00:00 +00 01:30:00 +00 00:00:03.990000 +123-03
select systimestamp , extract(year from systimestamp) as "year", extract(month from systimestamp) as "month", extract(day from systimestamp) as"day", extract(hour from systimestamp) as "hour", extract(minute from systimestamp) as "minute", extract(second from systimestamp) as "second" from dual
2.求日期差时 date类型的差值是天数,timestamp的差值的具体到时分秒。例如:
select to_date(\'2018-7-28 03:12:00\',\'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')-sysdate from dual; 结果:148.422858796296 select to_timestamp(\'2018-7-28 03:12:00\',\'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')-systimestamp from dual
结果:+000000148 10:08:54.229000000
with x0 as (select trunc(sysdate)-trunc(sysdate,\'yy\') as d from dual ), x1 as ( select trunc(trunc(sysdate,\'yy\')+level-1) as d1 from x0 connect by level<=d) select d1,to_char(d1,\'d\') as dd, to_char(d1,\'day\') as 星期, next_day(d1,1) as 下个周日, to_char(d1,\'iw\')第几周 from x1
select next_day(trunc(sysdate,\'mm\')-1,2) as 第一个星期一 , next_day(last_day(trunc(sysdate))-7,2) as 最后一个星期一 from dual
with x0 as /*取出当前日期月初月末*/ (select trunc(sysdate,\'mm\') as first_day,last_day(trunc(sysdate,\'mm\')) as last_day from dual), x1 as /*这个月的天数*/ (select (last_day-first_day+1) as day_num ,first_day,last_day from x0 ), x2 as /*枚举本月每一天*/ (select first_day+level-1 as dd from x1 connect by level<=day_num), x3 as /*提取周信息*/ (select to_char(dd,\'iw\') 第几周 , to_char(dd,\'dd\') as 日期, to_number(to_char(dd,\'d\')) 周几 from x2 ) select min(case when 周几 =\'2\' then 日期 end ) as 周一, max(case when 周几 =\'3\' then 日期 end) as 周二, max(case when 周几 =\'4\' then 日期 end) as 周三, max(case when 周几 =\'5\' then 日期 end) as 周四, max(case when 周几 =\'6\' then 日期 end) as 周五, max(case when 周几 =\'7\' then 日期 end) as 周六, max(case when 周几 =\'1\' then 日期 end) as 周日 from x3 group by 第几周 order by 第几周
with x0 as /*取出当前日期月初月末*/ (select trunc(sysdate,\'yy\') as first_day,add_months(trunc(sysdate,\'yy\'),12)-1 as last_day from dual), x1 as /*这个月的天数*/ (select (last_day-first_day+1) as day_num ,first_day,last_day from x0 ), x2 as /*枚举本月每一天*/ (select first_day+level-1 as dd from x1 connect by level<=day_num), x3 as /*提取周信息*/ (select to_char(dd,\'iw\') 第几周 , to_char(dd,\'mm\') 月, dd as 日期, to_number(to_char(dd,\'d\')) 周几 from x2 ), x4 as /*修正十二月份53周变为第一周的问题*/ ( select case when 月=\'12\' and 第几周=\'01\' then \'53\' else 第几周 end 第几周,日期, 周几 from x3 ) select min(case when 周几 =\'2\' then 日期 end ) as 周一, max(case when 周几 =\'3\' then 日期 end) as 周二, max(case when 周几 =\'4\' then 日期 end) as 周三, max(case when 周几 =\'5\' then 日期 end) as 周四, max(case when 周几 =\'6\' then 日期 end) as 周五, max(case when 周几 =\'7\' then 日期 end) as 周六, max(case when 周几 =\'1\' then 日期 end) as 周日 from x4 group by 第几周 order by 第几周
select sn as 季度, (sn-1)*3+1 as 月份, add_months(to_date(年,\'yyyy\'),(sn-1)*3) as 开始日期, add_months(to_date(年,\'yyyy\'),sn*3)-1 as 结束日期 from (select \'2013\' as 年,level as sn from dual connect by level<=4)
季度 月份 开始日期 结束日期
1 1 1 2013/3/1 2013/5/31
2 2 4 2013/6/1 2013/8/31
3 3 7 2013/9/1 2013/11/30
4 4 10 2013/12/1 2014/2/28