Posted 桂。
时间:2018-02-06 12:10:14
`default_nettype none // module smplfir(i_clk, i_ce, i_val, o_val); parameter IW=15; localparam OW=IW+1; input wire i_clk, i_ce; input wire [(IW-1):0] i_val; output reg [(OW-1):0] o_val; reg [(IW-1):0] delayed; initial delayed = 0; always @(posedge i_clk) if (i_ce) delayed <= i_val; always @(posedge i_clk) if (i_ce) o_val <= i_val + delayed; endmodule
clc;clear all;close all; %=============产生输入信号==============% N=12; %数据位宽 load fir128.mat; y_n = fir128; y_n=round(y_n*(2^(N-3)-1)); %N比特量化;如果有n个信号相加,则设置(N-n) %=============设置系统参数==============% L=length(y_n); %数据长度 %=================画图==================% stem(1:L,y_n); %=============写入外部文件==============% fid=fopen(\'win.txt\',\'w\'); %把数据写入sin_data.txt文件中,如果没有就创建该文件 for k=1:length(y_n) B_s=dec2bin(y_n(k)+((y_n(k))<0)*2^N,N); for j=1:N if B_s(j)==\'1\' tb=1; else tb=0; end fprintf(fid,\'%d\',tb); end fprintf(fid,\'\\r\\n\'); end fprintf(fid,\';\'); fclose(fid);
clc;clear all;close all; filename = \'win.txt\'; fid = fopen(filename); data_cell = textscan(fid,\'%s\',\'HeaderLines\',0); data = data_cell{1,1}; Nbit = 12;%number of bits len = length(data)-1;%length of filter wins = zeros(1,len); for i = 1:len str_win = data{i}; if (str_win(1) == \'0\') wins(i) = bin2dec(str_win(2:end)); end if (str_win(1) == \'1\') wins(i) = -bin2dec(num2str(ones(1,Nbit-1)))+bin2dec(str_win(2:end)); end end wvtool(wins)
`timescale 1ns / 1ps module tb; // Inputs reg Clk; reg rst; // Outputs parameter datawidth = 12; wire signed [2*datawidth-1:0] Yout; //Generate a clock with 10 ns clock period. initial Clk <= 0; always #5 Clk = ~Clk; //Initialize and apply the inputs. //-------------------------------------// parameter data_num = 32\'d1024; integer i = 0; reg [datawidth-1:0] Xin[1:data_num]; reg [datawidth-1:0] data_out; initial begin rst = 1; #20 rst = 0; $readmemb("D:/PRJ/vivado/simulation_ding/009_lpf6tap/matlab/sin_data.txt",Xin); end always @(posedge Clk) begin if(rst) begin data_out <= 0; end else begin data_out <= Xin[i]; i <= i + 8\'d1; end end fastfir firinst( .i_clk(Clk), .i_reset(rst), .i_ce(1\'b1), .i_sample(data_out), .o_result(Yout) ); endmodule
// `default_nettype none // module fastfir(i_clk, i_reset, i_ce, i_sample, o_result); parameter NTAPS=127, IW=12, TW=IW, OW=2*IW+7; input wire i_clk, i_reset; // input wire i_ce; input wire [(IW-1):0] i_sample; output wire signed [(2*IW-1):0] o_result; reg [(TW-1):0] tap [0:NTAPS]; wire [(TW-1):0] tapout [NTAPS:0]; wire [(IW-1):0] sample [NTAPS:0]; wire [(OW-1):0] result [NTAPS:0]; wire tap_wr; // The first sample in our sample chain is the sample we are given assign sample[0] = i_sample; // Initialize the partial summing accumulator with zero assign result[0] = 0; //observe filter reg [IW-1:0] fir_coef; integer i = 0; always @(posedge i_clk) begin if(i_reset) fir_coef <= 0; else begin fir_coef <= tap[i]; i <= i+ 8\'d1; end end genvar k; generate begin initial $readmemb("D:/PRJ/vivado/simulation_ding/009_lpf6tap/matlab/win.txt", tap); assign tap_wr = 1\'b1; end for(k=0; k<NTAPS; k=k+1) begin: FILTER firtap #(.FIXED_TAPS(1\'b1), .IW(IW), .OW(OW), .TW(TW), .INITIAL_VALUE(0)) tapk( .i_clk(i_clk), .i_reset(i_reset), .i_tap_wr(tap_wr), .i_tap( tap[k]), .o_tap(tapout[k+1]), .i_ce(i_ce), .i_sample(sample[0]), .o_sample(sample[k+1]), .i_partial_acc(result[k]), .o_acc( result[k+1]) ); end endgenerate assign o_result = result[NTAPS][2*IW-1:0]; endmodule
// `default_nettype none // module firtap(i_clk, i_reset, i_tap_wr, i_tap, o_tap, i_ce, i_sample, o_sample, i_partial_acc, o_acc); parameter IW=12, TW=IW, OW=IW+TW+8; parameter [0:0] FIXED_TAPS=1; parameter [(TW-1):0] INITIAL_VALUE=0; // input wire i_clk, i_reset; // input wire i_tap_wr; input wire [(TW-1):0] i_tap; output wire signed [(TW-1):0] o_tap; // input wire i_ce; input wire signed [(IW-1):0] i_sample; output reg [(IW-1):0] o_sample; // input wire [(OW-1):0] i_partial_acc; output reg [(OW-1):0] o_acc; // reg [(IW-1):0] delayed_sample; reg signed [(TW+IW-1):0] product; // Determine the tap we are using generate if (FIXED_TAPS != 0) // If our taps are fixed, the tap is given by the i_tap // external input. This allows the parent module to be // able to use readmemh to set all of the taps in a filter assign o_tap = i_tap; else begin // If the taps are adjustable, then use the i_tap_wr signal // to know when to adjust the tap. In this case, taps are // strung together through the filter structure--our output // tap becomes the input tap of the next tap module, and // i_tap_wr causes all of them to shift forward by one. reg [(TW-1):0] tap; initial tap = INITIAL_VALUE; always @(posedge i_clk) if (i_tap_wr) tap <= i_tap; assign o_tap = tap; end endgenerate // Forward the sample on down the line, to be the input sample for the // next component always @(posedge i_clk) if (i_reset) begin delayed_sample <= 0; o_sample <= 0; end else if (i_ce) begin // Note the two sample delay in this forwarding // structure. This aligns the inputs up so that the // accumulator structure (below) works. delayed_sample <= i_sample; o_sample <= delayed_sample; end // Multiply the filter tap by the incoming sample always @(posedge i_clk) if (i_reset) product <= 0; else if (i_ce) product <= o_tap * i_sample; // Continue summing together the output components of the FIR filter always @(posedge i_clk) if (i_reset) o_acc <= 0; else if (i_ce) o_acc <= i_partial_acc + { {(OW-(TW+IW)){product[(TW+IW-1)]}}, product }; // Make verilator happy // verilate lint_on UNUSED wire unused; assign unused = i_tap_wr; // verilate lint_off UNUSED endmodule