自定义列标题 case when
Posted dieyaxianju
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了自定义列标题 case when相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
select l.StartTime,l.EndTime,c.EntranceYear as 入学级,cg.Grade as 年级,c.ClassName as 班级名称,
s.CName as 学生,
st.StuNumber as 学号,
case l.LeaveType when 1 then \'事假\' when 2 then \'病假\' end as 请假类型,
l.Reason as 请假理由,
case l.ApproveStatus when 0 then \'请假申请中\' when 1 then \'审批通过\'
when 2 then \'审批驳回\' when 3 then \'撤销审批中\'
when 4 then \'缩假审批中\' when 5 then \'已撤销\'
end as 请假状态,
o.DisplayName as 审批人,
l.ApproveTime as 审批时间,
l.CreateTime as 审批时间2
from leaverecord l
left join class c on l.ClassId=c.Id
left join studentinfo s on s.id = l.StudentId
LEFT JOIN class_grade cg on cg.ClassId=c.Id
LEFT JOIN orguser o on o.id = l.ApproveOrgUserId
left join stustatusinfo st on st.StuInfoId = s.id
where l.SchoolId=@schoolid#校区
and l.LeaveType=2 #请假类型 1事假 2病假
and l.ApproveStatus=1#0请假申请中 1审批通过 2审批驳回3撤销审批中4缩假审批中5已撤销
and c.id=282#班级id
and ((l.EndTime <=\'2017-12-12 23:59:00\' and l.StartTime >=\'2017-12-05 00:00:00\')
or (l.EndTime >=\'2017-12-05 00:00:00\' and l.StartTime <=\'2017-12-05 00:00:00\')
or (l.EndTime >=\'2017-12-12 23:59:00\' and l.StartTime <=\'2017-12-12 23:59:00\'))
GROUP BY l.StartTime ,l.EndTime
ORDER BY l.StartTime ,l.EndTime asc, l.CreateTime desc;
以上是关于自定义列标题 case when的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章