@echo off title VOL Md folders Power By notfound945 color 4f echo. echo This is a small bat to new folders‘ names in order. echo. echo Now, Please enter initial value. echo. set/p start=Please enter:__ echo. echo Thank you. Now please enter increment value. echo. set/p incr=Please enter:__ echo. echo Thank you. Now please enter end value. echo. set/p end=Please enter:__ echo. echo Now all values were set. echo. echo Please press any key to start pause>nul for /l %%i in (%start%,%incr%,%end%) do md %%i echo. echo Now all of the procedures are complited corectlly. pause>nul :enter echo. echo Do you want to delete there folders just now ^? set/p choice=Please enter ^< y/n ^> : if %choice%==n goto exit if %choice%==N goto exit if %choice%==y goto delete if %choice%==Y goto delete cls echo. echo Please read caseful. echo. echo Press any key to tryagain ... pause>nul cls goto enter :delete echo. echo Press any key to delete. pause>nul for /l %%i in (%start%,%incr%,%end%) do rd /q %%i echo. echo OK. All folders were deleted a moment ago. echo. echo Please press any key to exit pause>nul exit :exit echo. echo All folders were reserved a moment ago. echo. echo Please press any key to exit. pause>nul