E - The Blocks Problem ( UVA - 101)

Posted Alpacaddhh


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了E - The Blocks Problem ( UVA - 101)相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

- 题目大意


  1. move a onto b:把木块a、b上的木块放回各自的原位,再把a放到b上;
  1. move a over b:把a上的木块放回各自的原位,再把a发到含b的堆上;

  2. pile a onto b:把b上的木块放回各自的原位,再把a连同a上的木块移到b上;

  3. pile a over b:把a连同a上木块移到含b的堆上。


- 解题思路


  1. 找到某木块
  2. 将某木块上的木块放回原位
  3. 将某木块及其上面木块移动到另一个木块上

- 代码


	using namespace std;
	int n;
	vector<int> num[24];
	void find(int a, int & i, int &j )
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
			for (j = 0; j< num[i].size(); j++)
				if (num[i][j] == a) return;
	void over(int j, int h)
		for (int i = h + 1; i < num[j].size(); i++)
			int b = num[j][i];
		num[j].resize(h + 1);
	void renew(int p, int h, int g )
		for (int i = h; i < num[p].size(); i++)
	int main()
		int a, b;
		cin >> n;
		string s1, s2;
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
		while (cin >> s1)
			if (s1 == "quit")
				for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
					cout << i<<":";
					for (int j = 0; j < num[i].size(); j++)
						cout <<" "<<num[i][j];
					cout << endl; 
			cin >> a >> s2 >> b;
			int q, w, e, r;
			find(a, q, e);
			find(b, w, r);
			if (q == w)
			if (s2 == "onto")
				over(w, r);
			if (s1 == "move")
				over(q, e);
			renew(q, e, w);

		return 0;


以上是关于E - The Blocks Problem ( UVA - 101)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

EOJ 1501 The Blocks Problem

uva 101 - The Blocks Problem

UVa 101 - The Blocks Problem STL

UVA101 The Blocks Problem

uvaoj 101 - The Blocks Problem(vector应用+技巧)

UVA101 The Blocks Problem