2018.1.27 扇贝新闻精选(5/10)

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Health Officials: More Birth Defects in US Areas With Zika


(2016年1月16日,在巴西累西腓的 Fiocruz 基金会,一只携带寨卡病毒的埃及伊蚊通过显微镜被拍摄)



  ★ Health Officials:看到词典上的解释是“卫生官员”或者“健康官员”,确实有这一说法,结合下文提到的美国疾病控制与预防中心CDC,在这里亦可理解为“卫生部负责人”
  ★ birth defects:出生缺陷;先天畸型
  ★ Zika:即“寨卡(病毒)”,通过蚊虫叮咬传播
  ★ Aedes aegypti:[昆] 埃及伊蚊,引发"登革热"的祸首
  ★ Fiocruz institute:Fiocruz 基金会,巴西卫生研究机构

The mosquito-born Zika virus may be responsible for an increase in birth defects in U.S. states and territories even in women who had no lab evidence of Zika exposure during pregnancy, U.S. health officials said on Thursday.


  ★ mosquito-born:蚊媒传播的
  ★ birth defects:先天性缺陷,新生缺陷儿

Areas in which the mosquito-borne virus has been circulating, including Puerto Rico, southern Florida and part of south Texas, saw a 21 percent rise in birth defects strongly linked with Zika in the last half of 2016 compared with the first half of that year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in its weekly report on death and disease.

美国疾病控制与预防中心在“死亡与疾病”周报中提到,对比2016年下半年与上半年的情况,包括 波多黎各、南佛罗里达州和部分南德克萨斯州地区 在内的已流通蚊媒传播病毒的地区,增加了21%的与寨卡病毒密切相关的先天性缺陷。

  ★ strongly linked with ...:与...密切相关
  ★ Disease Control and Prevention:(美国)疾病控制与预防中心

  美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)是美国卫生及公共服务部所属的一个机构,总部设在乔治亚州亚特兰大。作为美国的政府机构,为保护公众健康和安全提供可靠的资料,通过与国家卫生部门及其他组织的有力的伙伴关系,以增进健康的决策,促进公民健康。该中心的重点在于发展和应用疾病预防和控制、环境卫生、职业健康、促进健康、预防及教育活动,旨在提高人民的健康。

Researchers said it was not clear if the increase was due to local transmission of Zika alone or if there were other contributing factors.


  ★ contributing factor: 影响因素;起作用的因素

The Zika outbreak was first detected in Brazil in 2015 and spread through the Americas. It has been linked to thousands of suspected cases of microcephaly, a rare birth defect marked by unusually small head size, eye abnormalities and nerve damage resulting in joint problems and deafness.


  ★ the Americas:注意这里是“Americas”,不是“America”,所以翻译为“美洲”更合适,美洲包括北美洲和南美洲
  ★ marked by:标志,由标记,特点是
  ★ suspected cases:可疑病例
  ★ joint problems:关节问题

For the report, the CDC examined existing birth defect reporting systems in 14 U.S. states and Puerto Rico to look for birth defects possibly associated with Zika.


  ★ CDC:美国疾病控制与预防中心,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(上文有提)

  美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)是美国卫生及公共服务部所属的一个机构,总部设在乔治亚州亚特兰大。作为美国的政府机构,为保护公众健康和安全提供可靠的资料,通过与国家卫生部门及其他组织的有力的伙伴关系,以增进健康的决策,促进公民健康。该中心的重点在于发展和应用疾病预防和控制、环境卫生、职业健康、促进健康、预防及教育活动,旨在提高人民的健康。

They divided these areas into three groups: places with local Zika transmission, places with higher levels of travel-associated Zika, and places with lower rates of travel-related Zika.


  ★ travel-associated 相当于 travel-related:与旅游相关的

Overall, they found three cases of birth defects potentially related to Zika per 1,000 live births out of 1 million births in 2016, about the same as the prior reporting period in 2013-2014.


  ★ the prior reporting period:早期报道
  ★ potentially related to:有潜在关系

When they looked specifically in areas with local Zika transmission and looked only at birth defects most strongly linked with Zika, they saw an increase.


  ★ local Zika transmission:地方性寨卡病毒传播

"We saw this significant 21 percent increase in the birth defects most strongly linked to Zika in parts of the U.S. that had local transmission of Zika," Peggy Honein, an epidemiologist and chief of the CDC‘s Birth Defects Branch, said in a telephone interview. "The only area where we saw this increase was in the jurisdictions that had local transmission."

流行病学家兼美国疾病控制与预防中心先天缺陷部门的负责人佩吉·赫尔尼(Peggy Honein)在一次电话采访中表示,“在美国部分地区,我们发现有21%的先天性缺陷病例的增长与寨卡病毒密切相关,我们看到这种增长的唯一区域是有地方性寨卡病毒传播的司法管辖区。”

  ★ in the jurisdictions:在司法管辖区

CDC researchers anticipate another increase in possible Zika-related birth defects when 2017 data are analyzed because many pregnant women exposed to Zika in late 2016 gave birth in 2017.


  ★ another increase:再次增长

  今天的新闻稍有难度,翻译这篇的人挺少,我翻译时受到的影响就少一些,寨卡病毒配合蚊子传播后果非常恐怖。不得不说,这篇新闻有些过时,可能扇贝也是因此将此新闻放在后面的位置的。这两天杂事也挺多,晚上熬夜导致连续起晚了几天,想过几天“佛系生活” (^_^)。如果觉得我的新闻翻译有误或者有意见欢迎在评论区指出!

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