Posted Faxcom
Const WN As Integer = 10, HN As Integer = 20
Const Boxl As Integer = 372, BoxNum As Integer = 200
Const Boxl As Integer = 372, BoxNum As Integer = 200
Private Sub Combo1_DropDown()
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Timer1.Interval = TimeLen
End Sub
Timer1.Interval = TimeLen
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call Load
Form1.Width = Screen.Width
Form1.Height = Screen.Height
\'For a = 0 To 3
With Label1
.Caption = " 华康强大 华夏复兴"
.Width = Form1.ScaleWidth - 10 * Boxl
.Height = 20 * Boxl
.Move 10 * Boxl, 0
End With
\'Next a
With Label2
.Move 0, 20 * Boxl
.Caption = "经以此纪念伟大的盗版者,中国人民的英雄——雷华康!"
End With
Form1.Caption = "w,a,s,d分别为变形、左、右及降落"
TimeLen = 200
Timer1.Interval = 1000
Call ClearUpEr
For a = 0 To 3
With Shape2(a)
.Width = Boxl
.Height = Boxl
End With
Next a
End Sub

Private Sub ClearUpEr()
With Form1
.Width = WN * 372 / 2 * 3
.Height = 27 * Boxl
End With
Dim Ia As Integer, ib As Integer
Dim x(BoxNum) As Integer, y(BoxNum) As Integer
x(1) = 0
y(1) = 0
For a = 0 To 199
With Shape1(a)
.Width = Boxl * (Iret + 1)
.Height = Boxl * (Iret + 1)
End With
Ia = Ia + 1
If (Ia <> 0) And (a Mod WN = 0) Then Ia = 0: ib = ib + 1
x(a) = Boxl * Ia
y(a) = Boxl * (ib - 1)
Shape1(a).Move x(a), y(a)
Next a
End Sub
Call Load
Form1.Width = Screen.Width
Form1.Height = Screen.Height
\'For a = 0 To 3
With Label1
.Caption = " 华康强大 华夏复兴"
.Width = Form1.ScaleWidth - 10 * Boxl
.Height = 20 * Boxl
.Move 10 * Boxl, 0
End With
\'Next a
With Label2
.Move 0, 20 * Boxl
.Caption = "经以此纪念伟大的盗版者,中国人民的英雄——雷华康!"
End With
Form1.Caption = "w,a,s,d分别为变形、左、右及降落"
TimeLen = 200
Timer1.Interval = 1000
Call ClearUpEr
For a = 0 To 3
With Shape2(a)
.Width = Boxl
.Height = Boxl
End With
Next a
End Sub

Private Sub ClearUpEr()
With Form1
.Width = WN * 372 / 2 * 3
.Height = 27 * Boxl
End With
Dim Ia As Integer, ib As Integer
Dim x(BoxNum) As Integer, y(BoxNum) As Integer
x(1) = 0
y(1) = 0
For a = 0 To 199
With Shape1(a)
.Width = Boxl * (Iret + 1)
.Height = Boxl * (Iret + 1)
End With
Ia = Ia + 1
If (Ia <> 0) And (a Mod WN = 0) Then Ia = 0: ib = ib + 1
x(a) = Boxl * Ia
y(a) = Boxl * (ib - 1)
Shape1(a).Move x(a), y(a)
Next a
End Sub

Sub ShapeAdd()
Dim Sret As Integer
x(1) = 0: y(1) = 0: stet = 3
For j = 2 To 4
If j = 4 Then
If x(3) = 1 And y(3) = 1 Then
Rndget Sret, 2
If Sret = 0 Then GoTo Four:
End If
End If
Rndget Sret, 2
If Sret = 1 Then
Sret = j
NextBox Sret, Sret - 1, 1, 1
Sret = j
NextBox Sret, Sret - 1, 1, 0
End If
Dim Sret As Integer
x(1) = 0: y(1) = 0: stet = 3
For j = 2 To 4
If j = 4 Then
If x(3) = 1 And y(3) = 1 Then
Rndget Sret, 2
If Sret = 0 Then GoTo Four:
End If
End If
Rndget Sret, 2
If Sret = 1 Then
Sret = j
NextBox Sret, Sret - 1, 1, 1
Sret = j
NextBox Sret, Sret - 1, 1, 0
End If
Next j
If 1 = 2 Then
Rndget Sret, 2
Select Case x(2)
Case 1:
If Sret = 1 Then
NextBox 4, 2, 1, 1
NextBox 4, 3, -1, 1
End If
Case 0:
If Sret = 1 Then
NextBox 4, 2, 1, 0
NextBox 4, 3, -1, 0
End If
End Select
End If
For a = 1 To 4
With Shape2(a - 1)
.Move x(a) * Boxl, y(a) * Boxl
.Width = Boxl
.Height = Boxl
End With
Next a
Dim reta3, reta4 As Integer
For a = 1 To 4
reta3 = x(a)
If reta3 > reta4 Then: reta4 = reta3
Next a
reta3 = Fix(Rnd * (9 - reta4)) + 1
For a = 1 To 4
x(a) = x(a) + reta3
Next a
End Sub
If 1 = 2 Then
Rndget Sret, 2
Select Case x(2)
Case 1:
If Sret = 1 Then
NextBox 4, 2, 1, 1
NextBox 4, 3, -1, 1
End If
Case 0:
If Sret = 1 Then
NextBox 4, 2, 1, 0
NextBox 4, 3, -1, 0
End If
End Select
End If
For a = 1 To 4
With Shape2(a - 1)
.Move x(a) * Boxl, y(a) * Boxl
.Width = Boxl
.Height = Boxl
End With
Next a
Dim reta3, reta4 As Integer
For a = 1 To 4
reta3 = x(a)
If reta3 > reta4 Then: reta4 = reta3
Next a
reta3 = Fix(Rnd * (9 - reta4)) + 1
For a = 1 To 4
x(a) = x(a) + reta3
Next a
End Sub

Sub Cleaner()
For a = 1 To 10
For b = 1 To 20
If BF(a, b) = 1 Then
Shape1(a + (b - 1) * 10 - 1).FillStyle = 0
Shape1(a + (b - 1) * 10 - 1).FillStyle = 1
End If
Next b
Next a
For a = 1 To 10
For b = 1 To 20
If BF(a, b) = 1 Then
Shape1(a + (b - 1) * 10 - 1).FillStyle = 0
Shape1(a + (b - 1) * 10 - 1).FillStyle = 1
End If
Next b
Next a
End Sub
Sub CheckTop()
On Error GoTo done:
For a = 1 To 4
If x(a) + 1 < 19 Then On Error Resume Next
If y(a) > 18 Then GoTo done:
If BF(x(a) + 1, y(a) + 2) = 1 Then GoTo done:
On Error GoTo Over:
If x(a) + 1 > 20 Or x(a) + 1 < 1 Then GoTo Over:
Next a
If 1 = 2 Then
Call ClsBox
\'Timelen = 500
Call ShapeAdd
\'MsgBox "GameOver!": End
End If
If 1 = 2 Then
For a = 1 To 4
If BF(x(a) + 1, y(a) + 1) = 1 Then GoTo Over:
Next a
For a = 1 To 4
BF(x(a) + 1, y(a) + 1) = 1
Next a
Call ShapeAdd: If BottomAsk = True Then TimeLen = 500: BottomAsk = False
End If
End Sub
If x(a) + 1 > 20 Or x(a) + 1 < 1 Then GoTo Over:
Next a
If 1 = 2 Then
Call ClsBox
\'Timelen = 500
Call ShapeAdd
\'MsgBox "GameOver!": End
End If
If 1 = 2 Then
For a = 1 To 4
If BF(x(a) + 1, y(a) + 1) = 1 Then GoTo Over:
Next a
For a = 1 To 4
BF(x(a) + 1, y(a) + 1) = 1
Next a
Call ShapeAdd: If BottomAsk = True Then TimeLen = 500: BottomAsk = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Turn()
Dim ret As Integer
For a = 1 To 4
ret = x(a) - x(3): mY(a) = ret + y(3)
ret = y(a) - y(3): mX(a) = ret + x(3)
\' On Error GoTo chc:
\' If 1 = 2 Then
\' If syssin Then
\' On Error Resume Next
\' Else
\' On Error GoTo handle:
\' End If
\' End If
Next a
\'If 1 = 2 Then
\' If BF(mX(a) + 2, mY(a) + 2) = 1 Then GoTo Pass:
\'End If
End Sub
Dim ret As Integer
For a = 1 To 4
ret = x(a) - x(3): mY(a) = ret + y(3)
ret = y(a) - y(3): mX(a) = ret + x(3)
\' On Error GoTo chc:
\' If 1 = 2 Then
\' If syssin Then
\' On Error Resume Next
\' Else
\' On Error GoTo handle:
\' End If
\' End If
Next a
\'If 1 = 2 Then
\' If BF(mX(a) + 2, mY(a) + 2) = 1 Then GoTo Pass:
\'End If
End Sub

Sub XFull() \'Totoo作品,中国智造
Dim Ia As Integer, I As Integer
Dim mY As Integer, BfRet(1 To 10, 1 To 20) As Integer
Dim Cleanit As Boolean
For b = 1 To 20
For a = 1 To 10
If BF(a, b) = 1 Then Ia = Ia + 1
Next a
If Ia = 10 Then I = I + 1: Toper(I) = b: \'记录满格
Ia = 0
Next b
If I <> 0 Then
For b = 1 To I
For a = 1 To 10
BF(a, Toper(b)) = 0
Next a
socre = socre + 200
Next b
Label2.Caption = "得分:" & Str(socre)
End If
If (Clean = True) Then
For a = 1 To 10
Cleanit = False
For b = 1 To 20
mY = 0
mY = BF(a, b)
If BF(a, b) = 1 Then
For c = 1 To I
If Toper(c) <> 0 Then
If b < Toper(c) Then
mY = mY + 1
Cleanit = True
End If
End If
If c = I Then
If b + mY > 20 Then GoTo Pass:
BfRet(a, b + mY - 1) = 1
If 1 = 2 Then
For d = 1 To 10
BfRet(a, 20) = 1
Next d
End If
End If
Next c
End If
mY = 0
Next b
If Cleanit = True Then
For b = 1 To 20
BF(a, b) = BfRet(a, b)
BfRet(a, b) = 0
Next b
End If
Next a
End If
For L = 1 To I
Toper(L) = 0
Next L
End Sub
Dim Ia As Integer, I As Integer
Dim mY As Integer, BfRet(1 To 10, 1 To 20) As Integer
Dim Cleanit As Boolean
For b = 1 To 20
For a = 1 To 10
If BF(a, b) = 1 Then Ia = Ia + 1
Next a
If Ia = 10 Then I = I + 1: Toper(I) = b: \'记录满格
Ia = 0
Next b
If I <> 0 Then
For b = 1 To I
For a = 1 To 10
BF(a, Toper(b)) = 0
Next a
socre = socre + 200
Next b
Label2.Caption = "得分:" & Str(socre)
End If
If (Clean = True) Then
For a = 1 To 10
Cleanit = False
For b = 1 To 20
mY = 0
mY = BF(a, b)
If BF(a, b) = 1 Then
For c = 1 To I
If Toper(c) <> 0 Then
If b < Toper(c) Then
mY = mY + 1
Cleanit = True
End If
End If
If c = I Then
If b + mY > 20 Then GoTo Pass:
BfRet(a, b + mY - 1) = 1
If 1 = 2 Then
For d = 1 To 10
BfRet(a, 20) = 1
Next d
End If
End If
Next c
End If
mY = 0
Next b
If Cleanit = True Then
For b = 1 To 20
BF(a, b) = BfRet(a, b)
BfRet(a, b) = 0
Next b
End If
Next a
End If
For L = 1 To I
Toper(L) = 0
Next L
End Sub
Private Sub Save()
Dim SFN As String
SFN = CommonDialog1.FileName
If SFN <> "" Then
Open SFN & ".totooDat" For Output As #1
For a = 1 To 10
For b = 1 To 20
Print #1, BF(a, b)
Next b, a
Print socre
Close #1
End If
End Sub
Dim SFN As String
SFN = CommonDialog1.FileName
If SFN <> "" Then
Open SFN & ".totooDat" For Output As #1
For a = 1 To 10
For b = 1 To 20
Print #1, BF(a, b)
Next b, a
Print socre
Close #1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
Case 65, 37: MoveLeft
Case 68, 39: MoveRight
Case 87, 38: Turn
Case 83, 40: TimeLen = 20: BottomAsk = True
End Select
If KeyCode = 13 Then
EntI = EntI + 1
If EntI Mod 2 = 1 Then
TimeLen = 10
Else: TimeLen = 1000: End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Fail()
Clean = True
For a = 1 To 4
y(a) = y(a) + 1
Shape2(a - 1).Move x(a) * Boxl, y(a) * Boxl
Next a
End Sub
Clean = True
For a = 1 To 4
y(a) = y(a) + 1
Shape2(a - 1).Move x(a) * Boxl, y(a) * Boxl
Next a
End Sub

Public x(1 To 4), y(1 To 4) As Integer
Public BF(1 To 10, 1 To 20) As Integer, mX(1 To 4), mY(1 To 4) As Integer
Public retY(1 To 20), Toper(1 To 20) As Integer, Saver(1 To 10) As String
Public socre, Iret, MarkNum As Integer, TimeLen As Integer, EntI As Integer
Public SystemAsk As Boolean, BottomAsk As Boolean, ret As String
Public Repeat As Boolean, Clean As Boolean
Public BF(1 To 10, 1 To 20) As Integer, mX(1 To 4), mY(1 To 4) As Integer
Public retY(1 To 20), Toper(1 To 20) As Integer, Saver(1 To 10) As String
Public socre, Iret, MarkNum As Integer, TimeLen As Integer, EntI As Integer
Public SystemAsk As Boolean, BottomAsk As Boolean, ret As String
Public Repeat As Boolean, Clean As Boolean
Public Sub MoveLeft()
On Error GoTo Pass:
For a = 1 To 4
mX(a) = x(a) - 1
If BF(mX(a) + 1, y(a) + 1) = 1 Then GoTo Pass:
Next a
For a = 1 To 4
x(a) = mX(a)
Next a
End Sub
Public Sub MoveRight()
On Error GoTo Pass:
For a = 1 To 4
mX(a) = x(a) + 1
If BF(mX(a) + 1, y(a) + 1) = 1 Then GoTo Pass:
Next a
For a = 1 To 4
x(a) = mX(a)
Next a
End Sub
On Error GoTo Pass:
For a = 1 To 4
mX(a) = x(a) + 1
If BF(mX(a) + 1, y(a) + 1) = 1 Then GoTo Pass:
Next a
For a = 1 To 4
x(a) = mX(a)
Next a
End Sub
Public Sub Load()
End Sub
Public Sub ClsBox()
For a = 1 To 10
For b = 1 To 20
BF(a, b) = 0
Next b
Next a
End Sub
For a = 1 To 10
For b = 1 To 20
BF(a, b) = 0
Next b
Next a
End Sub
Public Sub NextBox(a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer, d As Integer)
If d = 0 Then
x(a) = x(b): y(a) = y(b) + c
x(a) = x(b) + c: y(a) = y(b)
End If
End Sub
If d = 0 Then
x(a) = x(b): y(a) = y(b) + c
x(a) = x(b) + c: y(a) = y(b)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Rndget(a, b As Integer)
a = Fix(Rnd * b)
End Sub
Public Sub ComeTure()
For a = 1 To 4
x(a) = mX(a): y(a) = mY(a)
Next a
End Sub
For a = 1 To 4
x(a) = mX(a): y(a) = mY(a)
Next a
End Sub
