03: 数据导入导出 表记录基本操作 查询及匹配条件 多表查询



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了03: 数据导入导出 表记录基本操作 查询及匹配条件 多表查询相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

三管理表记录 *
3.1 插入表记录
3.2 查询表记录 (单表 多表 嵌套 连接)
3.3 条件匹配
3.4 更新表记录字段的值
3.5 删除表记录
一数据导入 : 把系统文件的内容存储到数据库的表里。
用户名 密码站位符 uid gid 描述信息 家目录 shell

create database studb;
create table studb.user(
name char(50),
password char(1),
uid int(2),
gid int(2),
comment varchar(100),
homedir char(150),
shell char(50),
show variables like "secure_file_priv";
secure_file_priv | /var/lib/mysql-files/

mysql> load data infile "目录名/文件名" INTO TABLE 库.表

mysql> system cp /etc/passwd /var/lib/mysql-files/

mysql> load data
INFILE "/var/lib/mysql-files/passwd" INTO TABLE studb.user
mysql>alter table studb.user add id int(2) primary key auto_increment first;

select * from studb.user;

修改导入数据时,搜索文件的目录 ?
#vim /etc/my.cnf
#mkdir /mydatadir
#chown mysql /mydatadir
#setenforce 0
#systemctl start mysqld
#mysql -uroot -p123456
mysql> show variables like "secure_file_priv";
| Variable_name | Value |
| secure_file_priv | /mydatadir/ |

二数据导出: 把表记录存储到系统文件里。
mysql> show variables like "secure_file_priv";
MySQL> sql查询 INTO OUTFILE "目录名/文件名";

select * from studb.user into outfile "/mydatadir/user1.txt";
system cat /mydatadir/user1.txt

select name,uid from studb.user into outfile "/mydatadir/user2.txt";

select name,uid from studb.user limit 3 ;

select name,uid from studb.user limit 3 into outfile "/mydatadir/user1.txt" fields terminated by "#";

三管理表记录 * (增 删 改 查)
3.1 增 插入表记录
insert into 库.表 values(值列表);

insert into user values (51,"jim","x",2001,2001,"my student","/home/jim","/bin/bash");

insert into 库.表 values(值列表),(值列表);

insert into user values (52,"jim","x",2001,2001,"my student","/home/jim","/bin/bash"),(53,"jim","x",2001,2001,"my student","/home/jim","/bin/bash");

insert into 库.表(字段名列表) values(值列表);
insert into user(name,uid,gid) values("bob",3001,3001);

insert into 库.表(字段名列表) values(值列表),(值列表);

insert into user(name,uid,gid) values("bob",3001,3001),("bob",3002,3001);

insert into user(name,password,uid,gid,comment,homedir,shell) values("plj","x",10000,10000,"teacher","/home/plj","/bin/bash");

3.2 查询表记录 (单表 多表 嵌套 连接)

select 字段名列表 from 库.表;

select 字段名列表 from 库.表 where 匹配条件;

select * from studb.user;

select id,name,homedir from studb.user;

select id,name,homedir from studb.user where id<=10;

select id,name,homedir from studb.user where name="root";

3.3 匹配条件 的 表示方式?
数值比较 = != > >= < <=
where 字段名 符号 数值

select name from user where uid=500;
select name from user where id<=10;

字符比较 = !=
where 字段名 符号 "字符串"
select name from user where shell="/bin/bash";

select name from user where name="daemon";

select name,shell from user where shell != "/bin/bash";

where 字段名 between 值1 and 值2; 在...之间
where 字段名 in (值列表); 在....里
where 字段名 not in (值列表); 不在....里

select name,uid from user where uid between 10 and 20;

select name from user where name in ("root","lucy","damon");

select name,uid from user where uid in (100,500,1000,2001);

select name from user where shell not in ("/bin/bash","/sbin/nologin");

select name,shell from user where shell not in ("/bin/bash","/sbin/nologin");

逻辑匹配 (多个查询条件时 使用)
逻辑与 and 条件都成立才可以
逻辑或 or 某一个条件成立就可以
逻辑非 ! 取反

select name from user where uid=10 and shell="/bin/bash" ;

select name,uid,shell from user where uid=0 and shell="/bin/bash" ;

select name from user where name="lucy" or name="bob" or uid=1;

select name,uid from user where name!="lucy";

匹配空 is null
匹配非空 is not null

select id ,name from user where name is null;
select id ,name from user where shell is null;
select id ,name,shell from user where shell is null;
select name ,shell from user where shell is not null;

insert into user(id,name)values(61,""),(62,null),(63,"null");

select id,name from user where name="";
select id,name from user where name is null;
select id,name from user where name="null";

DISTINCT 查询时,字段的重复值不显示,只显示第1次出现的值。

select shell from user;
select distinct shell from user;

select shell from user where uid <=1000;
select distinct shell from user where uid <=1000;

查询时做运算操作 + - / %
alter table user add s_year year default 2000 after name;
from user;

select name , 2018 - s_year as age from user where name="root";

select name,uid,gid from user where name="bin";

select name,uid,gid, uid+gid as sum, (uid+gid)/2 as avg from user where name="bin";

select name,uid,gid, uid+gid as sum, (uid+gid)/2 as avg from user;

模糊查询 like
where 字段名 like ‘表达式‘;
% 表示零个或多个字符
_ 表示 一个字符

select id, name from user where name like ‘%‘;
select name from user where name like ‘%a%‘;
select name from user where name like ‘_‘;
select name from user where name like ‘
select name from user where name like ‘

. ^ $ [ ] *
where 字段名 regexp ‘正则表达式‘;

insert into user(name) values("yaya9"),("6yaya"),("ya5ya"),("y7aya");

select name from user where name regexp ‘[0-9]‘;
select name from user where name regexp ‘^[0-9]‘;
select name,uid from user where uid regexp ‘....‘;
select name,uid from user where uid regexp ‘^....$‘
select name,uid from user where name regexp ‘a.b‘;
select name,uid from user where name regexp ‘^r.

min(字段) 求最小值
count(字段) 统计个数

select avg(uid) from user where sex="girl";
select avg(uid) ,sum(uid) from user;
select min(uid),max(uid) from user;
select count(id) from user;
select count(name) from user;
select count(name),count(id) from user;
select count(name) from user where uid >1000;

sql查询 group by 字段名;
select shell from user where uid<=100 ;

select shell from user where uid<=100 group by shell;

select distinct shell from user where uid<=100;

sql查询 order by 字段名 asc/desc;

select uid,name from user where uid >=10 and uid<=100;

select uid,name from user where uid >=10 and uid<=100 order by uid;

select uid,name from user where uid >=10 and uid<=100 order by uid desc;

sql查询 limit 数字;显示查询结果的前几行;
select id,name,uid,shell from user where id<=10 limit 1;
select id,name,uid,shell from user where id<=10 limit 3;

sql查询 limit 数字1,数字2;显示指定范围内的行
数字1 表示起始行 第1行的编号是 0
数字2 表示总行数

select id,name,uid,shell from user where id<=10;
select id,name,uid,shell from user where id<=10 limit 2,3;
select id,name,uid,shell from user where id<=10 limit 4,5;
select id,name,uid,shell from user where id<=10 limit 1,1;
select id,name,uid,shell from user where id<=10 limit 2;

select 字段名列表 from 库.表 where 匹配条件;

数值比较 = != > >= < <=
字符比较 = !=
逻辑比较 and or !
范围内匹配 between...and \ in \ not in
空 is null
非空 is not null
模糊查询 like ‘表达式‘ % _
正则匹配 regexp ‘正则表达式‘ . ^ $ []
数学计算 + -
/ % ( )
统计函数 sum() avg() max() min() count()
不显示字段的重复值 distinct 字段名
查询分组 group by 字段名
查询排序 order by 字段名 asc/desc
限制显示查询记录的行数 limit 数字;
limit 数字1,数字2; limit 0,1
limit 2,2
3.4 更新表记录字段的值 (条件和查询时的一样)
update 库.表 set 字段名=值,字段名="值";

update 库.表 set 字段名=值,字段名="值" where 条件;

update studb.user set s_year=1995 ;
update studb.user set s_year=1990 where name="root";
update studb.user set uid=uid+5 where uid<10;
update studb.user set uid=null where name="bin";
update studb.user set name="" where uid=5;
3.5 删除表记录 (条件和查询时的一样)
删除全部表记录 delete from 库.表;

delete from 库.表 where 条件;
delete from studb.user where uid is null;
select 字段名列表 from 库.表
where 条件 (select 字段名列表 from 库.表 where 条件);

alter table user add liunxsys float(5,2) default 60 after name;
update user set liunxsys=90 where uid=11;
update user set liunxsys=13 where uid=20;
update user set liunxsys=29 where uid=32;

select avg(liunxsys) from user where uid>=10 and uid<=50;

select name ,liunxsys from user where uid>=10 and uid<=50 and liunxsys < avg(liunxsys) ;

select name ,liunxsys from user where uid>=10 and uid<=50 and liunxsys < (select avg(liunxsys) from user where uid>=10 and uid<=50);

select name ,liunxsys from user where liunxsys < (select avg(liunxsys) from user);

select name from studb.user where name in (select user from mysql.user where host="localhost" and user="root");

stuinfo: name iphone class
addrinfo: name addr
select name from stuinfo where name in (select name from addrinfo where addr="beijing");
select name from stuinfo where name not in (select name from addrinfo where name="zhsan" and addr="beijing");
复制表 :
命令格式 create table 库.表 sql查询;
功能 1 快速创建新表 2 备份表

create table studb.user2 select * from studb.user;

create table studb.user3 select * from studb.user order by uid desc limit 5;

create database db4;
create table db4.user5 select * from studb.user where 1 = 2;
key值没有 要自己添加
对象 : 学生 安娜
缴费表 110
班级表 110
就业表 110

多表 查询 -----SQL命令格式
select 字段名列表 from 表名列表; (迪卡尔集)

select 字段名列表 from 表名列表 where 条件;只显示与条件匹配的记录。

create database db4;
create table db4.t1 select name,uid,shell from studb.user limit 3;

create table db4.t2 select name,uid,homedir from studb.user limit 5;

select from db4.t1; select from db4.t2;

use db4;
select * from t1,t2; 3x5=15
select t1.name,t1.uid,t2.homedir from t1,t2; 3x5=15

select t1.name,t1.uid,t2.homedir from t1,t2 where t1.name = t2.name;

select t1.*,t2.homedir from t1,t2 where t1.name = t2.name and t1.uid = t2.uid;

select 字段名列表 from 表A left join 表B on 条件;

select 字段名列表 from 表A right join 表B on 条件;

create table db4.t3 select name,uid,shell from studb.user limit 3;

create table db4.t4 select name,uid,shell from studb.user limit 5;

select from db4.t3; select from db4.t4;

select * from t3 left join t4 on t3.uid = t4.uid;

select * from t3 right join t4 on t3.uid = t4.uid;

mysql> select t3.shell from t3 left join t4 on t3.uid = t4.uid
-> group by shell;
视图 存储过程 触发器

以上是关于03: 数据导入导出 表记录基本操作 查询及匹配条件 多表查询的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Database基础:SQL数据导入/导出 操作表记录查询及匹配条件

MySQL存储引擎 SQL数据导入/导出 操作表记录 查询及匹配条件

mysql数据库导入导出 查询 修改表记录



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