其实这里,我考虑了输出的排序问题, 所以用了数组保存,可能感觉挺繁琐的 = =。一般情况下大家都是直接while输出。
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<string.h> #include<dirent.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<fcntl.h> #include<sys/stat.h> #include<pwd.h> #include<grp.h> #include<time.h> #define BUFFERSIZE 512 char* info[200][7]; int num; int allSize; int n_year; int isDir; void getCode(int mode,char *code){ switch(mode){ case 7: code[0] = ‘r‘; code[1] = ‘w‘; code[2] = ‘x‘; break; case 6: code[0] = ‘r‘; code[1] = ‘w‘; code[2] = ‘-‘; break; case 5: code[0] = ‘r‘; code[1] = ‘-‘; code[2] = ‘x‘; break; case 4: code[0] = ‘r‘; code[1] = ‘-‘; code[2] = ‘-‘; break; case 3: code[0] = ‘-‘; code[1] = ‘w‘; code[2] = ‘x‘; break; case 2: code[0] = ‘-‘; code[1] = ‘w‘; code[2] = ‘-‘; break; case 1: code[0] = ‘-‘; code[1] = ‘-‘; code[2] = ‘x‘; break; default: code[0] = ‘-‘; code[1] = ‘-‘; code[2] = ‘-‘; break; }; code[3]=‘\0‘; } void getType(int i,mode_t mode){ if (S_ISREG(mode)){ info[i][0][0] = ‘-‘; }else if(S_ISDIR(mode)){ info[i][0][0] = ‘d‘; }else if(S_ISBLK(mode)){ info[i][0][0] = ‘b‘; }else if(S_ISCHR(mode)){ info[i][0][0] = ‘c‘; }else if(S_ISFIFO(mode)){ info[i][0][0] = ‘p‘; }else if(S_ISLNK(mode)){ info[i][0][0] = ‘l‘; }else if(S_ISSOCK(mode)){ info[i][0][0] = ‘s‘; }else{ info[i][0][0] = ‘-‘; } } void getNumber(int num,char *nlink){ int i=0; int cur=num; while(cur > 0){ cur = cur/10; i++; } cur = i; if(num == 0){ nlink[0] = ‘0‘; nlink[1] = ‘\0‘; return; } while(num > 0){ nlink[i-1] = (num%10)+‘0‘; num = num / 10; i--; } nlink[cur]=‘\0‘; } void getOwner(int id,char *owner){ struct passwd *data; data = getpwuid(id); strcpy(owner,data->pw_name); } void getGroup(int id,char *grp){ struct group *data; data = getgrgid(id); strcpy(grp,data->gr_name); } void getTime(time_t btime,char *atime){ char *mon[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"}; struct tm *p; char clock[5]; atime[0]=‘\0‘; p=localtime(&btime); if(n_year == p->tm_year){ strcat(atime,mon[p->tm_mon]); strcat(atime," "); getNumber(p->tm_mday,clock); strcat(atime,clock); strcat(atime," "); getNumber(p->tm_hour,clock); if(p->tm_hour < 10){ strcat(atime,"0"); } strcat(atime,clock); strcat(atime,":"); if(p->tm_min < 10){ strcat(atime,"0"); } getNumber(p->tm_min,clock); strcat(atime,clock); } else { strcat(atime,mon[p->tm_mon]); strcat(atime," "); getNumber(p->tm_mday,clock); strcat(atime,clock); strcat(atime," "); getNumber(p->tm_year+1900,clock); strcat(atime,clock); } } void calBlock(int size,mode_t mode){ if(S_ISLNK(mode)){ return; } int blocks = size / 4096; if(size % 4096 > 0){ blocks++; } blocks*=4; allSize+=blocks; } int addInfo(int x,char *path,char *name){ int i; struct stat buf; char code[12],code1[5]; char nlink[12],owner[80],group[80]; char time[30],fullpath[100],linkname[100]; linkname[0]=‘\0‘; fullpath[0]=‘\0‘; if(isDir==0){ strcpy(fullpath,path); name = (char*)malloc(100*sizeof(char)); strcpy(name,strrchr(path,‘/‘)+1); } else { strcat(fullpath,path); strcat(fullpath,"/"); strcat(fullpath,name); } //get code of power code[1]=‘\0‘; for(i=0;i<=6;i++){ info[x][i] = (char*)malloc(100*sizeof(char)); } lstat(fullpath,&buf); getCode((buf.st_mode>>6)&7,code1); strcat(code,code1); getCode((buf.st_mode>>3)&7,code1); strcat(code,code1); getCode(buf.st_mode&7,code1); strcat(code,code1); code[10]=‘.‘; code[11]=‘\0‘; strcpy(info[x][0],code); getType(x,buf.st_mode); //get num of number getNumber(buf.st_nlink,nlink); strcpy(info[x][1],nlink); //get owner getOwner(buf.st_uid,owner); strcpy(info[x][2],owner); //get group getGroup(buf.st_gid,group); strcpy(info[x][3],group); //get size calBlock(buf.st_size,buf.st_mode); getNumber(buf.st_size,nlink); strcpy(info[x][4],nlink); //get time getTime(buf.st_mtime,time); strcpy(info[x][5],time); //get name of file if(S_ISLNK(buf.st_mode)){ strcpy(info[x][6],name); strcat(info[x][6]," -> "); readlink(fullpath,linkname,100); strcat(info[x][6],linkname); }else{ strcpy(info[x][6],name); } } int readList(char *path){ DIR *dir; struct dirent *p; struct stat buf; time_t now=time(NULL); struct tm *n = localtime(&now); n_year = n->tm_year; num=0; allSize=0; if((dir=opendir(path)) == NULL && access(path,F_OK)!=0){ return -1; } else if(dir==NULL && access(path,F_OK) == 0){ addInfo(num,path,NULL); isDir=0; num++; return; } isDir=1; while((p=readdir(dir)) != NULL){ if(strcmp(p->d_name,".")==0 || strcmp(p->d_name,"..")==0 || p->d_name[0]==‘.‘) continue; addInfo(num,path,p->d_name); num++; } } void sort(){ int i,j,k,t; char temp[7][200]; for(i=num-1;i>1;i--){ for(j=0;j<=i-1;j++){ t = strcmp(info[j][6],info[j+1][6]); if(t >= 1){ for(k=0;k<=6;k++){ strcpy(temp[k],info[j][k]); } for(k=0;k<=6;k++){ strcpy(info[j][k],info[j+1][k]); } for(k=0;k<=6;k++){ strcpy(info[j+1][k],temp[k]); } } } } } void displayList(){ int i,j; sort(); if(isDir==1) printf("Total:%d\n",allSize); for(i=0;i<num;i++){ for(j=0;j<=6;j++){ if(j==0) printf("%10s",info[i][j]); else if(j==1 || j==2 || j==3 || j==4) printf("%8s",info[i][j]); else printf("%15s",info[i][j]); } printf("\n"); } } int main(int argc,char **arvg){ char path[1026]; if(argc == 1){ getcwd(path,1024); }else if(argc == 2){ strcpy(path,arvg[1]); } if(readList(path)==-1){ printf("Directory/File not exists.\n"); return; } displayList(); return 0; }