MQTT For ESP8266 的调试
- 拷贝ESP8266_RTOS_SDK-master\\examples\\mqtt_demo到ESP8266_RTOS_SDK-master\\(主要为了编译)
- 按照 “ESP8266开发环境搭建” 中的方法修改C/C++ Build选项
- 在mqtt_demo\\Makefile这个文件的开头添加如下export语句:
1 ############################################################# 2 # Required variables for each makefile 3 # Discard this section from all parent makefiles 4 # Expected variables (with automatic defaults): 5 # CSRCS (all "C" files in the dir) 6 # SUBDIRS (all subdirs with a Makefile) 7 # GEN_LIBS - list of libs to be generated () 8 # GEN_IMAGES - list of object file images to be generated () 9 # GEN_BINS - list of binaries to be generated () 10 # COMPONENTS_xxx - a list of libs/objs in the form 11 # subdir/lib to be extracted and rolled up into 12 # a generated lib/image xxx.a () 13 # 14 TARGET = eagle 15 #FLAVOR = release 16 FLAVOR = debug 17 18 export SDK_PATH=/cygdrive/d/03_MyEsp8266Projects/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK-master/ 19 export BIN_PATH=/cygdrive/d/03_MyEsp8266Projects/ESP8266_RTOS_SDK-master/bin/ 20 #EXTRA_CCFLAGS += -u
- 中的mqtt_demo\\include下的user_config.h中的SSID和PASSWORD改成路由器的WIFI名和密码如:
#define SSID "wifiname" #define PASSWORD "wifipassword"
- 修改mqtt_demo\\user\\MQTTEcho.c中定义的MQTT的服务器IP地址(似乎可以用主机名,但是这里没有进行尝试了)
#define MQTT_BROKER "" /* Address of the MQTT Broker to be connected*/
- 在任务回掉函数 -- mqtt_client_thread 修改MQTT服务器的TCP端口:
if ((rc = NetworkConnect(&network, address, 61613)) != 0) //MQTT服务器的端口为61613 printf("Return code from network connect is %d\\n", rc);
- 继续在mqtt_client_thread函数中添加MQTT服务的账号和密码:
connectData.MQTTVersion = 3; // mqtt的版本或者说level, 服务器是4,这里给3也可以用 connectData.clientID.cstring = "ESP8266_sample"; // mqtt客户端id connectData.username.cstring = "admin"; // 连接账号 connectData.password.cstring = "password"; // 连接密码
- 可以直接用Window 下的 MQTT服务器搭建以及调试中的方法直接搭建MQTT服务器,但是要保证PC和ESP8266连接到同一局域网
- 客户端的MQTT的服务器地址要填PC的实际使用的网卡IP地址,PC最好使用WIFI连接路由器,然后MQTT服务器地址就是WLAN的IP地址
- 固件的烧录地址要和编译后的提示一致,官方文档上有错误,不能完全按照官方文档上的做。
- 调试截图:
此外还可以用paho发布主题 ”ESP8266/sample/sub“,ESP8266会收到并通过串口打印
- 最后贴出两个个文件的全部代码:

1 /* 2 * ESPRESSIF MIT License 3 * 4 * Copyright (c) 2015 <ESPRESSIF SYSTEMS (SHANGHAI) PTE LTD> 5 * 6 * Permission is hereby granted for use on ESPRESSIF SYSTEMS ESP8266 only, in which case, 7 * it is free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated 8 * documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including 9 * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, 10 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished 11 * to do so, subject to the following conditions: 12 * 13 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or 14 * substantial portions of the Software. 15 * 16 * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR 17 * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS 18 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR 19 * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER 20 * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN 21 * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 22 * 23 */ 24 25 #include "esp_common.h" 26 #include "user_config.h" 27 28 /****************************************************************************** 29 * FunctionName : user_rf_cal_sector_set 30 * Description : SDK just reversed 4 sectors, used for rf init data and paramters. 31 * We add this function to force users to set rf cal sector, since 32 * we don‘t know which sector is free in user‘s application. 33 * sector map for last several sectors : ABCCC 34 * A : rf cal 35 * B : rf init data 36 * C : sdk parameters 37 * Parameters : none 38 * Returns : rf cal sector 39 *******************************************************************************/ 40 uint32 user_rf_cal_sector_set(void) 41 { 42 flash_size_map size_map = system_get_flash_size_map(); 43 uint32 rf_cal_sec = 0; 44 45 switch (size_map) { 46 case FLASH_SIZE_4M_MAP_256_256: 47 rf_cal_sec = 128 - 5; 48 break; 49 50 case FLASH_SIZE_8M_MAP_512_512: 51 rf_cal_sec = 256 - 5; 52 break; 53 54 case FLASH_SIZE_16M_MAP_512_512: 55 case FLASH_SIZE_16M_MAP_1024_1024: 56 rf_cal_sec = 512 - 5; 57 break; 58 59 case FLASH_SIZE_32M_MAP_512_512: 60 case FLASH_SIZE_32M_MAP_1024_1024: 61 rf_cal_sec = 1024 - 5; 62 break; 63 case FLASH_SIZE_64M_MAP_1024_1024: 64 rf_cal_sec = 2048 - 5; 65 break; 66 case FLASH_SIZE_128M_MAP_1024_1024: 67 rf_cal_sec = 4096 - 5; 68 break; 69 default: 70 rf_cal_sec = 0; 71 break; 72 } 73 74 return rf_cal_sec; 75 } 76 77 void wifi_event_handler_cb(System_Event_t *event) 78 { 79 if (event == NULL) { 80 printf("wifi event == event\\n "); 81 return; 82 } 83 printf("wifi event handler cb default event->event_id = %d\\n ",event->event_id); 84 switch (event->event_id) { 85 case EVENT_STAMODE_GOT_IP: 86 printf("sta got ip ,create task and free heap size is %d\\n", system_get_free_heap_size()); 87 user_conn_init(); 88 break; 89 90 case EVENT_STAMODE_CONNECTED: 91 printf("sta connected\\n"); 92 break; 93 94 case EVENT_STAMODE_DISCONNECTED: 95 printf("wifi disconnected"); 96 wifi_station_connect(); 97 break; 98 99 default: 100 printf("wifi event handler cb default\\n "); 101 break; 102 } 103 } 104 105 /****************************************************************************** 106 * FunctionName : user_init 107 * Description : entry of user application, init user function here 108 * Parameters : none 109 * Returns : none 110 *******************************************************************************/ 111 void user_init(void) 112 { 113 printf("MY MQTT.V0.04.SDK version:%s %d\\n", system_get_sdk_version(), system_get_free_heap_size()); 114 printf("ssid:%s, password:%s \\n",SSID, PASSWORD); 115 wifi_set_opmode_current(STATION_MODE); 116 117 struct station_config config; 118 bzero(&config, sizeof(struct station_config)); 119 sprintf(config.ssid, SSID); 120 sprintf(config.password, PASSWORD); 121 wifi_station_set_config(&config); 122 123 wifi_set_event_handler_cb(wifi_event_handler_cb); 124 125 wifi_station_connect(); 126 }

1 /******************************************************************************* 2 * Copyright (c) 2014 IBM Corp. 3 * 4 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials 5 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 6 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. 7 * 8 * The Eclipse Public License is available at 9 * 10 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 11 * 12 * 13 * Contributors: 14 * Ian Craggs - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation 15 *******************************************************************************/ 16 17 #include <stddef.h> 18 #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" 19 #include "freertos/task.h" 20 #include "mqtt/MQTTClient.h" 21 22 #define MQTT_CLIENT_THREAD_NAME "mqtt_client_thread" 23 #define MQTT_CLIENT_THREAD_STACK_WORDS 2048 24 #define MQTT_CLIENT_THREAD_PRIO 8 25 LOCAL xTaskHandle mqttc_client_handle; 26 27 #define MQTT_BROKER "" /* Address of the MQTT Broker to be connected*/ 28 29 void messageArrived(MessageData* data) 30 { 31 printf("Message arrived: %s\\n", data->message->payload); 32 } 33 34 static void mqtt_client_thread(void *pvParameters) 35 { 36 printf("mqtt client thread starts\\n"); 37 MQTTClient client; 38 Network network; 39 unsigned char sendbuf[80], readbuf[80] = {0}; 40 int rc = 0, count = 0; 41 MQTTPacket_connectData connectData = MQTTPacket_connectData_initializer; 42 43 pvParameters = 0; 44 NetworkInit(&network); 45 MQTTClientInit(&client, &network, 30000, sendbuf, sizeof(sendbuf), readbuf, sizeof(readbuf)); 46 47 char* address = MQTT_BROKER; 48 // if ((rc = NetworkConnect(&network, address, 1883)) != 0) 49 // printf("Return code from network connect is %d\\n", rc); 50 if ((rc = NetworkConnect(&network, address, 61613)) != 0) 51 printf("Return code from network connect is %d\\n", rc); 52 53 #if defined(MQTT_TASK) 54 if ((rc = MQTTStartTask(&client)) != pdPASS) 55 printf("Return code from start tasks is %d\\n", rc); 56 else 57 printf("Use MQTTStartTask\\n"); 58 #endif 59 60 connectData.MQTTVersion = 3; 61 connectData.clientID.cstring = "ESP8266_sample"; 62 //----------------------- 63 connectData.username.cstring = "admin"; 64 connectData.password.cstring = "password"; 65 66 if ((rc = MQTTConnect(&client, &connectData)) != 0) 67 printf("Return code from MQTT connect is %d\\n", rc); 68 else 69 printf("MQTT Connected\\n"); 70 71 if ((rc = MQTTSubscribe(&client, "ESP8266/sample/sub", 2, messageArrived)) != 0) 72 printf("Return code from MQTT subscribe is %d\\n", rc); 73 else 74 printf("MQTT subscribe to topic \\"ESP8266/sample/sub\\"\\n"); 75 76 while (++count) { 77 MQTTMessage message; 78 char payload[30]; 79 80 message.qos = QOS2; 81 message.retained = 0; 82 message.payload = payload; 83 sprintf(payload, "message number %d", count); 84 message.payloadlen = strlen(payload); 85 86 if ((rc = MQTTPublish(&client, "ESP8266/sample/pub", &message)) != 0) 87 printf("Return code from MQTT publish is %d\\n", rc); 88 else 89 printf("MQTT publish topic \\"ESP8266/sample/pub\\", message number is %d\\n", count); 90 91 // vTaskDelay(100000 / portTICK_RATE_MS); //send every 100 seconds 92 vTaskDelay(10000 / portTICK_RATE_MS); //send every 10 seconds 93 } 94 95 printf("mqtt_client_thread going to be deleted\\n"); 96 vTaskDelete(NULL); 97 return; 98 } 99 100 void user_conn_init(void) 101 { 102 int ret; 103 ret = xTaskCreate(mqtt_client_thread, 104 MQTT_CLIENT_THREAD_NAME, 105 MQTT_CLIENT_THREAD_STACK_WORDS, 106 NULL, 107 MQTT_CLIENT_THREAD_PRIO, 108 &mqttc_client_handle); 109 if (ret != pdPASS) { 110 printf("mqtt create client thread %s failed\\n", MQTT_CLIENT_THREAD_NAME); 111 } 112 }