著:Antti Ilmanen 译:徐瑞龙
Forecasting US Bond Returns
It is extremely difficult to forecast bond market fluctuations. However, recent research shows that these fluctuations are not fully unpredictable: It is possible to identify in advance periods when the reward for duration extension is likely to be abnormally high or abnormally low. In this report, we first describe a few variables that have the ability to predict near-term bond market performance. We then show how to combine the information that these predictors contain into a single forecast and, further, into implementable investment strategies. Finally, we backtest the historical performance of these strategies in a realistic "out-of-sample" setting.
This report is the fourth part of a series titled Understanding the Yield Curve. Historical analysis included in Part 3, Does Duration Extension Enhance Long-Term Expected Returns?, showed that intermediate- and long-term bonds earn higher average returns than short-term bonds. This evidence suggests that the long-run bond risk premium is positive.[1] If the risk premium is constant over time, the long-run average risk premium is also our best forecast for the near-term bond market performance. However, we showed in Part 3 that steeply upward-sloping yield curves tend to precede high excess bond returns and inverted yield curves tend to precede negative excess bond returns. It follows then that the risk premium is not constant and that the current shape of the yield curve provides valuable information about the time-varying bond risk premium. In this report, we show that other variables can enhance the yield curve\'s ability to forecast the near-term excess bond return. The predictability of the excess bond return has important implications for investors who are willing to use so-called tactical asset allocation strategies. Based on our extensive historical analysis, strategies that adjust the portfolio duration dynamically using the signals from the predictor variables would have earned substantially higher long-run returns than did static strategies that do not actively adjust the portfolio duration.
Earlier empirical research shows that the expected excess returns of stocks and long-term bonds vary over the business cycle: they tend to be high at the end of the recession and low at the end of the expansion. Are there any intuitive reasons that expected excess returns should vary with economic conditions?
If the expected returns reflect rational risk premia, they change over time as the amount of risk in assets or the market price of risk varies over time. The risk premium that bond market participants expect should increase if the risk increases (because of higher interest rate volatility, higher covariance between bonds and stocks, greater inflation uncertainty, etc). In addition, the required risk premium should increase if the market participants\' aggregate risk aversion level increases. We propose that investors are more risk averse (afraid) when their current wealth is low relative to their past wealth. The higher risk aversion makes them demand higher risk premia (larger compensation for holding risky assets) near business cycle troughs. Conversely, higher wealth near business cycle peaks makes investors less risk averse (more complacent and greedy); therefore, they bid down the required risk premia (by bidding up the asset prices). Thus, the observed time-variation in risk premia may be explained by the old Wall Street adage about the cycle of fear and greed.
Which Variables Forecast the Excess Bond Return?
As mentioned above, measures of yield curve steepness have some ability to predict the subsequent excess bond return. In the appendix to Part 2 of this series, Market\'s Rate Expectations and Forward Rates, we showed that a steep yield curve may reflect a high required risk premium or the market\'s expectations of rising rates. If the second term is assumed to be zero (the current yield curve is the market\'s best forecast for future yield curves), then the curve steepness is a good proxy for the bond risk premium. We measure the curve steepness by the term spread (the difference between a long-term rate and a short-term rate).
Conveniently, we can use the term spread as an overall proxy for the bond risk premium even if we do not know what causes the expected return differentials across bonds. For this reason, the term spread will be our first predictor variable. Yet, if we are trying to forecast bond returns, why restrict ourselves to just one predictor? It is likely that the term spread is sometimes influenced by the market\'s rate expectations, making the previous assumption unrealistic. Because the rate expectations are unobservable, we cannot know how much "noise" they introduce to our risk premium proxy. Thus, we do not know to what extent a given shape of the curve reflects the required bond risk premium and to what extent it reflects the market\'s rate expectations. Using other predictor variables together with the term spread should help us filter out the noise and give us a better signal about the future risk premium.
The filter variables should be correlated with the risk premium. Based on our hypothesis of wealth-dependent risk aversion, we combine the information in the term spread and in the stock market\'s recent performance. The inverse of the recent stock market performance is our proxy for the (unobservable) aggregate level of risk aversion. If a high term spread coincides with a depressed stock market, the curve steepness is less likely to reflect rising rate expectations (because monetary policy tightening and inflation threat are less likely in this environment) and more likely to reflect high required risk premia (because low stock prices may reflect high required returns on risky assets, or even cause them via wealth-dependent risk aversion). We measure the recent stock market performance by "inverse wealth," a weighted average of past returns, where more distant observations have lower weights.
As a third predictor, we will examine the real bond yield, which is sometimes used as the overall proxy for the bond risk premium instead of the term spread. This measure incorporates the inflation rate into the forecasting model. Our final predictor, momentum, is a dummy variable that simulates a simple moving average trading rule to exploit the persistence (positive autocorrelation) in bond returns.[2] This strategy tries to capture large trending moves in the bond market. To reduce trading when the yields are oscillating within a narrow trading range and, thereby, to avoid "whipsaw" losses from buying at low yields and selling at high yields, we impose a neutral trading range in which no position is held. Somewhat arbitrarily, we use a six-month moving average window and a ten-basis-point neutral trading range. Thus, the rule is to take a long (short) position in the bond market when the long-term bond yield declines (increases) to more than five basis points below (above) its six-month moving average: such a break-out from a trading range is attributed to positive (negative) momentum in the bond market. If the bond yield returns to (stays within) the ten-basis-point range around its six-month average, the rule is to take (retain) a neutral position. The dummy variable takes value 1, -1 or 0 if the strategy is long, short or neutral, respectively.
Our empirical analysis will confirm that the term spread can forecast future excess bond returns, but combining the information contained in several predictor variables improves these forecasts further. Linear regression is the most common way to combine the information in several variables.[3] We will run a multiple regression of the realized excess bond return on the term spread, the real bond yield and measures of recent stock and bond market performance, and we will use the fitted value from this regression as an estimate of the (expected) bond risk premium.
Correlations Between Predictor Variables and Subsequent Excess Bond Return
We will examine the predictability of the monthly excess return of a 20-year Treasury bond over the one-month bill rate between January 1965 and July 1995.[4] We focus on the four predictor variables described in Figure 1: the term spread; the real bond yield; inverse wealth; and momentum.
我们将研究1965年1月至1995年7月期间,20年期国债相对于1月期国库券的月度超额回报的可预测性。我们关注图1所示的四个预测变量: 期限利差、实际收益率、逆财富和动量。
Figure 4.1 Description of the Predictor Variables and the Predicted Variable
Figure 2 shows the correlations between the excess bond return and various predictor variables.[5] The conventional view that risk premia cannot be forecast using available information implies that all these correlations should be very close to zero. This conventional view is partly based on the finding that some obvious predictor candidates have limited forecasting ability. For example, the first three columns in Figure 2 show that a bond\'s yield level, its lagged monthly return, and its past volatility (measured by the 12-month rolling standard deviation of monthly excess returns) all have low correlations with next month\'s excess bond return (0.03-0.11). In contrast, the predictors that we have identified above —— the term spread, the real yield, inverse wealth, and momentum —— have correlations with the subsequent excess bond return between 0.09 and 0.21. Note that our momentum variable, which is based on a moving average strategy, has somewhat better forecasting ability than a simple lagged return (which could be used as an alternative proxy for the market\'s momentum). Finally, combining the information in these four predictors gives even more accurate return predictions, with a correlation of 0.32.[6] Steep yield curves, high real yields, depressed stock markets, and rallying bond markets are all positive indicators of subsequent bond market performance.
Figure 4.2 Correlation of Various Predictors with Subsequent Monthly Excess Bond Return, 1965-95
Correlations are not the only way to show that our predictors can discriminate between good and bad times to hold long-term bonds. In Figure 3, we examine the average monthly returns in subsamples that are based on the beginning-of-month values of the term spread and inverse wealth. The annualized average excess return is -12.4% in months that begin with an inverted curve and 2.6% in months that begin with an upward-sloping curve (87% of the time). This finding is consistent with the hypothesis of wealth-dependent risk aversion above. Periods of steep yield curves and high risk premia tend to coincide with cyclical troughs (high risk aversion), while periods of flat or inverted yield curves and low risk premia tend to coincide with cyclical peaks (low risk aversion). Future bond returns also tend to be higher when inverse wealth is high (the stock market is depressed) than when it is low. Combining the information in these two predictors sharpens our return predictions further. The average excess bond return is higher when an upward-sloping yield curve coincides with a depressed stock market (12%) than when it coincides with a strong stock market (1%). In the latter case, the curve steepness is more likely to reflect the market\'s expectations about rising rates than about the required bond risk premium.
Figure 4.3 Excess Bond Return in Subsamples, 1965-95
The inverse relation between stock market level and subsequent bond returns may be interpreted in many ways. We proposed earlier that declining wealth level makes investors more risk averse and increases the risk premium that they require for holding risky assets. Alternatively, the relation may be caused by lagged portfolio flows. Poor recent stock market performance can make investors shift money to bonds, either because these are less risky or because investors extrapolate and expect the poor stock market performance to continue. More generally, the time-variation in expected returns may reflect rational factors (time-varying risk or risk aversion level) or irrational factors (such as swings in market sentiment or an underreaction of long-term rate expectations to current inflation shocks).
Another way to think about the patterns on the next-to-last row in Figure 3 is that when both bond and stock markets appear to be "cheap" (the term spread is high and inverse wealth is high), investors can rely more on these cheapness indicators and expect high future returns for risky assets. Conversely, when both bond and stock market indicators signal "richness" (the term spread is negative and inverse wealth is low), investors can more confidently expect low future returns. In this light, our three first predictors may be viewed as "value" indicators that tend to give buysignals when asset markets are weak. These predictors are complemented by the fourth, momentum, which gives a buysignal when bond prices are trending higher.
Figure 4 shows the regression results for our whole sample period. All four predictors are statistically significantly related to subsequent excess bond returns. The regression coefficients show that the expected excess bond returns are high when the yield curve is steeply upward sloping, the real yield is high, the stock market is depressed, and the bond market has positive momentum. Together, the four predictors capture 10% of the monthly variation in excess bond returns. The fact that 90% of the return variation is unpredictable tells us that even if strategies that exploit these patterns are profitable, they certainly will not be riskless.
Figure 4.4 Results from Regressing Excess Bond Return on Four Predictors, 1965-95
Out-of-Sample Estimation of Return Predictions
The regression splits each month\'s excess bond return to a fitted part and a residual. The fitted part can be viewed as the expected excess bond return and the residual as the unexpected excess bond return. Because the current value of each predictor is known, we can compute the current forecast for the near-term excess bond return by using the following equation:
We are only using available information to make this forecast: we combine current values of the predictors with the historical estimates of the regression coefficients. For this reason, we can call this an out-of-sample forecast, as opposed to an in-sample forecast. As an example of an in-sample forecast, we could combine the predictor values at the beginning of January 1965 with the above regression coefficients and treat the fitted value as the expected excess bond return for January 1965. In doing so, we would be peeking into the future and assuming that investors already knew the above regression coefficients in 1965. In reality, these coefficients were estimated in 1995 using data from 1965 to 1995. The use of in-sample forecasts adds an element of hindsight to the analysis, which leads, at best, to an exaggerated view of return predictability and, at worst, to totally spurious findings. Many investors find the use of in-sample forecasts unrealistic and unappealing.
In general, investors are well advised to be concerned about the potential impact of data-snooping bias when faced with any "exciting" new empirical findings. Data snooping refers to the fact that many investors and researchers are intensively searching for profitable regularities in the financial market data. The bias means that some apparently significant findings are likely to be period-specific and spurious. We try to guard against such data-snooping bias by conducting out-of-sample analysis, in which the return predictions are made each month using only data that are available at the time of forecasting. When we make the forecast of the monthly US excess bond return for January 1965, we run a regression using all historical data from January 1955 to December 1964. The forecast (the fitted part of the regression) combines the estimated regression coefficients with the values of the predictors at the end of December 1964. To make the forecast for February 1965, we run another regression which uses data from January 1955 to January 1965. We run these monthly rolling regressions with an expanding historical sample until July 1995. This process gives us a series of monthly out-of-sample excess bond return forecasts.[7]
We begin the evaluation of the out-of-sample forecasts\' predictive ability by showing in Figure 5 a scatter plot of realized monthly excess bond returns on the out-of-sample predictions. To enhance visual clarity, we have trimmed the range of the y-axis to (-8%, +8%) and marked six exceptional observations on the borders. If the forecasts tend to have correct signs (realized excess returns are positive when they were predicted to be positive and negative when they were predicted to be negative), most observations will lie in the upper-right quadrant or in the lower-left quadrant. Without any forecasting ability, all quadrants should contain 25% of the observations. Figure 5 shows that the forecasts have the correct sign in 61% (= 35 + 26) of the months. These odds are better than 50-50, but clearly the forecasts are not infallible.
我们开始对样本外预测的预测能力进行评估,在图5中显示了实现的月度债券超额回报关于样本外预测的散点图。为了增强视觉清晰度,我们将y轴的范围缩小到(-8%,+8%),并在边界上标出了六个异常观察结果。如果预测趋向于具有正确的符号(预测值和实际值符号一致),大多数观测值将位于右上象限或左下象限中。如果没有任何预测能力,每个象限都应包含25%的观察值。图5显示,预测在61个月(= 35 + 26)月份中有正确的符号。我们的分析有一定的预测能力,但显然这些预测并不是绝对正确的。
Figure 4.5 Realized Excess Return versus Predicted Excess Return, 1965-95
The relation between the predicted and the realized excess returns in Figure 5 may not appear very impressive, reflecting the fact that most of the short-term fluctuations in excess bond returns are unpredictable. Perhaps the long-term fluctuations are more predictable; averaging many monthly returns will smooth the return series and may increase the share of the predictable returns. Our unpublished analysis shows that in a scatter plot of the subsequent 12-month realized excess bond returns on the predicted excess returns, 84% of the observations are in the upper-right quadrant or in the lower-left quadrant. Moreover, the correlation between the out-of-sample predictions and the subsequent 12-month excess returns is 0.57, much larger than the 0.26 correlation between these predictions and the subsequent monthly excess returns.
图5中预测和实现的超额回报之间的关系可能不是非常令人印象深刻,这反映了大多数债券超额回报的短期波动是不可预测的事实。也许长期波动更可预测; 将许多月度回报平均会平滑回报序列,并可能增加回报的可预测性。我们未发表的分析显示,后续12个月的实现债券超额回报关于预测超额回报的散点图中,84%的观察值在右上象限或左下象限。此外,样本外预测与好后续12个月超额回报之间的相关性为0.57,远大于这些预测与后续月度超额回报之间0.26的相关性。
Figure 6 displays a time series plot of the monthly predicted excess returns and the subsequent 12-month average excess returns. We also plot the time series of each predictor variable in Figure 7, to better identify the sources of fluctuations in expected excess bond returns. Figure 6 shows that the predictions track the movements in the realized bond returns reasonably well. Both series in Figure 6 were low in the 1960s and 1970s and exceptionally high in the 1982-85 period, reflecting slow-moving changes in the real yield and in the term spread. Aside from these broad movements, both series exhibit apparent business cycle patterns: The predicted returns tend to increase during cyclical contractions such as those in 1970, 1974 and 1982. Figure 7 shows that these increases in expected returns as well as those in the aftermath of the 1987 stock market crash (when a recession was widely expected) and in the most recent recession (1990 Gulf War) coincide with inverse wealth spikes, that is, with poor stock market performance. These patterns are consistent with our hypothesis that wealth-dependent risk aversion causes the required bond risk premium to vary over time with economic conditions. However, the negative excess return forecasts in the 1960s, 1973-74, 1979-80, and 1989 are difficult to interpret; most bond market participants think that the bond risk premium is always positive. Finally, it is worth noting that the forecasting model is currently quite bearish. The excess bond return predictions have been negative since the end of May 1995, mainly because of the strong stock market (low inverse wealth) and the relatively flat yield curve (low term spread).[8]
Figure 4.6 Predicted Excess Bond Return and Subsequent Realized 12-Month Excess Bond Return, 1965-95
Figure 4.7 Historical Levels of the Predictor Variables, 1965-95
Exploiting Return Predictability by Using Dynamic Investment Strategies
Even if the predictor variables appear to have some ability to forecast excess bond returns in an out-of-sample setting, should investors care about these findings? For portfolio managers, the key question is whether investment strategies that exploit the return predictability produce economically significant profits. In this section, we first describe the implementation of such dynamic investment strategies and then present extensive analysis of their historical performance. In particular, we compare their historical returns to the returns of static strategies that have a constant portfolio composition regardless of economic conditions. One goal is to show that the information in the yield curve and in other predictors could have been used to enhance long-run returns. Another goal is to provide a tool kit to evaluate the future profitability of any forecasting strategy and a set of critical questions (economic reason for success, stability of success, sensitivity to transaction costs and to risk adjustment) that an investor should ask when faced with backtest evidence of an apparently attractive investment strategy.
The static strategies are called "always-bond" and "bond-cash combination." The former strategy involves always holding a 20-year Treasury bond, while the latter involves always holding 50% of the portfolio in cash (one-month Treasury bill) and 50% in the 20-year Treasury bond, with monthly rebalancing. The dynamic strategies adjust the allocation of the portfolio between cash and the 20-year Treasury bond each month, based on the predicted value of next month\'s excess bond return. The two dynamic strategies are called "scaled" and "1/0." The 1/0 strategy is simpler: It involves holding one unit of the 20-year bond when its predicted excess return is positive and zero when it is negative (thus, holding cash). This approach ignores information about the magnitude of the predicted excess return. In contrast, the scaled strategy involves buying more long-term bonds the larger the predicted excess return is. Specifically, investors should buy or short-sell the long-term bond in proportion to the size of the predicted excess return.[9]
Strategy returns are expressed in excess of the one-month bill return. For investors who have investable funds, each strategy\'s total return would be approximately equal to its excess return plus the one-month bill\'s return (which is the same number for all of the strategies). For arbitrage traders who only hold self-financed positions, the reported excess return can be interpreted as the total return of their "zero-net-investment" position —— to the extent that they can finance their positions using the one-month bill rate.
Figure 8 shows, for each strategy, the annualized average excess return, the volatility of excess returns as well as the Sharpe ratio. Note that a cash portfolio earns zero excess return by definition; it is equivalent to holding cash financed with cash. Therefore, the 50-50 bond-cash combination has exactly half of the excess return and volatility of the always-bond strategy. The static strategies yielded only insignificant excess returns over the sample period. In other words, long-term bonds and short-term bonds earned quite similar average returns. The dynamic strategies performed much better. The scaled strategy earned almost a 9% average annual excess return while the 1/0 strategy earned about half of that. Also the rewards to volatility (Sharpe ratios) of the dynamic strategies are much larger than those of the static strategies.[10]
Figure 4.8 Performance of Self-Financed Dynamic and Static Investment Strategies, 1965-95
We can compare the performance of the dynamic strategies in Figure 8 with the performance of a dynamic strategy that uses only the information in the term spread. The scaled strategy would have earned 3.87% per annum and the 1/0 strategy 2.96% per annum if the out-of-sample forecasts had been based on the term spread alone. Comparison with the average returns in Figure 8 (8.64% and 4.16%) indicates that the marginal value of the other predictors has been substantial. It is also worth noting that the scaled strategy would have earned 11.15% per annum and the 1/0 strategy 4.94% per annum if the predictions had been based on the in-sample estimates from the regression of excess bond returns on the four predictors. The difference between the performance of the in-sample and the out-of-sample forecasts may reflect the data-snooping bias.
Stability of the Predictive Relations
The analysis above shows, first, that over the past 30 years, our predictors have been able to forecast near-term bond returns and, second, that strategies that exploit such predictability have earned economically meaningful profits. In this section, we examine the stability of these findings over time, if the predictive ability and exceptional performance arise from a couple of extreme observations, we become skeptical about the reliability of these findings. However, if the observed relations are consistent across subperiods, we think that they are less likely to be spurious. Thus, we become more comfortable in expecting that the historical experience (good predictive ability and the dynamic strategies exceptional performance) will be repeated in the future. We will study three types of evidence: Rolling correlations; subperiod analysis of average returns; and cumulative performance of various investment strategies.
Figure 9 shows that estimated rolling 60-month correlations between the predictors and the subsequent bond return are not constant, but they are positive in most subperiods. In the 1990s, the real yield and momentum have had little forecasting ability, but both the term spread and inverse wealth have had predictive correlations near 20%. The combined predictor tends to have better forecasting ability than any of the individual predictors. Similar subperiod analysis shows that the frequency of correctly predicting the sign (+/-) of the next month\'s excess bond return is reasonably stable and near 60%.
Figure 4.9 Rolling 60-Month Correlation of Various Predictors with Subsequent Excess Bond Return, 1965-95
Figure 10 reports the statistics from Figure 8 for three decade-long subsamples and for the 1990s subperiod. It is encouraging to see that the observed patterns are stable across decade-long subsamples. In particular, both dynamic strategies outperform the bond-cash combination strategy by at least 200 basis points in all subperiods.
Figure 4.10 Subperiod Performance of Various Investment Strategies, 1965-95
The most informative way to display the stability of a predictive relation is to plot the cumulative wealth of an investment strategy that exploits the predictive relation. Such a graph shows how the profits from the strategy grow over time. Note that the cumulative wealth of an ideal perfect-foresight strategy would never decline; moreover, it should also be rising faster than the cumulative wealth of any competing strategies. Alternatively, we can plot the relative performance of two investment strategies, and again, the line representing a perfect-foresight strategy should always be rising (or flat if it matches the performance of the other strategies).
Figure 11 shows the cumulative wealth growth of both dynamic strategies and the always-bond strategy (plotted on a log-scale where constant percentage growth produces a straight line). Because the lines cumulate each strategy\'s monthly returns in excess of cash (the one-month bill), we also can interpret these lines as relative performance versus cash. Figure 12 measures the relative performance of the two dynamic strategies versus a more realistic benchmark, a 50-50 combination of cash and the long-term bond. These graphs show that the dynamic strategies have had a consistent ability to outperform the static strategies. The scaled strategy earned very high returns in the late 1970s and early 1980s by short-selling the long-term bond during the bear market. During the subsequent bull market, the dynamic strategies have earned similar returns as the static bondholding strategy. This result must be viewed as satisfactory, because this bull market has been exceptionally strong and long, making long-term bond returns a difficult target to beat. Figures 11 and 12 show that the dynamic strategies never underperformed the benchmark static strategies for an extended period. And what about the recent experience? The dynamic strategies have outperformed the static strategies in the 1990-95 period —— see Figure 10 —— but last year (1994) both dynamic strategies underperformed the cash-bond combination because they remained in long-term bonds throughout a period of rising rates.
Figure 4.11 Cumulative Wealth Growth from Three Self-Financed Strategies, 1965-95
Figure 4.12 Dynamic Strategies\' Relative Performance versus Bond-Cash Combination, 1965-95
Other Critical Considerations
The backtest results suggest that bond investors could enhance their performance substantially by exploiting the forecasting ability of the term spread, the real yield, inverse wealth, and momentum. However, historical success does not guarantee future success. We stress that any reported findings of apparently profitable investment strategies should be subjected to a set of critical questions. We already addressed the important concern about data-snooping bias —— we used out-of-sample forecasts, we restricted the predictors to economically well-motivated variables, and we ensured that the observed findings are relatively stable across subperiods. Other reservations include the sensitivity of the findings to transaction costs and to risk adjustment.
Transaction costs will reduce the profitability of any investment strategy. However, government bonds have such small transaction costs for institutional investors that their impact on the reported returns should be small. In particular, the results of the 1/0 strategy are hardly affected because this strategy involves very infrequent trading —— on average 1.5 trades per year. The scaled strategy is more transaction intensive, and it also involves short-selling. Thus, the reported results are somewhat exaggerated.
The dynamic strategies offer higher returns than the static strategies, but they excel even more when the comparison is made between risk-adjusted returns. First, if risk is measured by the volatility of returns, the Sharpe ratios in Figure 8 provide a risk-adjusted comparison. The volatility of the scaled strategy is higher than that of the static bond strategy, but its reward-to-volatility ratio is more than ten times higher. The volatility of the 1/0 strategy is lower and the average return higher than that of the static always-bond strategy. Second, if investors are concerned with downside risk, the dynamic strategies will look even better. The historical success of these strategies partly reflects their ability to avoid long-term bonds during bear markets. For example, we can infer from Figure 5 that the 1/0 strategy underperformed cash in only 26% of the months in the sample (outperforming it 35% of the time and matching its performance 39% of the time when the predicted excess return was negative and the strategy involved holding cash). However, if the return predictability reflects a time-varying risk premium, it is possible that the abnormally high returns of the dynamic strategies reflect only a fair compensation for taking tip additional risk at times when either the amount of risk or risk aversion is abnormally high.
In spite of the apparent attractiveness of the dynamic strategies, few investors have tried to systematically exploit the predictability of bond returns. For those investors who venture to do that, this fact is good news. The profit opportunities are not likely to be "arbitraged away” any time soon. One major reason is that these strategies are not riskless arbitrages —— they involve a lot of short-term risk because the forecasts are wrong 40% of the time. Nonetheless, 60-40 odds are attractive in competitive financial markets. Therefore, what could make investors forego the exceptionally favorable odds that the dynamic strategies offer? Here are some possible explanations.
- Many investors prefer the more subjective interest rate forecasting approach even if its track record is rarely good. Other investors believe that market fluctuations cannot be predicted; thus, they do not want to take any market directional positions. Such investors would attribute our predictability findings to data snooping or to events that the market was exp