非阻塞同步算法与CAS(Compare and Swap)无锁算法
Posted 史红星
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了非阻塞同步算法与CAS(Compare and Swap)无锁算法相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
Java在JDK1.5之前都是靠synchronized关键字保证同步的,这种通过使用一致的锁定协议来协调对共享状态的访问,可以确保无论哪个线程持有守护变量的锁,都采用独占的方式来访问这些变量,如果出现多个线程同时访问锁,那第一些线线程将被挂起,当线程恢复执行时,必须等待其它线程执行完他们的时间片以后才能被调度执行,在挂起和恢复执行过程中存在着很大的开销。锁还存在着其它一些缺点,当一个线程正在等待锁时,它不能做任何事。如果一个线程在持有锁的情况下被延迟执行,那么所有需要这个锁的线程都无法执行下去。如果被阻塞的线程优先级高,而持有锁的线程优先级低,将会导致优先级反转(Priority Inversion)。
Java中的原子操作( atomic operations)
- all assignments of primitive types except for long and double
- all assignments of references
- all operations of java.concurrent.Atomic* classes
- all assignments to volatile longs and doubles
foo = 65465498L;
要实现无锁(lock-free)的非阻塞算法有多种实现方法,其中CAS(比较与交换,Compare and swap)是一种有名的无锁算法。CAS, CPU指令,在大多数处理器架构,包括IA32、Space中采用的都是CAS指令,CAS的语义是“我认为V的值应该为A,如果是,那么将V的值更新为B,否则不修改并告诉V的值实际为多少”,CAS是项乐观锁技术,当多个线程尝试使用CAS同时更新同一个变量时,只有其中一个线程能更新变量的值,而其它线程都失败,失败的线程并不会被挂起,而是被告知这次竞争中失败,并可以再次尝试。CAS有3个操作数,内存值V,旧的预期值A,要修改的新值B。当且仅当预期值A和内存值V相同时,将内存值V修改为B,否则什么都不做。CAS无锁算法的C实现如下:
int compare_and_swap (int* reg, int oldval, int newval) { ATOMIC(); int old_reg_val = *reg; if (old_reg_val == oldval) *reg = newval; END_ATOMIC(); return old_reg_val; }
}while(!CAS( 内存地址,备份的旧数据,新数据 ))
就是指当两者进行比较时,如果相等,则证明共享数据没有被修改,替换成新值,然后继续往下运行;如果不相等,说明共享数据已经被修改,放弃已经所做的操作,然后重新执行刚才的操作。容易看出 CAS 操作是基于共享数据不会被修改的假设,采用了类似于数据库的 commit-retry 的模式。当同步冲突出现的机会很少时,这种假设能带来较大的性能提升。
CAS的开销(CPU Cache Miss problem)
前面说过了,CAS(比较并交换)是CPU指令级的操作,只有一步原子操作,所以非常快。而且CAS避免了请求操作系统来裁定锁的问题,不用麻烦操作系统,直接在CPU内部就搞定了。但CAS就没有开销了吗?不!有cache miss的情况。这个问题比较复杂,首先需要了解CPU的硬件体系结构:
- CPU0 检查本地高速缓存,没有找到缓存线。
- 请求被转发到 CPU0 和 CPU1 的互联模块,检查 CPU1 的本地高速缓存,没有找到缓存线。
- 请求被转发到系统互联模块,检查其他三个管芯,得知缓存线被 CPU6和 CPU7 所在的管芯持有。
- 请求被转发到 CPU6 和 CPU7 的互联模块,检查这两个 CPU 的高速缓存,在 CPU7 的高速缓存中找到缓存线。
- CPU7 将缓存线发送给所属的互联模块,并且刷新自己高速缓存中的缓存线。
- CPU6 和 CPU7 的互联模块将缓存线发送给系统互联模块。
- 系统互联模块将缓存线发送给 CPU0 和 CPU1 的互联模块。
- CPU0 和 CPU1 的互联模块将缓存线发送给 CPU0 的高速缓存。
- CPU0 现在可以对高速缓存中的变量执行 CAS 操作了
以上是刷新不同CPU缓存的开销。最好情况下的 CAS 操作消耗大概 40 纳秒,超过 60 个时钟周期。这里的“最好情况”是指对某一个变量执行 CAS 操作的 CPU 正好是最后一个操作该变量的CPU,所以对应的缓存线已经在 CPU 的高速缓存中了,类似地,最好情况下的锁操作(一个“round trip 对”包括获取锁和随后的释放锁)消耗超过 60 纳秒,超过 100 个时钟周期。这里的“最好情况”意味着用于表示锁的数据结构已经在获取和释放锁的 CPU 所属的高速缓存中了。锁操作比 CAS 操作更加耗时,是因深入理解并行编程
为锁操作的数据结构中需要两个原子操作。缓存未命中消耗大概 140 纳秒,超过 200 个时钟周期。需要在存储新值时查询变量的旧值的 CAS 操作,消耗大概 300 纳秒,超过 500 个时钟周期。想想这个,在执行一次 CAS 操作的时间里,CPU 可以执行 500 条普通指令。这表明了细粒度锁的局限性。
M对CAS的支持:AtomicInt, AtomicLong.incrementAndGet()
在JDK1.5之前,如果不编写明确的代码就无法执行CAS操作,在JDK1.5中引入了底层的支持,在int、long和对象的引用等类型上都公开了CAS的操作,并且JVM把它们编译为底层硬件提供的最有效的方法,在运行CAS的平台上,运行时把它们编译为相应的机器指令,如果处理器/CPU不支持CAS指令,那么JVM将使用自旋锁。因此,值得注意的是,CAS解决方案与平台/编译器紧密相关(比如x86架构下其对应的汇编指令是lock cmpxchg,如果想要64Bit的交换,则应使用lock cmpxchg8b。在.NET中我们可以使用Interlocked.CompareExchange函数)。
Java 1.6中AtomicLong.incrementAndGet()的实现源码为:

1: /* 2: * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166 3: * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at 4: * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain 5: */ 6: 7: package java.util.concurrent.atomic; 8: import sun.misc.Unsafe; 9: 10: /** 11: * A <tt>long</tt> value that may be updated atomically. See the 12: * {@link java.util.concurrent.atomic} package specification for 13: * description of the properties of atomic variables. An 14: * <tt>AtomicLong</tt> is used in applications such as atomically 15: * incremented sequence numbers, and cannot be used as a replacement 16: * for a {@link java.lang.Long}. However, this class does extend 17: * <tt>Number</tt> to allow uniform access by tools and utilities that 18: * deal with numerically-based classes. 19: * 20: * @since 1.5 21: * @author Doug Lea 22: */ 23: public class AtomicLong extends Number implements java.io.Serializable { 24: private static final long serialVersionUID = 1927816293512124184L; 25: 26: // setup to use Unsafe.compareAndSwapLong for updates 27: private static final Unsafe unsafe = Unsafe.getUnsafe(); 28: private static final long valueOffset; 29: 30: /** 31: * Records whether the underlying JVM supports lockless 32: * CompareAndSet for longs. While the unsafe.CompareAndSetLong 33: * method works in either case, some constructions should be 34: * handled at Java level to avoid locking user-visible locks. 35: */ 36: static final boolean VM_SUPPORTS_LONG_CAS = VMSupportsCS8(); 37: 38: /** 39: * Returns whether underlying JVM supports lockless CompareAndSet 40: * for longs. Called only once and cached in VM_SUPPORTS_LONG_CAS. 41: */ 42: private static native boolean VMSupportsCS8(); 43: 44: static { 45: try { 46: valueOffset = unsafe.objectFieldOffset 47: (AtomicLong.class.getDeclaredField("value")); 48: } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Error(ex); } 49: } 50: 51: private volatile long value; 52: 53: /** 54: * Creates a new AtomicLong with the given initial value. 55: * 56: * @param initialValue the initial value 57: */ 58: public AtomicLong(long initialValue) { 59: value = initialValue; 60: } 61: 62: /** 63: * Creates a new AtomicLong with initial value <tt>0</tt>. 64: */ 65: public AtomicLong() { 66: } 67: 68: /** 69: * Gets the current value. 70: * 71: * @return the current value 72: */ 73: public final long get() { 74: return value; 75: } 76: 77: /** 78: * Sets to the given value. 79: * 80: * @param newValue the new value 81: */ 82: public final void set(long newValue) { 83: value = newValue; 84: } 85: 86: /** 87: * Eventually sets to the given value. 88: * 89: * @param newValue the new value 90: * @since 1.6 91: */ 92: public final void lazySet(long newValue) { 93: unsafe.putOrderedLong(this, valueOffset, newValue); 94: } 95: 96: /** 97: * Atomically sets to the given value and returns the old value. 98: * 99: * @param newValue the new value 100: * @return the previous value 101: */ 102: public final long getAndSet(long newValue) { 103: while (true) { 104: long current = get(); 105: if (compareAndSet(current, newValue)) 106: return current; 107: } 108: } 109: 110: /** 111: * Atomically sets the value to the given updated value 112: * if the current value <tt>==</tt> the expected value. 113: * 114: * @param expect the expected value 115: * @param update the new value 116: * @return true if successful. False return indicates that 117: * the actual value was not equal to the expected value. 118: */ 119: public final boolean compareAndSet(long expect, long update) { 120: return unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(this, valueOffset, expect, update); 121: } 122: 123: /** 124: * Atomically sets the value to the given updated value 125: * if the current value <tt>==</tt> the expected value. 126: * May fail spuriously and does not provide ordering guarantees, 127: * so is only rarely an appropriate alternative to <tt>compareAndSet</tt>. 128: * 129: * @param expect the expected value 130: * @param update the new value 131: * @return true if successful. 132: */ 133: public final boolean weakCompareAndSet(long expect, long update) { 134: return unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(this, valueOffset, expect, update); 135: } 136: 137: /** 138: * Atomically increments by one the current value. 139: * 140: * @return the previous value 141: */ 142: public final long getAndIncrement() { 143: while (true) { 144: long current = get(); 145: long next = current + 1; 146: if (compareAndSet(current, next)) 147: return current; 148: } 149: } 150: 151: /** 152: * Atomically decrements by one the current value. 153: * 154: * @return the previous value 155: */ 156: public final long getAndDecrement() { 157: while (true) { 158: long current = get(); 159: long next = current - 1; 160: if (compareAndSet(current, next)) 161: return current; 162: } 163: } 164: 165: /** 166: * Atomically adds the given value to the current value. 167: * 168: * @param delta the value to add 169: * @return the previous value 170: */ 171: public final long getAndAdd(long delta) { 172: while (true) { 173: long current = get(); 174: long next = current + delta; 175: if (compareAndSet(current, next)) 176: return current; 177: } 178: } 179: 180: /** 181: * Atomically increments by one the current value. 182: * 183: * @return the updated value 184: */ 185: public final long incrementAndGet() { 186: for (;;) { 187: long current = get(); 188: long next = current + 1; 189: if (compareAndSet(current, next)) 190: return next; 191: } 192: } 193: 194: /** 195: * Atomically decrements by one the current value. 196: * 197: * @return the updated value 198: */ 199: public final long decrementAndGet() { 200: for (;;) { 201: long current = get(); 202: long next = current - 1; 203: if (compareAndSet(current, next)) 204: return next; 205: } 206: } 207: 208: /** 209: * Atomically adds the given value to the current value. 210: * 211: * @param delta the value to add 212: * @return the updated value 213: */ 214: public final long addAndGet(long delta) { 215: for (;;) { 216: long current = get(); 217: long next = current + delta; 218: if (compareAndSet(current, next)) 219: return next; 220: } 221: } 222: 223: /** 224: * Returns the String representation of the current value. 225: * @return the String representation of the current value. 226: */ 227: public String toString() { 228: return Long.toString(get()); 229: } 230: 231: 232: public int intValue() { 233: return (int)get(); 234: } 235: 236: public long longValue() { 237: return (long)get(); 238: } 239: 240: public float floatValue() { 241: return (float)get(); 242: } 243: 244: public double doubleValue() { 245: return (double)get(); 246: } 247: 248: }
由此可见,AtomicLong.incrementAndGet的实现用了乐观锁技术,调用了sun.misc.Unsafe类库里面的 CAS算法,用CPU指令来实现无锁自增。所以,AtomicLong.incrementAndGet的自增比用synchronized的锁效率倍增。
public final int getAndIncrement() { for (;;) { int current = get(); int next = current + 1; if (compareAndSet(current, next)) return current; } } public final boolean compareAndSet(int expect, int update) { return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update); }
package console; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; public class main { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("START -- "); calc(); calcSynchro(); calcAtomic(); testThreadsSync(); testThreadsAtomic(); testThreadsSync2(); testThreadsAtomic2(); System.out.println("-- FINISHED "); } private static void calc() { stopwatch sw = new stopwatch(); sw.start(); long val = 0; while (val < 10000000L) { val++; } sw.stop(); long milSecds = sw.getElapsedTime(); System.out.println(" calc() elapsed (ms): " + milSecds); } private static void calcSynchro() { stopwatch sw = new stopwatch(); sw.start(); long val = 0; while (val < 10000000L) { synchronized (main.class) { val++; } } sw.stop(); long milSecds = sw.getElapsedTime(); System.out.println(" calcSynchro() elapsed (ms): " + milSecds); } private static void calcAtomic() { stopwatch sw = new stopwatch(); sw.start(); AtomicLong val = new AtomicLong(0); while (val.incrementAndGet() < 10000000L) { } sw.stop(); long milSecds = sw.getElapsedTime(); System.out.println(" calcAtomic() elapsed (ms): " + milSecds); } private static void testThreadsSync(){ stopwatch sw = new stopwatch(); sw.start(); Thread t1 = new Thread(new LoopSync()); t1.start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(new LoopSync()); t2.start(); while (t1.isAlive() || t2.isAlive()) { } sw.stop(); long milSecds = sw.getElapsedTime(); System.out.println(" testThreadsSync() 1 thread elapsed (ms): " + milSecds); } private static void testThreadsAtomic(){ stopwatch sw = new stopwatch(); sw.start(); Thread t1 = new Thread(new LoopAtomic()); t1.start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(new LoopAtomic()); t2.start(); while (t1.isAlive() || t2.isAlive()) { } sw.stop(); long milSecds = sw.getElapsedTime(); System.out.println(" testThreadsAtomic() 1 thread elapsed (ms): " + milSecds); } private static void testThreadsSync2(){ stopwatch sw = new stopwatch(); sw.start(); Thread t1 = new Thread(new LoopSync()); t1.start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(new LoopSync()); t2.start(); while (t1.isAlive() || t2.isAlive()) { } sw.stop(); long milSecds = sw.getElapsedTime(); System.out.println(" testThreadsSync() 2 threads elapsed (ms): " + milSecds); } private static void testThreadsAtomic2(){ stopwatch sw = new stopwatch(); sw.start(); Thread t1 = new Thread(new LoopAtomic()); t1.start(); Thread t2 = new Thread(new LoopAtomic()); t2.start(); while (t1.isAlive() || t2.isAlive()) { } sw.stop(); long milSecds = sw.getElapsedTime(); System.out.println(" testThreadsAtomic() 2 threads elapsed (ms): " + milSecds); } private static class LoopAtomic implements Runnable { public void run() { AtomicLong val = new AtomicLong(0); while (val.incrementAndGet() < 10000000L) { } } } private static class LoopSync implements Runnable { public void run() { long val = 0; while (val < 10000000L) { synchronized (main.class) { val++; } } } } } public class stopwatch { private long startTime = 0; private long stopTime = 0; private boolean running = false; public void start() { this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.running = true; } public void stop() { this.stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.running = false; } public long getElapsedTime() { long elapsed; if (running) { elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime); } else { elapsed = (stopTime - startTime); } return elapsed; } public long getElapsedTimeSecs() { long elapsed; if (running) { elapsed = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000); } else { elapsed = ((stopTime - startTime) / 1000); } return elapsed; } // sample usage // public static void main(String[] args) { // StopWatch s = new StopWatch(); // s.start(); // //code you want to time goes here // s.stop(); // System.out.println("elapsed time in milliseconds: " + // s.getElapsedTime()); // } }
中的 push()
和 pop()
上相似,只是做的工作有些冒险,希望在 “提交” 工作的时候,底层假设没有失效。push()
方法观察当前最顶的节点,构建一个新节点放在堆栈上,然后,如果最顶端的节点在初始观察之后没有变化,那么就安装新节点。如果 CAS 失败,意味着另一个线程已经修改了堆栈,那么过程就会重新开始。
public class ConcurrentStack<E> { AtomicReference<Node<E>> head = new AtomicReference<Node<E>>(); public void push(E item) { Node<E> newHead = new Node<E>(item); Node<E> oldHead; do { oldHead = head.get(); newHead.next = oldHead; } while (!head.compareAndSet(oldHead, newHead)); } public E pop() { Node<E> oldHead; Node<E> newHead; do { oldHead = head.get(); if (oldHead == null) return null; newHead = oldHead.next; } while (!head.compareAndSet(oldHead,newHead)); return oldHead.item; } static class Node<E> { final E item; Node<E> next; public Node(E item) { this.item = item; } } }
在轻度到中度的争用情况下,非阻塞算法的性能会超越阻塞算法,因为 CAS 的多数时间都在第一次尝试时就成功,而发生争用时的开销也不涉及线程挂起和上下文切换,只多了几个循环迭代。没有争用的 CAS 要比没有争用的锁便宜得多(这句话肯定是真的,因为没有争用的锁涉及 CAS 加上额外的处理),而争用的 CAS 比争用的锁获取涉及更短的延迟。
以上的示例(自增计数器和堆栈)都是非常简单的非阻塞算法,一旦掌握了在循环中使用 CAS,就可以容易地模仿它们。对于更复杂的数据结构,非阻塞算法要比这些简单示例复杂得多,因为修改链表、树或哈希表可能涉及对多个指针的更新。CAS 支持对单一指针的原子性条件更新,但是不支持两个以上的指针。所以,要构建一个非阻塞的链表、树或哈希表,需要找到一种方式,可以用 CAS 更新多个指针,同时不会让数据结构处于不一致的状态。
在链表的尾部插入元素,通常涉及对两个指针的更新:“尾” 指针总是指向列表中的最后一个元素,“下一个” 指针从过去的最后一个元素指向新插入的元素。因为需要更新两个指针,所以需要两个 CAS。在独立的 CAS 中更新两个指针带来了两个需要考虑的潜在问题:如果第一个 CAS 成功,而第二个 CAS 失败,会发生什么?如果其他线程在第一个和第二个 CAS 之间企图访问链表,会发生什么?
对于非复杂数据结构,构建非阻塞算法的 “技巧” 是确保数据结构总处于一致的状态(甚至包括在线程开始修改数据结构和它完成修改之间),还要确保其他线程不仅能够判断出第一个线程已经完成了更新还是处在更新的中途,还能够判断出如果第一个线程走向 AWOL,完成更新还需要什么操作。如果线程发现了处在更新中途的数据结构,它就可以 “帮助” 正在执行更新的线程完成更新,然后再进行自己的操作。当第一个线程回来试图完成自己的更新时,会发现不再需要了,返回即可,因为 CAS 会检测到帮助线程的干预(在这种情况下,是建设性的干预)。
这种 “帮助邻居” 的要求,对于让数据结构免受单个线程失败的影响,是必需的。如果线程发现数据结构正处在被其他线程更新的中途,然后就等候其他线程完成更新,那么如果其他线程在操作中途失败,这个线程就可能永远等候下去。即使不出现故障,这种方式也会提供糟糕的性能,因为新到达的线程必须放弃处理器,导致上下文切换,或者等到自己的时间片过期(而这更糟)。
public class LinkedQueue <E> { private static class Node <E> { final E item; final AtomicReference<Node<E>> next; Node(E item, Node<E> next) { this.item = item; this.next = new AtomicReference<Node<E>>(next); } } private AtomicReference<Node<E>> head = new AtomicReference<Node<E>>(new Node<E>(null, null)); private AtomicReference<Node<E>> tail = head; public boolean put(E item) { Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(item, null); while (true) { Node<E> curTail = tail.get(); Node<E> residue = curTail.next.get(); if (curTail == tail.get()) {以上是关于非阻塞同步算法与CAS(Compare and Swap)无锁算法的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章