Posted 行尸走肉
首先你需要一个python开发环境,需要numpy PIL matplotlib这三个包的支持。如果没有pip,可以到这里手动下载

#coding:utf-8 import os import PIL,numpy import matplotlib.pylab as plt from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation import time need_update = True press_coefficient=2.099 piece_base_height_1_2=13 piece_body_width=47 def get_screen_image(): os.system(\'adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screen.png\')#获取当前界面的手机截图 os.system(\'adb pull /sdcard/screen.png\')#下载当前截图到电脑当前文件夹 return numpy.array(PIL.Image.open(\'screen.png\')) #打开当前文件下的图片 def jump_to_next(point1,point2):#计算弦的长度 x1, y1 = point1; x2, y2 = point2 distance = ((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)**0.5 x1=int(x1) y1=int(y1) x2=int(x2) y2=int(y2) os.system(\'adb shell input swipe {} {} {} {} {}\'.format(x1,y1,x2,y2,int(distance*2))) #手机的单击位置,0 0 0 0 0 ,x轴y轴滑动后的xy轴单击时间 def on_calck(event, coor=[]):#绑定鼠标的单击事件[(x,y)(x2,y2)], global need_update coor.append((event.xdata, event.ydata)) if len(coor) == 2: jump_to_next(coor.pop(), coor.pop()) need_update = True def update_screen(frame):#更新图片/从画图片 global need_update if need_update: time.sleep(1) axes_image.set_array(get_screen_image()) need_update = False return axes_image, def find_piece_and_board(im): """ 寻找关键坐标 """ w, h = im.size piece_x_sum = 0 piece_x_c = 0 piece_y_max = 0 board_x = 0 board_y = 0 scan_x_border = int(w / 8) # 扫描棋子时的左右边界 scan_start_y = 0 # 扫描的起始 y 坐标 im_pixel = im.load() # 以 50px 步长,尝试探测 scan_start_y for i in range(int(h / 3), int(h*2 / 3), 50): last_pixel = im_pixel[0, i] for j in range(1, w): pixel = im_pixel[j, i] # 不是纯色的线,则记录 scan_start_y 的值,准备跳出循环 if pixel != last_pixel: scan_start_y = i - 50 break if scan_start_y: break print(\'scan_start_y: {}\'.format(scan_start_y)) # 从 scan_start_y 开始往下扫描,棋子应位于屏幕上半部分,这里暂定不超过 2/3 for i in range(scan_start_y, int(h * 2 / 3)): # 横坐标方面也减少了一部分扫描开销 for j in range(scan_x_border, w - scan_x_border): pixel = im_pixel[j, i] # 根据棋子的最低行的颜色判断,找最后一行那些点的平均值,这个颜 # 色这样应该 OK,暂时不提出来 if (50 < pixel[0] < 60) \\ and (53 < pixel[1] < 63) \\ and (95 < pixel[2] < 110): piece_x_sum += j piece_x_c += 1 piece_y_max = max(i, piece_y_max) if not all((piece_x_sum, piece_x_c)): return 0, 0, 0, 0 piece_x = int(piece_x_sum / piece_x_c) piece_y = piece_y_max - piece_base_height_1_2 # 上移棋子底盘高度的一半 # 限制棋盘扫描的横坐标,避免音符 bug if piece_x < w/2: board_x_start = piece_x board_x_end = w else: board_x_start = 0 board_x_end = piece_x for i in range(int(h / 3), int(h * 2 / 3)): last_pixel = im_pixel[0, i] if board_x or board_y: break board_x_sum = 0 board_x_c = 0 for j in range(int(board_x_start), int(board_x_end)): pixel = im_pixel[j, i] # 修掉脑袋比下一个小格子还高的情况的 bug if abs(j - piece_x) < piece_body_width: continue # 修掉圆顶的时候一条线导致的小 bug,这个颜色判断应该 OK,暂时不提出来 if abs(pixel[0] - last_pixel[0]) \\ + abs(pixel[1] - last_pixel[1]) \\ + abs(pixel[2] - last_pixel[2]) > 10: board_x_sum += j board_x_c += 1 if board_x_sum: board_x = board_x_sum / board_x_c last_pixel = im_pixel[board_x, i] # 从上顶点往下 +274 的位置开始向上找颜色与上顶点一样的点,为下顶点 # 该方法对所有纯色平面和部分非纯色平面有效,对高尔夫草坪面、木纹桌面、 # 药瓶和非菱形的碟机(好像是)会判断错误 for k in range(i+274, i, -1): # 274 取开局时最大的方块的上下顶点距离 pixel = im_pixel[board_x, k] if abs(pixel[0] - last_pixel[0]) \\ + abs(pixel[1] - last_pixel[1]) \\ + abs(pixel[2] - last_pixel[2]) < 10: break board_y = int((i+k) / 2) # 如果上一跳命中中间,则下个目标中心会出现 r245 g245 b245 的点,利用这个 # 属性弥补上一段代码可能存在的判断错误 # 若上一跳由于某种原因没有跳到正中间,而下一跳恰好有无法正确识别花纹,则有 # 可能游戏失败,由于花纹面积通常比较大,失败概率较低 for j in range(i, i+200): pixel = im_pixel[board_x, j] if abs(pixel[0] - 245) + abs(pixel[1] - 245) + abs(pixel[2] - 245) == 0: board_y = j + 10 break if not all((board_x, board_y)): return 0, 0, 0, 0 return piece_x, piece_y, board_x, board_y def auto_jump(frame): x1,y1,x2,y2=find_piece_and_board(PIL.Image.open(\'screen.png\')) coor=[] global need_update coor.append((x1,y1)) coor.append((x2,y2)) jump_to_next(coor.pop(), coor.pop()) need_update = True global need_update if need_update: time.sleep(1) axes_image.set_array(get_screen_image()) need_update = False return axes_image, figure = plt.figure(u\'跳一跳辅助\') #创建一个空白的图片对象、创建一张图片 axes_image = plt.imshow(get_screen_image(), animated=True)#把获取的图片画在坐标轴上 #figure.canvas.mpl_connect(\'button_press_event\', on_calck) #figure.canvas.mpl_connect(\'button_press_event\', auto_jump) #ani = FuncAnimation(figure, update_screen, interval=50, blit=True) ani = FuncAnimation(figure, auto_jump, interval=50, blit=True) plt.show()