CS2312 Lecture 1
Posted Charonnnnn
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了CS2312 Lecture 1相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Computer program: A list of instructions(code) meant to be followed by a computer
Executing a program: Programs must first be converted into machine code that the computer can understand and execute
Compiler: A program that translates a programming language into machine code is called a compiler
Program -> compiler -> machine code -> operating system(platform)
The Java compiler produces an intermediate format called bytecode.
Java program -> compiler -> Java Bytecode (not machine code for real computer, is machine code for a model computer, called Java Virtual Machine(JVM))
Java Interpreter: convert the bytecode into machine code(Simulates the execution of the JVM on the real computer)
Can run bytecode on any computer that has a Java Interpreter (JRE - Java Runtime Environment - Java 8, Java 9...download from Oracle website) installed
Advantages of Using Java:
- Once a Java program is compiled, you can run the bytecode on any machine with a Java Interpreter. Because you do not have to recompile the program for each machine, Java is platform independent.
- Java is safe. The Java language and compiler restrict certain operations to prevent errors.
- Java standardizes many useful structures and operations such as lists, managing network connections, and providing graphical user interfaces
Disadvantages of Using Java:
- Running bytecode through an interpreter is not as fast as running machine code But this disadvantage is slowly disappearing
- Using platform-specific features (e.g., Windows taskbar) is difficult in Java because Java is platform-independent.
- In order to run a Java program on multiple machines, you must install a Java Interpreter on each machine
Programming methodology:
- Specify and analyze the problem (remove ambiguity Decide on inputs/outputs and algorithms)
- Design the program solution (organize problem into smaller pieces Identify existing code to reuse)
- Implementation (programming)
- Test and verify implementation
- Maintain and update program
Program structure
/* The HelloWorld class prints “Hello, World!” to the screen */ public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { // Prints “Hello, World!” System.out.println("Hello, World!"); } }
Every executable Java program consists of a class that contains a method named main
Variables in computer program represent data
Variables in Java have a type. The type defines what kinds of values a variable is allowed to store. (allocate the memory space according to the type)
Integer Types:
- int: +-231 (32 bits)
- long: +-263 (64 bits)
- short: +-215 (16 bits)
- byte: +- 128 (8 bits)
Floating Point (Decimal) Types:
- float: Single-precision decimal numbers. 32 bits
- double: Double-precision decimal numbers. 64 bits
double z = 1/3; // z = 0.0 /* * 1 and 3 are all integers, so the result is 0 * The following method can get the correct answer */ double t = 1d/3; // t = 0.333333... double t = (double)1/3 double t = 1.0/3
Other Types:
- String: Letters, words, or sentences. enclosed in double quotes.
- boolean: True or false.
- char: Single Latin Alphanumeric Characters. enclosed in single quotes.
- Variables must be declared before they can be used.
- Variables are a symbolic name given to a memory location.
- All variables have a type which is enforced by the compiler
- Although Java provides ALL variables with an initial value, variables should be initialized before being used. It is considered a good practice to initialize variables upon declaration.
- Variables declared within a method must be initialized before use or the compiler with issue an error.
- Constant values: including the keyword final in its declaration. the names of variables defined as final are UPPERCASE. Final variables must be initialized upon declaration.
Expressions can be combinations of variables, primitives and operators that result in a value
Operators are special symbols used for:
- mathematical functions
- assignment statements
- logical comparisons
5 different groups of operators:
- Arithmetic Operators
- + - * / %(modulo/remainder)
- Order of Operations: Parentheses > Exponent > * / > + -
- Assignment Operator
- = name = value
- += -= *= /= Eg. x *= y+5 is equal to x = x * (y+5)
- Increment / Decrement Operators
- i++ or ++i (++i means increase i before operate the expression, i++ means operate the expression forst and then increase i)
- i-- or --i
- Relational Operators
- > >= == != <= <
- Conditional Operators
- &&(AND) ||(OR) !(NOT)
- short-circuit evaluation
Type casting
int a = 2 //a = 2 double a =2 //a = 2.0 (Implicit) int a = 18.7 //ERROR int a = (int)18.7 //a = 18
char a = \'A\'
byte b = (byte)a; //b = 65
Methods are a way of organizing a sequence of statements into a named unit
Methods can accept inputs (called arguments) and can output a value (called a return value) that is the result of the computations
Hiding the internal workings of a method and providing the correct answer is known as abstraction
Methods can also return nothing in which case they are declared void.
Method consists of Return type, Name, Arguments, Body.
The return type and arguments may be either primitive data types (i.e. int) or complex data types (i.e. Objects),
double divide(double a, double b){ double answer; answer = a / b; return answer; }
Recursive method
int factorial(int n) { if (n==0) //base case/stopping point return 1; else return n * factorial (n-1); //recursive call }
Static method
static double divide(double a, double b) { return a / b; }
Main method: main is a special Java method which the java interpreter looks for when you try to run a class file
class SayHi { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hi, " + args[0]); } } java SayHi Charon output: Hi, Charon
Control Structure
Use pre-established code structures:
- block statements (anything contained within curly brackets)
- decision statements ( If, If-Else, Switch )
- Loops ( For, While )
int price = 2; if (price > 3) { System.out.println(“Too expensive”); } else { System.out.println(“Good deal”); }
switch(grade){ case \'A\': System.out.println(\'You got an A\'); break; case \'B\': System.out.println(\'You got a B\'); break; case \'C\': System.out.println(\'You got a C\'); break; default: System.out.println(\'You got a F\'); }
int limit = 4; int sum = 0; int i = 1; while (i < limit){ sum += i; i++; }
boolean test = false; do{ System.out.println(“Hey!”) } while(test)
int limit = 4; int sum = 0; for(int i = 1; i<=limit; i++ ) { sum += i; }
break continue
Nested loop
for (int i=1; i<=5; i++){ for (int j=1; j<=i; j++){ System.out.println(“*”); } }
An array is a series of compartments to store data.
Arrays have a type, name, and size.
We refer to each item in an array as an element
The position of each element is known as its index
int[] price; or int price[];
We need to allocate memory to store arrays
Use the new keyword to allocate memory: price = new int[3];
Combin declaration and allocation: int[] price = new int[3];
Using an Array: price[0] = 60; price[1] = 120; price[2] = 240;
Initializing Arrays: int[] price = {60, 120, 240}
Lesgth of Array: int cnt = price.length; cnt=3
String[] people = {“Gleb”, “Lawrence”, “Michael”, “Stephanie”, “Zawadi”}; for(int i=0; i<names.length; i++) System.out.println(names[i]+”!");
2-Dimensional Arrays - can be thought of as a grid (or matrix) of values - an array of arrays
double[][] heights; heights = new double[20][55]; //This 2-D array has 20 rows and 55 columns //To access the acre at row index 11 and column index 23: heights[11][23]

1. 装载
2. 链接
3. 初始化
(1) loadClass
此方法负责加载指定名字的类,ClassLoader的实现方法为先从已经加载的类中寻找,如没有则继续从parent ClassLoader中寻找,如仍然没找到,则从System ClassLoader中寻找,最后再调用findClass方法来寻找,如要改变类的加载顺序,则可覆盖此方法
(2) findLoadedClass
(3) findClass
(4) findSystemClass
此方法负责从System ClassLoader中寻找类,如未找到,则继续从Bootstrap ClassLoader中寻找,如仍然为找到,则返回null。
(5) defineClass
(6) resolveClass
JVM栈是线程私有的,每个线程创建的同时都会创建JVM栈,JVM栈中存放的为当前线程中局部基本类型的变量(java中定义的八种基本类型:boolean、char、byte、short、int、long、float、double)、部分的返回结果以及Stack Frame,非基本类型的对象在JVM栈上仅存放一个指向堆上的地址
第四块:方法区域(Method Area)
(1)在Sun JDK中这块区域对应的为PermanetGeneration,又称为持久代。
第五块:运行时常量池(Runtime Constant Pool)
第六块:本地方法堆栈(Native Method Stacks)
以上是关于CS2312 Lecture 1的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
CS61A 学习笔记 lecture 6 recursion