
Posted rgqancy






    if ($ENV{BROWSER}) {
        push(@try, split(/:/, $ENV{BROWSER}));
    } else { # set some defaults
        push(@try, firefox -a firefox -remote openURL\(%s\));
        push(@try, mozilla -remote openURL\(%s\));
        push(@try, opera -remote openURL\(%s\));
        push(@try, galeon -n);
        push(@try, lynx); # prefer lynx over links as it can handle news:-urls
        push(@try, qw(links2 -g links w3m));
        push(@try, kfmclient newTab); # has no useful return-value on error





#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# example of how to call an appropriate viewer
# URLs must start with a scheme and shell metas should be already quoted
# (tin doesn‘t recognize URLs without a scheme and it quotes the metas)

use strict;
use warnings;

(my $pname = $0) =~ s#^.*/##;
die "Usage: $pname URL" if $#ARGV != 0;

# version Number
my $version = "0.1.1";

my ($method, $url, $match, @try);
$method = $url = $ARGV[0];
$method =~ s#^([^:]+):.*#$1#io;

# shell escape
$url =~ s#([\&\;\`\‘\\\"\|\*\?\~\<\>\^\(\)\[\]\{\}\$\010\013\020\011])#\\$1#g;

if ($ENV{"BROWSER_".uc($method)}) {
    push(@try, split(/:/, $ENV{"BROWSER_".uc($method)}));
} else {
    if ($ENV{BROWSER}) {
        push(@try, split(/:/, $ENV{BROWSER}));
    } else { # set some defaults
        push(@try, firefox -a firefox -remote openURL\(%s\));
        push(@try, mozilla -remote openURL\(%s\));
        push(@try, opera -remote openURL\(%s\));
        push(@try, galeon -n);
        push(@try, lynx); # prefer lynx over links as it can handle news:-urls
        push(@try, qw(links2 -g links w3m));
        push(@try, kfmclient newTab); # has no useful return-value on error

for my $browser (@try) {
    # ignore empty parts
    next if ($browser =~ m/^$/o);
    # expand %s if not preceded by odd number of %
    $match = $browser =~ s/(?<!%)((?:%%)*)%s/$1$url/og;
    # expand %c if not preceded by odd number of %
    $browser =~ s/(?<!%)((?:%%)*)%c/$1:/og;
    # reduce dubble %
    $browser =~ s/%%/%/og;
    # append URL if no %s expansion took place
    $browser .= " ".$url if (!$match);
    # leave loop if $browser was started successful
    last if (system("$browser 2>/dev/null") == 0);
exit 0;


=head1 NAME

url_handler.pl - Spawn appropriate viewer for a given URL


B<url_handler.pl> I<URL>


B<url_handler.pl> takes an URL as argument and spawns the first executable
viewer found in either B<$BROWSER_I<SCHEME>> or B<$BROWSER>.


=over 4


The users preferred utility to browse URLs of tye I<SCHEME>. May actually
consist of a sequence of colon-separated browser commands to be tried in
order until one succeeds. If a command part contains %s, the URL is
substituted there, otherwise the browser command is simply called with the
URL as its last argument. %% is replaced by a single percent sign (%), and
%c is replaced by a colon (:).

=over 4

=item $BROWSER_FTP="wget:ncftp"

=item $BROWSER_GOPHER="lynx:links"

=item $BROWSER_MAILTO="mutt:pine -url"

=item $BROWSER_NEWS="lynx"

=item $BROWSER_NNTP="lynx"



=item B<$BROWSER>

The users preferred utility to browse URLs for which there is no special
viewer defined via B<$BROWSER_I<SCHEME>>. Again it may actually consist of a
sequence of colon-separated browser commands to be tried in order until one
succeeds. If a command part contains %s, the URL is substituted there,
otherwise the browser command is simply called with the URL as its last
argument. %% is replaced by a single percent sign (%), and %c is replaced
by a colon (:).

=over 2

=item $BROWSER="firefox -a firefox -remote openURL\(%s\):opera:konqueror:links2 -g:lynx:w3m"



B<url_handler.pl> was designed to work together with B<tin>(1) which only
issues shell escaped absolute URLs thus B<url_handler.pl> does not try hard
to shell escape its input nor does it convert relative URLs into absolute
ones! If you use B<url_handler.pl> from other applications be sure to at
least shell escaped its input!

=head1 AUTHOR

Urs Janssen E<lt>urs@tin.orgE<gt>

=head1 SEE ALSO





分享一个我自己写的百度URL采集 可直接使用谷歌黑帽子语法

分享一个我自己写的百度URL采集 可直接使用谷歌黑帽子语法

我可以确保在 5.10+ 上编写的 Perl 代码可以在 5.8 上运行吗?

linux 系统写的 perl程序,单独可以执行,但放入crontab里后就不执行了

